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活出兒女的身分 Living as the children of God

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1 活出兒女的身分 Living as the children of God
Galatians 4:1–7 restates from another angle the content of 3:15–29. The era under the Mosaic law and covenant is conceived of as a time of slavery (4:1–3). However, a new period in the history of salvation has now become a reality with the coming of Jesus Christ, and he has liberated his people from the slavery they were subjected to under the Mosaic law (4:4–5a). Therefore, believers in Jesus Christ are now God’s “sons”; indeed the gift of the Spirit demonstrates they are sons, and as sons they are heirs of the promise made to Abraham (4:5b–7). This section, then, concludes in the same way as 3:26–29. Believers through Christ Jesus are sons and heirs of the promise made to Abraham, so that observance of the Mosaic law is unnecessary.  Thomas R. Schreiner, Galatians, Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2010), 262. 加拉太書 Gal 4:1-7 黃鴻興牧師 Rev. Hing Wong

2 1 What I am saying is that as long as the heir is a child, he is no different from a slave, although he owns the whole estate. 2 He is subject to guardians and trustees until the time set by his father. 3 So also, when we were children, we were in slavery under the basic principles of the world. 4 But when the time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under law, 5 to redeem those under law, that we might receive the full rights of sons. 6 Because you are sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, “Abba, Father.” 7 So you are no longer a slave, but a son; and since you are a son, God has made you also an heir. (Galatians 4:1-7)

3 1 我說那承受產業的,雖然是全業的主人,但為孩 童的時候卻與奴僕毫無分別,2 乃在師傅和管家的 手下,直等他父親預定的時候來到。3 我們為孩童 的時候,受管於世俗小學之下,也是如此。4 及至 時候滿足,神就差遣他的兒子,為女子所生,且生 在律法以下,5 要把律法以下的人贖出來,叫我們 得著兒子的名分。6 你們既為兒子,神就差他兒子 的靈進入你們*的心,呼叫:「阿爸!父!」7 可見, 從此以後,你不是奴僕,乃是兒子了;既是兒子, 就靠著神為後嗣。(加拉太書4:1-7)

4 一。當看重自己的身分 1. We need to honor our identity in Christ
「要把律法以下的人贖出來,叫我們得著兒子的 名分。 」 “ God sent His Son…to redeem those under law, that we might receive the full rights of sons.” (4:5)

5 一。當看重自己的身分 1. We need to honor our identity in Christ
當看重兒女身分的尊貴 Honor our identity as God’s children 當享受兒女身分的權利 Enjoy our privilege as God’s children

6 二。當享受聖靈的更新 2. We need to live in the newness of the Spirit
「你們既為兒子,神就差他兒子的靈進入你 們的心」(4:6) Because you are sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, “Abba, Father.”(4:6)

7 二。當享受聖靈的更新 2. We need to live in the newness of the Spirit
從「石心」到「新心新靈」From a heart of stone to a new heart 從奴僕懼怕的心到神兒子的心 From the fear of a slave to confidence of God’s children 從遠離神到親近神:親密關係、愛的享受 From alienation to intimacy

8 三。當等候將來的基業 3. We need to hope for our inheritance
「可見,從此以後,你不是奴僕,乃是兒子 了;既是兒子,就靠著神為後嗣。」 So you are no longer a slave, but a son; and since you are a son, God has made you also an heir. (4:7)

9 三。當等候將來的基業 3. We need to hope for our inheritance
The Land 神給亞伯拉罕的應許: 迦南地為產業 (出 Exod 32:13;加 Gal3:16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 29; 4:23, 28 ) All things 基督將要承受「萬有」(來 Heb 1:2) The Kingdom 基督將來要承受神的國(林前 1Cor 6:9,10;15:50) The glory 與基督承受將來的榮耀 (羅Rom 5:2)

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