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推廣義工服務督導委員會 所提供的資源和服務

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1 推廣義工服務督導委員會 所提供的資源和服務
Resources and Services offered by the Steering Committee on Promotion of Volunteer Service 推廣義工服務督導委員會秘書 林紹裘先生 Mr LAM Shiu-kau Secretary, Steering Committee on Promotion of Volunteer Service

2 【推廣義工服務 】 “Promotion of Volunteer Service ”
社會福利署於一九九八年開展 【義工運動】 The Social Welfare Department launched a “Volunteer Movement” in 1998 行政長官夫人董趙洪娉女士 擔任義工總領袖 The wife of the Chief Executive as the “Volunteer-in-Chief”

3 推廣義工服務的目的 Objectives of the Movement
建立一個關懷、互助的社會 To build a caring community 肯定個人的自我價值 To promote self-fulfillment 開發及善用社會資源 To develop community resources 加強市民對香港的歸屬感 To promote sense of belonging

4 推廣義工服務督導委員會 Steering Committee
建立機制 中央統籌 Setting up a Central Coordinating Infrastructure 推廣義工服務督導委員會 Steering Committee 跨界別合作 Cross-sector collaboration 制定整體策略 Formulate overall strategies

5 建立鮮明形象 Building a Corporate Identity
義工新形象 -- 活潑化、趣味化和多元化 Create a new image – energetic, interesting & dynamic

6 訂立嘉許制度 Recognition system 嘉許狀 (Certificate) (個人/機構)
(individual/organizations) 金 Gold 銀 Silver 銅 Bronze 2. 長期服務獎 Long Service Award

7 與時並進 Advancing with Time 義工運動網頁 http://www. volunteering-hk
與時並進 Advancing with Time 義工運動網頁 Web page on Volunteer Movement

8 支援服務 SUPPORT SERVICE 推廣義工服務資源
Provide resources for promotion of Volunteer Service 提供諮詢及訓練 Provide consultancy and training 服務機會配對 Matching with service opportunity

9 推廣義工服務資源 Provide Resources for Promotion of Volunteer Service
免費電腦軟件 Free Computer Software 義工工作手冊、機構任用義工參考指引 Volunteer Handbook and Volunteer User Guide

10 推廣義工服務資源 Provide Resources for Promotion of Volunteer Service
義工服務紀錄冊 Volunteer Service Record Book 義工服務展板 Exhibition Boards 義務工作管理訓練手冊 Volunteer Management Training Guide 嘉許獎狀 Volunteer Award

11 推廣義工服務資源 Provide Resources for Promotion of Volunteer Service
宣傳和推廣物品 Promotional and Publicity items

12 推廣義工服務資源 Provide Resources for Promotion of Volunteer Service
義工主題歌曲、錄音帶、錄影帶 Volunteer Theme Song, video tape and VCD

13 提供諮詢及訓練 Provide consultancy and training
協助機構建立義工隊 To provide consultancy service in setting up volunteer team 協助機構舉辦義工訓練,如提供資源、找尋合適講者 To assist in organizing volunteer training programme.

14 服務機會配對 Matching with Service Opportunities
協助社團與非政府機構/需要義工的服務團體建立聯繫 To assist in building up connection between community organization and NGOs/ service organization 透過義工網頁找尋合適服務機會 To search service opportunities through Volunteer Movement Web Site

15 成就 Achievement 參與機構 (as at 28.2.03) Participating organizations: 965
No. of registered volunteers: 361,000 服務時數 (2001) No. of service hours (2001): 8,667,000

16 社團組織參與機構 Participating Organizations (community organization)
界別 Type of community organizations 登記機構數目截至 No. of registration as participating organizations 宗教及地區社團 Religious/ Local organizations 228 婦女團體 Women’s associations 33 政府部門義工隊 Civil Servant Volunteer Teams 51 物業管理公司/居民組織 Property Management/ Residents Corporations 47 總數 Total 419

17 展望未來 The Way Forward 面對經濟下滑 Economic downturn
義務工作可使市民達至個人增值,增加面對及解決困難能力,及凝聚社會團結精神 Volunteering helps to enhance personal growth, problem solving ability and promote solidarity

18 Meet the needs of community
回應社會需要 Meet the needs of community 因經濟轉型,香港社會在各方面被受衝擊 economic restructuring brings forth impacts to Hong Kong in all aspects 市民生活壓力上升 Life pressure become manifest 社會瀰漫著負面及悲觀情緒 Depressed & pessimistic sentiments among citizens

19 透過義務工作,提倡人與人之間互相關懷及扶持
Mobilize volunteer to spread care and concern to others and foster hope & future for tomorrow.

20 Let’s Join Volunteering and Build a More Caring Community
加入義工行列 共建 一個互愛互助、和衷共濟的社會 Let’s Join Volunteering and Build a More Caring Community

21 Thank you

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