The Origin of Christmas

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Presentation on theme: "The Origin of Christmas"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Origin of Christmas

2 The meaning of Christmas
1. To celebrate the birth of Jesus. 2. To thanks God. 3. To thanks Jesus. 4. To give our hand to the people who need the help

3 The Birth of Jesus Christmas can be traced back to the birth of Jesus . According to the Bible, Jesus was born in Nazareth. The angel Gabriel appeared to Virgin Mary and told her that she was to give birth to the son of God ,called Jesus . 聖誕節的由來可追溯至耶穌誕生。根據聖經的記載,耶穌誕生 於拿撒勒。 天使加百列顯現於聖母瑪利亞面前並告訴她,她將 要生下神的兒子,名為耶穌。

4 Mary’s husband, Joseph because all the hotel was full , so Mary was forced birth to Jesus in a manger. The Three Wise God‘s revelation, follow the sky a bright star to find Jesus.,and worshiped him, opened the treasures and presented gifts,and give it for Jesus. Animal husbandry, in the wilderness of Bethel sent to hear the voice of an angel sent from heaven, Jesus was born to them shall caroling. 瑪麗亞的丈夫約瑟夫因為酒店是滿的,所以瑪麗亞被迫在馬槽裡生下耶穌。遙遠的東方三博士的神的啟示,隨之而起一顆明亮的星星找到耶穌,就俯伏拜他,揭開寶盒,並為禮物獻給他,在伯特利的曠野打發聽到的聲音從天上派來的天使,耶穌誕生,他們應當報佳音。

5 The birth year of Jesus is in 1 B.C.
Furthermore, Christians of early periods called December 25th Christmas which is also the day to commemorate the birth of Apollo. 耶穌於西元前一年出生。早期的基督教徒將每年一二月二十五日 太陽神誕辰定為聖誕節。 耶穌

6 Variations of this pagan holiday flourished throughout the first few centuries after Jesus Christ, but it probably wasn't until 336 A.D. that Emperor Constantine officially converted this pagan tradition into the "Christian" holiday of Christmas. 活躍耶穌基督的前幾個世紀後的變化這個異教的節日,它可能是直到公元336年,君士坦丁大帝(Emperor Constantine)正式將這個異教傳統的“基督教”的聖誕假期。 “ 我要放假!!>‘’<

7 The word "Christmas" is a combination of the words "Christ" and "Mass
The word "Christmas" is a combination of the words "Christ" and "Mass." The word "Mass" means death and was coined originally by the Roman Catholic Church. The ritual of the Mass involves the death of Christ, and the distribution of the "Host", a word taken from the Latin word "hostiall," meaning victim. In short, Christmas is a Roman Catholic word of Roman Empire origin. 聖誕節”這個詞是一個組合的話:“基督”和“馬薩諸塞州”“大眾”這個詞就意味著死亡,並創造了最初的羅馬天主教會。儀式的群眾,涉及基督的死,和分佈的“主機”,從拉丁詞“hostiall,一個字”,意思是受害者。總之,聖誕節是一個羅馬天主教羅馬帝國的起源。

8 Folk custom In Germany, the four Sundays before Christmas are regarded as the first, second, third, and fort h Advent. Christmas markets start on the first Advent. 在德國,聖誕節前的四個星期天分別視為第一、二、三、四個待降節。在第一個待降節左右就開始了耶誕市集,

9 Every household will light the first candle of the wreath on the first Advent. Then other candles will also be lit on the following Advents. Christmas is approaching when the forth candle is lit. 第一個待降節當天,家家戶戶都會將待降花圈中第一根蠟燭點燃,之後每個待降節再依序點燃待降花圈的其他蠟燭,等第四根蠟燭被點燃的時候,就代表耶誕節要來啦!

10 Thanks for your attention!

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