禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm

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1 禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm
青年聚會 Youth Meeting 週五 Fri 6:30 pm 週六小組 Saturday Group 週六 Sat 7:00 pm 主日崇拜 Sunday Worship 主日 Sun 10:00 am

2 Please turn off your cell phones, thank you!
請將您的手機關閉,謝謝! Please turn off your cell phones, thank you!

3 耶和華賜下歡欣快樂 無限的喜樂充滿我 新的膏油已澆灌下來 哈利路亞高聲歡呼
We sing and dance in celebration Praising the Lord with songs of joy He’s pouring out the oil of gladness Hallelujah let us rejoice

4 我領受神的應許 賜給猶大的後裔 稱為禱告的子民 來敬拜歌頌讚美
This is the promise of God For the tribe of Judah For all the people who pray Who praise and worship His Name

5 這是期待收割的時刻 神的話語如今已成就 莊稼成熟各處在收割 已臨到全世界各地
Yes this is the time we’ve awaited That the Word of God shall be fulfilled All over the world we can see it The harvest is being revealed

6 Because He is the Lord of Lord For He is risen from the dead
因為祂是萬王之王 因為祂是萬主之主 唯有祂從死裡復活 我要敬拜祂 (2X) Because He is the King of Kings Because He is the Lord of Lord For He is risen from the dead I will worship Him

7 That Jesus Christ is Lord (2x)
萬膝要跪拜 萬口要承認 耶穌基督祂是主(2x) Every knee shall bow every tongue confess That Jesus Christ is Lord (2x)

8 We sing “Glory Alleluia” For He is my Lord and my King
高唱榮耀哈利路亞 歡呼榮耀哈利路亞 祂是我的主 我的王 我要敬拜祂 We sing “Glory Alleluia” For He is my Lord and my King I will worship Him

9 Hallelujah, Hallelujah That Jesus Christ is Lord (2x)

10 We sing “Glory Alleluia” For He is my Lord and my King
高唱榮耀哈利路亞 歡呼榮耀哈利路亞 祂是我的主 我的王 我要敬拜祂 We sing “Glory Alleluia” For He is my Lord and my King I will worship Him

11 Thank You for the cross Lord
神羔羊配得 感謝祢的十字架 感謝祢付上代價 擔當我罪和羞愧  使我完全 賜下奇妙恩典  Thank You for the cross Lord Thank You for the price You paid Bearing all my sin and shame In love You came And give amazing grace

12 感謝祢無比大愛 感謝祢釘痕雙手 寶血洗淨我汙穢 使我暸解 祢完全包容赦免 Thank You for this love Lord
    感謝祢無比大愛     感謝祢釘痕雙手     寶血洗淨我汙穢   使我暸解 祢完全包容赦免 Thank You for this love Lord Thank You for the nail pierced hands Washed me in Your cleansing flow Now all I know Your forgiveness and embrace

13 Worthy is the Lamb seated on the thorne Crown You now with many crowns
  神羔羊配得 坐在寶座上     頭戴著尊貴冠冕     祢作王到永遠 Worthy is the Lamb seated on the thorne Crown You now with many crowns You rein victorious

14 來尊崇讃美 耶穌神兒子 從天降下被釘十架 神羔羊配得 神羔羊配得 High and lifted up Jesus son of God
  來尊崇讃美 耶穌神兒子     從天降下被釘十架   神羔羊配得 神羔羊配得 High and lifted up Jesus son of God Daring of heaven crucified Worthy is the Lamb Worthy is the Lamb

15 我的救贖者活著 <1/4> My Redeemer Lives

16 我的救贖者活著 <2/4> My Redeemer Lives

17 我的救贖著活著 <3/4> My Redeemer Lives

18 我的救贖者活著 <4/4> My Redeemer Lives

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