You are my strength when I am weak You are the treasure that I seek

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Presentation on theme: "You are my strength when I am weak You are the treasure that I seek"— Presentation transcript:

1 You are my strength when I am weak You are the treasure that I seek
主是我一切 You Are My All in All 1/6 祢是我軟弱時力量 You are my strength when I am weak 祢是我尋找的寶藏 主祢是我一切 You are the treasure that I seek You are my all in all

2 Seeking you as a precious jewel Lord, to give up I’d be a fool
我尋求祢如同珍寶 Seeking you as a precious jewel 我定要緊緊追隨祢 主祢是我一切 Lord, to give up I’d be a fool You are my all in all 2/6

3 Jesus Lamb of God, Worthy is Your Name
副歌 Chorus 3/6 耶穌神羔羊 最尊貴的名! Jesus Lamb of God, Worthy is Your Name

4 Taking my sin my cross my shame Rising again I bless Your name
2 4/6 除去我罪孽和重擔 Taking my sin my cross my shame 我高聲讚美祢聖名 主祢是我一切 Rising again I bless Your name You are my all in all

5 When I fall down You pick me up 我乾涸使我杯滿溢 主祢是一切
我跌倒有祢來扶持 When I fall down You pick me up 我乾涸使我杯滿溢 主祢是一切 When I am dry You fill my cup You are my all in all 5/6

6 Jesus Lamb of God, Worthy is Your Name
副歌 Chorus 6/6 耶穌神羔羊 最尊貴的名! Jesus Lamb of God, Worthy is Your Name

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