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Presentation on theme: "句群与段落翻译."— Presentation transcript:

1 句群与段落翻译

2 美国人的空间与中国人的场所 段羲孚 美国人有空间意识,没有场所概念。如果你去住在郊外的美国人家中做客,你要做的第一件事,几乎总是不由自主地走向观景窗。说来真是怪,你在主人屋内首先赞扬他屋外景色多么美!主人很高兴,你会欣赏他户外的远景。远方的地平线不仅仅是天地间的分界线,而且是未来的象征。美国人不会扎根于他的寓所,不管这寓所多么舒适;他的目光被辽阔的空间引向地平线上的一点,那是他的未来。

3 American Space, Chinese Place Yi-Fu Tuan
Americans have a sense of space, not of place. Go to an American home in exurbia, and almost the first thing you do is drift toward the picture window. How curious that the first compliment you pay your host inside his house is to say how lovely it is outside his house! He is pleased that you should admire his vistas. The distant horizon is not merely a line separating earth form sky, it is a symbol of the future. The American is not rooted in his place, however lovely: his eyes are drawn by the expanding space to a point on the horizon, which is his future.

4 谁来做晚餐(节选) “男耕女织”, “男主外女主内”这种中国世代沿袭的男女分工,在二十世纪五十年代开始发生变化。当时,新中国刚诞生,社会提倡男女平等。千百年来围着锅台转的家庭妇女被当作强大的人力资源解放出来参加社会生产.一九四〇年,中国就业妇女占妇女总数的百分之九,到一九八七年已达到百分之四十九点六八。妇女与丈夫共同承担其供养家庭的职责,同时男人们也一道肩负起教育子女,操持家务的担子。 今天承担家务的一些男人还在怀念昔日以男子为中心的年代。那时,他们下了班回家,热腾腾的晚餐已摆好在桌上,妻子儿女围上来问寒问暖;家中大事小事多有自己作主,因为男人作为一家之主承担了全家经济生活的来源。

5 Who Cooks Supper? (Excerpt)
For a long time tradition said, “The man plows, the woman weaves; the man is responsible for important decisions, the woman for housework.” This began to change in China in the 1950s when New China was just founded and society encouraged equality between men and women. Women chained to the kitchen sink in former days were considered important human resources and were liberated to take part in social construction. In 1940 professional women accounted for 9 percent of Chinese women; In 1987 the proportion reached percent. Women began to take on more responsibility for family support, and men began sharing the load in both raising children and managing household affairs.

6 Some men still miss the good old days when man was the center of the family. At that time when the husband came home from work, a steaming hot meal was on the table and his wife and children all came to greet him and asked after his health with deep concern. Everything in the family, big or small, was decided by the husband, because he held the purse strings. After women began to take jobs in society, men’s responsibility for family support was reduced and their status in the family was no longer so dominant. With husband and wife both working and social service not so developed in China, household tasks should reasonably be shared.

7 前些年,也就是金钱还没有将文凭彻底打翻在地的那几年,尤其被这么公认。而现任县长和县委书记,除了年富力强等等,更主要和重要的,都正是因为有一中的高中文凭,才作为知识型的干部被推上领导岗位的。而据说他们当学生的时候,不过都是学业平平的中等生。

8 将来工业垃圾和家庭的生活垃圾不再是垃圾,而是资源了。我们要开发新技术来利用它们。鉴于许多资源将在世界范围内短缺,垃圾回收在社会经济方面势在必行,它还会成为控制污染的最重要、最有效的方法。

9 人类无比的多样性使他们在个人生活和社会生活中便显出各种各样的倾向。人有的自私,有的利他,有的粗枝大叶,有的过分认真;有的留恋家庭生活,有的热衷于云游四方。

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