語音學報告 主題:連音 班級:應英一B 指導老師:蔡佩倫老師 組員: 朱涵寧 林薏馨


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Presentation transcript:

語音學報告 主題:連音 班級:應英一B 指導老師:蔡佩倫老師 組員: 94405108 朱涵寧 94405111 林薏馨 94405124 蘇郁茹 94405142 連元鳴

小甜甜布蘭妮貼心檔案>> 全名:Brithey Jean Spears 生日:1981/12/2 小名:Bit-Bit,Brit 最愛的食物:餅乾,冰淇淋,雞肉,餃子,冰紅茶 最愛的演員:布萊德彼特 最愛的電影:鐵達尼號(看了四次,哭了四次) 最愛的收集品:蠟燭,相框,娃娃

得獎全紀錄 1999.11.11-MTV歐洲音樂大獎 1. 最佳單曲”Baby One More Time” 2.最佳流行歌手 3.最佳女歌手 4.最佳新進藝人

得獎全紀錄 1999.12.8美國告示牌音樂大獎 1. 年度最佳女藝人 2.年度最佳新人 3.年度最佳專輯女藝人 4.年度百大暢超單曲女藝人

Don't go knockin' on my door <歌詞> Don't go knocking on my door Don't go knocking on my door Time is up No more cheat 'n' lie No more tears to dry You and I, we're like so "bye-bye" Finally I am over you Totally unblue And I can hear myself saying I am better off without you Stronger than ever and I…I'm tellin' you now

CHORUS: Don't go knockin' on my door Gotta stay away for sure You say you miss me like crazy now But I ain't buyin' that You better get off my back Don't go knockin' on my door ---End CHORUS

I can see It's no mystery It's so clear to me What we had is all history It's OK I can sleep at night It will be alright I can hear myself saying I am better off without you Stronger than ever and I…I'm tellin' you now

CHORUS Don't go knock on my door Don't go knockin' on my door Don't go knockin' on my door Do what you want As long as you don't come back Don't go knockin' on my door Gotta stay away for sure And now I ain't buyin' that You better get off my back CHORUS

連 音 knockin' → Knocking cheat 'n' lie →cheat and lie tellin‘→ telling 連 音 knockin' → Knocking cheat 'n' lie →cheat and lie tellin‘→ telling Gotta → got to I ain't → I am not buyin‘→ buying