The Overall Story of the Bible 圣经的故事主线


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Presentation transcript:

The Overall Story of the Bible 圣经的故事主线 Introduction 简介 - Ambitious because cover whole Bible in about 30 minutes. Why know this story though? . . .

The Bible has had an amazing influence. 圣经的影响力很奇特 A prime influence on Western Civilization 西方文明 Millions across the world say they have had their lives changed through believing this book 世界各地不计其数的人因相信圣经生命得到了改变 This has happened for centuries by all sorts of people 这在过去千白年中已发生在很多人身上

The Bible has an amazing composition. 圣经的著成很奇特 Written over 1600 years 经1600年写成 Written by over 40 authors 有40多位笔者 Written on 3 continents: Asia, Africa, Europe 写于三个大陆:亚洲、非洲、欧洲 And it all fits together coherently! 讲述一个连贯的故事! Comparison with other books on controversial subjects. They don’t fit together.

The Bible says it reveals what we need to know. 圣经自称启示我们需要知道的事情 Who God is 神的性情 God’s good intent for the world 神对世人美好的心意 What’s gone wrong with us and our world 我们自己和我们生活的这个世界出了什么问题 How our lives and world can be restored through God 我们和这个世界可以如何通过神被修复

The Bible reveals these things through telling a big, overall story Though it contains many teachings and smaller stories, an overall story emerges that gives the big picture of how God is redeeming humanity 尽管圣经里有很多教导和故事,一个主要的故事讲述神对人救赎的计划 - Why story format? We remember stories & can understand better through reflecting on them. How history can be taught.

The Bible reveals these things through telling a big, overall story Knowing this overall story helps us make better sense of the Bible’s parts too. (Analogy of a novel) 了解这个主要的故事有助于我们理解圣经不同的部分(小说的比喻) - Novel analogy: Sometimes think, “why is this here?” Later, see significance of things that seemed minor or confusing.

How We Will Proceed 我们将如何进行 Will briefly summarize the “plot” of the Bible’s story 概述圣经的“故事情节” Will present this plot in three parts that represent the beginning, middle, and end of the story 介绍故事情节的起初,中间部分,与终结 For each part, we will explore a set-up, a conflict/problem, and a solution 每部分有背景铺垫,矛盾与冲突,与解决办法 Will skip much, just highlights. A “race” through the Bible. Since will cover so much so quickly, will post this at our website so you can go back over it if you like.

Background on How the Bible Is Organized 圣经的结构 Historical Books Genesis through Esther Poetic Books Job through Song of Songs Prophetic Books Isaiah through Malachi Old Testament 旧约 历史书 创世纪至以斯帖 诗歌 约伯至雅歌 启示文学 以赛亚至玛拉基 OT has 39 Books: 17 historical, 5 poetic, 17 prophetic. Will indicate on slides what books are covered--mainly Historical Books. Book’s types will be indicated by the color of the writing. Ancient Time to ~400 BC 远古 ~ 公元前400年

Background on How the Bible Is Organized 圣经的结构 Historical Books Matthew through Acts Epistles/Letters Romans through Jude Prophetic Book Revelation New Testament 新约 历史书 马太福音至使徒行传 书信 罗马书至犹大书 启示文学 启示录 NT has 27 books: 5 historical, 21 Epistles, 1 prophetic. ~0 AD to ~100 AD 公元 0 年 ~ 100 年

Part 1 The Beginning 第一部分 起初

A) The Story Set-up: God Creates a Good World A) 故事的发生 上帝创造出一个完美的世界 God creates the universe and people 上帝创造了宇宙和人类 God tells man how to live 上帝告诉人们应如何生活

A) The Story Set-up: God Creates a Good World A) 故事的发生 上帝创造出一个完美的世界 Everything is in harmony with itself and God 万物都处于与神、与己的和谐状态 Life is beautiful and people can live forever as long as they follow God 生命很美好,人们可以永远跟随神并拥有永生 See Genesis 1 & 2. Genesis means beginnings. Genesis 1 & 2 创世记1章和2章

B) The Conflict / Problem: People Rebel and Throw the World Into Disarray B) 冲突与问题:人悖逆神并把世界带入混乱 The first people choose to disobey God 第一个人选择悖逆上帝 They experience shame, guilt and fear for the first time 他们第一次体验到羞耻、罪恶和恐惧

B) The Conflict / Problem: People Rebel and Throw the World Into Disarray B) 冲突与问题:人悖逆神并把世界带入混乱 Life is now full of pain, futility, conflict, and death 从此生命开始充满痛苦、徒劳、冲突和死亡 People are cast away from God’s presence 人不能与神面对面 Genesis 3 创世记3章

B) The Conflict / Problem B)纷争及问题 Within one generation, we have the first murder—brother kills brother 仅一代人时间就出现了人间的第一件谋杀案——哥哥杀死了弟弟 Things decline quickly. Genesis 4 创世记4章

B) The Conflict / Problem B)纷争及问题 As people multiply, violence and corruption spreads across the world 随着人类的繁殖,暴力和堕落遍满全地 Genesis 5 - 6:5 创世记5章至6章5节

B) The Conflict / Problem B)纷争及问题 The world gets so bad, God sends a worldwide flood to destroy all but the family of Noah and one pair of each animal who can repopulate the earth. 因世界堕落,上帝降下全球范围的洪水,除了挪亚一家和每种动物里用来延续物种的一对之外,一切都被毁灭了 Bible says Noah was righteous and walked with God. (But after the flood, Noah and his sons don’t always behave well.) Genesis 6:6-9 创世记6章6节至9章

B) The Conflict / Problem B)纷争及问题 Noah’s descendents ignore God and seek to build a city and tower to their own greatness. 挪亚的后代离弃神,试图建一个城和一座塔来显示人的伟大 Genesis 11:1-4 创世记11章1至4节

B) The Conflict / Problem B)纷争及问题 God breaks them up by separating them into different languages and nations across the world. 上帝变乱他们的语言,并将他们分散到世界各国,使他们的计划破灭 Genesis 10; 11:5-11 创世记10章,11章5至11节

B) The Conflict / Problem B)纷争及问题 In summary, people have turned away from God, messed up their lives and the world, and they keep doing this over and over. 简而言之,人背离上帝,使自己的生活和这个世界都凌乱不堪,并在反复重演着历史

B) The Conflict / Problem B)纷争及问题 Puzzle: How can a world of corrupt people in separate nations be turned back to God and experience life as God originally intended? 谜团:这些分散在堕落世界各处的人们,如何才能重新回到上帝面前,并享受神最初设计的美好生活?

上帝对亚伯拉罕说话。上帝说,他将祝福亚伯拉罕,让他的子民成为大国,并通过亚伯拉罕让全世界得到祝福 C) The Solution - First Phase: God Chooses Abraham and Some of His Descendents C) 出路—第一步:上帝拣选亚伯拉罕和他的部分后裔 God talks to a man Abraham. God says he will bless him, make of him a great nation, and through him all nations will be blessed. 上帝对亚伯拉罕说话。上帝说,他将祝福亚伯拉罕,让他的子民成为大国,并通过亚伯拉罕让全世界得到祝福 One man for blessing all nations. Genesis 12-20 创世记12章至20章 (~2,000 BC 大约公元前2000年)

C) The Solution, First Phase C) 出路——第一步 Though imperfect, Abraham believes God and follows him, even though he and his wife are very old and have no son. 虽然并非完美,亚伯拉罕相信上帝并跟随上帝的指引。可是尽管如此,亚伯拉罕和他的妻子年纪老迈的时候仍然没有儿子 - After one year, no son. Two years, five years, 10 years and so on, no son. Still trusts in God. - God says he counts Abe as righteous because of his trust in God—a big theme for the Bible. Genesis 12 – 20 创世记12章至20章

C) The Solution, First Phase C) 出路——第一步 After 25 years of waiting, God gives Abraham and his wife a son, Isaac, who will inherit God’s promises. 又等待了25年,上帝给了亚伯拉罕和他妻子一个儿子,取名叫以撒,并由以撒延续上帝的应许 How old? Abe ~100 and Sarah ~90 years old. Genesis 21 – 24 创世记21章至24章 (Job is set sometime around this time period) ( 约伯记 的故事正是这期间发生的 )

C) The Solution, First Phase C) 出路——第一步 When he grows up, Isaac has twin sons. God chooses the younger twin, Jacob, to inherit his promises. 以撒长大后,有一对孪生的儿子,上帝拣选了其中的小儿子雅各来延续上帝的应许 Goes against cultural traditions of choosing the eldest. Shows God not bound by human traditions. Genesis 25 – 27 创世记25章至27章

C) The Solution, First Phase C) 出路——第一步 Jacob is a schemer, but God changes him, and changes his name to Israel. 尽管雅各是个阴谋家,但上帝改变了他,并让他改名为以色列 Changed through a night of wrestling with an angel. Israel means “prevails with God” Genesis 28-35:15 创世记28章至35章15节

C) The Solution, First Phase C) 出路——第一步 Israel has 12 sons. One son, Joseph, trusts in and obeys God. But the other brothers are jealous of Joseph and sell him into slavery. 以色列有12个儿子。其中一个儿子名叫约瑟,坚信并顺服神。但约瑟的兄弟们嫉妒他并把他卖为奴隶 Except for Joseph, we get the idea, “These people are not so great”. It is confusing that Joseph is the one who trusts in God, but he seems to be the one who suffers the most. Genesis 35:16-38 创世记35章16节至38章

C) The Solution, First Phase C) 出路——第一步 Through amazing circumstances, Joseph becomes prime minister of Egypt, and the rest of the family comes to join him. 经过一系列神奇的世事变换,约瑟成为埃及的宰相,他的家族也到埃及来与他重聚 The brothers truly regret what they had done to Joseph. Joseph forgives them all. Where part one ends. Genesis 39-50 创世记39章至50章

C) The Solution, First Phase C) 出路——第一步 Puzzle: How can God bless all nations and restore the world through these people? 谜团:神将如何通过这些人来祝福万国并拯救世界呢? Just a few. All these chosen people don’t seem to often have outstanding character. Bible honestly records serious flaws.

Part 2 The Middle 第二部分 中间部分 This part of the story is contained in all the rest of the Old Testament.

The Second Part Set-up: God Establishes Israel As His Chosen Nation A) 第二部分的背景:神设立以色列为他的选民 Many years later, Israel’s descendents have grown to hundreds of thousands, but they are now all slaves in Egypt. This is about 500 years after Abraham and 300 years after Joseph. An Egyptian dynasty change resulted in their status change. 很多年后,以色列的后嗣已成千上万,但他们在埃及为奴。 Exodus 1 出埃及记 1 (~1,500 BC 约公元前1500年)

A) The Second Part Set-up A) 第二部分的背景 God raises up a man, Moses, to lead them out of Egypt. 神兴起了一个名叫摩西的人带领他们出埃及 Moses’ background is described in these Exodus chapters. Exodus 2 – 7:13 出埃及记 1-7:13

A) The Second Part Set-up A) 第二部分的背景 After God brings 10 plagues on Egypt, the Egyptian king agrees to let Moses and the Israelites leave. 神降十灾在埃及之后,埃及的法老允许摩西带以色列民离开 Exodus 7:14 – 18 出埃及记 7:14 – 18

A) The Second Part Set-up A) 第二部分的背景 Once they are out of Egypt, God gives Moses and the Israelites 10 commandments and other laws to follow. God says they will be blessed if they obey, but cursed if they disobey. 他们离开埃及后,神向摩西和以色列民颁布十诫和其它律法。神说如果他们遵守会被祝福,违背会被咒诅。 Laws include how they are to worship God and devote themselves to God only. Exodus 19 – Numbers 12 出埃及记19章 - 民数记12章

B) The 2nd Part Conflict / Problem: The Israelites Usually Don’t Trust in God B) 第二部分 纷争及问题: 以色列人通常不相信神 The rescued Israelites keep rebelling against God. So God says He will not permit them to enter their promised land. They have to travel in the wilderness until their generation dies out. 得救的以色列人一如既往地违背神,于是神说,他不会允许他们进入应许之地。他们必须在旷野漂泊40年,知道这一代人都过世。 For over a year, they complained and rebelled. Therefore, they wandered in the dessert for 40 years. (And not because the men would not ask for directions.) Numbers 14 – 36 民数记 14-36

B) The Conflict / Problem B)纷争及问题 After 40 years, God renews his covenant with the next generation of Israelites. Then Moses’ successor, Joshua, leads them into the promised land. 40年以后,神和第二代的以色列人立了新的契约。摩西的接班人,约书亚,带领他们进入了应许之地。 Though imperfect, this generation does pretty well. Deuteronomy 1 - Joshua 24 申命记 1— 约书亚 24

B) The Conflict / Problem B)纷争及问题 However, the very next generation turns to worshipping other gods. 然而,第三代的以色列人又转而敬拜别的神。 Judges 1 – 2 士师记 1— 2

B) The Conflict / Problem B)纷争及问题 For the next 300 years, the Israelites follow a pattern: They face a foe, they call out to God, God sends someone to help them, but once their problem is solved, they turn away from God again. 接下来的300年,以色列人都遵循一种模式:当他们身陷困境时,他们就呼求神,神就派人帮助他们,但是一旦他们的问题解决了,他们又会再次背离神。 Judges covers Israel’s dark ages. Even the heroes are really flawed. Judges 3 - 1 Samuel 7 士师记 3— 撒母耳上 7 (~1,400 – 1,100 BC) 公元前1400—1100年

B) The Conflict / Problem B)纷争及问题 The Israelites ask God for a king, and after warning them about how kings act, God chooses Saul to be their first king. 以色列人向神求问一位君王。神在警告他们君王会如何统治他们后,选定了扫罗作为第一位王。 1 Samuel 8 – 10 撒母耳上 8—10

B) The Conflict / Problem B)纷争及问题 Saul begins well, but he starts disobeying God. God tells Saul (through a prophet) he will replace him. 扫罗开始还挺好的,但是后来开始忤逆神意。神通过一位先知告诉他,他的王位将会被人取代。 1 Samuel 11 – 15 撒母耳上 11—15

B) The Conflict / Problem B)纷争及问题 God chooses David to be the next king, David obeys and trusts in God, and Israel prospers. 神挑选了大卫作为继任君王。大卫遵循并信任神,因此以色列繁荣昌盛起来。 1 Samuel 16 - II Samuel 10; 1 Chronicles 11 – 20 撒母耳上 16—撒母耳下 10; 历代志上 11-20 (David wrote many of the Psalms) ( 注:大卫创作了许多诗篇 ) (~1,000 BC) (公元前1000年)

B) The Conflict / Problem B)纷争及问题 God promises David that a dynasty and a kingdom will come from him that will last forever. 神应许大卫,从他的家族中,必会产生一个千秋万代、恒久坚立的王国。 (Puzzle: how can this be?) (谜题是,这怎么可能?) 2 Samuel 7; 1 Chronicles 17 撒母耳下 7; 历代志上 17

B) The Conflict / Problem B)纷争及问题 But when David gets older he commits adultery and murder, and he and his kingdom starts to deteriorate. 然而,当大卫年长以后,他犯了奸淫和谋杀罪,他和他的王国开始衰退。 Again, the Bible is very honest about the flaws of even the “heroes”, and the consequences of their bad choices. 2 Samuel 11-23; 1 Chronicles 21 撒母耳下 11—23; 历代志上 21

B) The Conflict / Problem B)纷争及问题 David’s son Solomon becomes king next, and he rules wisely. But eventually he worships other Gods. God therefore says he will remove most of Israel from his dynasty. 大卫的儿子所罗门继承了王位,并且以智慧治国。但是最终他还是敬拜了别的假神。因为这点,神说,他将会把以色列的大部分从他的朝代中剔除。 Why not end his dynasty completely? Because of God’s promise to David. 1 Kings 1 - 11; 2 Chronicles 1 – 9 列王记上 1—11; 历代志下 1—9 (Solomon wrote many of the Proverbs, plus likely Ecclesiastes and Song of Songs) ( 注:所罗门创作了许多箴言,据记载还有传道书和雅歌)

B) The Conflict / Problem B)纷争及问题 After Solomon dies, Israel splits into two kingdoms. 所罗门去世以后,以色列一分为二。 The Northern Kingdom—”Israel” Ruled by many dynasties of kings 北方称为“以色列”,-由历朝不同的君王统治 The Southern Kingdom—”Judah” Always ruled by a descendant of David and Solomon 南方称为“犹大”,一直由大卫和所罗门的后裔统治 I Kings 11 - 12; 2 Chronicles 10 – 11 列王记上 11—12; 历代志下 10—11

B) The Conflict / Problem B)纷争及问题 For the next few hundred years, Israel’s kings and people keep disobeying God. After sending many warnings through prophets, God has the northern kingdom overrun by Assyrians in 722 BC. 在接下来的几百年中,以色列的君王和人民继续背离神。神在通过先知屡次警告他们后,命令亚述王国在公元前722年占领了北方的以色列。 Presented as a great tragedy. I Kings 13 - 2 Kings 17 列王记上 1— 列王记下 17 Hosea, Amos, Jonah 何西阿书,约珥书,阿摩斯书

B) The Conflict / Problem B)纷争及问题 Most are shipped away, never to return. 大部分人颠沛流离,再也没有回到家乡。 Presented as a great tragedy.

B) The Conflict / Problem B)纷争及问题 During this same time period, a few kings and people in Judah trust in God, but most don’t. After many warnings, God has Judah conquered also in 586 BC. 在同一时期,几位在犹大的君王带领人民信靠神,但是大部分的王都不信。在多番警告以后,神使犹大在公元前586年也被占领了。

B) The Conflict / Problem B)纷争及问题 However, God promises he will bring a remnant back to their land. 然而, 神承诺他会带领部分以色列的余民重返家乡。 Why? God will bring them back to keep the promises He made to Abraham and David. I Kings 13 - 2 Kings 25; 2 Chronicles 10 - 36:21 列王记上 13— 列王记下 25;历代志下 10— 36:21 Isaiah, Jeremiah, Joel , Habakkuk , Micah, Zephaniah 以赛亚书,耶利米书,约珥书, 哈巴谷书,弥咖书,西番雅书

B) The Conflict / Problem B)纷争及问题 The Judeans (i.e., “Jews”) live in exile in Babylon. But 70 years later, a Persian king conquers Babylon. He lets Jews return to their land and rebuild. 犹大人(也就是犹太人)流亡在巴比伦国。70年后,波斯王攻占了巴比伦国。他让犹太人返回家乡,重建家园。 2 Chronicles 36:22 - Ezra 1 历代志下 36:22—以斯拉记 1 Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel 耶利米哀歌,以西结书,但以理书

B) The Conflict / Problem B)纷争及问题 These returning Jews are the first generation to permanently forsake worshipping other gods, and they show concern to obey God. 从这第一代重返家乡的犹太人开始,他们不再敬拜别的神,而且表明了追随神的心意。

B) The Conflict / Problem B)纷争及问题 However, they soon start growing cooler toward God. 但是不久以后,他们对神的态度又冷淡了。 Last books of prophecy to these Jews are warnings. Ezra 2 - Esther 10 以斯拉记 2—以斯帖记 10 Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi 哈该书,撒迦利亚书,玛拉基书 (Old Testament ends ~400 BC) 注:旧约结束至公元前400年

B) The Conflict / Problem B)纷争及问题 Summary Puzzle: With how they have done, how will God “bless all nations” through descendents of Abraham? 总结和谜题:鉴于以色列人的所作所为,神怎会通过亚伯拉罕的后裔来“赐福万国”呢? Israelites were to be an example to the world, but they did not seem to live up to their purpose.

以赛亚书 40—66; 弥咖书 4-5:15;西番雅书 3:9—20;西番雅书 9:9—14;玛拉基书 4 C) The Solution, Phase 2: God Promises to Send a Savior C)出路——第二阶段:神应许派遣救世主 In addition to warnings through prophets, God gives the Israelites promises he will raise up from them a deliverer who will establish a wonderful eternal, worldwide kingdom—one filled with people who trust in Him. 除了通过先知警戒之外,神应许以色列人,他会从他们当中兴起一位救世主,这位救世主将会建立一个伟大永恒、超越国界的王国——而国民则信靠他的人。 Some places in Bible where these promises were given are shown here. Isaiah 40 - 66, Micah 4 - 5:15, Zephaniah 3:9-20, Zechariah 9:9 - 14, Malachi 4 以赛亚书 40—66; 弥咖书 4-5:15;西番雅书 3:9—20;西番雅书 9:9—14;玛拉基书 4

C) The Solution, Phase 2 C)出路——第二阶段:神应许派遣救世主 Puzzle: How can someone sent to the Jews save the world and change people’s hearts? 谜题:派遣给犹太人的那位救世主,如何能够拯救世界、改变人心? Most of the world is still untouched at this point. Man’s heart seems to be the problem.

Part 3 The End 第三部分 终结篇 This part of the story is contained in the New Testament.

Matthew 1 - 2; Luke 1 – 2 马太福音 1-2;路加福音 1-2 The Final Part Set-up: God Sends Jesus to Save the World A)最终部分的铺垫:上帝差遣耶稣去拯救世界 400 years after the Old Testament ends, Jesus is born. His birth’s details fit the ancient prophecies of the promised one. 耶稣出生在圣经旧约部分完成的400年后。有关他的降生的一切细节都与旧约古老的预言相吻合。 Matthew 1 - 2; Luke 1 – 2 马太福音 1-2;路加福音 1-2 (~ 0 AD) (~公元0年)

Matthew 1 - 2; Luke 1 – 2 马太福音 1-2;路加福音 1-2 The Final Part Set-up: God Sends Jesus to Save the World A)最终部分的铺垫:上帝差遣耶稣去拯救世界 Examples: A descendant of Abraham, Israel, and David Born in the small town of Bethlehem. 例如: 提到基督会是亚伯拉罕,以色列,大卫的后代;提到基督会诞生在一个名叫伯利恒的小镇 Matthew 1 - 2; Luke 1 – 2 马太福音 1-2;路加福音 1-2 (~ 0 AD) (~公元0年)

A) The Set-up A)铺垫 At about age 30, Jesus starts preaching in Israel. He heals people, performs miracles, and makes astounding claims. 在耶稣30岁的时候,他开始在以色列四处讲道。他治愈病人,显神迹,做出很不可思议的断言。 Matthew 3 - 25; Mark 1 - 13, Luke 3 - 21, John 1 – 17 马太福音3-25;马可福音1-13;路加福音3-21;约翰福音1-17

A) The Set-up A)铺垫 例如: -我是这世界的光 -我是来拯救世界的 -看见我的,就是看见那差我来的 -信的人有永生 Examples of Claims: - I am the light of the world - I came to save the world - Whoever sees me, sees God. - He who believes in me has eternal life 例如: -我是这世界的光 -我是来拯救世界的 -看见我的,就是看见那差我来的 -信的人有永生 Matthew 3 - 25; Mark 1 - 13, Luke 3 - 21, John 1 – 17 马太福音3-25;马可福音1-13;路加福音3-21;约翰福音1-17

A) The Set-up A)铺垫 Jesus, though, is rejected by his nation. He is arrested, tried for treason, convicted, tortured, publicly executed on a cross, and buried. 耶稣被他的民族排斥。他被捕,被说不忠,被认罪,被折磨,被钉死在十字架上,然后被葬。 Matthew 26 - 27; Mark 14 - 15, Luke 22 - 23, John 18 – 19 马太福音26-27;马可福音14-15;路加福音22-23;约翰福音18-19

A) The Set-up A)铺垫 On the third day, Jesus rises from the dead. He tells his disciples to spread to all nations the gospel (“good news”) that they can have forgiveness and eternal life through believing in Him. 在第三天,耶稣死而复活。他告诉他的门徒去四处传福音,这样人们就可以被宽恕并且通过信主得到永生。 Matthew 28; Mark 16, Luke 24, John 20 – 21 马太福音28;马可福音16;路加福音24;约翰福音20-21

A) The Set-up A)铺垫 After Jesus returns to heaven, the Holy Spirit comes on his disciples and makes them bold. They share Jesus’ gospel with Jews and then others throughout the Roman Empire. Many lives are changed. 在耶稣回到天堂后,圣灵进入他的门徒心中使他们变得勇敢。他们跟犹太人宣教,之后又向整个罗马帝国传福音。很多生命都因此改变。 Acts 1 – 28 使徒行传1-28

B) The 3rd Part Conflict / Problem: Evil & Suffering Are Still Widespread B)第三部分 矛盾冲突: 世间还是充满着邪恶和苦难 1. Accepting the Gospel changes lives and the world. But its spread is hindered by disbelief and opposition. 1。接受福音会改变生命和整个世界。但是传福音的过程是被很多不信和反对所阻挠。 Acts 2 – 28 使徒行传2-28

B) The Conflict / Problem B)纷争及问题 2. Believers still find it hard to live completely new types of life (and this hinders the Gospel’s spread too). 2。信徒们仍然觉得完全活在新生命中是很难的(这也让传福音的工作变的更难) Christians are genuinely changed, but they also still face unchanged problem areas. The Epistles address this a lot. Acts 5 – 20 使徒行传5-20 (Mentioned in many of the Epistles) (在许多书信中有提到)

B) The Conflict / Problem B)纷争及问题 3. Much suffering and injustice still remain. Believers experience this and sometimes also suffer because of their faithfulness to Christ. 3。世间仍有很多苦难和不公。信徒经历这些,有时他们还会因为他们的信仰而受苦。 Persecution continues through today. Acts 2 – 28 使徒行传2-28 (also mentioned in many of the Epistles) (在许多书信中有提到)

B) The Conflict / Problem B)纷争及问题 Puzzle: How can you have a restored world and full salvation in this situation? 难题:在这样的情况下怎样才能有一个被修复和充满救赎的世界呢?

C) The Transitional Solution: The Holy Spirit’s Workings C)逐渐的解决方法:圣灵在做工 1. The Bible says God’s Holy Spirit will work in people’s lives so that the Gospel will go to all the world and that eventually people from all nations will believe. 1。圣经说上帝的圣灵会在人们的生命中做工,这样福音就能传播整个时间,最终全世界的人都会相信上帝。 2 symbols for the Holy Spirit in the Bible—Dove (gentle, goes where wills) and fire (burns out impurities). Matthew 24:14; Mark 13:10-11; Luke 24:47-48; John 16 马太福音24:14;马可福音13:10-11;路加福音24:47-48;约翰福音16 Revelation 5:9-10

C) The Transitional Solution C)逐渐的解决方法 2. The Epistles describe how Christians can rely on Christ and experience the Holy Spirit progressively transforming them into joyful, holy people, even through hardships and pain. 2。许多书信中都描述了基督徒是怎么倚靠耶稣基督经历圣灵在逐步改变他们,是他们成为喜悦,圣洁的人,尽管可能会经历艰难和痛苦。 Though not good, hardships now become a means of creating good in us when we trust in God. John 14 – 16 约翰福音14-16 Romans through Jude

C) The Transitional Solution C)逐渐的解决方法 Will evil and suffering always remain though? 邪恶和苦难会一直存在吗?

D) The Ultimate Solution: Christ Returns and Establishes His Full Kingdom D)最终的解决办法:耶稣会再次来到这个世界,建立他的王国

D) The Ultimate Solution D)最终的解决办法 The Bible says that after the Gospel has gone to all nations, Christ will return to earth during a time of severe hardships. The dead will be raised and there will be a final judgment of all people. 圣经上有说在福音传遍整个时间后,基督会再次回到这个世界,到时会有苦难发生。死人会复活,然后就会有末世审判。 Matthew 24 - 25; Mark 13; Luke 21 马太福音24-25;马可福音13;路加福音21 Revelation 4 – 20 启示录4-20

D) The Ultimate Solution D)最终的解决办法 Those who have resisted God will face an eternity of paying for their sins. 不信上帝的人会面临永久的苦难,这是他们在永远的偿还之前所犯的罪。 Final judgment and punishment Matthew 25; Luke 21 马太福音25;路加福音21 Revelation 20:11-15 启示录20:11-15

D) The Ultimate Solution D)最终的解决办法 Those who have turned back to God and trusted in Christ will be forgiven & welcomed into God’s full kingdom. 信上帝的人会被免除一切罪恶,并且会到上帝的王国。 Matthew 25 马太福音25 Revelation 21 – 22 启示录21-22

D) The Ultimate Solution D)最终的解决办法 Their remaining corrupt tendencies will be purged and they will joyously experience life as it was originally intended under God. 他们的罪行会消除,他们会非常享受这本是上帝所创的生命。 Matthew 25 马太福音25 Revelation 21 – 22 启示录21-22

D) The Ultimate Solution D)最终的解决办法 This story ends then, and a new one of eternal wholeness and delight in God begins—one we can only barely imagine. 故事结束了,一个全新的,永恒的,在主里的生命即将开始,这是一个美好的让我们很难想象的世界。

Review 总结 Part 1 - The Beginning 第一部分 起初 A) The Story Set-up: God Creates a Good World A) 故事的发生: 上帝创造出一个完美的世界 Will review the whole story in just 10 slides now.

Review 总结 Part 1 - The Beginning 第一部分 起初 B) The Conflict / Problem: People Rebel and Throw the World Into Disarray B) 冲突与问题: 人悖逆神并把世界带入混乱

Review 总结 Part 1 - The Beginning 第一部分 起初 C) The Solution - First Phase: God’s Chooses Abraham and Some of His Descendents C) 出路—第一步: 上帝拣选亚伯拉罕和他的部分后裔 Genesis 创世记 Ancient Times 古时候 ~1800+ BC ~公元前1800

Review 总结 Part 2 - The Middle 第二部分 中间部分 A) The Second Part Set-up: God Establishes Israel As His Chosen Nation A) 第二部分的背景: 神设立以色列为他的选民 Part 2 is contained in the rest of the Old Testament.

Review 总结 Part 2 - The Middle 第二部分 中间部分 B) The Conflict / Problem: The Israelites Usually Don’t Trust in God B)第二部分 纷争及问题: 以色列人通常不相信神

The Rest of the Old Testament Review 总结 Part 2 - The Middle 第二部分 中间部分 C) The Solution - Second Phase: God Promises to Send a Savior C)出路——第二阶段: 神应许派遣救世主 The Rest of the Old Testament 圣经旧约的剩余部分 ~1500 BC 约公元前1500年 ~400+ BC ~公元前400

Review 总结 Part 3 - The End 第三部分 终结篇 A) The Final Part Set-up: God Sends Jesus to Save the World A)最终部分的铺垫: 上帝差遣耶稣去拯救世界

Review 总结 Part 3 - The End 第三部分 终结篇 B) The Conflict / Problem: Evil & Suffering Are Still Widespread B)第三部分 矛盾冲突: 世间还是充满着邪恶和苦难

Review 总结 Part 3 - The End 第三部分 终结篇 C) The Transitional Solution: The Holy Spirit’s Workings C)逐渐的解决方法: 圣灵在做工

Review 总结 Part 3 - The End 第三部分 终结篇 D) The Ultimate Solution: Christ Returns and Establishes His Full Kingdom D)最终的解决办法:耶稣会再次来到这个世界,建立他的王国 That’s the story. Bible claims it’s a true story—a story that gives us insight into life’s purpose, our true condition and our important choices. The New Testament 圣经新约 The Future 未来 ~0 AD ~公元0年

Some Story Implications: 故事背后的意义:

1. God is patiently giving people the opportunity to turn back to Him 神不断地给人机会回转归向他 2 Peter 3:3-9: 彼得后书 3:3-9 “First of all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come . . . They will say, "Where is this 'coming' he promised? Ever since our fathers died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation." . . . 第一要紧的,该知道在末世必有好讥诮的人随从自己的私欲出来讥诮说:“主要降临的应许在哪里呢?因为从列祖 睡了以来,万物与起初创造的时候仍是一样。”... Point explicitly stated in 2 Peter.

1. God is patiently giving people the opportunity to turn back to Him 神不断地给人机会回转归向他 2 Peter 3:3-9: 彼得后书 3:3-9 But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise . . . He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” 亲爱的弟兄啊,有一件事你们不可忘记,就是主看一日如千年, 千年如一日。主所应许的尚未成就... 其实不是耽延,乃是宽容你们,不愿有一人沉沦, 乃愿人人都悔改。

2. Our opportunities have unknown time limits 2. 我们不知道机会的时限有多长 God gave people in the Old Testament centuries of warnings to turn back to him. But when they refused to do so, eventually judgment came. 神给旧约时代的人千白年的时间让他们回转.但他们不愿意,最终审判来临了

2. Our opportunities have unknown time limits 2. 我们不知道机会的时限有多长 God offers us eternal life and a place in his kingdom. But our opportunity to trust in Christ can run out by our death, Christ’s return OR our own hardness of heart. (Hebrews 3 & 4) 神赐我们永生并且邀请我们进入他的国都。但死亡,基督的再来, 或我们钢硬的心都会夺去我们相信基督的机会。(希伯来书 3 & 4) - Story of my great uncle who said he would accept Christ just before dying. But he never had the chance because of a swift coma. - Also, don’t think that would have been true trust. When sense God saying to do, but don’t respond, heart hardens.

3. How do you fit into the story? 3. 我们跟这个故事有什么关系? The Bible says God is actively drawing people to Christ. (e.g., John 6:44) 圣经告诉我们神吸引人来来到他面前。(例如,约翰福音 6:44) God wants us on his good side, but he does not force us. 神希望我们站在他那边,但他不会强迫我们。 Our responses fix our roles in the story, and our eternal destinies. 我们的回应决定了我们在故事中的角色,和我们永恒的归宿。 Good side = side for good, ours and everyone’s

To Explore More: 了解更多: Review this PowerPoint at Download there, in English or in Chinese: “A Short Guide to the Bible” (includes a Bible timeline, Bible history, and key selections Bible reading plan) 下载“圣经入门”的中文或英文版 (包括圣经事件事件表、圣经故事、和主要段落的读经计划) Join a Bible study 参加一个圣经学习小组

Discussion Question 讨论问题 What questions do you have about this? Bible gives answers, but also raises many questions.