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主页: 地址:苏州工业园区独墅湖高等教育区仁爱路188号思贤楼504室

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1 网络程序设计 课程安排 孟宁 电话:0512-68839303
主页: 地址:苏州工业园区独墅湖高等教育区仁爱路188号思贤楼504室 2013年11月

2 教师 主讲教师 联系方式 孟宁 电话:0512-68839303

3 课时安排 第12-19周 周五下午6、7(14:00-15:30) 周六上午1、2、3(8:00-10:25)

4 学分、课时、成绩组成 理论40课时,实验20课时 考核方式介绍及各项所占比重 平时作业:60% 期末考察:40% 荣誉附加分:最高10%
参与课堂讨论,小组分工课后完成课堂研讨 检查方式以Demo+Q&A、Review、Presentation+Slideshow等方式 期末考察:40% 荣誉附加分:最高10%

5 实验分组 3-5人一组,自由组合 小组内充分交流分工协作 任务布置后努力创造条件课后完成

6 实验环境准备 Linux操作系统 下载编译安装Open vSwitch,熟悉其功能配置。
比如VMware+Ubuntu 10.04 GCC,Makefile,Vim/Emacs/UtraEdit(Windows) 下载编译安装Open vSwitch,熟悉其功能配置。 使用支持AP模式的无线网卡利用hostapd在linux上配置一个无线路由器,能够支持手机等station的认证关联和自动获取IP地址连接互联网。 Keshav, How to read a paper, ACM CCR 2007

7 教材及参考资料 参考资料 D. D. Clark, The Design Philosophy of the DARPA Internet Protocols, SIGCOMM 1988 Qadir, Junaid, Nadeem Ahmed, and Nauman Ahad. Building Programmable Wireless Networks:An Architectural Survey arXiv preprint arXiv: (2013). 专业提升 Advanced Topics in Networking

8 课程目标 精读并将The Design Philosophy of the DARPA Internet Protocols 翻译为中文
分析Open vSwitch开源软件代码 精读并将Building Programmable Wireless Networks:An Architectural Survey 翻译为中文 分析hostapd开源软件代码 实现remoteapd软件定义无线网络原型系统并Demo

9 How to read a paper Three stage approach Read quickly in 5-10minutes
Read with greater care; ignore proofs Deconstruct paper; question all assumptions

10 Stage 1: 5-10 minute read Read title, abstract, introduction, section headings, conclusion, reference list. Look for “5 C’s” Category: What type of paper is it? Context: Where does it fit in? Correctness: Do assumptions make sense? Contributions: What are the main ones? Clarity: Is it well-written?

11 Stage 2: Read with care Spend an hour re-reading paper in detail
Try to understand the “story” Summarize the main thrust Identify main supporting evidence

12 Stage 3: Deconstruct the paper
This can take one or more hours Understand every proof Question every assumption Identify missing references Why was the paper written this way? What was the author trying to say? How else could the paper have been written?

13 First papers D. D. Clark, The Design Philosophy of the DARPA Internet Protocols, SIGCOMM 1988

14 “天下事有难易乎? 为之则难者亦易矣, 不为则易者亦难矣” --彭端淑《为学》 谢谢大家!

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