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The Rotary Foundation and PolioPlus

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1 The Rotary Foundation and PolioPlus
Mandarin A Topic 1&2 Friday, October 21, 2005 Venue: Panay 扶輪基金會 根除小兒麻痺等疾病 The Rotary Foundation and PolioPlus ROTARY INTERNATIONAL 引言人: RI 3480地區1992~93年度 汪國恩前總監PDG Hy-Line

2 國際扶輪3480地區 1992~93年度 汪國恩前總監 PDG Hy-Line,1992~93

3 簡介 國際扶輪扶輪基金會 THE ROTARY FOUNDATION of Rotary International

4 扶輪基金會的使命 TRF MISSION To support the efforts of Rotary International in the fulfillment of the Objective of Rotary, Rotary’s mission, and the achievement of world understanding and peace through local, national, and international humanitarian educational and cultural programs 在於支持國際扶輪透過地方的、全國性的與國際性的人道、教育和文化交流計劃,實踐扶輪宗旨、扶輪任務、及達成世界瞭解與和平的種種努力。

5 扶輪基金會計劃 Rotary Foundation Programs
EDUCATIONAL教育類 Ambassadorial Scholars大使獎學金 Group Study Exchange 團體研究交換 Grants for University Teachers大學教師獎助金 Rotary Centers扶輪中心 Rotary Peace and Conflict Studies Program 扶輪和平與衝突研究計畫 HUMANITARIAN人道類 Matching Grants 配合獎助金 District Simplified Grants地區簡化獎助金 Individual Grants 個人獎助金 (3-H) Grants(3-H)獎助金 3-H Planning Grants 3-H規劃獎助金 A brief overview of The Rotary Foundation programs The Foundation’s education programs have wide popularity among Rotarians. Today the world’s largest privately funded international scholarships program is the Foundation’s own Ambassadorial Scholarships program. Rotary clubs and districts can make a difference in the world and achieve Rotary’s mission of world understanding and peace by participating in the Foundation’s three main Humanitarian programs. As the leading private sector partner in the effort to eradicate polio, Rotary has immunized over 2 billion children since 1985 We will go into more detail about each program in the coming slides POLIOPLUS 根除小兒痲痺等疾病計劃 POLIOPLUS PARTNERS 根除小兒痲痺等疾病夥伴

6 Rotary Centers For Peace and Conflict Studies 扶輪和平及解決衝突研究中心
Duke ., and U. of North Carolina International Christian U., Tokyo Japan Sciences Po, Paris, France Universidad del Salvador, Buenos Aires, Argentina U. Of Bradford, West Yorkshire, England U. Of California, Berkley U. Of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia a kind short-term certificate program consisting of two sessions annually of thirty fellows per session / 短期証書計畫,每年兩期,每期30位學生 Each district may submit as many candidates as they deem qualified for the / 每一地區可推荐合格的2006-07獎學金候選人 deadline for submission of candidates from the districts is 15 January 2006 / 地區提交候選人的截止日是2006年1月15日 New Program 新計劃 ! As of now we only have money for 25 scholars for the year. The goal is 70. Money needs to be in by 30 Nov. Focus students in the studies on peace and conflict issues: Population and the environment Technology and science World politics and economics Religious and cultural traditions Educational opportunities Health, hunger, and poverty 2. Advance knowledge and world …… to provide advanced educational opportunities for a group of Rotary World Peace Scholars chosen from various countries and cultures in order to advance knowledge and world understanding among potential future leaders of government, business, education, media, and other professions; It is crucially important that we get people in these position of influence who will have peace in their hearts, who truly want to make the world a better place for everyone 3. Promote greater tolerance…. to establish a program through which The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International and the member clubs of Rotary International may become increasingly effective in promoting greater tolerance and cooperation among peoples, leading to world peace and understanding. In these times nothing could be more true. The only way we will achieve world peace and understanding in this world is through tolerance and cooperation. The graduates of this program hold these values high in their actions Each district is invited to submit an application for its top Rotary World Peace Scholarship candidate to TRF by the 1 October deadline. The Rotary Foundation asks all Rotary Districts to identify qualified Rotary World Peace Scholarship candidates and submit endorsed applications to TRF. TRF received 190 applications for the program year, which means that about 1 in 3 districts is conducting a successful Rotary World Peace Scholarship promotion and selection process. In order for TRF to select the best candidates possible to receive Rotary World Peace Scholarships, the pool of applications submitted worldwide must be increased. TRF would like to see every district submitting an outstanding candidate annually Districts that commit US $25,000 or more will be recognized as “Peacebuilder” districts. Currently 57 Peace scholars in class representing 32 countries

7 Rotary Centers For Peace and Conflict Studies 扶輪和平及解決衝突研究中心
Duke ., and U. of North Carolina International Christian U., Tokyo Japan Sciences Po, Paris, France Universidad del Salvador, Buenos Aires, Argentina U. Of Bradford, West Yorkshire, England U. Of California, Berkley U. Of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia training aimed at middle and upper-level managers in governments, non-governmental organizations, and private corporations 受訓對象涵蓋政府部門、非政府組織及民間公司中、高級階層之經理人物 Each fellow's employer will be expected to cover the US$5,000 cost of session每一學員之僱主將負擔課程之5,000美金的費用 TRF will cover the expenses of roundtrip travel扶輪基金會負擔旅費 New Program 新計劃 ! As of now we only have money for 25 scholars for the year. The goal is 70. Money needs to be in by 30 Nov. Focus students in the studies on peace and conflict issues: Population and the environment Technology and science World politics and economics Religious and cultural traditions Educational opportunities Health, hunger, and poverty 2. Advance knowledge and world …… to provide advanced educational opportunities for a group of Rotary World Peace Scholars chosen from various countries and cultures in order to advance knowledge and world understanding among potential future leaders of government, business, education, media, and other professions; It is crucially important that we get people in these position of influence who will have peace in their hearts, who truly want to make the world a better place for everyone 3. Promote greater tolerance…. to establish a program through which The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International and the member clubs of Rotary International may become increasingly effective in promoting greater tolerance and cooperation among peoples, leading to world peace and understanding. In these times nothing could be more true. The only way we will achieve world peace and understanding in this world is through tolerance and cooperation. The graduates of this program hold these values high in their actions Each district is invited to submit an application for its top Rotary World Peace Scholarship candidate to TRF by the 1 October deadline. The Rotary Foundation asks all Rotary Districts to identify qualified Rotary World Peace Scholarship candidates and submit endorsed applications to TRF. TRF received 190 applications for the program year, which means that about 1 in 3 districts is conducting a successful Rotary World Peace Scholarship promotion and selection process. In order for TRF to select the best candidates possible to receive Rotary World Peace Scholarships, the pool of applications submitted worldwide must be increased. TRF would like to see every district submitting an outstanding candidate annually Districts that commit US $25,000 or more will be recognized as “Peacebuilder” districts. Currently 57 Peace scholars in class representing 32 countries

8 根除小兒麻痺等疾病 PolioPlus ROTARY INTERNATIONAL

9 根除小兒麻痺等疾病計劃 是於1985年所提出的。 它採用1988年的目標「至2005年小兒麻痺症免疫」。
The PolioPlus program was launched in It adopted the goal in 1988 of immunizing all the world’s children against polio by 2005 and has raised more than US$537 million for polio eradication.

10 In 1994, 在1994年, 西半球宣佈無小兒麻痺症,該區域最後的小兒麻痺症受害者是秘魯的Luis Fermín 。
the Western Hemisphere was declared polio-free; the region’s last polio victim was Luis Fermín of Peru.

11 宣佈無小兒麻痺症,最後的小兒麻痺症受害者是柬埔塞的Mum Chanty 。
在2000年西太平洋區域 宣佈無小兒麻痺症,最後的小兒麻痺症受害者是柬埔塞的Mum Chanty 。 The Western Pacific region was declared polio-free in 2000; its last polio victim was Mum Chanty of Cambodia.

12 In 2002, 在2001年歐洲區域 宣佈無小兒麻痺症,最後的小兒麻痺症受害者是土耳其的Melik Minas 。
the European region was declared polio-free; its last victim was Melik Minas of Turkey.

13 一年期之基金籌款運動-實現我們的承諾:根除小兒麻痺-
於2003年結束,至2004 年8月共籌募了美金一億三千多萬元。 The one-year fundraising campaign—Fulfilling Our Promise: Eradicate Polio— concluded in 2003, raising more than US$130 million by August 2004.

14 根除小兒麻痺等疾病夥伴獎計劃 在2004年重新提出以便支持全球根除小兒麻痺等疾病所延伸的責任。
The PolioPlus Partners program was relaunched in 2004 with expanded responsibilities in support of global polio eradication.


16 當證實全世界是無小兒痲痺症時,扶輪對根除小兒痲痺等疾病的貢獻將超過6億美元
PolioPlus 小兒痲痺等疾病 By the time the world is certified polio-free, Rotary contributions to polio eradication will exceed $600 million 當證實全世界是無小兒痲痺症時,扶輪對根除小兒痲痺等疾病的貢獻將超過6億美元 By the time the world is certified polio-free, Rotary contributions to polio eradication will exceed US$600 million. Only the US government has given more to this effort than Rotary. The total contribution of the US government is US$933 million. Note: Action Taken by the Trustees of The Rotary Foundation (October 2004)-Recent developments emphasize the need to continue the International PolioPlus Committee (IPPC) past The Trustees agreed that the IPPC will continue until the global certification of the eradication of polio. The Trustees also extended the PolioPlus Partners program to 30 June 2006. The total contribution of the US government is US$933 million


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