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1 高考语法

2 Chapter 2 Noun Clause

3 名词性从句 从句 形容词性从句 副词性从句

4 I am sure it will be fine tomorrow.
主语从句 宾语从句 表语从句 名词性从句 同位语从句 补语从句(形容词后) I am sure it will be fine tomorrow.

5 请完成 P20 2.1及P21 顶部判断题

6 名词性从句的引导词 P21 2.3 连词 that, whether, if 引导词 连接代词 who, what, which 连接副词
why, when, where

7 名词性从句的引导词 P21 2.3 that 连词 whether if

8 补充:that使用注意事项 一般情况下that可以省略,但以下情况不可以: 1. that引导的主语从句位于句首。 (为了表示强调)
Tom promised that if he could earn as much as 500 dollars in this month, he would buy a computer for his mother.

9 补充:that使用注意事项 一般情况下that可以省略,但以下情况不可以: 3. that句子本身比较复杂,容易引起混乱。

10 请完成 P 习题

11 P21 2.3.1 习题 She doesn’t know ________________________________.
(是否她能准时完成工作) whether she can finish the work on time The problem is ____________________. (谁去预定票子) who will book the tickets

12 He can’t answer the question _____________________.
P 习题 He can’t answer the question _____________________. (如何他才能拿到钱) how he can get the money

13 P21 2.3.1 习题 _______ he said has nothing to do with you. What
I can’t decide _______ dictionary I should buy. which That’s _______ he refused my invitation. why The question is _______ the film is worth seeing. whether

14 P21 2.3.1 习题 She dresses well,but the trouble is _______ the clothes
she is wearing don't go with each other very well. that The reason for his success is _______ he worked hard. that I am very interested in _______ he has improved his pronunciation in such a short time. how

15 前者克引导名词性从句,后者只能引导让步状语从句
比较容易混淆的连接词 P 1. that与what 看在从句中是否充当成分 2. which与what 看是否有具体供选择范围 3. wh-与wh-ever 后者强调任何 4. wh-与no matter wh- 前者克引导名词性从句,后者只能引导让步状语从句

16 if vs whether P25 2.5.5 if whether √ √ × × × √ × √ … (it) √ √ √ √ √ ×
主从 宾从 介宾从 表从 同位从 否谓 to do or not if whether × × × × (it) × It remains to be seen ___________ or not this idea can be put into practice. She doesn't knows ___________ to get married now or wait. Is’t not clear to me _________ she likes to join our discussion. This depends on ___________ we are determined to do it. He considered ___________ he shouldn't tell her the secret. I don't care ___________ your car breaks down or not. if/whether whether/if whether whether whether if 请完成

17 一道一模题——2015普陀一模 大家一致认为任何有责任心和毅力的人都 有资格申请该职位。 (whoever)
It is thought that whoever has a sense of responsibility and perseverance/persistence is qualified to apply for the position. 大家一致认为任何有责任心和毅力的人都 有资格申请该职位。 (whoever)

18 完成练习P 习题及 P

19 主语从句 that放开头不能省略 谓语一般是 be、seem、appear等 主语从句特点 it的形式主语

20 × True or False 如果主语的谓语为seem, appear, happen等时, 只能用形式主语。
That the prettiest birds are the worst singers generally happens. × 如果主语的谓语为seem, appear, happen等时, 只能用形式主语。

21 形式主语 P It + 系 + 表 名词 形容词 形式主语 过去分词 It + 不及物动词

22 It + 系 + 名词 这类名词主要有: Isn't it a fact that the firm is losing money?
good news common knowledge an honour a pity a shame no wonder a mystery a fact Isn't it a fact that the firm is losing money? 公司正在亏本,这难道不是事实吗?

23 It + 系 + 形容词 这类形容词主要有: fortunate possible (un)likely strange probable true doubtful certain It was very fortunate for him that I arrived on time. 算他运气好,我准时到了。

24 It + 系 + 过去分词 这类过去分词主要有: said believed reported pointed out discussed proved decided known Can it be proved that he did commit these offenses? 能证明他确实犯了这些罪吗?

25 It chanced (that) they were staying at the same hotel.
这类不及物动词主要有: turn out chance happen follow strike sb. occur to sb. It chanced (that) they were staying at the same hotel. 碰巧他们住在同一家旅馆。

26 Compare 对客观事实的陈述。 说话者对此持赞成、支持的态度。
It is natural that he does not help her with her work. 对客观事实的陈述。 It is natural that he should not help her with her work. 说话者对此持赞成、支持的态度。

27 常用于这类句型的过去分词主要有: advised asked argued arranged begged commanded
concerned decided demanded desired determined insisted ordered promised proposed recommended resolved requested required sugested

28 常用于这类句型的形容词主要有: advisable anxious amazing appripriate astonishing
better desirable eager essential imperative important insistant keen obligatory natural necessary possible preferable probable reasonable ridiculous strange unthinkable urgent

29 完成练习P 习题及 P

30 P22 2.4.1 习题 他是否会娶她其实和他的父母没有一点关系。 魔术师到底如何从水箱里逃脱的仍然是一个谜。
Whether he will marry her has nothing to do with his parents. 他是否会娶她其实和他的父母没有一点关系。 How the magician escaped from the water box was still a mystery. 魔术师到底如何从水箱里逃脱的仍然是一个谜。

31 P23 2.4.2 习题 That he will refuse this piece of advice is impossible.
It is impossible that he will refuse this piece of advice That they should like each other is natural. It is natural that they should like each other.

32 P23 2.4.2 习题 温室效应造成全球变暖,这是常识。 父母亲的言行会对他们的孩子产生一辈子的影响, 这是事实。
It is common knowledge that the greenhouse effect causes global warming. 温室效应造成全球变暖,这是常识。 It is a fact that what parents say and do has a life-long effect on their children. 父母亲的言行会对他们的孩子产生一辈子的影响, 这是事实。

33 P23 2.4.2 习题 清明节有可能要放三天假。你有什么打算? 当地政府肯定可以降低房价、解决房屋问题。
It is possible that we will take three days off on Tomb Sweeping day. What’s your plan? 清明节有可能要放三天假。你有什么打算? It is certain that the local government will be able to lower the housing price and solve the housing problem. 当地政府肯定可以降低房价、解决房屋问题。

34 P23 2.4.2 习题 碰巧我知道他穿多大码的鞋子。 I happened to know what size he wore.

35 P23 2.4.2 习题 我突然想起来前面接了一个电话,忘记关水龙头了。
It occurred to me that I forgot to turn off the tap before/when the phone rang. 我突然想起来前面接了一个电话,忘记关水龙头了。

36 建议学生应该学习一些实际的东西而不只是理论知识。
P 习题 It is suggested that students should learn something practical rather than (learn) theory. 建议学生应该学习一些实际的东西而不只是理论知识。

37 不可否认,没有相互理解,真正的友谊是不存在的。
P 习题 It can’t be denied that true friendship does not exist without mutual understanding. 不可否认,没有相互理解,真正的友谊是不存在的。

38 人们相信计划生育政策对控制中国人口增长是
P 习题 It is believed that family planning is of vital importance in population control in China. 人们相信计划生育政策对控制中国人口增长是 至关重要的。

39 宾语从句基本原则 连词的选用 宾语从句 陈述句语序 2.5.3 时态的呼应 2.5.6

40 宾语从句要点 混合疑问句 it的形式宾语 宾语从句的反义疑问句 宾语从句要点 wish和hope的宾从 连接代词做介词宾语时的情况

41 混合疑问句 P24 2.5.4 True or False 一般疑问
When do you think the meeting will be held? 特殊疑问 When do you think will the meeting be held? × 混合疑问句的主句请使用陈述句语序

42 完成练习P 翻译及考题链接

43 What do you suppose she will say to her parents
on her wedding? 你猜测她会在婚礼上对她的父母 说什么?

44 Who do you think she regards/thinks of/considers/sees
P 翻译 Who do you think she regards/thinks of/considers/sees as her best friend? 你认为她把谁看做自己最好的朋友?

45 P 考题链接 C A B C D

46 第一人称跟从句走,第二、三人称跟主句走。
宾从的否定及反义疑问 P 如果宾语从句主句的谓语动词是带有 强烈主观色彩的,例如: think believe suppose guess 第一人称跟从句走,第二、三人称跟主句走。

47 Example I think he is wrong, _________? isn’t he
He thinks he is right, _________? doesn’t he

48 完成练习P 翻译及反义疑问句练习

49 P26 2.5.7 翻译 我认为今天不会下雨。 我相信她不会借你钱。
I don’t think that it is going to rain today. 我认为今天不会下雨。 I don’t believe that she will lend you money. 我相信她不会借你钱。

50 hate/love/like/enjoy/take等 + it + that
P 补充 什么情况下需要用到形式宾语? 1. 有宾语补足语 2. 动词 + 宾语 + 介词短语 3. 在一些特殊句型中 hate/love/like/enjoy/take等 + it + that

51 it的形式宾语 P26 2.5.8 补充 I hate it that you have to put up with so much.
宾补 I think it common knowledge that they did it. 宾 + 短 Keep it in mind that you have to be home by ten o’clock. 特殊句型 请完成 P

52 完成练习P 翻译

53 P26 2.5.8 翻译 不可能在短时间内把英语学好。 我不能去参加这个聚会
We found it impossible that we study English well in a short period . 不可能在短时间内把英语学好。 I feel it a pity that I can’t take part in this gathering. 我不能去参加这个聚会

54 P26 2.5.8 翻译 他想当然地认为自己能够得到那份工作, 所以被拒绝时他大感意外。 他规定每个人在每次议会开会时至少发一次言。
He took it for granted that he would get the job, so he was very surprised when he didn’t. 他想当然地认为自己能够得到那份工作, 所以被拒绝时他大感意外。 He made it a rule that one should speak in Parliament at least once every session. 他规定每个人在每次议会开会时至少发一次言。

55 我原来希望杰克会早点回复我的。(但是他没有)
wish和hope的宾从 I had hoped Jack _________ me an early reply. (give) would give flash back P 我原来希望杰克会早点回复我的。(但是他没有) I wish it _____ fine day today. (be) were 我真希望今天是个好天气。

56 wish宾从结构 与wish同时发生 一般过去时或were 发生在wish之前 could have done 发生在wish之后
were + doing

57 连接代词做介词宾语时的情况 True or False
I don’t know which apartment my uncle lives in. I don’t know in which apartment my uncle lives.

58 I don’t know in which apartment my uncle lives.
不能用that的情况 什么情况不需要用that? that从句通常不能充当介词宾语, flashback I don’t know in which apartment my uncle lives. 但是在except, in, but之后却可以。

59 that的特殊情况 I prefer his plan to yours, in that it is more practical and easier to be carried out. 我喜欢他的计划胜于你的,因为它更实际、更容易贯彻。 She was fortunate in that she had friends to help her. 她很幸运,有一些朋友帮助她。

60 that的特殊情况 I would have failed but that you helped me. 要不是你帮助我,我肯定要失败。
We know nothing except that he did not come home that night. 除了那天晚上他没有回家之外,我们什么也不知道。

61 最后做一道一模题结束宾语从句

62 一道一模题——2015嘉定一模 我认为就此问题和那些固执己见的人争论下去 没有意义了。 (point n.)
I think there is/would be no point (in) keeping arguing about this question/issue with those who are stubborn/ who are opinionated. 我认为就此问题和那些固执己见的人争论下去 没有意义了。 (point n.)

63 表语从句 从句在句子中充当系动词的表语。

64 look, smell, sound, taste, feel
六大类联系动词 1. 状态系动词 be 2. 感官系动词 look, smell, sound, taste, feel 3. 表象系动词 seem, appear Linking Verb 4. 变化系动词 become, grow, turn, fall 5. 持续系动词 keep, remain, stay 6. 终止系动词 prove, turn out

65 True or False The question is if it is true or not.
表语从句中不能使用if来代替whether 请完成P26 Ex 1 and Ex 2

66 True or False The reason why he did not come is that he was ill. √
reason后面的表语从句中不能使用because来引导,只用that。 - Why didn’t he come? - It was because he was ill. 请完成P

67 同位语从句使用一个从句作其前面的名词或者代词的同位语,说明该名词所指的具体内容。

68 同位从 VS. 定从 同位语从句 定语从句 是对其前面名词的内容的一种说明或解释。 是对其前面名词进行修饰或限制。
that是连词,没有任何词汇意义,不做句子成分,只起连接左右。 that是关系代词,它要代表被修饰的词,在从句中充当一个句子成分。 同位从说明内容,定从说明性质。

69 同位从 VS. 定从 I have an amusing piece of news that you may not have heard. We heard the news that her daughter had left home. 请完成P

70 能用同位语从句来说明的名词有以下一些 agreement decision idea possibility report appeal
discovery information promise rumor assumption doubt impression proof story belief fact knowledge proposal theory certainty fear message question thought chance ground news reason condition hope plan recommendation

71 You have no grounds for complaint.
Example [C, usually pl.] The case was dismissed on the grounds that there was not enough evidence. 此案因缺乏足够的证据被驳回。 You have no grounds for complaint. 你没有理由抱怨。

72 I can't say with any certainty where I'll be next week.
Example 确定性【U】 There is no certainty that the president's removal would end the civil war. 总统的下台是否会结束内战现在还很难说。 I can't say with any certainty where I'll be next week. 我不能肯定我下周会在什么地方。 请完成P

73 用其他词来引导的同位语从句 At the second plenary meeting, there was a real question whether the conference was going to be a success. I asked myself the question whether the research is worth the trouble. The child’s question, why the sky is blue, is difficult to answer. 请完成P

74 在这些词后,我们常常使用虚拟即(should)+ do
一些特殊句型 advice decision demand idea insistence 动议、提议 necessity order preference proposal recommendation request requirement resolution suggestion 在这些词后,我们常常使用虚拟即(should)+ do 请完成P

75 wish宾从结构 与wish同时发生 一般过去时或were 发生在wish之前 could have done 发生在wish之后
were + doing 一般过去时或were had done 一般过去时

76 名词性从句复习 需要关注的点 概念 关联词 各种句式

77 if/whether 8 关联词 what/that 成分 who/whoever 意思

78 谓语动词 主从 形式主语 4 宾从 语序 时态 形宾 句式 表从 reason 性质与内容 同位从 与定从 that

79 Bye-Bye

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