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Theories of general linguistics

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1 Theories of general linguistics

2 1.课程性质:语言学概论是中国语言文学系本科生的必修课程,它是普通语言学的入门课。

3 学习这门课是为各门语言课程提供必要的理论知识,使大家对语言有个理性认识。
下面提供一些观点,尝试着理解语言: 1. Language is a means of communication. 2. Language has a form-meaning correspondence. 3. The function of language is to exchange information.

4 4.English is more difficult to learn than Chinese.
5. Black English is not standard and should be reformed. 6. Language operates by rules. 7. All languages have three major components: a sound system, a system of lexicogrammar and a system of semantics. 8. Everyone speaks a dialect.

5 9. Languages are intimately related to the societies and individuals who use them.
10. Writing is derivative of speech. 11. Children learn their native language swiftly, efficiently and without instruction.

6 12.索绪尔关于语言的七个比喻: 语言是一个交响乐章,它不受演奏时某些错误的影响。 语言好象下棋:要求会下棋,一个人是否知道国际象棋起源于印度还是波斯,那是无关紧要的(重要的是知道棋法)。 语言好比电报的莫尔斯字母,它和电传设备的作用是两回事。

7 语言是一项契约。语言是一种代数学,其中每一项都是复杂项。
语言是一条川流不息的长河。 语言是一件袍子,历尽岁月,缝满补丁,补丁所用的布是从衣服本身剪下来的。

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