Taking CE Marking a step further 从CE认证…拓展 Graham McKay June 2013
Objectives 目的 To gain an understanding of the “CE Marking” process 理解“CE认证”的过程 To gain a more detailed understanding of current CE Marking requirements for gas appliances. 详细了解现行的燃气用具CE认证要求 Some idea of what the future might hold for supply of gas appliances in Europe. 未来欧盟燃气用具的一些看法 How we can expand this for other markets? 如何向其它目标市场拓展?
CE Marking affixed to a product… 产品上的CE标志 Confusion Everywhere ? 随处困惑? Caveat Emptor ? 出门恕不退换,买者自负? Vast majority of people do not know what CE Mark means 绝大多数人不知晓CE标志的含义
CE Marking CE认证 Quality Mark? 质量标志 Meets EN standard? 符合欧盟EN标准 Independently tested? 第三方测试
CE Marking CE认证 Simply a declaration from the manufacturer that the product complies with ALL RELEVANT European Directives 简而言之,制造者声明,产品符合所有相关的欧盟指令 But what are the “Relevant European Directives”? 然而,何谓“相关的欧盟指令”?
“New Approach” Directives “新方法”指令 Example of a gas water heater: 以热水器为例 Gas Appliances Directive? 燃气用具指令? Covers safety of gas appliances 涵盖燃气用具安全性 Independent testing always required 总是要求第三方测试
“New Approach” Directives “新方法”指令 Example of a gas water heater: 以热水器为例 Gas Appliances Directive? 燃气用具指令? Low Voltage Directive? 低电压指令? Covers safety of electrical equipment 涵盖电气设备安全性 Independent testing never required 不要求第三方测试
“New Approach” Directives “新方法”指令 Example of a gas water heater: 以热水器为例 Gas Appliances Directive? 燃气用具指令? Low Voltage Directive? 低电压指令? Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive? 电磁兼容性指令? Covers EMC emissions & immunity 涵盖电磁辐射与抗扰性 Independent testing not normally required 通常不要求第三方测试
“New Approach” Directives “新方法”指令 Example of a gas water heater: 以热水器为例 Gas Appliances Directive? 燃气用具指令? Low Voltage Directive? 低电压指令? Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive? 电磁兼容性指令? Pressure Equipment Directive? 承压设备指令? Covers safety of pressurised equipment 涵盖承压设备 Independent testing might be required 或许要求第三方测试
“New Approach” Directives “新方法”指令 Example of a gas water heater: 以热水器为例 Gas Appliances Directive? GAD? Low Voltage Directive? LVD? Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive? EMC? Pressure Equipment Directive? PED? Even for relatively simple products, it is not easy to know for sure which EU Directives apply to it: 即使对于相对简单的产品,也难于确定适用的欧盟指令 Scopes of Directives are often complex 范围繁复 Directives may have many exclusions 指令可能有豁免 New Directives appear from time to time 新指令不时出现
CE Marking – Where does it apply? 适用区域 Applicable in the countries of the “European Economic Area” 适用于“欧洲经济区(EEA)” Which includes: 包括 27 Member States of the EU 27个欧盟成员国 Members of EFTA 3个欧洲自由贸易区成员 Member States joining the EU 申请加入欧盟的国家 EFTA, European Free Trade Association,欧洲自由贸易协会,包括挪威、冰岛、列支敦士登和瑞士 4 国。根据EEA协议,区内实现“四大流通自由”。即货物、人员、服务和资本流通自由。
CE Marking – Principles 原则 Products legally supplied in one country should be able to move freely through the Community 合法产品区内流通自由 Barriers to trade resulting from “local” variations are permitted, but only if: 允许“当地”差异性导致的贸易壁垒,但是仅当 They are necessary to satisfy health, safety, consumer protection and environmental protection 对于健康、安全、消费者保护和环保是必需的 They serve a legitimate purpose and can be justified 用于某个法定目的,并可证明是合理的 They are applied equally to everybody 对每个人都同等适用 Examples include 例子有 UK Plugs & Sockets Regulations 英国的插头插座法规 Different gas types and pressures used in different countries 不同国家不同燃气种类和压力
CE Marking – Principles 原则 Regulations are limited to “essential requirements” 法规仅限于“必要要求” European Standards will detail how the essential requirements are interpreted for specific products. 对于特定产品,欧盟标准解释了必要要求 Use of EN standards remains voluntary – only the essential requirements have force of law. 欧标的采用是自愿的 – 只有必要要求是法定强制的 Products manufactured in compliance with EN standards will benefit from a “presumption of conformity” with the corresponding essential requirements 按照欧标生产的产品可以从标准“符合性推定”得益
“New Approach” Directives “新方法”指令 Gas Appliances Directive 燃气用具指令 Low Voltage Directive 低电压指令 Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive 电磁兼容性指令 Pressure Equipment Directive 承压设备指令 Boiler Efficiency Directive 锅炉能效指令 Construction Products Directive 建筑产品指令 Marine Equipment Directive 船用设备指令 Lifts Directive 升降机(电梯)指令 Machinery Directive 机械安全指令 etc…等等
Enforcement & Penalties 执法与惩罚 Each Member State can decide how to monitor and enforce each Directive within their territory 每个成员国可以决定在其管辖范围内如何监管每个指令的实施 Penalties for non-conformity are generally left at the discretion of each Member State 不符合性的惩罚一般由各成员国自行确定 Fines 罚款 Imprisonment for serious offences 严重后果,可课以刑罚 Bear in mind that CE Marking is a LEGAL process 牢记,CE认证是一个符合法规的过程
Defence 申辩 Observing “Due Diligence” is the only acceptable defence, but this will NOT stop non-compliant products being removed from the market. “勤勉尽职”是唯一可接受的申辩,但是这不能阻止不符合性产品撤离市场 “Such diligence as a reasonable person under the same circumstances would use: use of reasonable but not necessarily exhaustive efforts..” “这种勤勉是一个普通的人在同等境况下做到的:合理的用法而不必是全部的精力..”
CE Marking – How to do it… 如何实施CE认证 7 steps to compliance for any product 任何产品CE 符合性的7个步骤
CE Marking – How to comply 如何符合 Determine which EU Directives apply to your product确定产品适用的欧盟指令 Consider scope of all Directives that may be relevant 关注相关的所有指令的适用范围 Consider exclusions given in most Directives 关注指令规定的豁免内容 Take advice and consider what others have done 咨询并关注别人做了些什么 Don’t be unnecessarily harsh on yourselves but be reasonable 不必过分苛求自身但要合理 DOCUMENT all decisions made at this stage, along with the reasons why they were made 在此阶段所作的全部决定连同其理由要形成文件
CE Marking – How to comply 如何符合 2) Evaluate and/or test your product to cover the essential requirements of each Directive that applies 评估和/或测试产品,涵盖每个适用指令的必要要求 Easier to “design-in” compliance than to modify for it later 符合性整合设计比符合性改型更容易 Balance risk against cost of testing 风险与测试成本的平衡 Make use of harmonised standards where possible 采用协调标准 Helps avoid excessive testing 有助于避免过度测试 Gives presumption of conformity 获得符合性推定 Should ensure a consistent approach with competitors 确保与竞争者一致的方法 Consider using an independent test laboratory 使用第三方实验室 May be mandatory for certain product types or Directives 指令强制 Specialised test equipment may be required 要求定制的设备
CE Marking – How to comply 如何符合 Modify your design as necessary following evaluation and retest if appropriate 根据评估结果,如果必要,修改设计,并进行再测试 Failure to rectify a known problem with a product is not likely to be considered as “due diligence” 不能修正某一已知问题,是不可能被认为“勤勉尽职”的 Evidence of problems that were identified and solved adds credibility to your technical file 发现并解决问题的证据增加技术文档的可信度
CE Marking – How to comply 如何符合 4) Decide how conformity will be maintained and ensured for volume production 确定量产的符合性维持方法 Specified in some Directives 有些指令有规定 Formal Quality System may be beneficial 规整的质量体系可能有益 Quality Plan to show tests and inspections to be applied: 质量计划列明适用的测试和检验 Goods inwards checks on suppliers 供应商的供货查验 Routine production line tests (sub-assembly & final assembly) 日常生产线测试(分组件和最终集成体) More detailed audit tests on % of products made 按产品%更深入的跟踪测试 Remember that the Directives apply to EACH INDIVIDUAL PRODUCT that you place on the market! 牢记,那些适用指令适用于每一件投放市场的产品!
CE Marking – How to comply 5) Write your “EC Declaration of Conformity” for the product. This should include: 编撰产品的“符合性声明”,包括 The name and address of the manufacturer 制造者名称和地址 Full identification of the product(s) covered 所含产品完整识别信息 A list of all Directives that have been applied 已用指令列表 References of all harmonised standards applied 已用所有协调标准信息 Notified Body certificate references (where relevant) 公告指定认证机构信息(如果相关的) Identification of the individual responsible 责任人信息 The DoC is the document that explains what the CE Mark means on your product! 该符合性声明是对其所含产品上CE标志的解释!
CE Marking – How to comply 如何符合 6) Complete your technical file for the product: 编制产品的技术文档 Complete description of the product 完整的产品描述 Details of procedures (standards) used to ensure conformity with each applicable Directive 用于每一个指令符合性的程序(标准)细节 Test reports giving details of tests & examinations made 包含检测细节的测试报告 A complete set of product drawings and/or photographs 全套产品图纸和/或照片 All instruction manuals that are supplied with the product 伴随产品的所有使用手册 Details of quality control procedures in place 现场质量控制程序细节 A copy of the Declaration of Conformity 一份符合性声明(DoC) The technical file must be made available to enforcement bodies if they request it. 在执法机构要求时,技术文档必须提供
CE Marking – How to do it… 如何符合… Step 7 is the one that the vast majority of companies forget about… 第7步是绝大多数公司都不放在心上的…
CE Marking – How to comply 如何符合 7) At regular intervals, REVIEW the decision to affix the CE Mark to your products: 定期检视在产品上加用CE标志的决定 The product may have changed 产品可能已经改变 The environment for the product may have changed 产品所处的环境可能已经改变 Standards used to assess the product may have changed 评价产品的标准可能已经改变 New “CE Marking” Directives may have come into force 新的CE指令可能实施 Remember that the Directives apply to EACH INDIVIDUAL PRODUCT that you place on the market – at the time they are supplied! 牢记,那些适用指令适用于每一件投放市场的产品 – 在供货时!
CE Marking – How to do it… “CE Marking” should be considered as a continual process over the whole life of a product and not as a “one-off” exercise. “CE认证”应视为产品全生命周期中持续的过程,而不是“一次性”的作业
Summary 概要 “CE Marking” is a legal procedure “CE认证”是一个合法的过程 Responsibility of manufacturer or responsible person 制造者或责任人的责任 To identify all applicable directives 识别所有适用指令 To follow procedures detailed in each directive 遵循每项指令规定的程序 To comply with the requirements of each directive 符合每项指令的必要要求 Due diligence is only legal defence 勤勉尽职仅是合法的申辩 Compile “technical file” as evidence of your diligence 编撰“技术文档”是勤勉的证据 Review your decision on a regular basis 定期检视您的决定
Questions? 提问?
Things Change ! The Future? 未来? Commission is in the process of drafting a possible revision to the LVD… Down to zero volts to include ALL electrical equipment (including battery powered)… causes lots of problems when you start to consider things like static electricity
The Future – Gas Appliances? 未来 – 燃气用具? Gas Appliances Directive is currently under review by the European Commission. Subjects under consideration include: 目前,欧盟正在检讨燃气用具指令,主题包括: Revision of the scope of the Directive 指令范围修改 To cover a wider range of gas appliances? 覆盖更宽范围的燃气用具? To clarify the position of new technologies? 澄清新技术的处境? To cover installation components? 覆盖安装元器件? Revision of the essential requirements of the Directive 指令的必要要求修改 To adequately address new technologies? 充分涵盖新技术? To remove “rational use of energy” requirement? 删除“能源合理运用”的要求 Commission has recently started a review of the GAD – this has taken a long time because the general opinion seems to be that the GAD has worked quite well and has few problems. Very few safeguard actions when compared with products under the LVD. A survey of interested parties was carried out last year and I have the report is available on the Europa Website if anybody wants to see it. The review highlighted a number of issues or suggestions for improvement of the GAD – some people want more products covered, some want to remove the third-party testing requirement (not much precedent for this). Fittings (valves, hoses etc) used with gas appliances do not benefit from free movement allowed by CE Marking and some people would like them in the scope. Some gas products (blowtorches) may be added… Clarify heat pumps, DCHP, Fuel Cells etc…and add new essential requirements to cover these types of products and possibly to cover in more detail the increasing reliance on safety-related electronic systems. Efficiency requirement doesn’t really have any place in a safety directive and is not enforceable…
The Future – new requirements? 新要求? European Commission are actively working on a new “Energy Related Products” (ERP) Directive on efficiency. 欧盟正在积极推行关于能效的“涉能产品”(ERP)指令 Likely to include efficiency requirements for many products by 2013 – 2015? 可能到2013至2015年,对许多产品会有能效要求? This will require some sort of consumer label? 这将要求某种消费识别标签? Least efficient products will gradually be banned from the market over time (filament light bulbs) 最低能效等级的产品将逐步从市场淘汰(白炽灯泡) Most likely future for the BED is that it will be withdrawn and replaced by some sort of voluntary energy labelling scheme as is in place for a number of electrical products (tumble dryers, fridges, washing machines etc) – this will group appliances into “bands”, probably based on some sort of seasonal rating This is currently being proposed for the DHW functions of combi boilers and all types of water heater, so would be a logical step for all boilers. The ROHS Directive will apply to gas appliances (July 2019) RoHS指令将在2019年7月适用于燃气用具
The Future - Standards? 标准? Revisions to European Standards: 欧盟标准修改 EN standards are revised frequently 欧标频繁地修改 Standards are NOT mandatory, but they are generally considered to represent “state of the art”. 标准不是强制性的,但通常视其为代表“先进性” New standards may consider risks or “foreseeable abnormal use” that the manufacturer had not considered. 新的标准会考虑风险或“可预见的不正常使用”,而这是制造者未曾考虑的 If certification was based on complying with an out of date EN standard, “presumption of conformity” may be lost. 如果认证是基于过时的标准,“符合性推定”将失效 Expect standards to be reviewed as some are now quite old (maybe 10 years) and will need to be updated – even if standards were not used during Type Examination, manufacturers should keep up to date as EN standards effectively define what is considered to be “safe” in the meaning of the Directive.
Taking it further! Commission is in the process of drafting a possible revision to the LVD… Down to zero volts to include ALL electrical equipment (including battery powered)… causes lots of problems when you start to consider things like static electricity
Other markets 其他市场 CE Marking and compliance with EN standards can also help provide access to other markets for gas appliances: 燃气用具的CE认证有助于进入其他市场 Some territories accept CE Marking 某些国家/地区接受CE认证 Some countries have adopted EN standards 某些国家采用欧标 The detail varies from product to product, but here is an overview, along with a few examples 具体的视产品而定,然而,可以有个概括,并举出一些例子 Expect standards to be reviewed as some are now quite old (maybe 10 years) and will need to be updated – even if standards were not used during Type Examination, manufacturers should keep up to date as EN standards effectively define what is considered to be “safe” in the meaning of the Directive.
Other markets 澳大利亚 Australia requires compliance with its own AS standards for gas appliances and approval by AGA (mainly) 澳大利亚要求符合燃气用具的澳标,并经AGA(主要的认证机构)认证 Safety and control devices tested by BSI to EN standards will usually be accepted 经BSI按照欧标测试的安全和控制装置通常是可接受的 BSI can also test appliances and controls to AS standards if required and this will be accepted in Australia. BSI也可以按照澳标测试燃气用具和控制器,这是澳大利亚接受的 Expect standards to be reviewed as some are now quite old (maybe 10 years) and will need to be updated – even if standards were not used during Type Examination, manufacturers should keep up to date as EN standards effectively define what is considered to be “safe” in the meaning of the Directive.
Other markets 新西兰 New Zealand requires compliance with its own NZS 5262 standard for gas appliances 新西兰要求符合燃气用具的新标NZS 5262 EU approval by BSI is accepted for most products within their standard plus some minor additional testing and marking requirements for the local conditions 对于大多数产品,经BSI的欧标认证,是可以接受的,仅须加做一些次要测试,并按照当地条件,满足标识要求 Special case for mobile space heaters… 移动空间取暖器是特例 Expect standards to be reviewed as some are now quite old (maybe 10 years) and will need to be updated – even if standards were not used during Type Examination, manufacturers should keep up to date as EN standards effectively define what is considered to be “safe” in the meaning of the Directive.
Other markets 南非 South Africa requires compliance with its own SANS 1539 standard for gas appliances 南非要求符合燃气用具的SANS 1539 BSI is an accredited test lab and certification body for the South African standard… BSI是该南非标准的认可实验室和认证机构 Expect standards to be reviewed as some are now quite old (maybe 10 years) and will need to be updated – even if standards were not used during Type Examination, manufacturers should keep up to date as EN standards effectively define what is considered to be “safe” in the meaning of the Directive.
Other markets 俄罗斯 Russia has its own GOST-R requirements for gas appliances 俄罗斯对燃气用具有其GOST-R的要求 Technically, the Russian requirements are based on compliance with the EN standards with some variations of gas pressure and language used 就技术而言,俄罗斯的要求是基于欧标的符合性,只是气压差异和所用语言不同 Expect standards to be reviewed as some are now quite old (maybe 10 years) and will need to be updated – even if standards were not used during Type Examination, manufacturers should keep up to date as EN standards effectively define what is considered to be “safe” in the meaning of the Directive.
Other markets 以色列 Israel has its own SI standards for gas appliances 以色列有燃气用具的SI标准 Technically, the Israeli requirements are based on the EN standards with some minor variations to suit local custom and use 就技术而言,以色列的要求基于欧标,只有些许差异,以满足当地习惯和用途 Compliance has to be checked by SII in Israel 符合性必须在以色列由SII查核 BSI will become the first body outside Israel to offer this approval BSI将成为以色列境外第一个提供该认证的机构 Expect standards to be reviewed as some are now quite old (maybe 10 years) and will need to be updated – even if standards were not used during Type Examination, manufacturers should keep up to date as EN standards effectively define what is considered to be “safe” in the meaning of the Directive.
Discussion & Questions 问答 BSI can help with many other markets for gas and electrical products… this was just a sample BSI可以助您进入许多别的(燃气和电气用具)市场… 上述只是一些例子
Making excellence a habit 英国 上海 广州 Graham Mckay Global Head of Electrical & Gas Products 电话: +44 (0)1509 33 11 01 电邮: graham.mckay@bsigroup.com 钱树霖 地址: 上海市南京西路338号 仙乐斯广场10楼1006-1011 邮编:200003 +86 (0) 21 2316 0312 手机: +86 (0) 1360 196 7459 传真: +86 (0) 21 2316 0208 shulin.qian@bsigroup.com 曾翠伦 广州市天河路208号 粤海天河城大厦12楼1209室 邮编:510620 +86 (0)20 8516 8180 +86 (0)20 8516 8169 allan.zeng@bsigroup.com