常常喜乐 Rejoice Always.

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1 常常喜乐 Rejoice Always

2 常常喜乐 向主高歌 不论环境如何 高山或低谷 主都看顾 相信就能蒙福
Chang chang xi le, xiang zhu gao ge Rejoice always, sing a song to the Lord 不论环境如何 Bu lun huan jing ru he No matter what the circumstance is 高山或低谷 主都看顾 Gao shan huo di gu, zhu dou kan gu The Lord is looking after you whether you are on a high mountain and in a low valley 相信就能蒙福 Xiang xin jiu neng meng fu You are blessed when you believe in Him Rejoice Always – Verse 1

3 常常祷告 耐心等候 主做事有定时 流泪撒种必欢呼收割 相信就有喜乐
Chang chang dao gao, nai xin deng hou Pray always, and wait in patience 主做事有定时 Zhu zuo shi you ding shi The Lord has his own timing 流泪撒种必欢呼收割 Liu lei sa zhong bi huan hu shou ge Those who sow in tears shall reap in joy 相信就有喜乐 Xiang xin jiu you xi le You are joyful when you believe in Him Rejoice Always – Verse 2

4 下垂的手 再一次举起来 封闭的心 再一次敞开 抛开一切忧虑 放下一切重担 来到主的面前 我喜乐满怀
Xia chui de shou zai yi ci ju qi lai Lift up your hands 封闭的心 再一次敞开 Feng bi de xin zai yi ci chang kai Open up your heart 抛开一切忧虑 放下一切重担 Pao kai yi qie you lv, fang xia yi xia zhong dan Put aside all worries, Lay down all burdens 来到主的面前 我喜乐满怀 Lai dao zhu de mian qian, wo xi le man huai I am filled with joy when I come to the Lord Rejoice Always – Chorus(1/2)

5 冰冷的心被主爱来温暖 干渴的灵被主爱充满 主是我的力量,主是我的高台 死阴幽谷一路有耶稣陪伴,他永不离开
Bing leng de xin bei zhu ai lai wen nuan My cold heart is warmed by the Lord’s love 干渴的灵被主爱充满 Gan ke de ling bei zhu ai chong man My dry spirit is filled with the Lord’s love 主是我的力量,主是我的高台 Zhu shi wo de li liang, Zhu shi wo de gao tai The Lord is my strength, The Lord is my rock 死阴幽谷一路有耶稣陪伴,他永不离开 Si yin you gu yi lu you ye su pei ban. Ta yong bu li kai Jesus is with me when I walk through the darkest valley, He never leaves me Rejoice Always – Chorus(2/2)

6 常常喜乐 向主高歌 不论环境如何 高山或低谷 主都看顾 相信就能蒙福
Chang chang xi le, xiang zhu gao ge Rejoice always, sing a song to the Lord 不论环境如何 Bu lun huan jing ru he No matter what the circumstance is 高山或低谷 主都看顾 Gao shan huo di gu, zhu dou kan gu The Lord is looking after you whether you are on a high mountain and in a low valley 相信就能蒙福 Xiang xin jiu neng meng fu You are blessed when you believe in Him Rejoice Always – Verse 1

7 常常祷告 耐心等候 主做事有定时 流泪撒种必欢呼收割 相信就有喜乐
Chang chang dao gao, nai xin deng hou Pray always, and wait in patience 主做事有定时 Zhu zuo shi you ding shi The Lord has his own timing 流泪撒种必欢呼收割 Liu lei sa zhong bi huan hu shou ge Those who sow in tears shall reap in joy 相信就有喜乐 Xiang xin jiu you xi le You are joyful when you believe in Him Rejoice Always – Verse 2

8 下垂的手 再一次举起来 封闭的心 再一次敞开 抛开一切忧虑 放下一切重担 来到主的面前 我喜乐满怀
Xia chui de shou zai yi ci ju qi lai Lift up your hands 封闭的心 再一次敞开 Feng bi de xin zai yi ci chang kai Open up your heart 抛开一切忧虑 放下一切重担 Pao kai yi qie you lv, fang xia yi xia zhong dan Put aside all worries, Lay down all burdens 来到主的面前 我喜乐满怀 Lai dao zhu de mian qian, wo xi le man huai I am filled with joy when I come to the Lord Rejoice Always – Chorus(1/2)

9 冰冷的心被主爱来温暖 干渴的灵被主爱充满 主是我的力量,主是我的高台 死阴幽谷一路有耶稣陪伴,他永不离开
Bing leng de xin bei zhu ai lai wen nuan My cold heart is warmed by the Lord’s love 干渴的灵被主爱充满 Gan ke de ling bei zhu ai chong man My dry spirit is filled with the Lord’s love 主是我的力量,主是我的高台 Zhu shi wo de li liang, Zhu shi wo de gao tai The Lord is my strength, The Lord is my rock 死阴幽谷一路有耶稣陪伴,他永不离开 Si yin you gu yi lu you ye su pei ban. Ta yong bu li kai Jesus is with me when I walk through the darkest valley, He never leaves me Rejoice Always – Chorus(2/2)

10 下垂的手 再一次举起来 封闭的心 再一次敞开 抛开一切忧虑 放下一切重担 来到主的面前 我喜乐满怀
Xia chui de shou zai yi ci ju qi lai Lift up your hands 封闭的心 再一次敞开 Feng bi de xin zai yi ci chang kai Open up your heart 抛开一切忧虑 放下一切重担 Pao kai yi qie you lv, fang xia yi xia zhong dan Put aside all worries, Lay down all burdens 来到主的面前 我喜乐满怀 Lai dao zhu de mian qian, wo xi le man huai I am filled with joy when I come to the Lord Rejoice Always – Chorus(1/2)

11 冰冷的心被主爱来温暖 干渴的灵被主爱充满 主是我的力量,主是我的高台 死阴幽谷一路有耶稣陪伴,他永不离开
Bing leng de xin bei zhu ai lai wen nuan My cold heart is warmed by the Lord’s love 干渴的灵被主爱充满 Gan ke de ling bei zhu ai chong man My dry spirit is filled with the Lord’s love 主是我的力量,主是我的高台 Zhu shi wo de li liang, Zhu shi wo de gao tai The Lord is my strength, The Lord is my rock 死阴幽谷一路有耶稣陪伴,他永不离开 Si yin you gu yi lu you ye su pei ban. Ta yong bu li kai Jesus is with me when I walk through the darkest valley, He never leaves me Rejoice Always – Chorus(2/2)

12 常常喜乐 Rejoice Always

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