詩篇62篇的背景 詩62:1〔大衛的詩、照耶杜頓的作法、交與伶長。〕我的心默默無聲、專等候 神.我的救恩是從他而來。 撒母耳記下16-17


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Presentation transcript:

詩篇62篇的背景 詩62:1〔大衛的詩、照耶杜頓的作法、交與伶長。〕我的心默默無聲、專等候 神.我的救恩是從他而來。 撒母耳記下16-17 詩62:1〔大衛的詩、照耶杜頓的作法、交與伶長。〕我的心默默無聲、專等候 神.我的救恩是從他而來。 撒母耳記下16-17 大衛的兒子押沙龍叛變 大衛的謀士,亞希多弗投靠押沙龍 示每攻擊大衛 撒下15:3 押沙龍對他說、你的事有情有理.無奈王沒有委人聽你伸訴。 撒下15:4 押沙龍又說、恨不得我作國中的士師.凡有爭訟求審判的、到我這裡來、我必秉公判斷。

撒下15:12押沙龍獻祭的時候、打發人去將大衛的謀士、基羅人亞希多弗、從他本城請了來。於是叛逆的勢派甚大.因為隨從押沙龍的人民、日漸增多。 撒下15:24撒督、和抬 神約櫃的利未人、也一同來了、將 神的約櫃放下.亞比亞他上來、等著眾民從城裡出來過去。 撒下15:25王對撒督說、你將 神的約櫃抬回城去.我若在耶和華眼前蒙恩、他必使我回來、再見約櫃、和他的居所。 撒下15:26倘若他說、我不喜悅你.看哪、我在這裡、願他憑自己的意旨待我。

撒下16:10王說、洗魯雅的兒子、我與你們有何關涉呢。他咒罵、是因耶和華吩咐他說、你要咒罵大衛.如此、誰敢說你為甚麼這樣行呢。 撒下16:11大衛又對亞比篩和眾臣僕說、我親生的兒子、尚且尋索我的性命、何況這便雅憫人呢。由他咒罵罷.因為這是耶和華吩咐他的。 撒下16:12或者耶和華見我遭難、為我今日被這人咒罵、就施恩與我。 撒下16:13於是大衛和跟隨他的人往前行走.示每在大衛對面山坡、一面行走、一面咒罵、又拿石頭砍他、拿土揚他。

詩62:1〔大衛的詩、照耶杜頓的作法、交與伶長。〕我的心(心智、情感)默默無聲、專等候 神.我的救恩(拯救、解救、勝利)是從他而來。 詩62:1〔大衛的詩、照耶杜頓的作法、交與伶長。〕我的心(心智、情感)默默無聲、專等候 神.我的救恩(拯救、解救、勝利)是從他而來。 詩62:2 惟獨他是我的磐石、我的拯救.他是我的高臺.我必不很動搖。 詩62:3 你們大家攻擊一人、把他毀壞、如同毀壞歪斜的牆、將倒的壁、要到幾時呢。 詩62:4 他們彼此商議、專要從他的尊位上把他推下.他們喜愛謊話.口雖祝福、心卻咒詛。〔細拉〕 1 For God alone my soul waits in silence; from Him comes my salvation. 2 He only is my Rock and my Salvation, my Defense and my Fortress, I shall not be greatly moved. 3 How long will you set upon a man that you may slay him, all of you, like a leaning wall, like a tottering fence? 4 They only consult to cast him down from his height [to dishonor him]; they delight in lies. They bless with their mouths, but they curse inwardly. Selah [pause, and calmly think of that]! 奧運選手 跳水選水,幾乎每一位都有視網膜剝離 Football 選手退役,因為很多很優秀的都腦部受傷,自殺

詩62:5 我的心哪、你當默默無聲、專等候 神.因為我的盼望是從他而來。 詩62:5 我的心哪、你當默默無聲、專等候 神.因為我的盼望是從他而來。 My soul, wait only upon God and silently submit to Him; for my hope and expectation are from Him. 詩62:6 惟獨他是我的磐石、我的拯救.他是我的高臺.我必不動搖。 詩62:7 我的拯救、我的榮耀、都在乎 神.我力量的磐石、我的避難所、都在乎 神. Psalm 62 To the Chief Musician; according to Jeduthun [Ethan, the noted musician, founder of an official musical family]. A Psalm of David. 1 For God alone my soul waits in silence; from Him comes my salvation. 2 He only is my Rock and my Salvation, my Defense and my Fortress, I shall not be greatly moved. 3 How long will you set upon a man that you may slay him, all of you, like a leaning wall, like a tottering fence? 4 They only consult to cast him down from his height [to dishonor him]; they delight in lies. They bless with their mouths, but they curse inwardly. Selah [pause, and calmly think of that]! 5 

詩62:8 你們眾民當時時倚靠他、在他面前傾心吐意. 神是我們的避難所。〔細拉〕 詩62:8 你們眾民當時時倚靠他、在他面前傾心吐意. 神是我們的避難所。〔細拉〕 詩62:9 下流人真是虛空、上流人也是虛假.放在天平裡就必浮起.他們一共比空氣還輕。 詩62:10 不要仗勢欺人、也不要因搶奪而驕傲.若財寶加增、不要放在心上。 詩62:11  神說了一次、兩次、我都聽見、就是能力都屬乎 神。 詩62:12 主阿、慈愛也是屬乎你.因為你照著各人所行的報應他。 6 He only is my Rock and my Salvation; He is my Defense and my Fortress, I shall not be moved. 7 With God rests my salvation and my glory; He is my Rock of unyielding strength and impenetrable hardness, and my refuge is in God! 8 Trust in, lean on, rely on, and have confidence in Him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts before Him. God is a refuge for us (a fortress and a high tower). Selah [pause, and calmly think of that]! 9 Men of low degree [in the social scale] are emptiness (futility, a breath) and men of high degree [in the same scale] are a lie and a delusion. In the balances they go up; they are together lighter than a breath. 10 Trust not in and rely confidently not on extortion and oppression, and do not vainly hope in robbery; if riches increase, set not your heart on them. 11 God has spoken once, twice have I heard this: that power belongs to God. 12 Also to You, O Lord, belong mercy and loving-kindness, for You render to every man according to his work.