第5章 第一節 語氣(Mood)的種類 —語氣可分為三種類:(1)直述語氣 (2)假設語氣 (3)祈使語氣


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Presentation transcript:

第5章 第一節 語氣(Mood)的種類 —語氣可分為三種類:(1)直述語氣 (2)假設語氣 (3)祈使語氣 —直述語氣: —敘述事實的句子結構為「直述語氣」:分為肯定與否定兩種: He work very hard.—肯定句 She is not interested in music.—否定句 —假設語氣: —表示假定或想像,或不可能實現的願望等非事實的句子結構稱為「假設語氣」。 3. If I were a bird, I could fly.—但事實上,我並不是一隻鳥,我也不能飛。 4. I wish (that) I were a bird.—不可能實現的願望。 注意:

第5章 Wish後面接that-cl.要用假設句,表示不能實現的願望;而hope後面接that-cl.要用直述句,表示能夠實現的願望。兩者不可以混淆。例如: I hope (that) I can go to a good college next year. —祈使語氣: —表示命令,或禁止,或請求,或勸告等等的句子稱為「祈使句」。祈使語氣的主詞一般為you,通常都省略。 5. Open the door, please. 6. Be careful(/Be patient) 7. Don’t do it. 注意 祈使句較特殊的結構例句: don’t be so stupid. Let’s go home.—表示提議或建議。

第5章 3. Let’s not get angry.—否定式的建議。 4. Do that again and you’ll be in trouble. =If you do that again, you’ll be in trouble.—句型 2. You 可以用於祈使句的動詞之前,暗示生氣的意思。 5. You get out! 6. You take your hands off me! 第二節 條件句的種類 —條件句分為兩類:(1)直述的條件句 (2)假設的條件句 —直述的條件句: 在表示條件的子句中,就事論事,或敘述一般普通的情況,不含任何假想的句子結構,稱為「直述的條件句」。例如:

第5章 If you work hard, you will succeed. —就事論事,但此句並未說明你是否努力,也不知道你將來是否會成功。「如果你努力,你就會成功;如果你不努力,你就不會成功。」 If he comes, I will tell him the truth. —但他會不會來,我們並不知道。 If it is very cloudy, it may rain. — 敘述一般普遍的情況。 If you don’t hurry, you will be late for school. 注意:在直述的條件句(該條件句為「副詞子句」)中,要用現在式表示未來時間,不可以用未來式表示未來的時間。例如: 5. If he (comes, will come) tomorrow, I will tell him the truth. 2.在直述句的條件句中,主要子句也可以用「祈使句」的結構,例如: 6. If you meet her, tell her to come to see me.

第5章 —(2)假設的條件句 用以敘述與事實相反的假想,或極不可能發生的事實的結構,稱為「假設的條件句」,該假設的條件句為「副詞子句」。在假設的條件句中,主要子句的動詞也要用假設語氣,前後要一致才正確。 —假設的條件句分為4類: 1. 與現在事實相反的假設條件句。 2. 與過去事實相反的假設條件句。 3. 與未來事實相反的假設條件句。 4. 未來極不可能發生的假設條件句。 —以下節3,4,5,6節分別敘述。 第3節 If+S1+ were(be動詞)/一般動詞過去式/助動詞過去式+…S2+should/would/could/might+動詞原型+…

第5章 If I were you, I would go abroad. —但事實上,我不是你,因此我也不會出國;因此要用假設語氣。 If it were raining now, I would not go out. —但事實上,現在並沒有在下雨,因此我將外出。這句的意思是說: It is not raining now, so I will go out. If he had enough money, he might but the house. —這句話的意思是:他並沒有足夠的錢,因此他也不可能買那棟房子。 (In fact, he does not have enough money now, so he will not buy the house.) I could help you, I would do my best. —但事實上,我並不能幫助你。 (In fact, I can not help you.)

第5章 第4節 與過去事實相反的假設語氣句型與例句 If +S1+had+V-p.p.+…,+S2+would/should/could/might/+have+V-p.p.+… If you had gone with us yesterday, you would have enjoyed yuorself very much. —但事實上,「昨天你並沒有跟我們去」,因此要用過去事實相反的假設語氣句型。 If he had studied hard last year, he would have gone to college. —但事實上,他去年沒有用功,因此他也未上大學。(要用「與過去事實相反」的假設語氣句型。) If he had worked hard, he would have succeeded. —這句話的意思是:他以前並沒努力工作,因此他以前並沒有成功。(In fact, he did not work hard, so he did not succeed) —因此用「與過去事實相反」的假設語氣結構。

第5章 注意:與「過去事實相反」的if-cl.可以和「與現在事實相反」的主要子句連接在一起。例如: If he had reviewed his lessons last night, he could answer my question now.—但事實上,他昨晚並沒有複習他的功課,因此他現在不能夠回答我的問題。 If we had started off earlier this morning, we would be at Kenting now. —但事實上,我們早上並未早一點出發,因此現在還未到墾丁。 第五節 If +S1+were to +V-root+…,S2+should/would/could/might+V-root+… 1. If I were to live to be 200, I could change the world. —但事實上,我將來永遠不可能活到兩百歲,我也不可能改變這個世界。因此用「與未來事實相反」的假設語氣。

第5章 2. If the sun were to rise on the west, nothing would die. —事實上,太陽永遠不會從西方升起來,因此一切還是會死掉。 說明「S1+be to+ V-root+…」表示「未來」的事,如果未來的計劃或安排或打算。例如: The queen is to visit Japan next year. We are to get married in August. —因此用「If +S2+ were to +V-root+…」,即表示「與未來事實相反」的假設語氣結構(be動詞用were)。 第6節 未來極不可能發生的假設語氣句型與例句 If+S1+should+V-root+…,S2+ should(/shall)/ would(/will)/ could(/can)/ might(/may) +V-root+… OR V-root + (祈使句) 1. If it should rain tomorrow, he will(/would) not came. —明天下雨可能性非常小,但萬一下雨了,他就不來了(主要子句用「直述語氣」或「假設語氣」都可以。)

第5章 2. If he should fail, I will (/would) do my best to help him. —他失敗的可能性非常的小,並非絕對不可能,固用「未來極不可能發生的假設語氣」句型。(主要子句用「直述語氣」或「假設語氣」都可以) 3. If she should know the secret, she will(/would) be very angry. —他知道該秘密的可能性非常小,但也有萬分之一德可能性,雇用未來極不可能發生的假設語氣句型;主要子句用「直述語氣」或「假設語氣」都可以。 說明 在該句型中,if-cl.中的should作「萬一」解釋,用於所有的人稱;該should不能省略

第5章 2.在「未來極不可能發生的假設語氣」的句型中,表示未來發生的可能性非常小,因此主要子句的動詞should/would/could/might/+V-root(動詞原型);但是也有萬分之一的可能性,因此主要子句的動詞用shall/will/can/may+V-root也可以,這是它比較特殊(不一樣)的地方。 第7節 if的同義字(詞)的用法與例句 If的同義字(詞)常用的有:suppose(that),supposing(that), providing(that), provided(that), on condition (that), in case (that), in the event (that), etc.這些同義字(詞)可以用於直述句中,也可以用於假設語氣。 Suppose (/Supposing) (that) it rains tomorrow, what can we do? Providing(/Provided) (that) there is an earthquake, you must stay calm.

第5章 3. In case (that) you should fail, you must not give up. 4. You can go out on condition (that) you wear an overcoat. 補充 表示條件的連接詞片語除了上述者之外,還有as long as(=so long as),作「只要」解釋;此外unless作「除非」解釋;once作「一旦」解釋;given(that)作「如果」解釋。 表示條件的介系詞(片語)有:in case of, in the event of, given 都作「如果」解釋,後面接名詞或名詞片語。 5. As long as(=So long as) you keep it clean, you can borrow the book. 6. In case of fire, ring the alarm bell at once. =In the event of fire, ring the alarm bell at once. =In the event that a fire happens, ring the alarm bell at once.

第5章 第8節 假設語氣中,if省略的倒裝句 —在假設語氣中,if省略時,該表示條件的假設句(副詞子句)必須要用倒裝句結構。 If I were a millionaire, I would give you some money. →Were I a millionaire, I would give you some money. —與現在事實相反的假設句。 If you had helped me then, I would have succeeded. →Had you helped me then, I would have succeeded. —與過去事實相反的假設句。 If he should come late, I will(/would) punish him. —Should he come late, I will(/would) punish him. —未來極不可能發生的假設句。 If I were become a billionaire, I would set up a big orphanage. →Were I to become a billionaire, I would set up a big orphanage. —與未來事實相反的假設語氣。

第5章 第9節 句型:S1+suggest that+ S2+ (should)+V-root+… —(1) 用於該劇型的動詞有:suggest, propose, recommend, move, request, ask, demand, require, order, command, insist, advise, prefer, etc. —(2) 在口語中,多半不用should,而直接用V-root. —(3) 這些動詞變成名詞時,後面的that-cl.也用S2+(should)+V-root+…的結構。 —(4)該句型沒有以下的結構 *S1+suggest+sb.+that+S2+(should)+V-root+…X I suggest that he (should) study harder next semester. He moved that the meeting (should) be put off until next week. I advise that you (should) start off at once. She demanded that he (should) go home right off. It was my order that he (should) leave my room right away.

第5章 第10節 句型:It is necessary that +S2+(should)+V-root+… —(1)該用於句型的形容詞常用的有:necessary, essential, important, vital, imperative, desire, etc. —在美式(口語)英與中should多半省略,但在英式英語或美式的正事文體中,should多半不省略。 Was it necessary that my uncle (should) be informed? It is essential that every child (should) have the same educational opportunities. It is important (/vital) that every student (should) hand in his report on time. 補充 類似的句型 It is surprising that S2+should+V-root+… 1. 表示個人對事情的反應或感覺,如shocked, sorry, a pity(/a shame), strange, surprising(/astonishing/ amazing). etc

第5章 2.在該句型中should作「居然」解釋,一般都不省略。 3. 這一類的句子用直述句的方式表達也可以,表示不含個人的情緒或感覺在內。 4. I was shocked that she should not have invited Paul. 5. It was astonishing (/surprising) that he should say that kind of thing to you. 6. I am sorry that you should think I did it on purpose. 7. It is a pity that he should have died so young. 注意以上例句4.5.6.7用直述句表達也可以。例如第7句也可以說: It is a pity that he died so young. 第4句也可以說: I was shocked that she had not invited Paul.

第5章 第11節 wish的用法與例句 —(1)wish後接that-cl.子句表示與事實相反的願望或不能實現的願望。 —(2)S1+wish+(that)+cl.的句型: (A)S1+wish(that)+S2+were(be動詞)/過去式(一般動詞)/助動詞過去式+V-root+… (B) S1+whish(that)+S2+had+V-p.p.+… —(3) I wish (that)= If only = Would that =I would rather (that)=Oh that/Oh, that I wish that I were a millionaire. (In fact, I am not a millionaire.) —但事實上,我並不是百萬富翁 I wish (that) money grew on the tree. (In fact, money does not grow on the tree.) —但事實上,前不可能長在樹上。

第5章 3. He wishes (that) he could help you. (In fact, he can not help you.) —但事實上,他並不能幫助你。 4. He wishes (that) he had worked hard when he was young. (But in fact, he did not work hard when he was young.) —但事實上他年輕時並不努力。 5. I wish (that) he had come to see me yesterday. (In fact, he did not come to see me yesterday.) —但事實上,他昨天並沒有來看我。 補充 hope表示可以實現的希望,後面要用直述語氣,不能用假設語氣。 a. I hope (that) I can go to college next year. 不可以說:*S1+hope+sb./sth+to+V-root…X * I hope you to succeed. X

第5章 第12節 as if (=as though)的用法與例句 —(2)句型: (1)S1+V1+as if +S2+were(be動詞/一般動詞過去式/助動詞過去式+V-root+… (2)S1+V1+as if +S2+had+V-p.p.+… He cries as if he were a little boy. (In fact, he is not a little boy.) —但事實上,他並實是小孩。 He talks as if he knew the secret. —但事實上,他並不知道那秘密。 He talks as if he had seen a ghost. (In fact, he did not see a ghost.) —但事實上,他並未見過鬼。

第5章 補充: as if (=as though)表示「有真實的可能性」時,用直述句也可以。 a. he looks (It looks) as if (=as though) he is going to cry. b. you look (It seems) as if (=as though) you have been running. 再非正式的文體中,as if (/as though)-cl.中的be動詞用was比were更常用。 As if 後面可以接to-V-root作「好像要…」解釋。 (但不可以用as though+to+V-root)。例如: c. He suddenly stood up as if to leave. 第13節 It is (high/about) time that-cl.的句型與用法 —(1) it is (hugh/about) time that-cl.作「該是….的時候了。」或「某人該….了」(暗示事情還沒做)—high time是強調「早該…」的意思。

第5章 —(2)句型: It is (high/about) time (that)+S2+V2(p.t.)+…/S2+should+V-root+… It’s time (that) you went (/should go) to bed. Its’ time (that) she washed(/should wash) that dress. Its’ time (that) we went (/should go) home. Its’ time (that) you started (/should start) thinking about your future. It’s high time that we did (/should do) something to improve the situation. 解說: 在該句型中,that-cl.的動詞(V2)一般用「過去式(p.t.)」較少用should+V-root的結構;但不可以用V-root。 「口語」時可以用直述句;be動詞也可以用was代替were(口與用法)。

第5章 It is high time the government does something about it. —72年聯考。 3. it’s time後面也可以接不定辭。例如: b. It is time to buy a new car. c. it’s time for you to go to bed. =It is time that you went (/should go) to bed. 第14節 but for/without的句型與法 —(1) but for/without作「若非,要不是,假如沒有」解釋。 —(2) but for/without可用於「與現在事實相反」的假設語氣當中(=if it were or not);也可以用於「與過去事實相反」的假設語氣當中(=if it had not been for). —句型: (A) But for(=without)/ If it were not for +N+S2+should/would/could/might+V-root+…

第5章 (B) But for(=without)/If it had not been for +N+S2+should/would/could/might+have+V-p.p.+… Without (=But for) music, life would be boring. =If there were no music, life would be boring. Without (=But for) air, nobody could live. =If it were not for air, nobody could live. But for (\Without) your help, I could have finished the job. =If it had not been for your help, I could not have finished the job. 注意 1. but that也作「要是,若非」解釋,但後面要接直述句—主要子句要用「假設句」。 But that it is raining, I would go with you. = If it were not raining, I would go with you. But that I caught him, he would have been drowned. =If I had not caught him, he would have been drowned.

第5章 2. Without 依實際情況,可用於「直述句」當中,作「(如果)沒有」解釋—but for無此用法。 c. You can’t leave the country without a passport. d. She can’t read without her glasses.