REMM International, Beijing Representative Office 2009年5月8日


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投资美国 潜在客户分析 Market Analysis of Potential Clients for Immigration through Investment REMM International, Beijing Representative Office 2009年5月8日 May 8th 2008

Topics for Discussion: 中国富豪的数量和分布 Demographics of high net worth individuals in China 中国富豪投资情况分析 Investment behavior analysis for high net worth individuals in China 千万富豪的生活方式 Lifestyles of high net worth individuals in China 中国富豪潜在移民需求 Potential demand for immigration of high net worth individuals in China

中国富豪的数量和分布 Demographics of High Net Worth Individuals in China 除香港、澳门、台湾之外,中国有825,000个千万富豪和51,000个亿万富豪,每1万人中有6人是千万富豪。 Excluding Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan, mainland China has about 825,000 individuals with a net worth of over 10 million RMB and has about 51,000 individuals with a net worth of over 100 million RMB. An average of 6 out of every 10, 000 individuals have net worth of over 10 million RMB in China. 北京市富裕人士最多,分别有143,000个千万富豪和8,800个亿万富豪。广东排名第二,上海排名第三。 With 143,000 individuals with a net worth of over 10 million RMB, and 8,800 individuals with a net worth of over 100 million RMB, the city of Beijing has the most wealthy individuals, followed by province of Guangdong, and the city of Shanghai. 信息来源:《2009胡润财富报告》Data Source: Hurun 2009 China Rich List

中国富豪的数量和分布 Demographics of High Net Worth Individuals in China 千万富豪最多的城市是北京,第二至第五位分别是上海、广州、杭州和深圳; Individuals with a net worth of over 10 million RMB reside mostly in the following cities, ranked as : Beijing; Shanghai; Guangzhou; Hangzhou; and Shenzhen , respectively 亿万富豪最多的城市也是北京,第二至第五位分别是上海、广州、深圳和杭州; Individuals with a net worth of over 100 million RMB reside mostly in the same cities, ranked as: Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Hangzhou, respectively 北京、广东、上海三地千万富豪占全国数量的48%。 About 48% of the wealthy individuals at 10 million level reside in Beijing, Guangdong Province and Shanghai. 信息来源:《2009胡润财富报告》Data Source: Hurun 2009 China Rich List

Wealthy population* density (Per 10K people) 表格数据来源:《2009胡润财富报告》 Data Source: Hurun 2009 China Rich List 千万富豪人数--全国十强排名 Top 10 regions with wealthy population (10 million RMB level) 排名 Rank 地区 Region 人数 Population w/ 10Million. RMB % 千万富豪/万人人口* Wealthy population* density (Per 10K people) 1 北京 Beijing * 143,000 17.4 88 2 广东 Guangdong 137,000 16.6 14 3 上海 Shanghai * 116,000 14.1 62 4 浙江 Zhenjiang 110,500 13.4 22 5 江苏 Jiangsu 59,500 7.2 8 6 福建 Fujian 31,200 3.8 9 7 山东 Shandong 27,900 3.4 辽宁 Liaoning 25,700 3.1 四川 Sichuan 21,200 2.6 10 河南 Henan 14,200 1.7 其他 Other 138,800 16.7 总计 Total 825,000 100 千万富豪标准:拥有1,000万元人民币以上资产的个人,资产还包括自己创办的企业价值和自住房产。 10 million level: an individual with net worth over 10 million RMB, including personal owned real estate and business assets. 万人人口数据来源:国家统计局2007年统计公报 Data Source for overall population : National Censes Bureau 2007

千万资产以上的富裕人士 Individuals with a Net Worth of Over 10 Million RMB 千万资产以上的富裕人士平均年龄39岁。他们主要可以分为四种类型的富裕人士: The average age of individuals with a net worth over 10 million RMB is 39 years old. They can be categorized into the following four classes: 商人----商人的大部分财产都在企业上,没有太多流动资金和股票投资。这部分人群比重较大,比如温州商人。 Business Owners– The majority of wealth for these individuals is allocated within their business enterprises; capital liquidities are generally low, with little investment in stock and securities. These individuals account for a large portion of the total wealth class in China. 高收入人士----高收入人士包括大型企业集团、跨国公司的高层人士,他们拥有高额年薪、公司分红等来保证稳定的高收入,这部分人群集中在北京、上海等经济发达的地区。 Individuals with a High Income– High-level mangers and executives of large companies, and multinational corporations., with a steady income. Most reside in an economical developed regions such as Beijing and Shanghai. “炒房者”----累积一定资金后,他们开始进行各种类型的投资,主要投资房地产。拥有的数套房产,在过去几年内升值很快。 Real Estate Speculators – Individuals who were able accumulate wealth rapidly in real estate during the profitable years. “职业股民”----拥有一定资金后,投资股票,并且获得相当高的收益。 Professional Stock Traders – Individuals with a considerable amount of liquid capital from trading stocks with high yields.

Wealthy population* density (Per 100K people) 表格数据来源:《2009胡润财富报告》 Data Source: Hurun 2009 China Rich List 亿万富豪人数--全国十强排名 Top 10 regions with wealthy population (100 million RMB level) 排名 Rank 地区 Region 人数 Population w/100 million RMB % 亿万富豪/十万人人口 Wealthy population* density (Per 100K people) 1 北京 Beijing 8,800 17.3 54 2 广东 Guangdong 7,800 15.2 8 3 上海 Shanghai 7,000 13.7 38 4 浙江 Zhejiang 6,300 12.5 12 5 江苏 Jiangsu 3,900 7.6 6 福建 Fujian 1,960 3.8 7 山东 Shandong 1,540 辽宁 Liaoning 1,530 9 四川 Sichuan 1,350 2.6 10 山西 Shanxi 1,050 2.1 其他 Other 9,770 19.2 总计 Total 51,000 100 亿万富豪标准:拥有1亿元人民币以上资产的个人,资产还包括自己创办的企业价值和自住房产。 100 million level: an individual with net worth over 100 million RMB, including personal owned real estate and business assets. 万人人口数据来源:国家统计局2007年统计公报 Data Source for overall population: National Censes Bureau 2007

亿万资产以上的富裕人士 Individuals with a Net Worth Over 100 Million RMB 亿万资产以上的富裕人士平均年龄为43岁; Average age of the individuals with a net worth over 100 million RMB is 43 years old. 财富来源是自己创办的企业所创造的价值,再加上房地产、股票等等; Major sources of wealth came from privately owned enterprises, real estate investment, or security exchanges. 拥有实力购买千万以上的豪宅、百万以上的汽车等奢侈品,是高档珠宝和私人银行的准客户。 These individuals are consumers for multi-million homes, luxury vehicles and merchandise, expensive jewelry and are prospective clients of private banks.

中国富豪投资情况分析 Investment behavior analysis for high net worth individuals in China 受金融危机影响,富豪的投资理念也趋于保守。选择规避风险投资理念的富豪人数从去年24%增长到29%;选择被动投资理念的人数从去年19%直降到今年7.3%。 Also affected by the global financial crisis, the investment philosophy of high net worth individuals from China has become more conservative. The percentage of these individuals who have adapted the risk averse investment strategy has raised from 24% last year to 29% in 2009. The percentage of these individuals who have adapted the passive investment strategy has dropped from 19% last year to 7.3% in 2009. 50%的富豪选择理性投资理念。 50% wealthy individuals choose rational investment strategy 30%的人士增加了现金存款;30% of the individuals increased their cash deposits 12%的人士增加了黄金投资;12% of the individuals increased investment in gold 54%的人士减少了股票方面的投资。 54% of the individuals reduced investment in stock 信息来源:胡润研究院《中国千万富豪品牌倾向报告》Data Source: Hurun Institute

中国富豪投资情况分析 Investment behavior analysis for high net worth individuals in China 由于股市低迷,千万富豪的理财投资方向从股票转移到房地产。 Due to the underperforming stock market, the high net worth individuals in China began to move their investment from the stock market into real estate. 投资房地产比例从2007年的26%上升到34%;除了自住房产外,经常使用的第二套房产所在地是:浙江富豪倾向上海,广东富豪倾向香港,而东北和山西的富豪倾向北京。 Real estate investors increase from 26% in 2007 to 34% in 2009, second home / investment homes are purchased mostly in Shanghai by Zhejiang investors, in Hong Kong by investors from Guang Dong province, in Beijing by China’s Northeast region investors and investors from Shangxi province. 富豪拥有休闲度假房是新的发展趋势。自然风光、子女教育和海景是选择度假房的三个主要原因,三分之一的受访富豪享有度假房。三亚是富豪们最青睐的度假房所在地,这也是北京富豪最青睐的度假地方。其次是杭州。浙江富豪还会考虑在欧洲拥有度假房。 Vacation homes/resorts are in the new investment trend. Natural beauty, good schools, and ocean views are three factors. One third of investors interviewed have vacation homes. Sanya is the most desirable resort area, then followed by Beijing and Hangzhou. Zhejiang investors also considered vacation homes in Europe. 信息来源:胡润研究院《中国千万富豪品牌倾向报告》 Data Source: Hurun Institute

Top desired travel destinations 千万富豪生活方式 ----旅游 Travel Preferences of Individuals with a Net Worth Over 10 Million RMB 美国是千万富豪最青睐的国际旅游目的地。 U.S.A. is the mostly desired travel destination voted by individuals with a net worth over 10 million RMB. 最受富豪青睐的国际旅游目的地 Top desired travel destinations 排名 Rank 国家/地区 Regions 1 美国 USA 2 澳大利亚 Australia 3 法国 France 4 夏威夷 Hawaii 5 新加坡 Singapore 6 英国 U.K. 7 加拿大 Canada 8 马尔代夫 Maldives 9 迪拜 Dubai 10 意大利 Italy 信息来源:胡润研究院《中国千万富豪品牌倾向报告》Data Source: Hurun Institute

千万富豪生活方式----教育 Educational Preferences for Individuals with a Net Worth Over 10 Million RMB 教育:美国和英国是为孩子教育优先考虑的国际教育地 U.S.A. and U.K. are top choices for education in a foreign country 最受富豪青睐的孩子国际教育地 排名 Rank 国家 Region 1 美国 U.S.A. 2 英国 U.K. 3 加拿大 Canada 4 澳洲 Australia 5 新西兰 New Zeeland 6 德国 German 7 新加坡 Singapore 富豪们非常重视对下一代 的培养,他们为孩子选择国际教育地主要包括美国、英国、加拿大,澳大利亚,新西兰等英语国家。 There is a great emphasis on education for the next generation, with a preference for English speaking countries, such as U.S.A. U.K. Canada, Australia 美国和英国是他们为孩子教育优先考虑的两个国家,加拿大排名第三。 U.S.A and U.K. are top 2, Canada No. 3 富豪也关注自身的学习和进修。清华EMBA还是排名第一,长江商学院近一年表现也不逊色。 Tsinghua University (EMBA), Chang-jiang (MBA) are the most popular choices for education in China in recent years 信息来源:胡润研究院《中国千万富豪品牌倾向报告》Data Source: Hurun Institute

According to China’s Ministry of Education: 教育部国际合作与交流司司长张秀琴在教育部新闻发布会上公布:2008年全年出国留学人数达17.98万人,其中自费出国留学人数达16.16万人,占当年出国留学人员总数的90%。 According to China’s Ministry of Education: 179,800 students studied abroad in 2008 and 90% 161,600 students studied abroad without state sponsorship 信息来源:中国教育部 Data source: Ministry of Education, PRC

中国富豪潜在移民需求 Potential Demand for Immigration for High Net Worth Individuals in China 中国富豪普遍存在一种不安全感: There is a common insecure feeling of the Chinese wealthy class for the following reasons: 一方面是由於很多人的财富来得不乾不净,或者取之於官商勾结,或者利用体制漏洞,生怕受到清算; Some of the wealthy are in the gray economy with unreported, untaxed income, or income obtained from the loopholes of laws and regulations. These individuals have a fear of being audited one day. 另一方面,社会阶层对立以及仇富潮流的兴起,使富豪担心难以自保。 There is a fear of the social instability in China as the income discrepancy becoming larger than ever.

中国赴美的人数在呈稳步的增长 Chinese Visitors To The U.S. Steadily Increases 2008年美国驻中国大使馆及各总领馆,一共签发了462962个非移民签证,比前一年增长了12.5%。 In 2008, a total of 462,962 non-immigrant visas were issued by the U.S. embassy in China, a 12.5% increase from previous year 2008年美国驻中国大使馆及各总领馆签发了77909个学生和交流访问学者签证,比2007年增长了46%。 In 2008, a total of 77,909 visas were issued to Chinese students and scholars by the U.S. embassy and consulates in China, a 46% increase from previous year. 美国驻中国大使馆及各总领馆2007年签发了53467个,比2006年增长了43%。 In 2007, a total of 53,467 visas were issued by the U.S. embassy and consulates in China, a 43% increase from previous year. 信息来源:游诗雅(Sonia Urbom) 美国驻华大使馆领事处副领事 Data Source: U.S. Embassy in China

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组建联美国际北京代表处 REMM Beijing Representative Office

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