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基督精兵前进 Onward, Christian Soldiers

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1 基督精兵前进 Onward, Christian Soldiers

2 基督精兵前进, 齐向战场走 Onward Christian soldiers, marching as to war 十架旌旗高举,引领在前头 With the cross of Jesus going on before 主基督是元帅,领我攻仇敌 Christ, royal master, leads against the foe 齐看我主旗号,进入战阵地 Forward into battle see His banners go

3 基督精兵前进, 齐向战场走 Onward Christian soldiers, marching as to war 十架旌旗高举,引领在前头 With the cross of Jesus going on before

4 见主得胜旗号,撒旦军逃避 At the sign of triumph satan’s legions flee 基督精兵前进,胜利在前头 On then Christian soldiers, on to victory 地狱根基震动,只因欢呼声 Hell’s foundations quiver at the shout of Praise 主内弟兄高唱,向主献颂扬 Brothers, lift your voices Loud your anthems raise

5 基督精兵前进, 齐向战场走 Onward Christian soldiers, marching as to war 十架旌旗高举,引领在前头 With the cross of Jesus going on before

6 基督教会前进,浩荡如大军 Like a mighty army Moves the Church of God 弟兄努力奔走,步先贤脚踪 Brothers, we are treading where the saints have trod 我们一心一意,团结攻敌军 We are not divided All one body we 信仰盼望相同,爱心亦一致 One in hope and doctrine one in Charity

7 基督精兵前进, 齐向战场走 Onward Christian soldiers, marching as to war 十架旌旗高举,引领在前头 With the cross of Jesus going on before

8 蒙恩圣徒前进,欢欣齐前往 Onward then ye people, join our happy throng 大家异口同声,凯歌高声唱 Blend with ours your voices in the triumph song 荣耀,尊贵,颂赞,归基督我王 Glory,laud, and honor our unto Christ the King 世人天使同唱,颂扬永无疆 This thro’countless ages Men and angels sing

9 基督精兵前进, 齐向战场走 Onward Christian soldiers, marching as to war 十架旌旗高举,引领在前头 With the cross of Jesus going on before

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