Making Appointment.


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Presentation transcript:

Making Appointment

Objectives you will learn to use Chinese to • Answer a phone call and initiate a phone conversation; • Set up an appointment with a teacher on the phone; • Ask for a favor; • Ask someone to return your call.

Read with me

Voc1_1 下 xià 2. 中文 Zhōng wén 文 wén 3. 帮 bāng 4. 准备 zhǔn bèi 1.下个 xià ge 下 xià 2. 中文 Zhōng wén 文 wén 3. 帮 bāng 4. 准备 zhǔn bèi 5. 练习 liàn xí 6. 说 shuō

Voc1_2 7. 啊 a 8. 但是 dàn shì 9. 得 děi 10.跟 gēn 11.见面 jiàn miàn 面 miàn 12.回来 huí lai


Time Expressions_年 大前年 dàqiánnián three years ago 前年 qiánnián the year before last 去年 qùnián last year 今年 jīnnián this year 明年 míngnián next year 后年 hòunián the year after next 大后年 dàhòunián three years from now

Time Expressions_月 上上个月 shàng shàng ge yuè 上个月 shàng ge yuè last month the month before last 上个月 shàng ge yuè last month 这个月 zhè ge yuè this month 下个月 xià ge yuè next month 下下个月 xià xià ge yuè the month after next

Time Expressions_天 大前天 dàqiántiān three days ago 前天 qiántiān the day before yesterday 昨天 zuótiān yesterday 今天 jīntiān today 明天 míngtiān tomorrow 后天 hòutiān the day after tomorrow 大后天 dàhòutiān three days from today

Time Expressions_星期 上上(个)星期 shàng shàng (ge) xīngqī the week before last 上(个)星期 shàng (ge) xīngqī last week 这(个)星期 zhè (ge) xīngqī this week 下(个)星期 xià (ge) xīngqī next week 下下(个)星期 xià xià (ge) xīngqī the week after next

The Modal Verb 得 The modal verb 得 (děi) means “need to” or “must”. 我现在得去开会,没空儿跟你聊天儿。 Wǒ xiànzài děi qù kāi huì, méi kòngr gēn nǐ liáo tiānr. 我有事儿,得去学校。Wǒ yǒu shìr, děi qù xuéxiào. The negative form of 得 (děi, must) is 不用 (búyòng, need not) or 不必 (búbì, need not), not *不得 (bù děi). Therefore, the correct way to say “You don’t have to go to the library” in Chinese is A, not B: A. 你不用去图书馆。or 你不必去图书馆。 Nǐ búyòng qù túshūguǎn. Nǐ búbì qù túshūguǎn. B. *你不得去图书馆。

Directional Complements_1 来/去 (lái/qù, to come/go) can serve as a directional complement after such verbs as 进 (jìn, to enter) and 回 (huí, to return). 来 (lái, to come) signifies movement toward the speaker, while 去 (qù, to go) signifies movement away from the speaker. [A is at home, speaking on the phone to B, who is away from home.] A: 你什么时候回来? Nǐ shénme shíhou huí lai? B: 我六点回去。 Wǒ liù diǎn huí qu.

Directional Complements [A is outside, and B is inside. A knocks on the door, and B tells A to come in.] B:进来。 Jìn lai. (Come in.) [Both A and B are outside. A tells B to go inside.] A:进去。 Jìn qu. (Go in.)

A 跟 B + V(O) (A gēn B + V(O)) EXAMPLE:常老师, 李友,说中文 → 常老师跟李友说中文 王朋,李友, 聊天儿 高文中, 白英爱, 跳舞 李友, 白英爱, 说英文 王朋,高文中, 见面吃晚饭

别 (bié, don’t) and 得 (děi, must) Example: X_聊天儿, V 看书 → 你别聊天儿, Nǐ bié liáo tiānr, 你得看书。 nǐ děi kàn shū. 1. X 喝茶, V 睡觉 hē chá shuì jiào 2. X 看电视, V 给老师打电话 kàn diànshì gěi lǎoshī dǎ diànhuà 3. X 睡觉, V 去考试 shuì jiào qù kǎo shì 4. X 打球, V 练习说中文 dǎ qiú liànxí shuō Zhōngwén

A 跟 B 见面 EXAMPLE: 我 ,(不)想,王朋 -> 我(不)想跟王朋见面。 我 ,(不)想,白英爱 我 , 想, 李友, Wǒ (bù) xiǎng gēn Wáng Péng jiàn miàn. 我 ,(不)想,白英爱 我 , 想, 李友, 她 , 想, 高文中, 她 ,(不)想, 高小音, 常老师,(不)想, 高小音,

With a partner 你这个星期天 Nǐ zhè ge xīngqītiān Take out your day planner, and take turns asking each other questions: 你这个星期天 Nǐ zhè ge xīngqītiān 上午(要)做什么? shàngwǔ (yào) zuò shénme? 你下个星期三 Nǐ xià ge xīngqīsān 下午(要)做什么? xiàwǔ (yào) zuò shénme? 你下个星期五 Nǐ xià ge xīngqīwǔ 晚上(要)做什么? wǎnshang (yào) zuò shénme?

He / She is not home_1 A: 您好!请问 ___________ A: Nín hǎo! Qǐng wèn A: the caller B: the mother of the caller’s boyfriend/girlfriend A is calling his/her girlfriend/boyfriend to go out on a date. But A is surprised that B answers the phone… A: 您好!请问 ___________ A: Nín hǎo! Qǐng wèn 在吗? zài ma? B: 不在。你是哪位? B: Bú zài. Nǐ shì nǎ wèi? A: 我是 __________。 A: Wǒ shì . B: 你找 __________ B: Nǐ zhǎo 有事儿吗? yǒu shìr ma?

He / She is not home_2 A then tells B the reason for the call… A: 我明天晚上想请 A: Wǒ míngtiān wǎngshang xiǎng qǐng 他/她 ________。 tā ___________ . B seems to know her daughter/son’s schedule very well… B: 他/她明天晚上要 B: Tā míngtiān wǎngshang yào __________,没空儿。 _____________, méi kòngr. A is disappointed, but does not give up, and proposes a different time… A: 那他/她 ________ A: Nà tā 有时间吗? yǒu shíjiān ma?

He / She is not home_3 B: 他/她 ____________ B: Tā B gives the same answer with a different activity that the daughter/son is committed to… B: 他/她 ____________ B: Tā 要 ____________, yào __________ , 没时间。 méi shíjiān A thinks that he or she had better ask B to tell the daughter/son to call him/her back… A: 那请他/她回来以后 A: Nà qǐng tā huí lai yǐhòu ______________, ________________, 我等他/她的电话。 wǒ děng tā de diànhuà. Though a bit reluctant, B promises she will do that, then hangs up the phone. A tries to thank B and says goodbye before the click. B: 好,再见。 B: Hǎo, zàijiàn. A: 谢谢您!再见。 A: Xièxie nín! Zàijiàn.

中文 /汉语 Both 中文 (Zhōngwén) and 汉语 (Hànyǔ) mean “the Chinese language.” 汉 is the name of the predominant ethnic group in China, and 汉语 literally means “the language of the Han people.” Therefore, Chinese citizens of non-Han ethnic backgrounds will most likely refer to the Chinese language as 汉语 rather than 中文. There is also a difference in nuance between 语 (yǔ, speech) and 文 (wén, writing), but for most purposes 汉语 (Hànyǔ) and 中文 (Zhōngwén) are generally considered synonymous.

What languages do you speak? 1. 法文 Fǎwén pn the French language 2. 日文 Rìwén pn the Japanese language 3. 德文 Déwén pn the German language 4. 韩文 Hánwén pn the Korean language 5. 俄文 Éwén pn the Russian language 6. 西班牙文 Xībānyáwén pn the Spanish language 7. 意大利文 Yìdàlìwén pn the Italian language 8. 葡萄牙文 Pútáoyáwén pn the Portuguese language 9. 希腊文 Xīlàwén pn the Greek language 10. 拉丁文 Lādīngwén pn the Latin language

Supplement Nǐ měitiān zǎoshɑng jǐ diǎn qǐchuáng? A:你每天     早上 几点 起床? When do you get up on the morning?   Wǒ měitiān zǎoshɑng qī diǎn qǐchuáng。 B:我 每天    早上   七点 起床。 I usually get up at 7 o’clock. Nǐ měitiān jǐ diǎn shàngkè? A:你每天   几点   上课? When do you usually start your lesson? Wǒ bā diǎn kāishǐ shàngkè。Zhè shì wǒ de shíjiānbiǎo。 B:我八 点 开始   上课。 这是 我的 时间表。       I begin to take my lesson at 8. This is my timetable

21 Century Tech Your eMail address Web accessing for the assignment Listening: Add voice clip into the handout Speaking: You record the voice clip to me Reading: Add voice clip into the handout Writing: Type汉字 into computer Internet sharing

Conclusion Ask about the reason for a phone call; Ask for a favor politely; Set up an appointment on the phone; Negotiate to find a common time that everyone can meet ; Request that my call be returned. Please review the lesson if any of these tasks seem difficult.

Homework Check the assignment from