中国国家农村小康环保行动计划优先领域研究及示范项目 Study and Demonstration on Priority of Rural Well-off Environmental Protection Action Plan of China 中国国家环境保护总局 (SEPA,PRC) January.


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Presentation transcript:

中国国家农村小康环保行动计划优先领域研究及示范项目 Study and Demonstration on Priority of Rural Well-off Environmental Protection Action Plan of China 中国国家环境保护总局 (SEPA,PRC) January 24 , 2006

汇报提纲 Main Contents 1 、项目背景 Background 2 、研究目标 Objectives 3 、项目内容 Major contents 4 、预期成果 Outputs 5 、组织安排 Organizing 6 、时间计划 Schedule 7 、经费预算 Project budget

-落后的生产与生活方式造成的 环境污染日趋严重 Environmental Pollution Deriving from Extensive and Inefficient Producing Pattern and Laggard Living Style 项目背景( Background ) 中国农村环境面临的主要问题 (1) Major Environmental Problems in Rural Areas of China

-农业生产废弃物污染日益加剧 Wastes Pollution Originating from Agricultural Production 中国农村环境面临的主要问题 (2) Major Environmental Problems in Rural Areas of China 项目背景( Background )

农业生产资料不当使用导致的环 境污染突出 Environmental Pollution Deriving from Abusiveness of Agricultural Production Materials ( fertilizer 、 pesticide etc. ) 中国农村环境面临的主要问题 (3) Major Environmental Problems in Rural Areas of China 项目背景( Background )

-乡镇、城市工业污染向农村加 速转移 Industrial Pollution Transferring to Rural Areas 中国农村环境面临的主要问题 (4) Major Environmental Problems in Rural Areas of China 项目背景( Background )

十六届五中全会将建设社会主义新农村作为中国现代化进程中的重大 历史任务。农村地区能否全面实现小康成为中国建设小康社会的关键环 节。 Constructing the New Countryside was looked upon the significant historic task during the course of modernization by the CCP 16th session of Central Committee fifth plenary session. Whether the rural areas can fulfill well-off living becomes the key link of constructing well- off social in China. 国家环保总局经过认真研究,提出编制并联合有关部门共同实施 “ 农村 小康环保行动计划 ” 。 SEPA proposed the establishment of "the well-off environmental protection action plan in rural areas" and implementing it with related departments together. 中国国家领导人高度关注,提出尽快启动 “ 农村小康环保行动计划 ” 。 Leaders of Chinese Government proposed the start-up of the Well-off Environmental Protection Action Plan in Rural Areas as soon as possible. 项目背景( Background )

针对农村小康环保行动计划具体实施过程,目前仍存在如下一 些问题需要解决: In view of the implementation process of the Rural Well-off Environmental Protection Action Plan, still had the following some problems needed to solve: (1) 农村环境保护与建设国际经验、国内经验的未系统总结 International experience and domestic experience on rural environmental protection and construction have not been summarized systemically. (2) 典型农村区的环境基础设施、监测与监管能力现状不清 Environment infrastructure, the monitor and the supervising ability present situation in rural area is unclear. (3) 相关技术标准、规范要求相对缺乏 The related technical standards and criterions were relatively lack.

项目背景( Background ) (4) 技术支撑体系薄弱,需加强先进实用技术示范推广 The technical system to strut the Action Plan is weak, strengthening of the practical technical demonstration and promoting is needed. (5) 农村居民环保意识,专业技术人员素质需要提高 Environmental protection consciousness of rural inhabitant and the specialized technical personnel quality needs to enhance.

韩国 “ 新村运动 ” South Korea: New Countryside Program 日本 “ 农业现代化 ” Japan: Agricultural Modernization 美国、德国、意大利等欧美国家 European and American countries 国际农村环境保护与建设经验 International Experience on Environmental Protection in Rural Areas

水质净化技术 Water quality purification technology 有机农业生产技术 Organic agricultural production technology 垃圾资源化利用技术 Trash resources use technology 农村清洁能源技术等 Rural clean energy technology etc. 国际农村环境保护与农业可持续发展先进技术 International rural environmental protection and sustainable development advanced technology

研究目标( Objectives ) 总结国际经验和系统分析先进技术模式在中国推行的可行性 Summary of the international experience and the feasibility analysis of carrying out them in China ᇫ 查明中国有代表性的典型农村地区环境基础设施、监测与监管能 力现状 Finding out the environmental background on environment infrastructure, the monitor and the supervising ability in the typical rural areas ᇫ 制定 2 项关键的技术规范与标准 Establishing 2 items of key technical standards

研究目标( Objectives ) 推广 3 项高效实用的农村环保技术,建设不同规模与类型的 示范工程 Extending 3 items of effective environmental protection technology in rural areas.Constructing different scale and type of demonstration projects in typical rural areas. 在重点领域优先开展研究及相关示范,提供经验累积、技术 支撑、科学管理依据及可借鉴的模式 Providing the experience, the technical strut, the scientific management basis and better patterns for reference

项目内容( Major contents ) 1 、农村环境保护与建设的国际经验总结 Summary of the international experience on rural environmental protection and construction ( 1 )对目前国际上已开展的农村环境保护与建设工作进行系统总结,特别 是同处亚洲地区的韩国 “ 新村运动 ” 、日本 “ 农业现代化 ” 以及欧美国家等相关国 际经验. Specially regarding with "the New Countryside Program" in South Korea, "the Agriculture Modernization" in Japan and so on the international experience, carrying out the investigation, the analysis and the summary. ( 2 )对国际成功经验与先进技术模式在中国应用的可行性进行分析 Analysis of application feasibility of the international success experience and the pattern in China

项目内容( Major contents ) 2 、中国典型农村地区环境现状调查 Environmental situation investigation of typical rural areas 初步拟定选取的调查区域位于:东部沿海典型区-浙江省 (Zhejiang Province) ,中部典型区-河南省 (Henan Province) ,西部典型区-陕西省 (Shanxi Province)) ( 1 )对不同典型农村地区的环境基础设施、环境保护监测与监管能力现状 进行调查、评估; Carrying out the investigation of the environment infrastructure, the environmental protection monitor and supervise ability ( 2 )对不同典型农村地区环境污染原因进行分析,为后期农村小康环保行 动计划大范围实施提供科学依据。 Analysis of pollution reasons , providing the scientific basis for the implementation of the Action Plan in later period

项目内容( Major contents ) 3 、制定重要的技术规范、标准体系 Establishing the important technical criterion and standard system 根据农村小康环保行动计划实施的重点任务,明确各环节 在相关规范、标准方面的需求,查清现状,优先制定影响面 广的关键技术标准,重点包括《农村环境综合整治规范》、 《文明生态村考核标准》等。 Establishing the key technical criterions and standards , for example, 《 Rural Environment Comprehensive Treatment Criterion 》, 《 Ecological Village Inspection Standard 》 etc.

项目内容( Major contents ) 4 、高效实用农村环保技术示范与推广 Extending efficient rural environmental protection technology ( 1 )小型农村生活污水处理 (Sewage treatment) 技术的推广与示范工 程建设,推广示范区域主要在中国东部地区-浙江省 (Zhejiang Province) 生活污水排放污染严重的农村地区; ( 2 )堆肥 (Compost) 技术的推广与示范工程建设,推广示范区域主要 在中国中部地区-河南省 (Henan Province) 畜禽养殖污染较严重的农 村地区; ( 3 )沼气 (Methane) 的推广与示范工程建设,推广示范区域主要在中 国西部地区-陕西省 (Shanxi Province) 农村环境污染较重的地区。

项目内容( Major contents ) 5 、农村环境保护能力建设 Improvement of rural environmental protection capacity ( 1 )按照东、中、西部举办农民环保知识的片区培训班及农村环保专 业技术人员培训班; holding training class on rural environmental protection and the specialized technical personnel training; ( 2 )利用电视、报刊、网络等媒体手段宣传农村环境保护; propagandizing the rural environmental protection knowledge by using the broadcast, television, publication, network etc; ( 3 )采取宣传、奖励等方式推动创建环境优美乡镇、文明生态村。 impelling the work of constructing ecological villages and towns by propaganda and premium etc.

预期成果( Outputs ) 提交《农村环境保护与建设的国际经验总结报告》 Submitting 《 Summery report on rural environmental protection and construction international experience 》 提交《中国典型农村地区环境基础设施与环保能力现状调 查报告》 Submitting 《 Investigation report of the environment infrastructure, environmental monitoring and supervise ability in typical rural areas of China 》 制订《农村环境综合整治规范》、《文明生态村考核标准》 Establishing 《 Rural Environment Comprehensive Treatment Criterion 》, 《 Ecological Village Inspection Standard 》

预期成果( Outputs ) 分别在浙江、河南、陕西推广针对性较强的 3 项高效实用农村 环保技术并建设示范工程 Extending 3 items of effective rural environmental protection technology and constructing demonstration projects in Zhejiang 、 Henan 、 Shanxi Province, respectively. 项目实施期间,分别在东、中、西部举办 3-4 次片区农民环 保知识及专业人员技术培训班,举办 1 次农村环境保护与建设 国际经验相关研讨会 项目实施期间,分别在东、中、西部举办 3-4 次片区农民环 保知识及专业人员技术培训班,举办 1 次农村环境保护与建设 国际经验相关研讨会 Holding 3- 4 environmental protection knowledge and technology training classes in Eastern 、 Middle and Western rural area, respectively.

组织安排( Organizing ) 世行项目经理 World bank project manager 国家环保总局 SEPA 国内、国际咨询专家组 Specialist group 农业环境 经济专家 Agricultural environment economic expert 农村环境 政策专家 Agricultural environment policy expert 畜禽养 殖专家 Livestock & poultry production expert 农村环境 工程专家 Agricultural environment engineering expert 水土资 源专家 Water& soil expert 环境评 价专家 Environme ntal evaluating expert 宣传与培 训专家 Propaganda and training expert

时间计划( Schedule ) 2006 年 (year) 2007 年 (year) 农村环境保护与建设的国际经验总结 Summary of the international experience on rural environmental protection and construction 典型农村地区环境基础设施与环保能 力现状调查 Investigation of the environment infrastructure, environmental monitoring and supervise ability in typical rural areas 制定 2 项重要的技术标准 Establishing the important technology standard system 高效实用农村环保技术推广 Extending highly effective rural environmental protection technology 农村实用环保技术示范工程建设 Environmental pollution control demonstration projects in typical rural areas 农民环保知识及专业人员技术培训 Rural environmental protection knowledge and technology training

经费预算( Project budget ) 初步估算,完成本项目需要 50 万美元( US $ 500, 000 ), 其中世行投资 35 万美元( $350,0000 ),中国配套 15 万美 元( US $ 150, 000 )。 Total fund is 500, 000 US $ for implementation of the project. Among them, $350,000 will be supported by WB to accomplish the project and 150,000 US $ supplied by Chinese local finance.

经费预算( Project budget ) 资金需求 ( cost,10,000US $ ) 农村环境保护与建设的国际经验总结 Summary of the international experience on rural environmental protection and construction 5 典型农村地区环境基础设施与环保能力现状调查 Investigation of the environment infrastructure, environmental monitoring and supervise ability in typical rural areas 8 制定 2 项重要的技术标准 Establishing the important technology standard system 9 高效实用农村环保技术推广与示范工程 Extending highly effective rural environmental protection technology 20 农民环保知识及专业人员技术培训 Rural environmental protection knowledge and technology training 8 合计 Total ( 10,000US $ ) 50

Thank You ! January 2006