The Three Selves Higher Self, Lower Self, And Mask 三层自我 高级自我 低级自我 面具自我 The Undefended Self 来自《坦呈自我》第四章 By Susan Thesenga 作者:苏珊·赛森格 Published by Peking.


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Presentation transcript:

The Three Selves Higher Self, Lower Self, And Mask 三层自我 高级自我 低级自我 面具自我 The Undefended Self 来自《坦呈自我》第四章 By Susan Thesenga 作者:苏珊·赛森格 Published by Peking University Press 2009

Steps to the Undefended Self Align with positive intent Identity faults and disharmonies Develop the Observer Self Learn and accept different aspects of self Uncover patterns and images Understand Idealized Self Image Face and accept existence of Lower Self Claim and identify with Higher Self Uncover attachments to negativity Allow pain of real guilt, accept forgiveness Create your life with and from your Higher Self

Mask Self 面具自我 Lower Self 低级自我 Real Self 真实自我 Higher Self 高级自我 Mask and Lower Self prevent access to the Higher Self 面具和低级自我阻止通向高级自我

Mask Self 面具自我 What we want the world to believe about us: Attitude 礼貌 我们希望世界相信我们这些: 态度 礼貌 服装 外观 Mask Self What we want the world to believe about us: Attitude Manners Clothing Outer appearance

Mask / Idealized Self Image (ISI) 面具/理想化的自我形象 Image: A false conclusion or generalization about life events 形象:生活事件的虚假总结或者概括 Both ISI and Mask try to look perfect 理想化的自我形象和面具都试图寻求完美 Purpose is to avoid past hurts 目的是避免过去的伤害 We live in our ideas (= mask) about the past 我们生活在过去的思想(面具)里 The past overlays the reality of the present 过去覆盖了目前的现实

Mask Distortions 面具扭曲 Love爱 Power力量 Serenity平和 Submission屈服 Dependency依赖 Aggression进攻性 Control控制欲 Detachment冷漠 Withdrawal退缩

prevent access to the Higher Self 面具和低级自我阻止转向高级自我 Mask Self 面具自我 Types of Mask: 面具的种类: False Love:假爱 Submission屈服 Dependency依赖 False Power: Aggression进攻性 Control控制欲 False Serenity:虚假的平和 Detachment冷漠 Withdrawal退缩 Lower Self Aspects: 低级自我的方面: Pride骄傲 Self-Will自我意愿 Fear恐惧 Real Self 真实自我 Higher Self True Aspects of 高级自我的方面 Love爱 Power力量 Serenity平和 Mask and Lower Self prevent access to the Higher Self 面具和低级自我阻止转向高级自我

低级自我 Lower Self 我们在他人面前所隐藏的: 自私的想法 Mean thoughts 不称职 Incompetence 自私 害羞 Lower Self What we want to hide from others: Mean thoughts Incompetence Selfishness Shame

当人们情绪低落时,面具自我总是以一种或者其他的方式被创建。他们建立了一个与他们的真实存在毫无关系的虚幻层; When people are emotionally sick, it is always in one way or another that a mask self has been created. They have built a layer of unreality that has nothing to do with their real being; 当人们情绪低落时,面具自我总是以一种或者其他的方式被创建。他们建立了一个与他们的真实存在毫无关系的虚幻层; thus, they are not true to their real personality. Being true to oneself does not mean that you should give in to your lower self, but that you should be aware of it. 因此,他们不是自己的真实个性。要忠实于自己并不意味着你让步于你的低级自我, 但你应该意识到这一点。 Pgl 14, Higher Self, Lower Self, Mask 14页,高级自我,低级自我,面具

present without interference . 面具和低级自我目前互不干扰 Mask Self 面具自我 Able to be open or closed as appropriate 能够适当的开朗或者封闭 Allows Lower Self to be accessed and transformed 允许低级自我进行访问和转化 Allows Higher Self energy to move freely 允许高级自我能量自由行动 Lower Self 低级自我 Learns that it is not ALL bad Open to Transformation 得知开放转型并不全是坏事 Real Self 真实自我 Higher Self 高级自我 Able to reveal itself Support the whole being 能够揭示自身支持整个人类 Mask and Lower Self present without interference . 面具和低级自我目前互不干扰

高级自我 Higher Self 关于我们是谁的最深切真理: The deepest truth about who we are: 爱心 善良 明智 Higher Self The deepest truth about who we are: Loving Kind Wise

In order to face the lower self, you must at all costs tear down the pretenses of the mask self. 为了面对低级自我,你必须不惜一切代价撕掉面具自我的借口。 Pgl 14, Higher Self, Lower Self, Mask 14页,高级自我,低级自我,面具

Adult Ego 成年自我 Inner Child 童性 Real Self 真实自我 Soul or Higher Self Uses the Mask and Idealized Self Image to protect itself from criticism or blame. 使用面具和理想化的形象保护自己免于批评和责备。 Inner Child 童性 Feelings are not honored by the Adult ‘parent’. Lower Self energizes the repressed feelings and allows them an outlet. 成人父母都不因为感情而感到荣耀。低级自我使被压抑的情绪具有活力,并让给他们一个出路。 Real Self 真实自我 Soul or Higher Self 灵魂或高级自我 Can offer clarity, love and truth. 能够提供清澈,爱心和真理 Interaction between theconcepts of Mask, Lower Self and Higher Self and Adult Ego, Inner Child, and Soul 面具、低级与高级自我和成年自我、童性和心灵相互作用 14

‘I am a sophisticated, cool person’ Here’s how this works: 以下是如何工作的: Your Adult Ego says ‘I am a sophisticated, cool person’ 您的成人自我说 ”我是一个复杂的,冷静的人“

这也是为了纪念在过去的时间里,你觉得自己笨拙,无知,粗鲁,或者只是”怪异“。 It is remembering a time in the past when you felt judged as clumsy, ignorant, uncouth, or just ‘geeky’. 这也是为了纪念在过去的时间里,你觉得自己笨拙,无知,粗鲁,或者只是”怪异“。 At that moment, in the past, you felt humiliated, embarrassed, unloved, left out, and/or threatened. 在那一刻,在过去,你感到羞辱,尴尬,不被爱,被排除,或被威胁。

You develop a MASK, a false persona, which is made up of ideas you have about what it would look like to be sophisticated and cool. 这样你就形成了一个面具的人, 一个虚伪的人, 它是由你所具有的看起来复杂和冷静的思想组成。

Your Inner Child was having fun in the moment when you felt judged. 当你感觉到时,你的童性在那一刻也很开心。 It resents being told ‘we will never do that again’. It doesn’t like being sophisticated and cool. It feels trapped, uncomfortable, unloved and unwanted. 它不满的被告知”我们绝不会再这样做“。 它不喜欢成熟和冷静。他感觉步步危机,不舒服,不被爱护和不受欢迎。

当它试图表示愤怒时,沮丧或悲伤的成人自我说”嘘!安静!做个好人! “ When it tries to express its anger, frustration or sadness the Adult Ego says ‘Hush! Be Quiet! Be Good!’ 当它试图表示愤怒时,沮丧或悲伤的成人自我说”嘘!安静!做个好人! “

因为它知道,这些能量是负面的,而它需要隐瞒来自外界和来自成人自我的这些能量。 The Inner Child attracts and harbors negative energies of hatred, contempt, resentment. 童性吸引了并心怀着仇恨,蔑视, 不满的消极能量。 Since it knows that these energies are negative, it needs to hide both from the outside world AND from the Adult Ego. 因为它知道,这些能量是负面的,而它需要隐瞒来自外界和来自成人自我的这些能量。

A barrier of dense negative energy builds up which neither the Adult Ego nor the Child wants others to know about. 高密度负能量障碍积聚了,但这是无论成人自我还是儿童都不希望别人知道的。

Steps to the Undefended Self Align with positive intent Identity faults and disharmonies Develop the Observer Self Learn and accept different aspects of self Uncover patterns and images Understand Idealized Self Image Face and accept existence of Lower Self Claim and identify with Higher Self Uncover attachments to negativity Allow pain of real guilt, accept forgiveness Create your life with and from your Higher Self

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