厦门大学图书馆的经验 the model of developing to Rural libraries


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Presentation transcript:

厦门大学图书馆的经验 the model of developing to Rural libraries 乡村图书馆合作共建模式 厦门大学图书馆的经验 the model of developing to Rural libraries Experience of Xiamen University Library 洪辉 李金科 Hui Hong Jingke Li

厦门大学概况 著名爱国华侨领袖陈嘉庚先生于1921年创办的,是中国近代教育史上第一所华侨创办的大学,也是我国唯一地处经济特区的国家“211工程”和“985工程”重点建设的高水平大学。目前学校占地近9000亩,其中校本部位于厦门岛南端,占地2500多亩,漳州校区占地2568亩,翔安校区规划建设用地3645亩。校舍建筑总面积140多万平方米。现有在校生38000多人,其中本科生20827人,硕士生14901人,博士生2483人,外国留学生及港澳台学生2000人,学校设有研究生院和22个学院(含62个系)和10个研究院,拥有14个博士学位授权一级学科,17个硕士学位授权一级学科,140个专业可招收培养博士研究生,225个专业可招收培养硕士研究生,83个专业可招收本科生;拥有5个一级学科和9个二级学科的国家级重点学科,15个博士后流动站,9个国家人才培养基地。学校拥有一支高水平的师资队伍,现有专任教师2435人,其中,教授、副教授1513人,学校共有两院院士22人。厦大校园依山傍海、风光秀丽,已成为公认的环境最优美的中国大学校园之一


厦门大学图书馆概况 厦门大学图书馆设有1个总馆,5个分馆,拥有馆舍面积6.2万平方米,图书馆馆藏总量562万册(其中印本馆藏371万册,电子馆藏191万册),全馆共有正式职工200余人,馆内现装备高性能的服务器和工作站400多套,图书馆面向全校师生和厦门市企事业单位部分人士提供书刊借阅、参考咨询、课题查新、馆际互借、文献复制等服务。

已建成的乡村图书馆 the builded rural libraries

已建成的乡村图书馆 the builded rural libraries 屈原乡村图书馆 example 1 什邡震区图书馆 example 2 海西乡村图书馆 【长汀馆·宁德馆·莆田馆·古田馆】 example 3 国仁工友之家 example 4

屈原乡村图书馆 example1 Builted in July 2007. 建于2007年7月 厦门大学学生为主,全国各地志愿者合力捐建 湖南省汨罗市新塘乡玉龙村村民刘爱军家 藏书6万多册,共有 200平方米,直接服务中小学生2000多名,村民近2万人 Builted in July 2007. Builders include students of xiemen university and volunteers. It located Miluo City, Hunan Province, Yulong villagers. It collectes more than 60,000 volumes and services for primary and secondary schools more than 2,000 , nearly 2 million people.200 square meters.

藏书6万多册,共有 200平方米,直接服务中小学生2000多名,村民近2万人 It collectes more than 60,000 volumes and services for primary and secondary schools more than 2,000 , nearly 2 million people.200 square meters.

什邡震区图书馆 example 2


国仁工友之家 Introduction of example 3 “平民教育中心”. 设立在菜市场对面一栋民房的二楼 城中村,人口密度达到五六万人。基本没有公共活动场所,更没有文化设施 it is a centre of educating civilian . It located for the second floor houses faced for vegetable market. This place have lots of people .There are not public places and cultural facilities.

Introduction of example 3 以工友的地点为地点,以工友的时间为时间 .人文素养课程、社团小组活动、沙龙讨论等系列活动。工友的邻家学习机构 改善工友 It dedicated for the workers. Activity include Humanities courses, community group activities, salon discussions. It is a learning institutions of Workers and enrich the lives of workers.

玉树“图书角”计划 example 3 以捐建图书角或者流动书库的方式进入玉树灾区,并组织志愿者进行短期支教。 以捐建图书角或者流动书库的方式进入玉树灾区,并组织志愿者进行短期支教。   书架统一,可拆卸、组装,便于运输和配送。放在帐篷学校或者教室里,由志愿者、老师和学生进行日常管理。 Where : school of yushu How: Mobile book stack room and book corner and Volunteers Supporting Education in Short term The Bookshelf is unity, removable, assembly, easy to transport and distribution by managed volunteers, teachers and students.

图书按照孩子身心发展阶段和知识能力需要配送,分为小学一二年级、小学三四年级、小学五六年级、初中四个书库,书目由专门的图书审定专家委员会审定,适合孩子需要、对灾区儿童心灵抚慰和成长有利。 财务公开透明,在网上发布,志愿者旅费由自己承担,将以现场照相或摄相方式向捐建者反馈汇报。 All of book is divided into four categories by the need of children’s physical and mental development stages and knowledge capacity, including primary school grades from 1 to 2, primary school grades from 3 to 4, primary school grades from 5 to 6 and junior high school . volunteers pay for their travel expenses. Finacial is open and online publishing by approach of camera or camera-phase feedback Donation.

南强乡村学社 Nan Qiang rural Institute example 4 “南强乡村学社”是由厦门大学学生发起的学生社团。该学社的主要活动是乡村图书馆捐建项目;项目秉承“民间、公益、开放”的建馆理念,在全国范围内甄选具有新农村典型特色的乡村,建立一所小型公益图书馆,并将之建设成为面向所有村民的村落文化中心。 It is Student Association that launched by Students from Xiamen University. the main activities are the rural library Donation Project, which adhere to the "private, public, open" in the hall idea ,select typical village in nationwide ,build a small public library that will be open to all villagers in the village cultural center.

厦门大学图书馆的援建历程 process of reconstruction Library of Xiamen University, 1.组建志愿团队 1. Establish volunteer’s teams 2.项目定位与图书馆员的任务 2. project orientation and the task of librarians 3.项目运作模式 3. Project operation 4.项目评价与分析 4. Project Evaluation and Analysis

组建志愿团队 Establish volunteer’s teams “参与建设乡村图书馆虽然不是大学图书馆的主业,但对于年轻馆员来说,是难得的应用专业知识、锻炼专业技能、参与社会实践的机会。 ”    —— 厦门大学图书馆馆长 萧德洪

项目定位 project orientation 乡村图书馆项目定位:    中国大学生捐建 乡村志愿者基地 图书馆员定位: 志愿者、参与者、协助者 Rural library project orientation: Librarians orientation: Volunteers,participants,facilitators

图书馆和图书馆员的任务 构建便捷高效的援建业务模式 注重回访。了解乡村图书馆运营状况和读者的反馈,不定期与各馆负责人联系,有选择地邀请乡村图书馆馆长来参观访问。 深入研究项目运营模式,参照国内外民间组织进展,对后续项目的运作提出建议。

the task of library and librarians Construct convenient and efficient business model Focus on feedback. Understanding it’s Operating conditions and readers feedback and contacting with the head of rural libraries occasionally and inviting the librarian to visit other library is important. research project operation mode, study other society organizations to put forward advise for ,the operation of the follow-up project proposals.


Photo Exhibition

Photo Exhibition

Photo Exhibition

Photo Exhibition

Photo Exhibition

Photo Exhibition

项目运作模式 the model of Project operation 以“南强乡村学社”为组织基础,招募志愿者,对项目进行日常管理;厦门大学图书馆提供业务指导、技术支持,做好开展相关业务的前期准备工作,培训学生志愿者,由他们负责后期营运。 Nan Qiang rural Institute is responsible for recruiting volunteers, managing project daily . Xiamen University Library provide operational guidance, technical support and preparations which include training student volunteers and post-operation.

项目评价与分析 Project Evaluation and Analysis “南强乡村学社”源于高校,将捐建活动和大学生社会实践相结合,同时得到厦门大学图书馆的协助,保证了项目的成功运营。 “Nan Qiang rural Institute" is oriented from the universities. It integrate the activity of contribution and construction with the social practice, and has obtained the assistance from the Xiamen University so that it guaranteed the successful operation of the project.

“南强乡村学社”的乡村图书馆捐建项目已成为厦门大学新乡村建设实践的公益品牌,得到了村民、媒体、政府及学校有关部门的认可。 The Village Library Donation Project of “Nan Qiang rural Institute" has become a public service brand of Xiamen University’s practice of building new rural. And it has obtained the approval from the villagers, the media, the government and the school Department 。

项目评价与分析 “南强乡村学社”的乡村图书馆公益项目是大学生参与新农村文化建设的创新实践,也是大学图书馆介入乡村图书馆建设的良好契机。 The rural public library project of “Nan Qiang rural Institute" is a golden opportunity for the students to participate in the new innovative practice in rural cultural construction, and for the University Library to involve in the construction of the Village Library

结 语 Epilogue 大学图书馆与大学生社团的合作,开创了一条适合于大学图书馆的建设乡村图书馆的道路,并在实践中提升了服务理念,拓展了专业视野,颇具推广价值。 The cooperation between the University library and the university students' organization has founded a way that is suit for the University library to construct the village library , and has promoted the service idea in pravtice, and also has widen the profession vision.It has the promoted value indeed .

谢谢大家! Thank you 撰稿者:黄国凡 洪 辉 上官文宾 报告人:洪 辉 刘金科 2010年6月@ITIE2010