天使歌唱在高天, Angels we have heard on high, 美妙歌聲遍平原; Sweetly singing o'er the plains, 四周山嶺發回聲, And the mountains in reply 響應天使歡樂音。 Echo back their joyous strains. 48 天使歌唱在高天 ANGELS WE HAVE HEARD ON HIGH
榮耀,榮耀,榮耀歸至高神! Gloria in excelsis De-o, 榮耀,榮耀,榮耀歸至高神! Gloria in excelsis De-o.
(二) 牧人有何大喜悅, Shepherds, why this jubilee? 快樂歌聲不休歇? Why your joyous strains prolong? 有何喜訊感心弦, Say what may the tidings be, 齊發歌聲美難言? Which inspire your heav'nly song?
榮耀,榮耀,榮耀歸至高神! Gloria in excelsis De-o, 榮耀,榮耀,榮耀歸至高神! Gloria in excelsis De-o.
(三) 請君同往伯利恆, Come to Bethlehem, and see 天使所頌聖嬰生, Him whose birth the angels sing; 前來跪拜同聲唱: Come, adore on bended knee “ 基督救主新生王! ” Christ the Lord, the newborn King.
榮耀,榮耀,榮耀歸至高神! Gloria in excelsis De-o, 榮耀,榮耀,榮耀歸至高神! Gloria in excelsis De-o.