The Chinese experiences on bamboo development and contribution of bamboo to the environment Ministerial Workshop on Bamboo and Rattan Sector Development.


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Presentation transcript:

The Chinese experiences on bamboo development and contribution of bamboo to the environment Ministerial Workshop on Bamboo and Rattan Sector Development for INBAR Member Countries, 28 May, Beijing Dr. Lou Yiping ( Programme Director Environmental Sustainability

I. Facts on bamboo and benefits to environment and the people II. Chinese experience & lessons on bamboo sectoral development III. Bamboo for environment What is inside:

I. Facts on bamboo and benefits to environment and the people

Bamboo basic facts 1200 species in 90 genera, about 100 domesticated yet 1 billion people live in bamboo houses Annual trade 5-7 billion USD (i.e. tropical timber 8 billion USD, similar to bananas and to US beef), local trade estimated at ten times that. Estimated 2 billion people worldwide live in conjunction with bamboo. Total area exceeds 1% of tropical and subtropical forest, i.e. 22 million ha

CommodityTotal Export, billion USD Wheat16,0 Natural Textile12.2 Coffee10.2 Iron9.3 Tropical Timber8.0 Nickel7.8 Zinc7.1 Cotton7.1 Hides & skins6.4 Tobacco5.6 Bamboo and rattan5.0 Banana4.2 Rubber3.7 Cocoa beans2.5 Tea2.5 Wool2.4 Tin1.5 Jute0.1 Total World Export of Commodities (billion USD)

Why bamboo is getting so increasingly important? The world forest is shrinking, bamboo is an excellent wood substitute Cheap, efficient, fast growing and easy management Environmental friendly

II. Chinese experience & lessons on bamboo sectoral development

Before 1980, Traditional management and use. Since 1985, China began to introduce bamboo-processing machines to mainland from Taiwan. Till 1990s, most machines were made in mainland, bamboo industry has been developed in all provinces where bamboo is produced, mainly in Zhejiang, Hunan, Anhui and Jinagxi Provinces. 1. History of bamboo development in China

Bamboo Resource In 1980s, the total area of bamboo plantations of the country was about 3.20 million ha. In the next 20 years, the national annual increase of bamboo plantations is 50,000 ha in average.

Moso Bamboo Raw Material Production Increases Rapidly

Bamboo Industry greatly contributes rural development and poverty alleviation The yearly output of China’s bamboo industry increases rapidly, from 0.6 billion USD in 1990 to $8.97 billion in 2007, estimated to be $10.76 billion in 2009.

Export of Bamboo Products Bamboo products ( such as bamboo floor, decoration board, laminated bamboo furniture, bamboo charcoal products, bamboo fiber products, bamboo handicrafts, and bamboo shoot) are exported mainly to Japan, North America and Europe; The export value increased from 0.17 billion USD in 1990 to 1.5 billion USD in 2007, about $1.77 million in 2009.

Experiences at national and provincial levels Government played a key promoting role in bamboo industrial development in China 1. Make strategic plans for bamboo development 2. Empower farmers with land management right 3. Favorite financial policies 4. Support bamboo product market establishment 5. Research and development of new technologies and new products 6. Capacity building of farmers and enterprises, technology extension

Bamboo forest: 72,000 ha. Stock: 0.17 billion culms Yearly harvested culms: 28 million culms of moso bamboo, and 100,000 tons of other bamboos Case of bamboo industry development in Anji County (experience & lessons)

2009 年全县竹产值构成图 2009 年全县竹业总产值达到 112 亿元,其中一产 7.5 亿元、二产 94 亿元、三产 10.5 亿元。 Total output value of bamboo industry reached 11.2 billion Yuan in 2009 (USD 0.16 billion), of which the primary production accounts for 0.75 billion, the processing industry accounts for 9.4 billion, the eco- tourism and other service accounts for 1.05 billion Yuan.

左:竹林面积占全国的 1.5 % Bamboo forest area accounting for 1.5% of the country 右:竹业总产值占全国的 18 % Bamboo industry accountsing for 18% of GDP 以全国 1.5 %的竹资源创造了全国 18 %的竹产值 1.5% of bamboo resource produces about 18% of the national bamboo output value

竹产业为全县 GDP 贡献率达到 35% ,竹产业为全 县农民平均增收 6500 元 (USD1,000) ,占农民收入的 60% 。

4 万公顷 4.53 万公顷 6.47 万公顷 7.2 万公顷 80 年代初 90 年代初 2003 年 2009 年 安吉县竹林面积年代变化图 The pie chart for bamboo forest area changing as years in Anji

0.9 亿株 1.1 亿株 1.4 亿株 1.8 亿株 80 年代初 90 年代初 2003 年 2009 年 安吉县毛竹立竹量年代变化图 The histogram for changing of bamboo volume as years

安吉县年产商品竹年代变化图 The chart for Annual trading bamboo changing as years in Anji 1000 万株 1350 万株 2400 万株 80 年代初 90 年代初 2003 年 3000 万株 2009 年

70% 1.6 亿元 0.2 亿元 7.5 亿元 4.5 亿元 安吉县竹资源总产值年代变化图 The pie chart for total output value changing of bamboo resource as years in Anji 2009 年 80 年代初 90 年代初 2003 年

Resource: Intensive cultivation and management 毛竹低产林改造 10 万亩

实施开展毛竹林高效培育 Implementation for effective cultivation of bamboo forest 目前全县已在 11 个乡镇建成毛竹现代科技 园区 26 个,辐射面积达 0.92 万公顷。

国务院总理(时任国务院副总理)温家宝视察 安吉毛竹现代科技园区 Premier (when he was Vice Premier) Wenjiabao visited Anji Bamboo Modern Science and Technology Park

国家林业局局长贾治邦视察安吉县 毛竹现代科技园区 Jia Zhibang, Secretary of State Forestry Bureau, visited Anji Bamboo Modern Science and Tech nology Park

笋用林:两年产竹材 2.37 吨 / 公顷,竹笋 0.69 吨, 最高产值达 8.45 万元 / 公顷 笋竹两用林:两年产竹材 3.03 吨 / 公顷,竹笋 0.65 吨 / 公顷,平均产值达 4.38 万元 / 公顷

林业基础设施日趋完善 Infrastructure facilities of forestry are improving 竹林林区道路 Roads among the bamboo forest area 游步道 Travel Trail

蓄水池 Tank 喷灌设施 Irrigation facilities

Processing: d evelop processing industry 全县现有竹产品及配套生产企业近 1600 余家,产值亿元 以上企业 6 家,产值 500 万元以上规模企业 150 余家。

浙江省林业龙头企业 —— 浙江雪强竹木制品有限公司 Leading forestry enterprises in Zhejiang Province---Zhe Jiang Xueqiang Bamboo Products Co., Ltd. 左:竹地板生产车间 Workshop of bamboo flooring

2009 年:产值 94 亿元,占全县工业总产值的三分之一。 产品涉及板材、食品、编织、竹纤维、工艺品、医药食品、 生物制品、竹加工机械等七大系列 3000 余个品种。 竹地板 Bamboo floring 休闲笋 Casual Shoot 竹纤维制品 Bamboo fiber products 竹炭制品 Bamboo Charcoal products

笋加工 Bamboo shoot processing

竹工艺 Bamboo craft

竹加工机械 Bamboo processing machinery

竹叶抗氧化剂 Bamboo antioxidants 竹饮料 Bamboo Drink 竹啤酒 Bamboo Beer

竹纤维 Bamboo fiber 竹醋液 bamboo vinegar Charcoal

竹地板工业化生产程度最高,企业规模也最大, 产量占国内生产量 30% 左右。 2006 年 8 月全国轻工业 联合会、中国室内装饰 材料协会授予安吉县 “ 中 国竹地板之都 ” 称号。

Eco-tourism and service 中国竹子博物馆 游客游竹林

投入 10 亿元建设占地面积 500 亩的大型竹艺商贸城。 Large bamboo Trade City in an area of 500 acres was invested 1 billion Yuan. 中国安吉国际竹艺商贸城开业仪式 中国安吉国际竹艺商贸城鸟瞰图

Experience of Anji 政策扶持 Policy supporting 在八十年代初实行山林 承包责任制的基础上, 延长原有承包关系 30 年 不变,完成山林承包确 权、发证工作 。 安吉林农喜领《林权证》

政策引导: Policy guidance : 出台《关于加快竹类资源开发的实施意见》、 《安吉县竹子发展规划》等 25 项振兴竹产业发展的 规划、意见;制定出台高效生态农业政策扶持办法。 年仅农发金累计投入达 6000 余万元。

Research and technological support “ 十一五 ” 期间,累计 投入专项资金 2000 多万元,用 于竹产业科技创新, 获得国家级科技成 果奖 2 项,部、省 级科技成果奖 22 项, 厅、市、县级成果 奖 127 项。 企业技术攻关小组积极开展科研活动

技术推广 Technology extension 建立 “ 首席专家 + 林技指导员 + 责任林技员 ” 县 - 乡 - 村三级 推广制度;开展各类技术培训;累计举办培训班达 345 期,受训人数 3.5 万余人次,发放技术资料 10 万余份。 六位院士指导竹林培育竹林培育专家为竹农开展科技讲座

大户示范 Demonstration by some leading householders 全县共培育科技示范户 800 余户,通过以点带面,极 大地带动广大竹农应用和实施竹林经营新技术,提高 竹林经营水平和经营效益。

林地规模化经营。 Large Scale management of bamboo forest 全省第一家毛竹股份制合作社在 安吉皈山乡尚书矸村成立

知识产权保护 Intellectual property protection 2009 年 2 月,成立了南林知识产权联盟,利用集体的 力量,保护知识产权。 South forestry Intellectual Proper ty Alliance was set up in February, 2009, using the collect ive strength to protect the intellectual property.

Policy supporting Research and technological support Technology extension Demonstration by some leading householders Management of bamboo forest at large scale Intellectual property protection Successful experience from Anji

III. The Contribution of bamboo for Environmental sustainability

1.Soil conservation and degraded land rehabilitation 2.Bamboo forest for water filtration 3.Biodiversity conservation in bamboo forests 4.Climate change, carbon sequestration and adaptation 5.Bamboo as environmental friendly construction material 6.Recommendations 3. Bamboo forest for Environment

1. Soil conservation and degraded land rehabilitation

1. Role in the rehabilitation of degraded land Bamboo could make a significant contribution to rehabilitate waste and degraded lands. Studies in an INBAR project with 106 ha. rehabilitated brick-mining land in India show: 1. The ground water level that had fallen to 40 meters deep rose to 33.7 meters within 4 years. 2. The land became arable and productive. 3. Micro-climate is much improved. Land devastated by brick mining Rehabilitated by bamboo plantations

Land degradation I INBAR-Utthan project near Allahabad Before After INBAR's this bamboo-project partner wins Alcan prize for Sustainable Development

Land degradation II Tamenglong (Manipur) project - slash and burn agriculture elimination and bamboo-based livelihoods development

2. Role in soil erosion control Bamboo is an ideal plant to help prevent erosion as it grows and spreads quickly and forms a network of rhizomes and roots to control or stop damage from flowing water. According to study on a new bamboo plantation in its 5 th year after planting, the annual soil erosion has significantly decreased from 4,235 tons/km 2 to 436 tons/km 2. Soil Erosion Monitoring River bank stabilization

Compared to sweet potato farming lands, the soil erosion is reduced by 78%

As a summary, a great potential exists in using bamboo to combat land degradation in Vietnam, enhance capacities and competences at the local and national levels to implement sustainable land management (SLM) with bamboo, and to provide tools and mechanisms to promote the inclusion of the SLM best practices using bamboo developed in the project into national, regional and global SLM strategies and programmes.

2. Bamboo for water filtration Living plants and plantation Bamboo charcoal for sewage

There are quite a few projects on bamboo for polluted water filtration in Australia, China, France and other countries.

Bamboo Plantation: The Phytoremediation is Soil remediation, The sewage waste or clean indoor air, using vascular plants, Of algae (Phycoremédiation) or mushrooms (Mycoremédiation), and by extension Ecosystems that support these plants. Thus we eliminate or control contamination. The degradation of harmful compounds is accelerated by the activity microbial.Soil remediationsewagevascular plantsalgaemushroomsEcosystemscontaminationmicrobial

Living bamboo plantation for water filtration

Bamboo rhizomes, roots and micro-organism

Ecological Solution- Complete dispersal of all waste, with no remaining wastewater remaining on the water surface Guaranteed results- The system has been tested and validated by ANVAR. Removal of all visual, bacterial and smell pollution is guaranteed. Perennial solution- the bamboo takes in pollution and heavy metals all year round.

Bamboo charcoal for waste water treatment

Case: Fushun County of China: Bamboo bio- organism charcoal sewage water treatment 1. Sewage water tons/per day 3. CODcr : 250 ~ 350mg/L before treatment 4. CODcr : 30 ~ 40mg/L after treatment 5. Cost of the treatment plant : USD 200, Status: in operation Bamboo charcoal for sewage

3. Biodiversity conservation and habitat connectivity in bamboo forest

Role in nature conservation and biodiversity Bamboos are main components of tropical and subtropical forest ecosystems. Bamboo forests provides habitats and food for animals such as giant panda. In China, for instance, 2.8% bamboo forests provide 7.5 % of total commercial timber in volume. Bamboo forests and plantations greatly help reduce the destruction of natural forests and its biodiversity by providing substitutes for timber and by generating income for the rural poor in the conservation areas.

Beautiful natural bamboo forests with rich biodiversity

Issues and problems Huge market demanding Over-harvesting & over-exploited 700 million ha. Bamboo in China 300 ha. Is not accessible in remote mountainous area What is happening with the 4 million accessible natural bamboo forests?

Monoculture Production Forests

World Bank, 27 million USD to demonstrate rehabilitation to degradation

Monoculture Ecosystem degradation Biodiversity loss Decline of long-term productivity

Monoculture continued everywhere in China!

4. Climate change, carbon sequestration and adaptation

Context and challenge 1.Modeling carbon sequestration of bamboo forests 2.1 Carbon credits for CDM and voluntary market 2.2 Carbon sequestration of bamboo forests 2. Adaptation to climate change

The Context and the Challenge The MAD Challenge: 1. Mitigation of global average 2 degrees temperature 2. Adaptation to unavoidable local climatic changes 3. Development in line with MDG ’ s and other goals

Bamboo ’ s ability and potential Exaggeration of the ability of bamboo to sequester extraordinary volumes of carbon and produce oxygen Recognition of the multiple factors affecting sequestration Types of bamboos (sympodial, monopodial, species etc) Climatic conditions (tropics, sub-tropics, temperate) Growth rates and management practices (selective harvesting) Age of bamboo: Risks and mitigating factors (disease, flowering, fires)

The Forestry Context Management of bamboo stands is an integral part of most bamboo forests Bamboo forests should be compared to other fast-growing productive forests for carbon sequestration, such as eculyptus, NOT to primary tropical forests Left to themselves, bamboo forests are more or less carbon neutral- they release as much CO 2 into atmosphere as they sequester BUT when managed, bamboo can outperform fast-growing species in terms of carbon sequestration

Modeling Studies

Bamboo Carbon Offsets for voluntary Markets – FAO/INBAR bamboo case study in Thanh Hoa province of Vietnam

Identify candidate activities. Initial baseline assessment. Eligibility assessment. Back-of-the-envelope calculations. Cost analysis. Ownership of carbon credits. Approval processes. Recommendation.

Quantification of achievable carbon removals and amounts of carbon credits in the example project at a scale of 800 ha.

The total amount of carbon that a project of the scale and the design of the LDP project could remove from the atmosphere is about 75,000 tCO2e, which accrue in years 3-10 after planting at an average rate of about 6,000 tCO2e /year, with slower accumulation at the beginning and towards the end. These dynamics correspond to approximately 60,000 carbon credits under the VCS across those 10 years. At a carbon price of USD 5 per VCS carbon credit the example LDP project at 800 ha could generate a total of USD 300,000 of gross revenue. This would be enough to cover the costs of carbon project development but not leave much net revenue to invest in other activities. Upscaling or other approaches must be considered for a feasible action.

The example case of bamboo plantings from the LDP project we analyzed is clearly not additional and thus qualifies neither for the CDM nor for the VCS. The lands on which bamboo is planted would in large parts not be eligible for the CDM, although they could potentially in parts qualify under the VCS. Lastly, the scale of activities is much too small to make economic sense.

Modeling of moso bamboo (Phyllostachys pubecens) with Chinese Fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata)

Adapting to Climate Changes Bamboo is a species with agency, but is also vulnerable Help the poor communities to adapting Climate change

What the attributes of bamboo which lend itself to higher levels of resilience and adaptive capacity? Forestry and Cultivation 1. Quick growth = short rotation 2. Short rotation = low financial outlay, quick recouping 3. Plant-it-and-leave-it 4. Plant anywhere 5. Easy Harvesting 6. Multipurpose

Providing resilience to other systems 1.Erosion Control 2. Windbreaks and Shelterbelts 3. Watershed 4. Rehabilitation of Degraded 5. Bioremediation of contaminated


In less bamboo-sectoral developed countries, to overcome current barriers to the greater inclusion of bamboo in these environmental programmes, a few recommendations are: 1.Develop policy and undertake effective demonstrations of best-practice sustainable bamboo management on different types of degraded lands; 2.Strengthen human, institutional and technical capacities to implement sustainable bamboo management projects at local and national levels, and; 3.Raise awareness amongst senior decision-makers for greater inclusion of bamboo in national and regional strategies. Recommendations

Bamboo enriching our lives! Thank you !