當以感謝進祂的門 當以頌讚進祂的院 歡欣歌唱來敬拜主

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Presentation on theme: "當以感謝進祂的門 當以頌讚進祂的院 歡欣歌唱來敬拜主"— Presentation transcript:

1 當以感謝進祂的門 當以頌讚進祂的院 歡欣歌唱來敬拜主
感謝詩/HYMN OF THANKS 當以感謝進祂的門 當以頌讚進祂的院 歡欣歌唱來敬拜主 Enter His gates with thanksgiving Come into His courts with praise Worship the Lord with singing

2 Be thankful and bless His Name
以感謝稱頌主名 哈利路亞 哈利路 哈利路亞 哈利路亞 頌主名 Be thankful and bless His Name Alleluia, allelu, Alleluia, alleluia, Bless His Name

3 我們是主手所造 以祂慈愛手創造 我們是祂草場的羊 是祂所喜愛的羊
We know the Lord has made us Make us with His own loving hands. We are the sheep of His pasture, We are His beloved lambs.

4 Alleluia, allelu , Alleluia, alleluia,
哈利路亞 哈利路 哈利路亞 哈利路亞 頌主名 X 2 頌主名 Alleluia, allelu , Alleluia, alleluia, Bless His Name X2

5 當向耶和華歡呼歌頌 當向耶和華歡呼歌頌 全地萬民當同頌讚 高舉主聖名獻上感恩 唱主的歌到永遠
當向耶和華歡呼歌頌 當向耶和華歡呼歌頌 全地萬民當同頌讚 高舉主聖名獻上感恩 唱主的歌到永遠 SHOUT FOR JOY TO THE LORD Shout for joy to the Lord, ye people. Fill the earth with a sound of praise. Lift His name with a glad thanksgiving. Sing His song for all your days

6 當向耶和華歡呼歌頌 全地出聲唱不盡 歡喜稱謝讚美主名 同聲宣揚主救恩
Sing for joy to the Lord, ye people. Ever let your song be heard. Praise His name with the sound of singing. With one voice proclaim His word.

7 當用歡喜的號聲讚美 用角聲來讚美祂 鼓瑟彈琴頌主慈愛 唱樂歌來讚美祂
Make glad song with the sound of the trumpet. With the horn declare His praise. On the harp sound forth His goodness. Ever let your songs proclaim.

8 歡呼歌頌唱哈利路亞 讚美主阿們阿們 全地萬民同頌主榮耀 讚美主阿們阿們 Shout for joy, sing an alleluia Praise the Lord, amen ,amen. Fill the earth with the sounds of glory.

9 當用歡喜的號聲讚美 用角聲來讚美祂 鼓瑟彈琴頌主慈愛 唱樂歌來讚美祂
Make glad song with the sound of the trumpet. With the horn declare His praise. On the harp sound forth His goodness. Ever let your songs proclaim.

10 當向耶和華歡呼歌頌 全地萬民當同頌讚 高舉主聖名獻上感恩 唱主的歌到永遠 當歡呼歌頌讚美祂 讚美祂 Shout for joy to the Lord, ye people. Fill the earth with a sound of praise. Lift is name with a glad thanksgiving. Sing His song for all your days. Sing and shout for joy, for joy, Shout for joy !

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