Christmas. One of the most celebrated holidays in the world


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Presentation transcript:

Christmas. One of the most celebrated holidays in the world Christmas! One of the most celebrated holidays in the world. The reason is simple, a Savior was born into the world to save and to redeem mankind from eternal punishment. 聖誕節!一個全世界廣泛慶祝的節日。慶祝的原因很簡單: 一位救贖主誕生於世, 來救贖人類脫離永恆的懲罰。

But this is not where the story begins, in fact, the story began from the very beginning when God created mankind. You see, God created in love, He desired to have a relationship with His creation. But when man disobeyed God, a separation was created. 不過這並不是故事的開始。這故事從神創造人的那一刻就開始了。神是用愛創造了人,祂希望與他所創造的人有關係。但因人違背了神的旨意,神與人有了隔絕。

Christmas is about HOPE, the hope of this relationship being restored 盼望神與人的關係得以恢復

Christmas is about FAITH, believing that God’s promises have been fulfilled. 聖誕節代表的是信心 相信神的應許都已實現了

Christmas is about LOVE, learning to love God because God first loved us. 聖誕節代表的是愛 學習如何愛神, 因為他先愛了我們

This is why we celebrate. We celebrate the Endless Love of God

So come, join us in songs and music as we tell about this wonderful and amazing story of love! 來,讓我們一同用音樂及詩歌 來訴說這美好又奇妙 愛的故事

The steadfast love of the LORD is from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear him. 耶和華的慈愛, 歸於敬畏他的人, 從亙古到永遠。 Psalm / 詩篇 103:17

This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. 神差他獨生子到世間來,使我們藉著他得生,神愛我們的心, 在此就顯明了。 1 John / 約翰一書 4:9

O God, How Endless Is Your Love 無限的愛/ O God, How Endless Is Your Love 哦 主的愛何其無限 主恩賜夜夜都如新 主憐憫日日美又善 如黎明晶瑩的朝露 O God, how endless is Your love. Your gifts are every evening new, and morning mercies from above, gently distill like early dew.

祢展開絲絨般夜幕 護衛使我安然入夢 晨光夜色遵主而行 我靈亦隨甦醒 You spread the curtain of the night, great Guardian of my sleeping hours. Your sovereign word restores the light, and quickens all my powers.

我願謹遵主的吩咐 一生年日奉獻為主 因主賜不變的庇護 配得永遠讚美歡呼 讚美主 ! I yield my power to Your command, to You I consecrate my days. Eternal blessings from Your hand, demand eternal songs of praise, Songs of praise !

哦 主的愛何其無限 主恩賜夜夜都如新 主憐憫日日美又善 如黎明晶瑩的朝露 哦 ! 主的愛何其無限! 哦 主的愛何其無限 主恩賜夜夜都如新 主憐憫日日美又善 如黎明晶瑩的朝露 X 2 哦 ! 主的愛何其無限! O God, how endless is Your love. Your gifts are every evening new, and morning mercies from above, gently distill like early dew.  O God, how endless is Your love!

慶賀寶貴應許 /Celebrate the Promise  來慶賀 君王降生的應許 來慶賀 君王降生的應許 除去懼怕驚慌 救主即將臨降 Celebrate the promise of the King. Cast out your every fear; the Lord will soon appear.

來慶賀 主大愛的應許 來慶賀 慶賀寶貴應許 歌唱來慶賀 讓歡欣歌聲揚 心感恩 高聲唱 來慶賀 主大愛的應許 來慶賀 慶賀寶貴應許 歌唱來慶賀 讓歡欣歌聲揚 心感恩 高聲唱 Celebrate the promise of God’s love. Celebrate, celebrate the promise. Celebrate the promise of God’s love . Sing and celebrate, Let music start to ring; rejoice, give thanks and sing!

她將懷孕生子 為世人救贖主 祂名為以馬內利 神與人要合一 祂要為萬王之王 掌王權到永遠到永遠 主選童女馬利亞 蒙受奇妙恩待  主選童女馬利亞 蒙受奇妙恩待 她將懷孕生子 為世人救贖主 祂名為以馬內利 神與人要合一 祂要為萬王之王 掌王權到永遠到永遠 Gentle Mary, Chosen one, you are highly favored. God will bless you with a son, he will be our Savior. Call his name Emmanuel : God and man together. He will be the King of Kings; He will rule for ever and ever.

Celebrate the promise of the King. Celebrate, celebrate the promise. 來慶賀君王降生的應許 來慶賀 慶賀寶貴應許 歌唱來慶賀 除去懼怕驚慌 救主即將臨降 來慶賀君王降生的應許 x 3 Celebrate the promise of the King. Celebrate, celebrate the promise. Sing and celebrate! Cast out your every fear; the Lord will soon appear. Celebrate the promise of the King. x 3  

馬利亞,妳知道嗎?/ Mary , Did You Know ? 馬利亞,妳可知 妳的小寶貝 有天會行在水面? 將拯救世上兒女? 馬利亞,妳可知 妳的小寶貝 有天會行在水面? 將拯救世上兒女? Mary, did you know that your baby boy Would one day walk on water ? Would save our sons and daughters?

妳可知 , 妳的小寶貝, 將使妳得更新? 妳所生的小嬰孩 將拯救釋放妳? 馬利亞,妳可知 ? Did you know that your baby boy Has come to make you new? This Child that you delivered will soon deliver you. Mary, did you know ?

馬利亞,妳可知 ? 妳的小寶貝, 能使瞎眼得看見? 妳的小寶貝 能平靜狂風巨浪? 馬利亞,妳可知 ? 妳的小寶貝, 能使瞎眼得看見? 妳的小寶貝 能平靜狂風巨浪? Mary, did you know, that your baby boy Will give sight to the blind man? Mary, did you know, that your baby boy would calm a storm with His hand ?  

妳可知 , 妳的小寶貝, 有天使伴祂行? 當妳親吻妳的小寶貝, 妳是親吻主的面。 Did you know that your baby boy has walked Where angels trod ? And when you kiss your little baby , You have kissed the face of God?  

馬利亞,妳可知 ?妳可知 ? 瞎眼得見,聾子得聽, 死人得再復活! 瘸腿得行,啞巴開口, 都讚美神羔羊!神羔羊! 馬利亞,妳可知 ?妳可知 ? 瞎眼得見,聾子得聽, 死人得再復活! 瘸腿得行,啞巴開口, 都讚美神羔羊!神羔羊! Mary, did you know ? Did you know ? The blind will see, the deaf will hear; The dead will live again! The lame will leap, the dumb will speak The praises of the Lamb! Praises the Lamb!  

馬利亞,妳可知 , 妳的小寶貝, 是造萬物的主宰? 馬利亞,妳可知 妳的小寶貝 將統治地上萬國? Mary, did you know that your baby boy is Lord of all creation ? Will one day rule the nations ?

妳可知, 妳的小寶貝 是天庭聖羔羊? 在妳懷中恬睡嬰孩, 是自有永有真神! Did you know that your baby boy 妳可知, 妳的小寶貝 是天庭聖羔羊? 在妳懷中恬睡嬰孩, 是自有永有真神! Did you know that your baby boy Was heaven’s perfect Lamb? And the sleeping Child you’re holding Is the Great I Am ! I Am!

馬利亞,妳可知 妳的小寶貝 有天會行在水面? 將拯救世上兒女? Mary, did you know that your baby boy 馬利亞,妳可知 妳的小寶貝 有天會行在水面? 將拯救世上兒女? Mary, did you know that your baby boy Would one day walk on water ? Would save our sons and daughters?

妳可知 , 妳的小寶貝, 將使妳得更新? 妳所生的小嬰孩 將拯救釋放妳? 馬利亞,妳可知 ?x 3 Did you know that your baby boy Has come to make you new? This Child that you delivered will soon deliver you. Mary, did you know ? x 3

因此,主自己要給你們一個兆頭,必有童女懷孕生子, 給他起名叫以馬內利。 Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel. 因此,主自己要給你們一個兆頭,必有童女懷孕生子, 給他起名叫以馬內利。 Isaiah / 以賽亞書 7:14

因有一嬰孩為我們而生,有一子賜給我們,政權必擔在他的肩頭上,他名稱為奇妙,策士,全能的 神, 永在的父,和平的君。 For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. 因有一嬰孩為我們而生,有一子賜給我們,政權必擔在他的肩頭上,他名稱為奇妙,策士,全能的 神, 永在的父,和平的君。 Isaiah / 以賽亞書 9:6

Way up in the sky, little lamb. A star, a star, Dancing in the night, Do You Hear What I Hear ? /你聽到我聽到的嗎?  Said the night wind to the little lamb, Do you see what I see ? Way up in the sky, little lamb. A star, a star, Dancing in the night, with a tail as big as a kite. x 2 晚風對小羊說: 你看到我看到的嗎? 小羊羔,在高天上, 一顆星在天上跳舞, 拖著長尾巴像風箏一樣 x 2

Said the little lamb to the shepherd boy, Do you hear what I hear? Ringing thru the sky, shepherd boy, A song, a song high above the tree, “With a voice as big as the sea. x 2 “ 小羊羔對牧童說: 你聽到我聽到的嗎? 牧童,那清脆聲音響徹天空 高過林梢的歌聲, 宏偉的聲音闊比海 x 2

Said the shepherd boy to the mighty King, Do you know what I know? In your palace warm , mighty King A Child, a Child shivers in the cold, “Let us bring Him silver and gold. x 2” 小牧童對君王說: 你知道我知道的嗎? 偉大君王,在你溫暖宮殿裡 一個嬰孩在寒風中顫抖 〝讓我們帶金銀給他 . x 2〞

Said the king to the people everywhere, “Listen to what I say : Pray for peace, people everywhere ! Listen to what I say : 君王對萬民說: 為萬民祈求和平, 聽我說:

The Child the Child sleeping in the night, He will bring us goodness and light, He will bring us goodness and light. Bring us Light.” 這位嬰孩,那夜安眠的嬰孩, 祂會帶給我們良善與光明, 祂會帶給我們良善與光明! 帶給我們光明!