银 行 BANK 制作:王雅瑞.


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Presentation transcript:

银 行 BANK 制作:王雅瑞

目 录 工商银行 (杨嘉豪) 农业银行 (张梦玉) 建设银行 (友佳) 中国银行 人民银行 (周邦) 交通银行 兴业银行 ( 黄海蓉) 目 录 工商银行 (杨嘉豪) 农业银行 (张梦玉) 建设银行 (友佳) 中国银行 人民银行 (周邦) 交通银行 兴业银行 ( 黄海蓉) 民生银行 浦发银行 (大青) 长沙银行 地方银行定义(小燕)

(state-owned commercial banks) 国有商业银行 (state-owned commercial banks) 1.中国工商银行 2.中国农业银行 3.中国银行 4.中国建设银行 5.交通银行

工商银行(ICBC) Brief introduction:Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (full name: Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Co., Ltd.) was established in 1984, is the first of China's five major banks, one of the world's top 500 enterprises, with China's largest customer group, is the largest commercial bank in China. Industrial and Commercial Bank of China is China's largest state-owned commercial banks, the basic task is in accordance with the state laws and regulations, through the domestic and foreign development financing activities raise social funds, strengthen the management of credit funds, support enterprise production and technological transformation, the economic construction of our country. 中国工商银行 Industrial and Commercial Bank of China 简称ICBC 简介:中国工商银行(全称:中国工商银行股份有限公司)成立于1984年,是中国五大银行之首,世界五百强企业之一,拥有中国最大的客户群,是中国最大的商业银行。 中国工商银行是中国最大的国有独资商业银行,基本任务是依据国家的法律和法规,通过国内外开展融资活动筹集社会资金,加强信贷资金管理,支持企业生产和技术改造,为我国经济建设服务。

工商银行(ICBC) LOGO: LOGO: The definition of state-owned banks: state-owned commercial banks are state-owned banks, which have branches in the domestic and foreign owned commercial banks. Including ICBC, China Agricultural Bank, Bank of China and Bank of China Construction Bank four. State-owned commercial bank is the subject of China's financial industry, maintain the lifeblood of national economy and economic security, has a pivotal position in China's economic and social development, over the years to support the reform of the economic system, promoting the development of the national economy, maintain social stability made important contributions. LOGO: 国有银行的定义:国有商业银行是指在境内外均设有分支机构的从事综合性商业银行业务的国有独资银行。包括中国工商银行、中国农业银行、中国银行和中国建设银行四家银行。国有独资商业银行是中国金融业的主体,维系着国民经济的命脉和经济安全,在中国经济和社会发展中具有举足轻重的地位,多年来为支持经济体制改革、促进国民经济发展、维护社会稳定作出重要贡献。

农业银行(ABC) Agricultural Bank of China is one of the largest listed banks in China, one of the top five banks in China. Initially established in 1951 (Xin Maonian), is the first state-owned commercial banks established in New China, but also an important part of China's financial system, head office located in Beijing. Over the years, China has ranked the top five hundred of the world's top companies, the top 1000 in the global bank top 7, Moodie credit rating of A1. In 2009, the Agricultural Bank of China state-owned commercial banks as a whole by restructuring for the modernization of the joint-stock commercial banks, and in 2010 completed "a + H" dual listed, total market capitalization ranked global listed fifth in the bank. 中国农业银行(Agricultural Bank of China,简称ABC,农行)是中国大型上市银行,中国五大银行之一。最初成立于1951年(辛卯年),是新中国成立的第一家国有商业银行,也是中国金融体系的重要组成部分,总行设在北京。数年来,中国农行一直位居世界五百强企业之列,在“全球银行1000强”中排名前7位,穆迪信用评级为A1。2009年,中国农行由国有独资商业银行整体改制为现代化股份制商业银行,并在2010年完成“A+H”两地上市,总市值位列全球上市银行第五位.

农业银行(ABC) 中国农业银行标志图为圆形,由中国古钱和麦穗构成。古钱寓意货币、银行;麦穗寓意农业发展,它们构成农业银行的名称要素。 Agricultural Bank of China logo is circular, composed of Chinese ancient coins and wheat. The coin currency, meaning banks; wheat meaning of agricultural development, they constitute elements of the Agricultural Bank of China.

农业银行(ABC) 公司规模(Company size) 中国农业银行通过全国24064家分支机构,30089台自动柜员机和遍布全球的1171家境外代理行,以覆盖面最广的网点网络体系和领先的信息科技优势,向全世界超过3亿5千万客户提供便利、高效、优质的金融服务。 Agricultural Bank of China through 24064 branches nationwide. 30089 ATMs and worldwide 1171 correspondent bank abroad, with the most extensive coverage of the network system and a leading information technology advantage, to the world more than 3 million customers provide convenient, efficient and high-quality financial services.

农业银行(ABC) 发展历程(Development course) 中国农业银行,前身最早可追溯至1951年成立的农业合作银行,是在新中国时期成立的第一家专业银行。(Agricultural Bank of China, the predecessor of agricultural cooperative bank established in 1951, was the first professional bank in the new China. 中国农业银行于1979年2月恢复成立,总部设在北京。(The Agricultural Bank of China resumed the establishment in February 1979, based in Beijing.) 中国农业银行,前身最早可追溯至1951年成立的农业合作银行,是在新中国时期成立的第 1979年2月23日,国务院发出《关于恢复中国农业银行的通知》(In February 23, 1979, the State Council issued the circular on the resumption of Agricultural Bank of China..) 1984年6月1日,农业银行引进首笔世界银行贷款(In June 1, 1984, the introduction of the first loan of the World Bank Agricultural bank.) 1985年6月25日,中央决定成立中国农业银行党委。(In June 25, 1985, the Central Party decided to set up the Agricultural Bank of China Party committee.) 1994年中国农业发展银行分设。(In 1994, the Agricultural Development Bank of China respectively.) 1997年,农行政策性业务剥离速度加快。(1997, the Agricultural Bank of China policy stripping speed.) 2004年,农行第一次上报股改方案。(In 2004, the bank reported the first reform plan.

农业银行(ABC) 荣誉奖项(Honor Award) 2011年12月9日,由东方财富网主办的年度大型评选活动“2011东方财富风云榜”正式揭晓,农业银行一举斩获“2011年度最佳电子银行奖”、“2011年度银行业最佳营销案例”两项大奖。(Formally announced on December 9, 2011, sponsored by the Eastern wealth network large annual contest 2011 East wealth FY list, the Agricultural Bank of gains in one fell s) 012年8月,中国银行业协会决定授予农行“银团最佳发展奖”,同时对农行牵头的“北京丰台区城乡一体化周庄子村旧村改造银团贷款项目”和“上海仲利国际租赁有限公司银团贷款项目”授予“银团最佳交易奖”。(In August 2012, the China Banking Association decided to ABC syndicated best development award "award, and led by the Agricultural Bank of China" in Fengtai District of Beijing urban and rural integration Zhou Zhuang village old village transformation of the syndicated loan project "and" Shanghai Zhong Li International Leasing Co., Ltd. syndicated loan project "awarded" syndicated best deal of the year.)

建设银行(CCB) 中国建设银行成立于1954年10月1日,是股份制商业银行, 是国有五大商业银行之一。中国建设银行主要经营领域包括公司银行业务、个人银行业务和资金业务。 China Construction Bank was founded on October 1, 1954, is a joint-stock commercial bank, is one of the five big state-owned commercial Banks. China construction bank, the main business areas such as banking, personal banking business and financial operations.

建设银行(CCB) 公司文化The company culture 1.愿景The vision 始终走在中国经济现代化的最前列,成为世界一流银行。 Always walk in the forefront of China's economic modernization, to become the world's leading Banks 2.使命mission 为客户提供更好服务,为股东创造更大价值,为员工搭建广阔的发展平台,为社会承担全面的企业公民责任。 Provide better services to the customers, create more value for shareholders, for employees to build broad development platform, a comprehensive corporate citizen responsibility for the society. 3.核心价值观The core values 诚实 公正 稳健 创造 Honest Justice Steady Create

建设银行(CCB) 4.理念 1).经营理念Business philosophy 以市场为导向以客户为中心 Market-oriented to customer as the center 2).服务理念Service concept 客户至上注重细节 The customer is supreme attention to detail 3)风险理念Concept of risk 了解客户理解市场全员参与抓住关键 Understand customers understand market participation and seize the key 4)人才理念 注重综合素质突出业绩实效 5.作风Talent concept 勤奋严谨求真务实 Pay attention to comprehensive quality outstanding performance results

建设银行(CCB) 业务Business 信贷资金贷款、居民储蓄存款、外汇业务、信用卡业务,以及政策性房改金融和个人住房抵押贷款等多种业务。 Credit loans, savings deposits, foreign exchange business, the credit card business, as well as policy housing finance and personal housing mortgage loans and other business.

建设银行(CCB) 1.个人住房贷款业务Personal housing loan business 个人住房贷款业务 是指建设银行或建设银行接受委托向在中国大陆境内城镇购买、建造、大修各类型房屋的自然人发放的贷款 2.信用卡业务Credit card business 中国建设银行已经发行的信用卡都以“龙卡”冠名 China construction bank has issued credit card with name "dragon" 3.银星国际速汇Silver star international remittance 建行银星国际速汇业务,是建设银行与银星国际速汇公司合作推出的个人国际速汇业务,是指建行应客户委托,通过银星速汇公司,解付个人境外外汇汇款或将个人外汇资金汇往境外的小额国际汇款业务 CCB silver star international remittance business, is China construction bank cooperation with silver star international speed remit company launched individual international remittance business, refers to the construction bank should be consignment of the clients through the silver star speed transfer company, for their personal foreign exchange remittance or personal small international remittance of foreign exchange funds remitted abroad

中国银行(BOC) Head Office在北京复兴门内大街1号 1,五大国有商业银行之一, 1.One of the five state-owned commercial banks, 2,英国《The Banker》银行家杂志公布了2013年“全球1000家大银行”排名,位居第9位 2.British "Banker The" bankers magazine published 2013 "1000 global banks" ranking, ranking ninth 3,中国银行主营商业银行业务,包括公司、个人金融、资金业务、资金国际业务和金融机构业务等业务。 3.Bank of China, the main commercial banks, including the company, personal finance, financial business, international business and financial institutions and other financial institutions business.

(The People's Bank Of China) 中国人民银行 (The People's Bank Of China) 中国人民银行(The People's Bank Of China,简称央行) 1,在国务院领导下,制定和执行货币政策,防范和化解金融风险,维护金融稳定。, 1,Under the leadership of the State Council, formulate and implement monetary policy, to prevent and defuse financial risks, and maintain financial stability. 2,中国人民银行根据《中华人民共和国中国人民银行法》的规定,在国务院的领导下依法独立执行货币政策,履行职责,开展业务,不受地方政府、社会团体和个人的干涉。 2,The people's Bank of China in accordance with the provisions of the law of the people's Republic of China on the people's Bank of China, under the leadership of the State Council independently in accordance with the law enforcement of monetary policy, perform their duties, conduct business, are not subject to interference by local governments, social organizations and individuals.

(Bank of Communications) 交通银行 (Bank of Communications) 是中国历史最悠久的银行之一,始建于光绪三十四年距今107年。它是中国内地规模第五大的银行,中国第一家全国性的国有股份制商业银行。中国五大国有大型商业银行之一 Bank of communications is one of China's oldest bank, built Guangu 34 years .Have 107 years of history. It is the size of the mainland China's fifth largest bank, the first nationwide state-owned joint-stock commercial Banks in China. One of China's five big state-owned commercial Banks 1.交通银行行徽将英文译名BANK OF COMMUNICATIONS 词首的小写字母“b”和“c”组合起来,构成了一个立体面,表示企业的实力和业务的综合性。 2.整个图案具有延伸感,体现交通银行不断发展、壮大、日益繁荣的趋势。 3.标准色为深蓝色,象征交通银行像大海一样博大精深,寓意稳重,踏实而可靠! 1.BANK OF COMMUNICATIONS line badge will be English version BANK OF COMMUNICATIONS, the word first lower case letter "b" and "c" together, constitute a three-dimensional surface, said the strength OF the enterprise and comprehensive business. 2.Outspread feeling.evolution.Growth and rising prosperity 3.Standard color is dark blue,Like the sea, profound implication steady, dependable and reliable

(joint-equity commercial bank) 股份制商业银行 (joint-equity commercial bank) 我国商业银行主要包括大型股份制商业银行、中小型股份制商业银行、城市商业银行和农村商业银行等四大类。 Commercial Banks in China mainly include large joint-stock commercial Banks, small and medium-sized joint-stock commercial Banks, city commercial Banks and rural commercial Banks and other four categories. 1、兴业银行 2、民生银行 3、浦发银行

(Industrial Bank Co.,Ltd) 兴业银行 (Industrial Bank Co.,Ltd) 兴业银行股份有限公司成立于1988年8月。 1.兴业银行在全球1000强银行中名列第43位、 2.在世界500强企业中名列第338位、 3.在全球上市企业2000强中名列第129位,稳居国内银行10强、全球银行50强和世界企业500强行列。 Industrial bank co., LTD. Was established in August 1988. 1.Global top 1000 ranked 43rd in the bank 2.Ranked 338th in the world 500 strong enterprises 3.Ranked 129th in the global top 2000 listed companies, the top 10 domestic bank, the world's top 50 Banks and the world top 500 enterprises.

民生银行 (CMBC) 中国民生银行股份公司是中国大陆第一家由民间资本设立的全国性商业银行,成立于1996年1月12日。旗下有新希望集团,东方集团,中国人寿保险股份公司等。 Minsheng Bank of China is the first national commercial bank established by private capital in mainland China Founded in January 12, 1996 There is a new hope group Oriental Group China Life Insurance Company, etc. “民生”一词最早出现在《左传·宣公十二年》,所谓“民生在勤,勤则不匮。”这里中国民生银行的“民”,它就是百姓的意思。而《辞海》中对于“民生”的解释是“人民的生计” The word "livelihood" first appeared in the "Zuo Xuan Gong twelve years" So-called Not want not live well, one must work diligently, diligently People of the China Minsheng Bank here " It means the people. While "Ci Hai" For the livelihood of the people's livelihood, the interpretation of the people's livelihood "

(Shanghai Pudong Development Bank ) 浦发银行 (Shanghai Pudong Development Bank ) 上海浦东发展银行股份有限公司,简称:浦发银行,是1992年8月28日经中国人民银行批准设立、1993年1月9日开业、1999年在上海证券交易所挂牌上市的国有控股全国性股份制商业银行,总行设在上海。上市以来,浦发银行连续多年被《亚洲周刊》评为“中国上市公司100强”。 Pudong Shanghai Development Bank Limited by Share Ltd Abbreviation: Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Is in August 1992 28 the people's Bank of China approved the establishment of January 9, 1993 opening National joint-stock commercial banks listed on the Shanghai stock exchange in 1999 Head office in Shanghai Since the listing Shanghai Pudong Development Bank for many years by the "Asian weekly" named "China listing Corporation 100".

长沙银行 (CSBC) BANK OF CHANGSHA Bank of changsha's predecessor was founded in May 1997 in changsha city commercial bank,On November 17, 2008, changed its name to bank of changsha,Head office is located in changsha, There are 31 branches, 73 outlets,By the end of 2011,All the Banks' assets totaled 122.72 billion yuan,Balance of 102.995 billion yuan,Profit of 1.71 billion yuan The comprehensive strength ranks changsha trade in the first three,Top in the city of more than 140 businesses across the country,Won the "most growing small and medium-sized Banks" in China, 长沙银行前身是成立于1997的长沙市商业银行,2008年11月17日,更名为长沙银行,总部设在长沙,有31家分行,73个营业网点,到2011年底,所有银行的资产总额为122720000000元,余额102995000000元,1710000000元的利润 综合实力名列长沙前三大贸易,在全国超过140的城商行,荣获“最具成长性中小银行”在中国,

(Local commercial banks) 地方性商业银行 (Local commercial banks) 城市商业银行 城市商业银行是在城市信用社清产核资的基础上,通过吸收地方财政、企业入股组建而成的地方性股份制商业银行。因为城市商业银行也是属于股份制商业银行,所以其法定经营范围与国有银行、全国性股份制银行是相同的,区别在于这些城市商业银行的主要功能是为本地区经济的发展融通资金,重点为城市中小企业的发展提供金融服务。 信用合作社 信用合作社是由个人集资组成的以互助为宗旨的一种合作性金融组织,简称“信用社”。其基本的经营目标是以简便的手续和较低的利率,向社员提供信贷服务,帮助经济力量薄弱的个人解决资金困难,以避免高利盘剥。 农村信用合作社 农村信用合作社(简称农村信用社)是由农民和集体经济组织自愿入股组成,由入股人民主管理,主要为入股人服务的具有法人资格的金融机构,农村信用社实行民主经营、独立核算自负盈亏。农村信用社联合社是由县内农村信用社入股组成,实行民主管理,主要为入股农村信用社服务的信用社的联合组织,同时,联合社对农村信用社实行管理、监督相协调。

(Local commercial banks) 地方性商业银行 (Local commercial banks) 城市信用合作社 城市信用合作社(简称城市信用社)是城市合作金融组织,是由个体工商户和城市集体企业入股组建、入股者民主管理、主要为入股人提供金融服务、具有法人地位的金融机构。城市信用社实行自主经营、独立核算、自负盈亏。城市信用社联合社是由城市信用社出资组成的金融机构,是城市信用社的联合组织,是独立的企业法人。联社对当地城市信用社进行行业归口管理、监督、协调和服务。