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门徒的渴慕 The Longing of Disciple

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Presentation on theme: "门徒的渴慕 The Longing of Disciple"— Presentation transcript:

1 门徒的渴慕 The Longing of Disciple
诗篇 63:1 - 8 Psalm 63:1 - 8

2 前 言 Introduction 记念主 Remembrance of Lord

3 一、我心渴慕神 (63:1-2) My soul longs for God
祢是我的神 You are my God 切切寻求你 I earnestly seek you 我的心、我的身 My soul and my flesh

4 二、满足的赞美(63:3-8) My soul satisfies with praise
神的慈爱 God’s loving-kindness 我观看你指头所造的天,并你所陈设的月亮星宿,便说:人算甚么,你竟顾念他?世人算甚么,你竟眷顾他? When I see your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and stars that you set in place --What are humans that you are mindful of them, mere mortals that you care for them?

5 二、满足的赞美(63:3-8) My soul satisfies with praise
神的自己 God Himself 他自己 Himself 前我要是福祉,今要得着主; 前我切慕恩赐,今要赐恩主。 永远高举耶稣,赞美主不歇, 一切在耶稣里,耶稣是我一切。 Once it was the blessing, now it is the Lord; Once His gift wanted, now the Giver own. All in all forever, Jesus will I sing; Every thing in Jesus, and Jesus every thing.

6 二、满足的赞美(63:3-8) My soul satisfies with praise
神的帮助 God’s help 大卫犯罪时 When David sinned 「神啊!求你为我造清洁的心,使我里面重新有正直的灵。」」 Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. 神赦罪他 God forgave him

7 二、满足的赞美(63:3-8) My soul satisfies with praise
神的慈爱 God’s loving-kindness 神的自己 God Himself 神的帮助 God’s help 跟随与扶持 Clinging and upholding

8 我的灵渴慕你 My soul longs for You
我灵单单渴慕你, My soul longs for You. 我心深深思念你 My hear deeply longs for You. 在乾旱疲乏之地, In a dry and weary land 我心何等渴慕你 My heart thirsts for You.

9 我的灵渴慕你 My soul Longs for You
我要更加亲近你, I want to be more near You. 你是我唯一良友 You are my only good friend. 当我回想你恩典无限, When I remember your unlimited grace, 我心更加爱慕你 My heart loves You more.

10 我的灵渴慕你 My soul Longs for You
我的灵渴慕你, My soul longs for You. 我的心思念你 My heart longs for You. 啊渴慕你! 啊渴慕你! Oh longs for You, Oh longs for You 我灵何等渴慕你 How much my soul longs for you!

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