Suggestion of space weather small/micro satellite series 空间天气系列(微小)卫星建议 Suggestion of space weather small/micro satellite series 空间天气小卫星计划编写组 2009.10 南京
1. 起草中的拟向基金委提出的“空间天气重大研究计划” 2.起草中的拟向国家有关部门提出的“我国空间天气保障能力发展战略建议” 空间天气小卫星计划提出的背景: 1. 起草中的拟向基金委提出的“空间天气重大研究计划” 2.起草中的拟向国家有关部门提出的“我国空间天气保障能力发展战略建议” 两条建议中都涉及到: 利用微小卫星开展我国空间天气探测 The modern space era with artificial satellites sent for direct measurements of the near-Earth space began in the early 1960’s. The years 1957-8 were designated as the "International Geophysical Year" (IGY), and both the USA and the Soviet Union (Russia) prepared to launch at that time artificial satellites, the first ever. Russia successfully orbited its first Sputnik ("satellite") on October 4, 1957, but the official US entry, Vanguard, failed at launch. The US then quickly assembled an alternative rocket carrying a different satellite, the small Explorer 1 built by James Van Allen and his team at the University of Iowa. It was launched on 31 January, 1958. Explorer 1 carried only one instrument, a small detector of energetic particles, a Geiger counter designed to observe cosmic rays (ions of very high energy and unknown origin, arriving at Earth from distant space--see later section). The experiment worked quite well at low altitudes, but at the top of the orbit no particles at all were counted. Explorer 3, which followed two months later, collected on tape a continuous record of data, which revealed that the zero counts actually represented a very high level of radiation. So many energetic particles hit the counter at the higher altitudes, that its mode of operation was overwhelmed and it fell silent. Not only was a radiation belt present at all times, it was remarkably intense.
空间天气小卫星计划的定位: “空间天气重大研究计划” 定位: 到2020前,在国家基金委和其它有关部门支持下,开展空间天气系列小卫星探测研究,力争在空间天气部分关建科学问题取得具重要突破。同时与拟议中的国家重大航天工程夸父(Kuafu)计划,磁层电离层中高层大气耦合(MIT)计划,空间太阳望远镜(SST)计划,中法太阳爆发小卫星计划一起,配合地面子午工程,向空间天气计划中的科学和应用研究提供观测支撑。 The modern space era with artificial satellites sent for direct measurements of the near-Earth space began in the early 1960’s. The years 1957-8 were designated as the "International Geophysical Year" (IGY), and both the USA and the Soviet Union (Russia) prepared to launch at that time artificial satellites, the first ever. Russia successfully orbited its first Sputnik ("satellite") on October 4, 1957, but the official US entry, Vanguard, failed at launch. The US then quickly assembled an alternative rocket carrying a different satellite, the small Explorer 1 built by James Van Allen and his team at the University of Iowa. It was launched on 31 January, 1958. Explorer 1 carried only one instrument, a small detector of energetic particles, a Geiger counter designed to observe cosmic rays (ions of very high energy and unknown origin, arriving at Earth from distant space--see later section). The experiment worked quite well at low altitudes, but at the top of the orbit no particles at all were counted. Explorer 3, which followed two months later, collected on tape a continuous record of data, which revealed that the zero counts actually represented a very high level of radiation. So many energetic particles hit the counter at the higher altitudes, that its mode of operation was overwhelmed and it fell silent. Not only was a radiation belt present at all times, it was remarkably intense.
空间天气小卫星计划的定位: 2. “我国空间天气保障能力发展战略建议” 定位: 由应用需求来牵引,主要针对空间天气建模、预报的需求及其相关的关建科学问题,以及航天、通信、导航和载人航天等领域中有关的空间天气效应和防护需要解决的科技问题。 The modern space era with artificial satellites sent for direct measurements of the near-Earth space began in the early 1960’s. The years 1957-8 were designated as the "International Geophysical Year" (IGY), and both the USA and the Soviet Union (Russia) prepared to launch at that time artificial satellites, the first ever. Russia successfully orbited its first Sputnik ("satellite") on October 4, 1957, but the official US entry, Vanguard, failed at launch. The US then quickly assembled an alternative rocket carrying a different satellite, the small Explorer 1 built by James Van Allen and his team at the University of Iowa. It was launched on 31 January, 1958. Explorer 1 carried only one instrument, a small detector of energetic particles, a Geiger counter designed to observe cosmic rays (ions of very high energy and unknown origin, arriving at Earth from distant space--see later section). The experiment worked quite well at low altitudes, but at the top of the orbit no particles at all were counted. Explorer 3, which followed two months later, collected on tape a continuous record of data, which revealed that the zero counts actually represented a very high level of radiation. So many energetic particles hit the counter at the higher altitudes, that its mode of operation was overwhelmed and it fell silent. Not only was a radiation belt present at all times, it was remarkably intense.
微小卫星特点:航天高技术发展的必然产物,它是在新的国际市场及空间竞争的需求牵引下,在高新技术发展的推动下,采用新的设计概念,设计方法和科学组织管理模式发展起来的。 Mass Cost Time Large 2000kg+ 1,000M+ 10yrs+ Small 750kg 100M 2-3yrs Mini 250kg 75M 2yrs Micro 100kg 50M 1.5yrs Nano 1-10kg 5M ~1 yr Pico 100gm > 500k months The modern space era with artificial satellites sent for direct measurements of the near-Earth space began in the early 1960’s. The years 1957-8 were designated as the "International Geophysical Year" (IGY), and both the USA and the Soviet Union (Russia) prepared to launch at that time artificial satellites, the first ever. Russia successfully orbited its first Sputnik ("satellite") on October 4, 1957, but the official US entry, Vanguard, failed at launch. The US then quickly assembled an alternative rocket carrying a different satellite, the small Explorer 1 built by James Van Allen and his team at the University of Iowa. It was launched on 31 January, 1958. Explorer 1 carried only one instrument, a small detector of energetic particles, a Geiger counter designed to observe cosmic rays (ions of very high energy and unknown origin, arriving at Earth from distant space--see later section). The experiment worked quite well at low altitudes, but at the top of the orbit no particles at all were counted. Explorer 3, which followed two months later, collected on tape a continuous record of data, which revealed that the zero counts actually represented a very high level of radiation. So many energetic particles hit the counter at the higher altitudes, that its mode of operation was overwhelmed and it fell silent. Not only was a radiation belt present at all times, it was remarkably intense.
小卫星在国际空间界越来越受到重视: 美国、俄罗斯及欧空局国家也正加紧实施自己的小卫星计划,以期继续保持其航天大国的地位。可以预见,小卫星技术将成为未来航天高技术发展中的主要方向之一,估计2000~2005年小卫星将占全世界卫星发射总量的70%以上。 从国内来看,小卫星属于国家“十一五”规划中航天工业重点发展的产业之一。小卫星自身所具有的功能密度大、研制成本低、便于组网等特点,吸引了众多的客户。目前国内包括国家海洋局、中科院、国家环保局等行业部门都制定了发展小卫星的计划。 The modern space era with artificial satellites sent for direct measurements of the near-Earth space began in the early 1960’s. The years 1957-8 were designated as the "International Geophysical Year" (IGY), and both the USA and the Soviet Union (Russia) prepared to launch at that time artificial satellites, the first ever. Russia successfully orbited its first Sputnik ("satellite") on October 4, 1957, but the official US entry, Vanguard, failed at launch. The US then quickly assembled an alternative rocket carrying a different satellite, the small Explorer 1 built by James Van Allen and his team at the University of Iowa. It was launched on 31 January, 1958. Explorer 1 carried only one instrument, a small detector of energetic particles, a Geiger counter designed to observe cosmic rays (ions of very high energy and unknown origin, arriving at Earth from distant space--see later section). The experiment worked quite well at low altitudes, but at the top of the orbit no particles at all were counted. Explorer 3, which followed two months later, collected on tape a continuous record of data, which revealed that the zero counts actually represented a very high level of radiation. So many energetic particles hit the counter at the higher altitudes, that its mode of operation was overwhelmed and it fell silent. Not only was a radiation belt present at all times, it was remarkably intense.
“The cooperating agencies in the NSWP 美国国家空间天气计划评估委员会建议: In 2006, An important recommendation of Assessment Committee for the National Space Weather Program to NSWP: “The cooperating agencies in the NSWP should investigate immediately the feasibility of using micro-satellites with miniaturized sensors to provide cost-effective science and operational data sources for space weather applications.” 参加国家空间天气计划的各部(局)应该立即着手研究利用搭载微型化探测器的微卫星开展空间天气科学研究和监测的可行性 The modern space era with artificial satellites sent for direct measurements of the near-Earth space began in the early 1960’s. The years 1957-8 were designated as the "International Geophysical Year" (IGY), and both the USA and the Soviet Union (Russia) prepared to launch at that time artificial satellites, the first ever. Russia successfully orbited its first Sputnik ("satellite") on October 4, 1957, but the official US entry, Vanguard, failed at launch. The US then quickly assembled an alternative rocket carrying a different satellite, the small Explorer 1 built by James Van Allen and his team at the University of Iowa. It was launched on 31 January, 1958. Explorer 1 carried only one instrument, a small detector of energetic particles, a Geiger counter designed to observe cosmic rays (ions of very high energy and unknown origin, arriving at Earth from distant space--see later section). The experiment worked quite well at low altitudes, but at the top of the orbit no particles at all were counted. Explorer 3, which followed two months later, collected on tape a continuous record of data, which revealed that the zero counts actually represented a very high level of radiation. So many energetic particles hit the counter at the higher altitudes, that its mode of operation was overwhelmed and it fell silent. Not only was a radiation belt present at all times, it was remarkably intense.
Driving force of development of small satellites viewed from NASA: 在美国宇航局看来 小卫星发展的驱动力 Granville Paules, Lead Technologist Office of Earth Science National Aeronautics and Space Administration By now it is well known that small satellites are the future for NASA’s Space and Earth Science missions as we implement the Administrator’s challenge for Better/Faster/Cheaper missions. 到目前为止众所周知,如果NASA实施空间卫星计划的方针是:更好/更快/更便宜,小卫星是NASA空间和地球科学计划的未来。 The modern space era with artificial satellites sent for direct measurements of the near-Earth space began in the early 1960’s. The years 1957-8 were designated as the "International Geophysical Year" (IGY), and both the USA and the Soviet Union (Russia) prepared to launch at that time artificial satellites, the first ever. Russia successfully orbited its first Sputnik ("satellite") on October 4, 1957, but the official US entry, Vanguard, failed at launch. The US then quickly assembled an alternative rocket carrying a different satellite, the small Explorer 1 built by James Van Allen and his team at the University of Iowa. It was launched on 31 January, 1958. Explorer 1 carried only one instrument, a small detector of energetic particles, a Geiger counter designed to observe cosmic rays (ions of very high energy and unknown origin, arriving at Earth from distant space--see later section). The experiment worked quite well at low altitudes, but at the top of the orbit no particles at all were counted. Explorer 3, which followed two months later, collected on tape a continuous record of data, which revealed that the zero counts actually represented a very high level of radiation. So many energetic particles hit the counter at the higher altitudes, that its mode of operation was overwhelmed and it fell silent. Not only was a radiation belt present at all times, it was remarkably intense.
Small Sat Investments are in the $ Billions and Growing The modern space era with artificial satellites sent for direct measurements of the near-Earth space began in the early 1960’s. The years 1957-8 were designated as the "International Geophysical Year" (IGY), and both the USA and the Soviet Union (Russia) prepared to launch at that time artificial satellites, the first ever. Russia successfully orbited its first Sputnik ("satellite") on October 4, 1957, but the official US entry, Vanguard, failed at launch. The US then quickly assembled an alternative rocket carrying a different satellite, the small Explorer 1 built by James Van Allen and his team at the University of Iowa. It was launched on 31 January, 1958. Explorer 1 carried only one instrument, a small detector of energetic particles, a Geiger counter designed to observe cosmic rays (ions of very high energy and unknown origin, arriving at Earth from distant space--see later section). The experiment worked quite well at low altitudes, but at the top of the orbit no particles at all were counted. Explorer 3, which followed two months later, collected on tape a continuous record of data, which revealed that the zero counts actually represented a very high level of radiation. So many energetic particles hit the counter at the higher altitudes, that its mode of operation was overwhelmed and it fell silent. Not only was a radiation belt present at all times, it was remarkably intense.
Nanosats (1-20 kg) have “taken off” 14 launched 1990-1999 Jan-April 2007, setting a new record? The modern space era with artificial satellites sent for direct measurements of the near-Earth space began in the early 1960’s. The years 1957-8 were designated as the "International Geophysical Year" (IGY), and both the USA and the Soviet Union (Russia) prepared to launch at that time artificial satellites, the first ever. Russia successfully orbited its first Sputnik ("satellite") on October 4, 1957, but the official US entry, Vanguard, failed at launch. The US then quickly assembled an alternative rocket carrying a different satellite, the small Explorer 1 built by James Van Allen and his team at the University of Iowa. It was launched on 31 January, 1958. Explorer 1 carried only one instrument, a small detector of energetic particles, a Geiger counter designed to observe cosmic rays (ions of very high energy and unknown origin, arriving at Earth from distant space--see later section). The experiment worked quite well at low altitudes, but at the top of the orbit no particles at all were counted. Explorer 3, which followed two months later, collected on tape a continuous record of data, which revealed that the zero counts actually represented a very high level of radiation. So many energetic particles hit the counter at the higher altitudes, that its mode of operation was overwhelmed and it fell silent. Not only was a radiation belt present at all times, it was remarkably intense.
国内航天科技集团五院,八院,北京航空航天大学,清华大学等也具有和开始发展自己的微小卫星研制能力。 北京航空航天大学在科技部和高校985经费共同支持下,2008年与东方红公司合作,开始实施中国的利用微小卫星编队进行空间天气探测计划预研工作-地面原理样机的研制。 该微小卫星编队计划,由三颗质量在30 Kg左右的微卫星组成,将运行于低地球LEO轨道上,探测空间环境中的磁场,低能离子和高能粒子。 The modern space era with artificial satellites sent for direct measurements of the near-Earth space began in the early 1960’s. The years 1957-8 were designated as the "International Geophysical Year" (IGY), and both the USA and the Soviet Union (Russia) prepared to launch at that time artificial satellites, the first ever. Russia successfully orbited its first Sputnik ("satellite") on October 4, 1957, but the official US entry, Vanguard, failed at launch. The US then quickly assembled an alternative rocket carrying a different satellite, the small Explorer 1 built by James Van Allen and his team at the University of Iowa. It was launched on 31 January, 1958. Explorer 1 carried only one instrument, a small detector of energetic particles, a Geiger counter designed to observe cosmic rays (ions of very high energy and unknown origin, arriving at Earth from distant space--see later section). The experiment worked quite well at low altitudes, but at the top of the orbit no particles at all were counted. Explorer 3, which followed two months later, collected on tape a continuous record of data, which revealed that the zero counts actually represented a very high level of radiation. So many energetic particles hit the counter at the higher altitudes, that its mode of operation was overwhelmed and it fell silent. Not only was a radiation belt present at all times, it was remarkably intense.
目前提出的小卫星计划有/Proposed missions: 中高层大气小卫星探测系列计划 Small satellite series for atmospheric exploration 2. 电离层小卫星探测系列计划 Small satellite series for ionospheric exploration 3. 空间子午链磁层空间天气探测系列小卫星 Meridian chain nano satellites of magnetosphere 4. 太阳活动预报系列小卫星 Solar activity prediction small satellite 5. 赤道电离层空间天气小卫星 Small satellite for equatorial ionosphere 6. 地球磁场和辐射带高能粒子探测微纳卫星编队 Micro satellite fleet of geomagnetic field and radiation belt 7. 地球空间辐射带及效应探测小卫星 Small satellite for radiation belt’s effect 8. 近日冕探测小卫星 Near Sun corona small satellite The modern space era with artificial satellites sent for direct measurements of the near-Earth space began in the early 1960’s. The years 1957-8 were designated as the "International Geophysical Year" (IGY), and both the USA and the Soviet Union (Russia) prepared to launch at that time artificial satellites, the first ever. Russia successfully orbited its first Sputnik ("satellite") on October 4, 1957, but the official US entry, Vanguard, failed at launch. The US then quickly assembled an alternative rocket carrying a different satellite, the small Explorer 1 built by James Van Allen and his team at the University of Iowa. It was launched on 31 January, 1958. Explorer 1 carried only one instrument, a small detector of energetic particles, a Geiger counter designed to observe cosmic rays (ions of very high energy and unknown origin, arriving at Earth from distant space--see later section). The experiment worked quite well at low altitudes, but at the top of the orbit no particles at all were counted. Explorer 3, which followed two months later, collected on tape a continuous record of data, which revealed that the zero counts actually represented a very high level of radiation. So many energetic particles hit the counter at the higher altitudes, that its mode of operation was overwhelmed and it fell silent. Not only was a radiation belt present at all times, it was remarkably intense.
Small satellite series for atmospheric exploration 中高层大气小卫星探测系列计划 Small satellite series for atmospheric exploration 科学目标:探测中高层大气成份、密度、温度和风场,得到中高层大气关键参量的基本结构及其时空变化。辨明中高层大气环境物理变化规律,建立近地空间大气环境背景及扰动的时空变化模式,开发日地空间其他环境与近地空间大气环境的耦合模式,揭示高层大气及其扰动的空间物理原因。 应用目标: 高层大气环境探测星座计划的应用目标是实时监测80-600 km高度的大气环境背景及变化,根据太阳活动等相关资料对高层大气环境进行预警预报,为航天器轨道衰变等提供评估服务,为其他应用提供高层大气空间天气预报服务。 The modern space era with artificial satellites sent for direct measurements of the near-Earth space began in the early 1960’s. The years 1957-8 were designated as the "International Geophysical Year" (IGY), and both the USA and the Soviet Union (Russia) prepared to launch at that time artificial satellites, the first ever. Russia successfully orbited its first Sputnik ("satellite") on October 4, 1957, but the official US entry, Vanguard, failed at launch. The US then quickly assembled an alternative rocket carrying a different satellite, the small Explorer 1 built by James Van Allen and his team at the University of Iowa. It was launched on 31 January, 1958. Explorer 1 carried only one instrument, a small detector of energetic particles, a Geiger counter designed to observe cosmic rays (ions of very high energy and unknown origin, arriving at Earth from distant space--see later section). The experiment worked quite well at low altitudes, but at the top of the orbit no particles at all were counted. Explorer 3, which followed two months later, collected on tape a continuous record of data, which revealed that the zero counts actually represented a very high level of radiation. So many energetic particles hit the counter at the higher altitudes, that its mode of operation was overwhelmed and it fell silent. Not only was a radiation belt present at all times, it was remarkably intense.
卫星方案初步规划如下: 2010-2015年:在400、500和600 km的轨道面上分别布设4颗太阳同步卫星,在地方时0点、6点、12点和18点上对全球高层大气环境进行就位和遥感探测,探测星座有三个高度共12颗卫星组成。卫星总重量为100 kg,卫星为三轴对地定向,装载大气成份和大气密度探测器、GNSS掩星接收机。 2010-2020年:对十二五探测星座进行升级,增加大气温度和风场探测内容。 2020-2030年:采用微小卫星(平台和载荷重量共10 kg),采用卫星群,探测高层大气小尺度变化环境,发现小尺度高层大气扰动规律。
Small satellite series for ionospheric exploration 2. 电离层小卫星探测系列计划 Small satellite series for ionospheric exploration 应用目标:提高监测、预报、以及减轻电离层及其异常变化对航天技术系统和信息技术系统的影响的能力,服务于我国的通信、导航、高分对地观测等卫星计划;同时提供大气层、卫星轨道等数据资料,用于天气预报等研究。 。 The modern space era with artificial satellites sent for direct measurements of the near-Earth space began in the early 1960’s. The years 1957-8 were designated as the "International Geophysical Year" (IGY), and both the USA and the Soviet Union (Russia) prepared to launch at that time artificial satellites, the first ever. Russia successfully orbited its first Sputnik ("satellite") on October 4, 1957, but the official US entry, Vanguard, failed at launch. The US then quickly assembled an alternative rocket carrying a different satellite, the small Explorer 1 built by James Van Allen and his team at the University of Iowa. It was launched on 31 January, 1958. Explorer 1 carried only one instrument, a small detector of energetic particles, a Geiger counter designed to observe cosmic rays (ions of very high energy and unknown origin, arriving at Earth from distant space--see later section). The experiment worked quite well at low altitudes, but at the top of the orbit no particles at all were counted. Explorer 3, which followed two months later, collected on tape a continuous record of data, which revealed that the zero counts actually represented a very high level of radiation. So many energetic particles hit the counter at the higher altitudes, that its mode of operation was overwhelmed and it fell silent. Not only was a radiation belt present at all times, it was remarkably intense.
Small satellite series for ionospheric exploration 2. 电离层小卫星探测系列计划 Small satellite series for ionospheric exploration 科学目标:监测电离层天气过程及多时空尺度的物理现象,研究电离层的变化规律,揭示电离层天气的物理机制和控制因素,发展预报理论和方法。重点突破电离层暴、电离层闪烁等异常现象的监测预报能力。 空间天气电离层系列小卫星一期可单个发射。条件成熟时,二期可组网发射,形成对全球区域的基本覆盖。卫星位于极轨,搭载的有效载荷包括星载三频信标发射机、GPS双频接收机和朗缪尔探针三个设备。总重量为15kg,总功耗约为60W。 The modern space era with artificial satellites sent for direct measurements of the near-Earth space began in the early 1960’s. The years 1957-8 were designated as the "International Geophysical Year" (IGY), and both the USA and the Soviet Union (Russia) prepared to launch at that time artificial satellites, the first ever. Russia successfully orbited its first Sputnik ("satellite") on October 4, 1957, but the official US entry, Vanguard, failed at launch. The US then quickly assembled an alternative rocket carrying a different satellite, the small Explorer 1 built by James Van Allen and his team at the University of Iowa. It was launched on 31 January, 1958. Explorer 1 carried only one instrument, a small detector of energetic particles, a Geiger counter designed to observe cosmic rays (ions of very high energy and unknown origin, arriving at Earth from distant space--see later section). The experiment worked quite well at low altitudes, but at the top of the orbit no particles at all were counted. Explorer 3, which followed two months later, collected on tape a continuous record of data, which revealed that the zero counts actually represented a very high level of radiation. So many energetic particles hit the counter at the higher altitudes, that its mode of operation was overwhelmed and it fell silent. Not only was a radiation belt present at all times, it was remarkably intense.
Meridian chain nano satellites of magnetosphere 3.空间子午链磁层空间天气探测系列小卫星 Meridian chain nano satellites of magnetosphere 科学目标:利用空间子午链磁场探测研究空间和地面磁场的整体联系行为,电离层电流系统的作用,磁层和电离层磁场耦合,暴时辐射带动态演化过程。 应用目标:24小时监测磁暴,亚暴和辐射带。 2010-2020:一期计划的微纳卫星组网计划由8-10颗重量为10-15kg左右的卫星组成。卫星轨道为倾角98度的太阳同步轨道,高度为500-700 km,卫星均匀分布在午夜和正午子午面上。搭载两个科学有效载荷:磁强计和能量粒子谱仪。有效载荷总重量1.35kg。总功耗为3.5W。 2020-2030:二期计划在一期计划成功的基础上,增加一个极光成像仪和等离子体探测器,卫星总重量将增加为20-25 kg。 The modern space era with artificial satellites sent for direct measurements of the near-Earth space began in the early 1960’s. The years 1957-8 were designated as the "International Geophysical Year" (IGY), and both the USA and the Soviet Union (Russia) prepared to launch at that time artificial satellites, the first ever. Russia successfully orbited its first Sputnik ("satellite") on October 4, 1957, but the official US entry, Vanguard, failed at launch. The US then quickly assembled an alternative rocket carrying a different satellite, the small Explorer 1 built by James Van Allen and his team at the University of Iowa. It was launched on 31 January, 1958. Explorer 1 carried only one instrument, a small detector of energetic particles, a Geiger counter designed to observe cosmic rays (ions of very high energy and unknown origin, arriving at Earth from distant space--see later section). The experiment worked quite well at low altitudes, but at the top of the orbit no particles at all were counted. Explorer 3, which followed two months later, collected on tape a continuous record of data, which revealed that the zero counts actually represented a very high level of radiation. So many energetic particles hit the counter at the higher altitudes, that its mode of operation was overwhelmed and it fell silent. Not only was a radiation belt present at all times, it was remarkably intense.
Solar activity prediction small satellite 4.太阳活动预报系列小卫星 Solar activity prediction small satellite 科学和应用目标:长期监测太阳高能辐射,填补目前在轨卫星太阳探测波段上的空白,研究太阳高能辐射与粒子事件的关系。根据监测的结果,及时预报太阳高能爆发对日地环境的影响。 拟分三期开展太阳活动预报小卫星系列工作: 2010-2015:通过发射太阳预报小卫星,实现对软X射线、硬X射线和伽玛射线流量及能谱的监测; 2015-2020:在一期卫星成功的基础上,增加软X/紫外成像望远镜 2020-2030:在二期卫星成功的基础上,再增加硬X射线成像望远镜 The modern space era with artificial satellites sent for direct measurements of the near-Earth space began in the early 1960’s. The years 1957-8 were designated as the "International Geophysical Year" (IGY), and both the USA and the Soviet Union (Russia) prepared to launch at that time artificial satellites, the first ever. Russia successfully orbited its first Sputnik ("satellite") on October 4, 1957, but the official US entry, Vanguard, failed at launch. The US then quickly assembled an alternative rocket carrying a different satellite, the small Explorer 1 built by James Van Allen and his team at the University of Iowa. It was launched on 31 January, 1958. Explorer 1 carried only one instrument, a small detector of energetic particles, a Geiger counter designed to observe cosmic rays (ions of very high energy and unknown origin, arriving at Earth from distant space--see later section). The experiment worked quite well at low altitudes, but at the top of the orbit no particles at all were counted. Explorer 3, which followed two months later, collected on tape a continuous record of data, which revealed that the zero counts actually represented a very high level of radiation. So many energetic particles hit the counter at the higher altitudes, that its mode of operation was overwhelmed and it fell silent. Not only was a radiation belt present at all times, it was remarkably intense.
太阳同步轨道或倾角为90度的极轨均可以满足该卫星要求,轨道高度低较为有利。该小卫星对姿控要求不高。一期有效载荷包括: 软X射线探测器 硬X射线探测器 伽玛射线探测器。 初步预计有效载荷重量在50公斤左右、功耗30瓦,数据量每天1Gbits。经过优化设计,可以达到小卫星的要求。 The modern space era with artificial satellites sent for direct measurements of the near-Earth space began in the early 1960’s. The years 1957-8 were designated as the "International Geophysical Year" (IGY), and both the USA and the Soviet Union (Russia) prepared to launch at that time artificial satellites, the first ever. Russia successfully orbited its first Sputnik ("satellite") on October 4, 1957, but the official US entry, Vanguard, failed at launch. The US then quickly assembled an alternative rocket carrying a different satellite, the small Explorer 1 built by James Van Allen and his team at the University of Iowa. It was launched on 31 January, 1958. Explorer 1 carried only one instrument, a small detector of energetic particles, a Geiger counter designed to observe cosmic rays (ions of very high energy and unknown origin, arriving at Earth from distant space--see later section). The experiment worked quite well at low altitudes, but at the top of the orbit no particles at all were counted. Explorer 3, which followed two months later, collected on tape a continuous record of data, which revealed that the zero counts actually represented a very high level of radiation. So many energetic particles hit the counter at the higher altitudes, that its mode of operation was overwhelmed and it fell silent. Not only was a radiation belt present at all times, it was remarkably intense.
赤道/低纬系统 5. 赤道电离层空间天气小卫星 Small satellite of Equatorial Ionosphere 科学目标:揭示赤道电离层扰动与闪烁特性,认识赤道电离层的变化规律与机理,建立赤道电离层空间天气的模式。 赤道/低纬系统 The modern space era with artificial satellites sent for direct measurements of the near-Earth space began in the early 1960’s. The years 1957-8 were designated as the "International Geophysical Year" (IGY), and both the USA and the Soviet Union (Russia) prepared to launch at that time artificial satellites, the first ever. Russia successfully orbited its first Sputnik ("satellite") on October 4, 1957, but the official US entry, Vanguard, failed at launch. The US then quickly assembled an alternative rocket carrying a different satellite, the small Explorer 1 built by James Van Allen and his team at the University of Iowa. It was launched on 31 January, 1958. Explorer 1 carried only one instrument, a small detector of energetic particles, a Geiger counter designed to observe cosmic rays (ions of very high energy and unknown origin, arriving at Earth from distant space--see later section). The experiment worked quite well at low altitudes, but at the top of the orbit no particles at all were counted. Explorer 3, which followed two months later, collected on tape a continuous record of data, which revealed that the zero counts actually represented a very high level of radiation. So many energetic particles hit the counter at the higher altitudes, that its mode of operation was overwhelmed and it fell silent. Not only was a radiation belt present at all times, it was remarkably intense.
应用目标: 建立赤道电离层不均匀体及电离层闪烁的预报模式,为电离层通信与卫星导航定位的保障奠定基础。 卫星位于倾角为20度的近赤道园轨,高度800-1200km,有效载荷包括顶部测高仪和紫外光学照相机。有效载荷总重量15kg,总功耗30W。 The modern space era with artificial satellites sent for direct measurements of the near-Earth space began in the early 1960’s. The years 1957-8 were designated as the "International Geophysical Year" (IGY), and both the USA and the Soviet Union (Russia) prepared to launch at that time artificial satellites, the first ever. Russia successfully orbited its first Sputnik ("satellite") on October 4, 1957, but the official US entry, Vanguard, failed at launch. The US then quickly assembled an alternative rocket carrying a different satellite, the small Explorer 1 built by James Van Allen and his team at the University of Iowa. It was launched on 31 January, 1958. Explorer 1 carried only one instrument, a small detector of energetic particles, a Geiger counter designed to observe cosmic rays (ions of very high energy and unknown origin, arriving at Earth from distant space--see later section). The experiment worked quite well at low altitudes, but at the top of the orbit no particles at all were counted. Explorer 3, which followed two months later, collected on tape a continuous record of data, which revealed that the zero counts actually represented a very high level of radiation. So many energetic particles hit the counter at the higher altitudes, that its mode of operation was overwhelmed and it fell silent. Not only was a radiation belt present at all times, it was remarkably intense.
6. 地球磁场和辐射带高能粒子探测微纳卫星编队 科学目标:利用多点卫星,探测研究近地全球暴时空间电流系统,辐射带高能粒子随磁暴和亚暴的演化,完善近地空间电流系统模型,同时开展海洋环流和地球岩石圈的磁场异常探测研究。 The modern space era with artificial satellites sent for direct measurements of the near-Earth space began in the early 1960’s. The years 1957-8 were designated as the "International Geophysical Year" (IGY), and both the USA and the Soviet Union (Russia) prepared to launch at that time artificial satellites, the first ever. Russia successfully orbited its first Sputnik ("satellite") on October 4, 1957, but the official US entry, Vanguard, failed at launch. The US then quickly assembled an alternative rocket carrying a different satellite, the small Explorer 1 built by James Van Allen and his team at the University of Iowa. It was launched on 31 January, 1958. Explorer 1 carried only one instrument, a small detector of energetic particles, a Geiger counter designed to observe cosmic rays (ions of very high energy and unknown origin, arriving at Earth from distant space--see later section). The experiment worked quite well at low altitudes, but at the top of the orbit no particles at all were counted. Explorer 3, which followed two months later, collected on tape a continuous record of data, which revealed that the zero counts actually represented a very high level of radiation. So many energetic particles hit the counter at the higher altitudes, that its mode of operation was overwhelmed and it fell silent. Not only was a radiation belt present at all times, it was remarkably intense.
应用目标:发展我国纳卫星研制技术和编队飞行技术和并实施技术验证。提高我国高性能、小体积的系列化空间探测有效载荷研制技术的发展,推动我国航天探测载荷一系列技术的发展。 微纳卫星编队由3-4颗重量为15-20 kg的自旋卫星组成。卫星轨道为倾角90度的极轨,高度为600-800 km。卫星将搭载两个科学有效载荷:磁强计和高能粒子探测器。有效载荷总重量为3.2Kg,功耗约为2.5W。 The modern space era with artificial satellites sent for direct measurements of the near-Earth space began in the early 1960’s. The years 1957-8 were designated as the "International Geophysical Year" (IGY), and both the USA and the Soviet Union (Russia) prepared to launch at that time artificial satellites, the first ever. Russia successfully orbited its first Sputnik ("satellite") on October 4, 1957, but the official US entry, Vanguard, failed at launch. The US then quickly assembled an alternative rocket carrying a different satellite, the small Explorer 1 built by James Van Allen and his team at the University of Iowa. It was launched on 31 January, 1958. Explorer 1 carried only one instrument, a small detector of energetic particles, a Geiger counter designed to observe cosmic rays (ions of very high energy and unknown origin, arriving at Earth from distant space--see later section). The experiment worked quite well at low altitudes, but at the top of the orbit no particles at all were counted. Explorer 3, which followed two months later, collected on tape a continuous record of data, which revealed that the zero counts actually represented a very high level of radiation. So many energetic particles hit the counter at the higher altitudes, that its mode of operation was overwhelmed and it fell silent. Not only was a radiation belt present at all times, it was remarkably intense.
科学目标: 探测研究地球LEO,MEO和GEO轨道上中能粒子和高能粒子通量与磁暴和亚暴的关系,中能粒子加速成为高能粒子的物理过程。 7. 地球空间辐射带及效应探测小卫星 科学目标: 探测研究地球LEO,MEO和GEO轨道上中能粒子和高能粒子通量与磁暴和亚暴的关系,中能粒子加速成为高能粒子的物理过程。 应用目标: 探测LEO,MEO和GEO轨道的辐射环境,星外辐射环境与星内辐射环境和效应的关系,为航天器抗辐射设计和故障分析提供探测依据。 卫星重量为100 kg左右,卫星轨道为倾角20度,近地点地心距离为1.12Re,远地点地心距离为6.8Re。姿态为自旋卫星,自旋周期为12秒。卫星上搭载的有效载荷有:磁强计,感应式磁力仪,中能粒子探测器,高能粒子探测器,星内辐射探测器,新型电子器件辐射效应试验包和辐射计。 The modern space era with artificial satellites sent for direct measurements of the near-Earth space began in the early 1960’s. The years 1957-8 were designated as the "International Geophysical Year" (IGY), and both the USA and the Soviet Union (Russia) prepared to launch at that time artificial satellites, the first ever. Russia successfully orbited its first Sputnik ("satellite") on October 4, 1957, but the official US entry, Vanguard, failed at launch. The US then quickly assembled an alternative rocket carrying a different satellite, the small Explorer 1 built by James Van Allen and his team at the University of Iowa. It was launched on 31 January, 1958. Explorer 1 carried only one instrument, a small detector of energetic particles, a Geiger counter designed to observe cosmic rays (ions of very high energy and unknown origin, arriving at Earth from distant space--see later section). The experiment worked quite well at low altitudes, but at the top of the orbit no particles at all were counted. Explorer 3, which followed two months later, collected on tape a continuous record of data, which revealed that the zero counts actually represented a very high level of radiation. So many energetic particles hit the counter at the higher altitudes, that its mode of operation was overwhelmed and it fell silent. Not only was a radiation belt present at all times, it was remarkably intense.
卫星位于太阳同步轨道或倾角为90度的极轨。卫星上搭载一台日冕仪,重量为25公斤、功耗20瓦。 8. 近日冕探测小卫星 科学目标:监测日冕物质抛射前期的征兆, 研究日冕物质抛射早期(1-3个太阳半径)的加速过程;判断日冕物质抛射的方向、级别、及对地有效性,并预报日冕物质抛射对日地环境的影响。 卫星位于太阳同步轨道或倾角为90度的极轨。卫星上搭载一台日冕仪,重量为25公斤、功耗20瓦。 The modern space era with artificial satellites sent for direct measurements of the near-Earth space began in the early 1960’s. The years 1957-8 were designated as the "International Geophysical Year" (IGY), and both the USA and the Soviet Union (Russia) prepared to launch at that time artificial satellites, the first ever. Russia successfully orbited its first Sputnik ("satellite") on October 4, 1957, but the official US entry, Vanguard, failed at launch. The US then quickly assembled an alternative rocket carrying a different satellite, the small Explorer 1 built by James Van Allen and his team at the University of Iowa. It was launched on 31 January, 1958. Explorer 1 carried only one instrument, a small detector of energetic particles, a Geiger counter designed to observe cosmic rays (ions of very high energy and unknown origin, arriving at Earth from distant space--see later section). The experiment worked quite well at low altitudes, but at the top of the orbit no particles at all were counted. Explorer 3, which followed two months later, collected on tape a continuous record of data, which revealed that the zero counts actually represented a very high level of radiation. So many energetic particles hit the counter at the higher altitudes, that its mode of operation was overwhelmed and it fell silent. Not only was a radiation belt present at all times, it was remarkably intense.
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