你爱永不变 (Your Steadfast Love)

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Presentation on theme: "你爱永不变 (Your Steadfast Love)"— Presentation transcript:

1 你爱永不变 (Your Steadfast Love)
你流出宝血,洗净我污秽,将我的生命赎回。 为了我的罪,牺牲永不悔,显明你极大恩惠。 我深深体会,你爱的宝贵,献上自己永追随。 或伤心或气馁,或生离或死别, 愿刚强壮胆永远不后退。 Your precious blood, wash away my sins; Redeeming my soul. You sacrifice yourself, with no regret, Such tremendous grace . I deeply appreciate, your precious love, I surrender all to follow you. Sadness or illness, Life or death May I be strong and never forget.

2 (副歌)哦,你爱永不变, 从今时到永远, 深深浇灌我心田。 或天旋或地转, 经沧海历桑田, 都不能叫我与你爱隔绝.
Oh, your love never changes, From now on till eternity, Quenching my thirst, feeding my soul. Ups or downs, Gains or loss, Nothing will separate me from your love

3 你流出宝血,洗净我污秽,将我的生命赎回。 为了我的罪,牺牲永不悔,显明你极大恩惠。 我深深体会,你爱的宝贵,献上自己永追随。
或伤心或气馁,或生离或死别, 愿刚强壮胆永远不后退。 Your precious blood, wash away my sins; Redeeming my soul. You sacrifice yourself, with no regret, Such tremendous grace . I deeply appreciate, your precious love, I surrender all to follow you. Sadness or illness, Life or death May I be strong and never forget.

4 (副歌)哦,你爱永不变, 从今时到永远, 深深浇灌我心田。 或天旋或地转, 经沧海历桑田, 都不能叫我与你爱隔绝.
Oh, your love never changes, From now on till eternity, Quenching my thirst, feeding my soul. Ups or downs, Gains or loss, Nothing will separate me from your love

5 (副歌)哦,你爱永不变, 从今时到永远, 深深浇灌我心田。 或天旋或地转, 经沧海历桑田, 都不能叫我与你爱隔绝.
Oh, your love never changes, From now on till eternity, Quenching my thirst, feeding my soul. Ups or downs, Gains or loss, Nothing will separate me from your love

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