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H024 神哪, 祢在聖所之內 O GOD, WITHIN THE HOLY PLACE (1/3)

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Presentation on theme: "H024 神哪, 祢在聖所之內 O GOD, WITHIN THE HOLY PLACE (1/3)"— Presentation transcript:

1 H024 神哪, 祢在聖所之內 O GOD, WITHIN THE HOLY PLACE (1/3)
神哪,祢在聖所之內, O God, within the holy place, 接受我們敬拜讚美, Receive our worship, thanks, and praise, 因祢的愛何其真。 For Thy great love so precious. 我們死在罪惡之中, When we were sinners bound in sin, 好像囚犯早已途窮, Like prisoners locked their cells within, Hymnary 聖徒詩歌 - Testimony Publication Christian Assembly 基督徒聚會

2 祢就來釋放我們。 祢那無限豐富的愛, 感動祢以憐憫為懷, 祢就來拯救我們
H024 (節1/3, 頁2/2) 祢就來釋放我們。 Then, Thou Lord, came and freed us. 祢那無限豐富的愛, The riches of Thy boundless love 感動祢以憐憫為懷, Thy tender heart didst freely move, 祢就來拯救我們 So Thou didst come and save us. Hymnary 聖徒詩歌 - Testimony Publication Christian Assembly 基督徒聚會

3 祢並不願罪人沈淪, 祢願他們回轉求懇 祢作他們的救主。 祢在子裏揀選我們 脫離罪和死亡圍困,
H024 (節2/3, 頁1/2) 祢並不願罪人沈淪, Thou would'st mot have poor sinners die, 祢願他們回轉求懇 But have them turn to Thee and cry, 祢作他們的救主。 "Thou art our God and Savior." 祢在子裏揀選我們 In Thy dear son, Thou didst us choose, 脫離罪和死亡圍困, From sin, and death to set us loose, Hymnary 聖徒詩歌 - Testimony Publication Christian Assembly 基督徒聚會

4 又使我們蒙永福。 我們今可來喊阿爸, 乃因祢子,不再懼怕, 坦然親近我們父。 And place us in His favor,
Now "Abba Father," we may cry, 乃因祢子,不再懼怕, For in Thy Son, we are brought nigh, 坦然親近我們父。 And blessed in Him forever. Hymnary 聖徒詩歌 - Testimony Publication Christian Assembly 基督徒聚會

5 不久祂接屬祂的人, 圍祢寶座,帶著他們 前來敬拜並讚美。 那時歌唱甜美聲浪, 要達天地最遠邊疆,
H024 (節3/3, 頁1/2) 不久祂接屬祂的人, But soon He'll come, and take His Own, 圍祢寶座,帶著他們 And have us with Him, round Thy Throne 前來敬拜並讚美。 To worship and adore Thee. 那時歌唱甜美聲浪, Then shall Thy praise most sweetly sound 要達天地最遠邊疆, To Heaven and earth's remotest bound, Hymnary 聖徒詩歌 - Testimony Publication Christian Assembly 基督徒聚會

6 發自蒙贖的大會。 但是今日我們渴慕, 父阿,向祢敬拜俯伏, 同心歌唱祢恩惠。 From that redeemed assembly.
Yet now, O Lord, we long to raise 父阿,向祢敬拜俯伏, Our worship, homage, thanks, and praise 同心歌唱祢恩惠。 And ever bow before Thee. Hymnary 聖徒詩歌 - Testimony Publication Christian Assembly 基督徒聚會

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