INTRO引言 A reinforced memorandum of understanding was signed between the EU and China in June 2015. Among the points that were highlighted was the ‘promotion of cooperation between judicial bodies and universities and academic institutes, with a view to stimulating exchange of experience and practices of IP and joint academic researches’. 2015年6月,中国与欧盟签订了深化合作的谅解备忘录。其中的重点之一便是“为促进知识产权方面经验及实践的交流,推动学术合作研究,鼓励司法机构、大学及学术机构间的合作”。
INTRO引言 EU and China agreed on the benefits of having a group of individuals from the political sphere who can provide a strategic vision and help set priorities = 5 PLUS 5 GROUP = 5+5小组中欧双方就设立能提供战略视野、协助优先级设定的政界人士小组的益处达成共识
INTRO / 5 PLUS 5 GROUP 引言/5+5小组 It may include relevant officials from both sides who have the relevant knowledge and strategic vision of EU-China IP initiatives. 可由中欧双方具有中欧知识产权合伙议题相关知识与战略视野的官员组成。 This Group may meet twice a year to define priority areas and assess past or running activities in this initiative. 该小组可每年召开两次会议,确定优先领域,对本计划已完成或进行中的活动进行评估。
中欧知识产权学术网络 战略团队 不断增进的交流 不断增进的合作 中欧校友专家网络平台 交流机会的信息 研究机会的信息 合作论坛 (供需要求发布) 知识产权教学资源 不断增进的交流 中欧知识产权学术研究网络项目 中欧知识产权学术论坛 学术合作 研究工作组 大学产业合作 中欧知识产权学术网络 不断增进的合作 战略团队 愿景 使命 战略
EU-CHINA IP RESEARCH NETWORK 中国-欧盟知识产权研究网络 Objective: to ensure sustainable cooperation among IP Academia from the EU and China, by: 目的:通过以下方式实现中欧洲市场学者的可持续合作: Establishing the EU-China IP Academic Research Network in IP, that will serve as focal point to orientate strategic cooperation among EU-China academia 设立中国-欧盟知识产权学术研究网络,作为指引中欧学者战略合作方向的重点机制。 Agreeing on potential activities for the EU-China IP Academic Research Network operation based on the priories set by the 5 plus 5 group 依据5+5小组确定的优先顺序,确定中国-欧盟 知识产权学术研究网络可能的具体活动
EU-CHINA IP ACADEMIC FORUM 中欧知识产权学术论坛 Objective: to disseminate the main activities of the EU-China Experts and Alumni Network in an annual event. 目标:中欧知识产权学术论坛的目的在于将中欧校友专家网络的主要活动纳入一项年度 活动中。 Target: Teaching Staff and researchers, Students (Graduates, PhD, Postdoc) & Other relevant actors that help to support research and knowledge in IP. 目标群体: 教职人员与研究者 学生(研究生、博士、博士后) 其他能促进知识产权研究与知识的相关参与者 Annual Event 年度项目
EU-CHINA IP ACADEMIC FORUM 中欧知识产权学术论坛 Eligible Activities: Meetings, workshop, conferences, training schools, short term scientific missions, raising awareness activities Publications (success stories, videos, etc.) 可行活动:会谈、研讨会、会议、培训项目、短期科研活动、宣传活动、出版物(成功故事、视频等) Actions/Impact: The EU-China IP Academic Forum will finance activities at different levels, each one of them with different expected impact: 行为/效果: 中欧知识产权学术论坛将包含一系列不同层级的活动,各项活动的预期效果各不 相同: EU-China IP Academic Forum (the full day annual event) 中欧知识产权学术论坛(全天年度活动) up to half day roundtable about academic cooperation (mobility of students and scholars) and research (projects funded by the EU-CHINA IP Research and Networking Programme) 至多半天的关于学术合作(学生与学者的交流)及研究(中欧知识产权研究与 网络项目资助的研究项目)的圆桌会议。 Publication of results conducted by the EU-China IP Research Network 中欧知识产权研究网络研究成果发表
EU-CHINA IP ACADEMIC FORUM 中欧知识产权学术论坛 The annual forum of the EU-China IP Academic Forum is its main activity. 年度论坛是中欧知识产权学术论坛的主要活动 The event could be organized by the 5+5 group 活动将由5+5战略小组组织 Time: TBD (the 2016 event will be held in Queen Mary London in November) 时间:待定 (2016年的活动将在伦敦玛丽女王大学举行) Location: cities in China and EU by turns 地点:中国与欧盟的城市(轮流举办) Co-organiser/implementer: research institutes located near the city of annual event 年度活动举办城市附近的研究机构 Duration: 1-2 days 时长:1-2天 Form: Keynote speech, presentation and panel discussion 形式:主旨演讲、发言与分组讨论 Contents: 内容 Annual assessment of the academic cooperation (mobility of students and scholars); 对学术合作(学生与学者的交流)的年度评估 Research presentation on projects funded by the EU-CHINA IP Research and Networking Programme. 中欧知识产权研究与网络项目资助的研究项目成果展示
EU-CHINA EXPERTS AND ALUMNI NETWORK PORTAL 中国-欧盟校友专家网络门户网站 Objective: it will be the gateway to the initiatives carried out in the framework of the academic collaboration on IP between the EU and China, and will also provide virtual identity to the initiative 目的:作为中欧知识产权方面学术合作框架内各项活动的总门户,并为活动提供实体身份。 Target: same than before, but more focused on students. 目标群体:与前一活动相同,更倾向于学生
EU-CHINA EXPERTS AND ALUMNI NETWORK PORTAL 中国-欧盟校友专家网络门户网站 Services: 服务 Information about the EU-CHINA IP Research Programme (priority topics, calls, evaluation results, contact for support, external expert database, etc.); 中国-欧盟知识产权研究项目的信息(重点课题、报名通知、评估结果、联系支持、外部专家数据库等) Forum service with supply and demand requests of IP teaching staff and researchers for both EU and Chinese universities; 论坛服务提供中欧院校知识产权教学与研究人员的供给与需求信息。
EU-CHINA EXPERTS AND ALUMNI NETWORK PORTAL 中国-欧盟校友专家网络门户网站 Scholarship Repository for EU and Chinese Students; 中欧学生奖学金信息库 Pool of contact list of Researchers & Professors; 研究者&教授联络信息库 Newsletter and updating activities of the initiative; 计划活动的简报与更新 Online IP teaching resources; 在线知识产权教学资源 Academic Cooperation Good Practices; 学术合作良好实践 Relevant Congresses and Conferences list. 相关活动与会议清单
EU-CHINA IP RESEARCH NETWORKING PROGRAMME 中国-欧盟知识产权研究网络项目 Objective: to promote initiation and follow up of joint research in IP of EU and Chinese Scholars via bottom-up networks. This could be done at different stages where each one corresponds to one programme modality. 目的:促进中欧知识产权学者自下而上合作研究活动的建立与进展,这可通过不同阶段的活动实施,每一阶段对已一个项目模块 Target: Teaching Staff, Researchers (both Young, Consolidated and Senior), Private Sector (only marginally, user perspective) 目标群体:教职人员、(专业以及资深)研究者、私人部门(仅为少数)
EU-CHINA IP RESEARCH NETWORKING PROGRAMME 中国-欧盟知识产权研究网络项目 Activities: Meetings, workshop, conferences, training schools, short term scientific missions, raising awareness activities, publications, etc. 活动:会谈、研讨会、会议、培训项目、短期科研项目以及宣传活动,出版物(成功故事、视频等)
EU-CHINA IP RESEARCH NETWORKING PROGRAMME / EXPECTED IMPACT 中国-欧盟知识产权研究网络项目/预期影响 Pan EU-CHINA (target EU and China at macro level. They should include more than 3 EU countries)raising the awareness on the importance of academic cooperation on IP between EU & China 泛欧盟-中国(宏观层面的中欧合作,至少涉及超过3个欧盟国家) 提高对于中欧知识产权学术合作重要性的认识 Researcher-driven (specifically addressed to the selected e IP topic) high quality and innovative research on key topics 研究者驱动(特别关注设立网络工作组的知识产权课题) 关键课题高质量创新性研究
EU-CHINA IP RESEARCH NETWORKING PROGRAMME / EXPECTED IMPACT 中国-欧盟知识产权研究网络项目/预期影响 Multi/interdisciplinary, challenge based (fostering the development of IP research from a interdisciplinary perspective and generation high level of applied research results) increase the awareness on the importance of cross-cutting IP research which translates to strengthening the links across different research areas towards overcoming pre-established challenges 多学科/跨学科;挑战应对(从跨学科角度促进知识产权研究,形成高水平应用研究成果) 提升对跨学科知识产权研究重要性的认识,此类研究能强化不同研究领域的联系,共同应对目标挑战。
EU-CHINA IP RESEARCH NETWORKING PROGRAMME / EXPECTED IMPACT 中国-欧盟知识产权研究网络项目/预期影响 Future-oriented (focused on high risk and emerging IP topics) detect and foster excellent research in extremely innovative and advanced IP research areas as pioneer of research fields and approached for the medium/long term, as identified by the 5 plus 5 group 面向未来(专注高风险及新兴知识产权课题) 在5+5小组确立的前沿且须中长期关注的领域中,识别并鼓励极其创新与先进的知识产权研究领域的优秀研究
中欧知识产权学术网络 战略团队 不断增进的交流 不断增进的合作 中欧校友专家网络平台 交流机会的信息 研究机会的信息 合作论坛 (供需要求发布) 知识产权教学资源 不断增进的交流 中欧知识产权学术研究网络项目 中欧知识产权学术论坛 学术合作 研究工作组 大学产业合作 中欧知识产权学术网络 不断增进的合作 战略团队 愿景 使命 战略
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