Soundless Communication


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Presentation transcript:

Soundless Communication 无声的交流 小组成员: 李 雷 吴文静 耿新林 乔艳芬 付祥林 楚超良

Can you communicate with others when you live in a foreign country with no or little knowledge of its language? Of course, it is possible. You can convey your moods and intentions to one another without words, because all human beings share a large repertoire of common visual signals. These signals are as effective as words are during communication. 当你在国外生活的时候,对于这个国家的语言,你不知道或者只知道一点,你会跟其他的人交流吗?当然,这是可以的。因为所有的人都有一个共同的理解视觉信号的能力,所以你可以不用言语的向别人表达你的情绪和意图。在交流的时候,这些视觉信号与说话一样,同样的有效。

However, in daily life when people talk with others in their native language, they are not aware that they are using these signals to express their ideas at the same time. These signals are called body language. Paying a little attention to one's gestures when that person is talking, we can understand more than by only hearing one's words. Wordless communication acts to qualify the words. 然而,在日常生活中,当人们使用母语与其他人谈论他们的时候,他们并没有意识到他们正在利用这些信号来表达自己的想法。这些视觉信号被称为肢体语言。当一个人说话的时候,我们对于他说话的手势给予一些关注,那么,与仅仅听他说相比,我们会理解的更多。无声的交流是对言语交流的补充。

The gestures of the head play a key role in body language The gestures of the head play a key role in body language. The vertical head movements, called nods, signify "yes" almost everywhere in the world. People use such a head gesture to express their agreement. It is very interesting that this gesture has been used by people born deaf and blind. No doubt, it strongly suggests that affirmative nodding may be an inborn action for the human species—a pattern of body language designed by our genes. 说话时头部的姿势,在肢体语言中发挥着关键的作用。头部的垂直运动,称为点头,几乎在世界上所有的地方都是表示“是”的意思。人们用这样的姿势来表达他们的同意。非常有意思的是,这种姿势已经被那些天生就是聋哑人的人所使用。毫无疑问,这种情况有力地表明了,对于人类物种来说,一个肯定的点头或许是一个天生的行为——这种肢体语言的行为是由我们的基因来决定的。

Similarly, the horizontal head movements are also virtually global in range and are always a negative sign. This pattern of body language may be traced from our early infancy when we were nursed at the breast or the bottle. When a baby is not hungry, he rejects the breast by turning the head sharply to the side. It may be argued that one is born with this instinct. 同样地,头部的水平运动几乎在世界上所有的地方都是表示否定的意思。这种肢体语言的行为可能要追溯到早期的婴儿护理,那个时候,用母乳或者是奶瓶来照料婴儿。当婴儿不饿的时候,他会通过把头部猛烈地转到另外一侧来拒绝吃奶。我们或许可以认为,人在出生时就拥有了这种本能。

The movements of eyes and eyebrows are as important as head movements in body language, but there are many differences among nations in using this pattern of body language. Americans are very subtle about eye movements. During their conversation, eyes movements may have several meanings. For instance, people avoid looking into another’s eyes for more than a few seconds because it may be thought of as a sign of disrespect. 在肢体语言中,眼睛以及眉毛的活动和头部的活动同样重要,但是不同的国家在使用这种形式的身体语言时是有很多不同的。美国人的眼部活动是很微妙的。在他们的交流过程中,眼睛的活动可能有很多的含义。举例来说,人们避免看对方的眼睛超过几秒钟,因为这可能被认为是一种不礼貌标志。

In England, however, staring at the speaker attentively may be considered as nothing more than a sign of interest. English people also like to blink their eyes occasionally during the conversation as a signal of agreement. That eye-blinking means nothing to Americans, who expect the listener to nod or to murmur something. Rage is another emotion eyes and eyebrows may reveal. Contracting one’s eyebrows closely is regarded as a strong facial symbol of disagreement or anger that is used not only by Americans and Englishmen, but also by people everywhere. 然而,在英国,聚精会神地凝视讲话者被认为是感兴趣的最好标志了。在交谈期间,英国人也喜欢用偶尔的眨眼睛来表达认同。然而眨眼睛对美国人来说是没有意义的,他们希望倾听者点头或者小声的说些什么。愤怒是一种可以通过眉毛和眼睛表现的另一种情绪。紧紧的收缩眉毛被认为是强烈的面部符号,依此表达否定和生气。这不仅被美国人和英国人使用,同样被每个地方的人们使用。

Besides the gestures of the head or the movements of the eyes and eyebrows,the actions of arms, hands and legs also are a large part of body language. Extending ones arms and shaking hands with others is a greeting in both formal and informal cases. This part of body language might be traced back to primeval tribes. Early human beings established a major division of labor, with the male hunter leaving the group for some time, then returning home with the kill. Before the male left and after he came back, there were great ceremonies. 体态语中不仅仅有头、眼、眉毛可以传达信息,还有胳膊、手、腿也是体态语中很大的一部分。在正式和非正式的场合上和别人伸伸胳膊、挥挥手都是一种问候语言。体态语可能来源于原始部落。早期人类建立了劳动分离,那段时期部落里的男士们外出打猎,在他们外出之前以及带着猎物打猎回来之后,都会有一个仪式。

The main part of the ceremony was when actual body contact was made; at full intensity this consisted of a total embrace with much hugging, patting, squeezing, and even weeping. After many thousands of years, this kind of greeting has developed into the present customs, such as handshaking-one of the important elements in the modern body language dictionary. 事实上在这个仪式中主要是身体上的交流。这种交流大多是紧紧拥抱彼此,拍拍对方或者是大家挤在一起,有的甚至哭泣。几千年后,这种体态语的交流已经演化成了目前的交流习惯。像握手就是现在体态语言字典中很重要的一个元素。

Like handshaking, there are still many other forms of body language presented by hands. Raising one’s hand and making a circle with his thumb and forefinger signals that something is OK. Clasped hands raised above the head, a traditional picture adopted by sportsmen after winning a fight, is a display of triumph that grows out of a surge of feeling following a victory. Waving one’s hands, a speaker can make his words more powerful and vigorous. 像握手一样,目前的手部语言,就有许多不同的表现形式。举起手用拇指和食指圈成一个圈的意思就是好,行等。在比赛胜利以后,运动员通常所采纳的一种传统手势是握紧拳头越过头顶,这是胜利后感情的一种流露。演讲者挥动手臂通常会使他的讲话更形象生动且有力量。

In addition to hand, gestures there times when a person says something with his legs as well as with his head and eyes. The leg gestures often reflect one’s attitudes towards something or someone that person is with. For example, if you pay a little attention, you will notice that when one is impatient listening to someone, his foot might beat the floor constantly and restlessly, as if it had its own life. 除手部语言之外,人们用腿也可以像头或眼睛传达语言传达的那麽好。腿部语言常常表达了对某件事或者对某个人的一种态度。比如,你可以留心观察一下,如果一个人没有耐性听某人讲话时,他的脚就会不停地碰击地面,好像有它自己的活动。

In such a case, although he says not a word, in fact his body gesture reveals nearly everything. The same thing will happen when a person sits with someone whom that person dislikes. In his situation, not only will his legs jiggle, but also he will change the way his legs are crossed frequently. These postures reflect one’s uncomfortable feeling. 在这样一种情况下,即使他不说一句话,事实上他的肢体语言已经几乎揭示了一切信息。或者当一个人和他不喜欢的人坐在一起时也会发生类似的事情。在这种情况下,不仅有他的腿部晃动,而且还会不断地改变腿部交叉姿势,这些姿势都表达了他不舒服的感觉。

According to the above facts, body language has offered a more reliable way to understand one’s mind by means of gesture. It is just like Sigmund Freud once wrote, “No moral can keep a secret. If his lips are silent, he chatters with his finger tips; betrayal oozed out of him at every pore.” Body language is a communication tool. Like English, French, Spanish, and other language in the world. Though body language is soundless and wordless, once you understand it, you will feel the world is bigger than you realized. 根据这些情况,体态语言是一种了解他人思想的相当可靠的一种方式。就像西格蒙德·弗洛伊德曾经说的:“没有什么东西是可以保密的,即使他不说出来,但他不经意的言语和微小的动作已经暴露了他。”体态语是一种交流工具,就像英语、法语、西班牙语等其它国家的语言一样。虽然体态语言是无声的,是没有言语的,但是一旦掌握他,你就会感到世界远比你想像的更加丰富多彩。

Thank you!

repertoire ['rɛpɚ,twɑr] n.  1. 个人 (或团体)的曲目(或戏目) 2.(某艺术领域的)全部作品 3.某人(或机器)的全部技能(或功能) The harp has a very large repertoire. 这竖琴有很广泛的演奏曲目 a young child's growing verbal repertoire 小孩不断增长的语言表达能力

qualify ['kwɔlifai] v. 修饰;限定 I'd like to qualify my last statement. 我想修正一下最后一句话

vertical ['və:tikəl] a.垂直的;直立的 The northern side of the mountain is almost vertical. 这座山的北坡几乎是垂直的 affirmative [ə'fə:mətiv] a.肯定的;赞成的 We are expecting an affirmative answer. 我们盼望得到肯定的答复。

horizontal [,hɔri'zɔntl] The lake has a horizontal surface. 湖面呈水平状。

blink [bliŋk] vi.1. 眨眼 2.闪亮,闪烁 In a blink of an eye he had disappeared. 一眨眼的工夫他就没影了。 murmur ['mə:mə] n. 1.轻柔持续的声音,沙沙声,潺潺声 2. 低语声 3. 低声抱怨 There was a murmur of conversation in the room. 屋里传来一阵轻轻的谈话声。

Contract [kən'trækt] vt. & vi. 染上(恶习, 疾病等);缩小; 紧缩 vt. 缔结; 订契约 n. 契约, 合同 My son's contracted a severe fever. 我的儿子发高烧 Metal contracts as it becomes cool. 金属冷却时体积缩小。

trace back (to) 1. 可追溯到;追溯到…的起源(或来由): His family can trace its history back to the Qing Dynasty. 他的家族史可追溯到清朝。 2. 找出根源;追查到,追究到: The rumour was traced back to Tom. 这个谣言追究到汤姆身上。

display [,dis'plei] vt. 1. 展示;使展现,使看见: The vendors displayed their fruit. 摊贩展示他们的水果。 2. 展出,陈列,展览: Department stores display their goods in the windows. 百货商店把商品陈列在橱窗里。 3. 表现,显示,显出,显露;泄露,揭露,揭示: He displayed no sign of emotion. 他丝毫不露感情。 4. 夸示,夸耀,炫耀: The peacock displayed its fine tail feathers. 孔雀炫耀其漂亮的尾羽。 n. 1. 展现;展示;表演 2. 陈列;展览,展出,展览品;陈列品 3. 表现;显示,

grow out of 1. 从…长出来: I saw a plant growing out of a crevice in the wall. 我看到墙缝里长出一棵草来。 2. 产生自,源于: The mistake grew out of her carelessness. 这错误是由于她粗心所致。 3. (小孩)长大得穿不进(衣服等): When I grew out of my jacket,I gave it to my little brother. 我长得穿不下我的夹克衫了,便把它给我弟弟穿。 4. (由于长大而)抛弃(信念),改掉(早年的习惯): She has grown out of her youth follies. 她已改掉了年幼时的胡闹行为。

reveal [ri'vi:l] vt. 1. 揭示,揭露;泄露: I should be glad to give you any help if you reveal your thoughts to me. 如果你把你的想法透露给我,我愿意尽全力帮助你。 2. 展现;显示;使露出: He unbuttoned his shirt and revealed a big scar on his chest. 他解开衬衣,露出胸膛上一个大伤疤。 n. 揭示,揭露;展现

jiggle ['dʒiɡl] vt.,vi. (上下或来回)急速移动,抖动;急颤;轻摇 If we jiggle the cork, a new phenomenon is involved. 假如我们晃动木塞,就会产生一个新的现象。 n. 轻摇;抖动;急颤

chatter ['tʃætə] vi. 1. 喋喋不休,唠叨: They are chattering over their needlework. 她们一边做针线活一边唠叨个不停。 2. 发出快速而不清楚的声音,(如鸟类)啁啾;(猿猴等)唧唧叫;(松鼠等)吱吱叫;(溪流等)潺潺作响: The sparrows are chattering in the garden. 麻雀在花园中唧唧喳喳地叫。 3. (牙齿)打颤;(机枪等)嗒嗒作响;(机器等)震颤: Cold made his teeth chatter. 寒冷使他的牙齿打颤。 n. 1. 喋喋不休,唠叨,饶舌 2. (鸟的)啁啾声;(猿猴的)啼声;(流水的)潺潺声 3. (牙齿的)打颤声;(机器的)震颤声;(机枪的)嗒嗒声