HIROSHIMA The liveliest city in Japan.  过去的广岛 过去的广岛  地理位置 地理位置  文化历史 文化历史  原子弹的影响 原子弹的影响  现在的广岛 现在的广岛  旅游胜地 旅游胜地  美食天堂 美食天堂 广岛的过去与现在.


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Presentation transcript:

HIROSHIMA The liveliest city in Japan

 过去的广岛 过去的广岛  地理位置 地理位置  文化历史 文化历史  原子弹的影响 原子弹的影响  现在的广岛 现在的广岛  旅游胜地 旅游胜地  美食天堂 美食天堂 广岛的过去与现在

location  It is located in the southwestern part of Honshu. Hiroshima, an area of 714 square kilometers, population about 112 million.  位于本州西南部的广岛县,面积 714 平方公里,人口约有 112 万 。广岛县

History Hiroshima City was founded on the river delta coastline of the Seto Inland Sea in 1589, after destroyed by atomic bomb Little Boy, it was rebuilt in 1958.

原子弹对 广岛的影 响 ?

Damage On Monday, August 6,1945,at 8:15 am, the atomic bomb Little Boy was dropped on Hiroshima by an American, directly killing an estimated 80,000 people.

Little Boy In the autumn of 1945,the failure of Japan is absolutely. The American president Truman and the government wanted to promote surrender, and also wanted to use it to restrain the Soviet Union, so they decided to drop the atomic bomb in the Tokyo and Nagasaki. But the weather in Tokyo was not suitable, so the destination had been changed to Hiroshima. And because of the great and horrible power, thousands of the citizen in Hiroshima had died. And the atomic bomb was called as Little Boy.


旅游胜地  Peace Memorial Park  The Peace Memorial Park is in the KINAWA NAHA APT. it is used to remember the death in the world war Ⅱ, and to show the desire of peace. As far as eyes can see,the Mountain Fuji stands there.

 Genbaku dome  ( 原子弹爆炸圆顶屋 / 原爆圆顶屋 )

“ 安息吧, 不要重复过去的错误 ” Rest in peace, don’t repeat the mistakes of the past The Peace Memorial Park is in the KINAWA NAHA APT. it is used to remember the death in the world war Ⅱ, and to show the desire of peace. As far as eyes can see,the Mountain Fuji stands there.