北京市及一行三会领导致辞 Officials from Beijing Municipal Government and financial regulators deliver speeches.


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Presentation transcript:

北京市及一行三会领导致辞 Officials from Beijing Municipal Government and financial regulators deliver speeches

主持人:王 宁 中共北京市西城区委书记 Wang Ning Secretary of Communist Party Committee of Xicheng District, Beijing

李士祥 北京市市委常委、常务副市长 Li Shixiang Member of the Standing Commmittee of Beijing Communist Party & Deputy Mayor of Beijing Government

周小川 中国人民银行行长 Zhou Xiaochuan Governor , the People's Bank of China

郭利根 中国银监会副主席 Guo Ligen Vice President of China Banking Regulatory Commission

庄心一 中国证监会副主席 Zhuang Xinyi Vice President of China Securities Regulatory Commission

陈新权 中国保监会纪委书记 Chen Xinquan Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of China Insurance Regulatory Commission

陈 元 国家开发银行董事长 Chen Yuan Chairman of China Development Bank 坚持服务实体经济本质要 求促进金融业创新与发展 Uphold the Essential Requirements of Serving Real Economy & Promote the Innovation and Development of Financial Industry

金融街研究院揭牌仪式 Unveiling Ceremony of the Financial Street Institute

主题演讲一: 全球经济变革中的金融业创新与发展 Topic I: Innovation and Development of Financial Industry in the Global Economic Change

主持人:王少峰 北京市西城区人民政府区长 Moderator : Wang Shaofeng Mayor of The People's Government of Xicheng District, Beijing

吴晓灵 全国人大财经委员会副主任委员 Wu Xiaoling Deputy Director of the National People's Congress of China 完善法律制度, 促进金融业健康发展 Improving the Legal System to Promote Healthy Development of Financial Industry

卢中原 国务院发展研究中心副主任 Lu Zhongyuan Vice President (Vice Minister) of DevelopmentResearch Center of the State Council 宏观经济形势预测与展望 Forecast and Outlook of Macro-Economy

唐双宁 中国光大集团董事长 Tang Shuangning Chairman ofthe Everbright Group 把 “ 金融街 ” 打造成金融 创新的新平台、新亮点 To build Financial Street as a Platform for Financial Innovation

林毅夫 前世界银行首席经济学家兼高级副行长 Lin Yifu Former Senior Vice President and Chief Economist of the Word Bank 金融结构与收入分配 Financial Structure and Income Distribution

克里斯托弗 皮萨里德斯 诺贝尔经济学奖获奖者 Christopher Pissarides Nobel Laureate in Economics 欧洲经济能否复苏: 欧元及欧元区的经济预测 Can Europe's Economy Recover: The Outlook of Euro and Euro-zone Economy

主题演讲二: 金融市场完善与制度创新 Topic II: Improvement of Financial Markets and Institutional Innovation

主持人:霍学文 北京市金融工作局党组书记 Moderator: Huo Xuewen Communist Secretary of Beijing Municipal Bureau of Financial Work

李晓鹏 中国工商银行执行董事、副行长 Yang Kaisheng President and Vice Chairman of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China0 实体经济呼唤中国银行业 加快金融创新 Real Economy Appeals the Financial Innovation of China’s Banking Industry

周立群 中国人保集团副总裁 Zhou Liqun Vice President of the People’s Insurance Group of China Limited 充分发挥保险机制的功能 作用,解决好经济社会转 型发展中的突出矛盾问题 Fully Develop the Function of Insurance Mechanism and Well Solve the Conflicts during the Social Transformation

谢 庚 全国中小企业股份转让系统总经理 Xie Geng General Manager of National SME Stock Transfer System Co. Ltd.

马克. 史华兹 高盛集团副董事长 Mark Schwartz Vice Chairman of Goldman Sachs Group& Chairman of Goldman Sachs Asia Pacific 从国际投资银行的角度看 中国金融市场的完善和创新 An International Investment Bank's Perspective of China's Market Development & Innovation

主题演讲三: 金融机构创新发展与综合化经营 Topic III: Innovation Development and Integrated Management of Financial Institutions

主持人:宋 敏 北京大学金融系主任 Moderator: Song Min Chair of Department of Finance in Peking University

李 扬 中国社会科学院副院长 Li Yang Vice President of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences 中国经济增长 与金融市场发展 Growth of China's Economy and Development of Financial Market

杰弗瑞 美国达拉斯联储副主席 Jeffery W. Gunther Vice president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas 美国金融危机和欧债危机的经验 教训及如何改进银行系统的监管 The Lessons from US Financial Crisis and European Debt Crisis and How to Improve Banking System Supervisory

赖小民 中国华融资产管理股份有限公司董事长 Lai Xiaomin Chairman of China Huarong Asset Management Co., Ltd. 以创新为引领,开拓金融资产 管理公司特色的综合化经营之路 Follow the Innovative Spirit and Create an Integrated Way of Operating Financial Assets Management Corporation

时文朝 中国银行间市场交易商协会执行副会长 Shi Wenchao Executive Vice President of National Association of Financial Market Institutional Investors 加快市场准则体系建设, 探索我国债券市场发展模式 Accelerate the Construction of Market Principal System & Explore Development Code of China's Securities Market

主题演讲四: 金融中心的发展与建设 Topic IV: The Development and Construction of the Financial Center

主持人:宋 敏 北京大学金融系主任 Moderator: Song Min Chair of Department of Finance in Peking University

苏 东 北京市西城区委常委、常务副区长 Su Dong Deputy Standing deputy Mayor of Xicheng District, Beijing

克里斯托弗 弗兰克 欧洲金融稳定基金副总裁 Christophe Frankel Deputy CEO of European Financial Stability Facility 欧洲应对欧元危机 Europe’s Response to the Euro Crisis

宋 敏 北京大学金融系主任 Song Min Chair of Department of Finance in Peking University 离岸财富管理中心的 建设与发展 The Construction and Development of the Offshore Wealth Management Center

对话:全球经济发展困境与对策 Panel Discussion: World Economic Predicament and the Solution to Such Difficulty

主持人:宋 敏 北京大学金融系主任 Moderator: Song Min Chair of Department of Finance in Peking University

李稻葵 谢 庚 克里斯托弗 弗兰克 杰弗瑞克里斯托弗 皮萨里德斯 Li Daokui Xie Geng Christophe Frankel Christopher Pissarides Jeffery W. Gunther

李稻葵 清华大学金融系主任 Li Daokui Head of Financial Department of Tsinghua University 金融中心的建设与发展 The Construction and Development of Financial Center