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在主愛中 In God’s Love Stream of Praise CCLI #1133585.

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Presentation on theme: "在主愛中 In God’s Love Stream of Praise CCLI #1133585."— Presentation transcript:

1 在主愛中 In God’s Love Stream of Praise CCLI #

2 In the morning when I rise up I will give You all my praise
清晨朝陽 天空照耀 In the morning when I rise up 仿佛對我微微笑 I will give You all my praise CCLI #

3 I am thankful for the sunrise for the gift of one more day
陣陣微風 徐徐吹送 I am thankful for the sunrise 消遙自在白雲飄 for the gift of one more day CCLI #

4 I can feel You all around me and the presence of Your love
鳥語花香 綠草如茵 I can feel You all around me 青春時光多美好 and the presence of Your love CCLI #

5 Makes my heart know that You love me I receive Your gift of love
盡情歡唱 盡情歡笑 Makes my heart know that You love me 煩惱全都不見了 I receive Your gift of love CCLI #

6 Thank You Jesus, for I know that
在基督裡 享受主愛 Thank You Jesus, for I know that 自由奔放樂開懷 You will never let me go CCLI #

7 There is nothing in the world that can take Your love from me
世上沒有 任何事物 There is nothing in the world that 能隔絕神的愛 can take Your love from me CCLI #

8 Thanks You Jesus, in Your presence there are gifts of love and joy
在基督裡, 享受主愛 Thanks You Jesus, in Your presence 自由奔放樂開懷 there are gifts of love and joy CCLI #

9 I will sing and I will worship I will bless Your name with joy
我要讚美 我要歌唱 I will sing and I will worship 造物主的奇妙愛 I will bless Your name with joy CCLI #

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