Animal Idioms.


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Presentation transcript:

Animal Idioms

Kill two birds with one stone 一舉兩得,一石兩鳥 If you take my advice, we can kill two birds with one stone.

Take the bull by the horns 挺身面對危險,毅然處理難局

It’s time for you to take the bull by the horns!

Has the cat got your tongue? 你舌頭打結啦?

Why would I want your fat tongue?

You aren’t going to chicken out on me, are you? 臨陣退縮;由於害怕而終止做某事 You aren’t going to chicken out on me, are you?

Monkey around 戲弄 When are the three of you going to stop monkeying around and get down to business?

Dog-eat-dog 狗咬狗的; 無情的; 自相殘殺的 It’s a dog-eat-dog world.

The rat race 日常緊張的競爭活動; 無意義的競爭 I’m off to the rat race!

Straight from the horse’s mouth (消息等)來自可靠方 I got this straight from the horse’s mouth!

Hold your horses! 別急,等一下 Hold your horses—I’ll be ready in a minute!

Hold your horses the hard way…

Beat a dead horse 白費力氣 I think we’re beating a dead horse.

Let the cat out of the bag 使秘密洩漏,露馬腳 Who let the cat out of the bag?

Black sheep of the family 害群之馬 My brother Todd is the black sheep of the family.


JOKE Confessor: I have stolen a fat goose! Priest: That is very wrong. Confessor: Would you like to accept it, Father? Priest: Certainly not—return it to the person whom you stole it from. Confessor: But I have offered it to him and he wouldn’t take it. Priest: In that case you may keep it. Confessor: Thank you, Father. The Priest arrived home to find one of his geese had been stolen...

A wild goose chase 徒勞的追求,無益的舉動 Are you taking me on another wild goose chase?

Your goose is cooked! 你完蛋了!

You have cried wolf one too many times—no one believes you any more. Cry wolf 喊“狼來了”騙人,發假警報 You have cried wolf one too many times—no one believes you any more.

A wolf in sheep’s clothing 披著羊皮的豺狼 I don’t trust him—he could be a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

Sayings and Proverbs

Don’t put the cart before the horse. 別本末倒置。

You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink

Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth! 別對禮物吹毛求疵!

Don’t count your chickens before they’re hatched. 別蛋未孵出先數雞。

Don’t kill the goose that lays the golden egg. 別殺雞取卵。

When the cat's away, the mice will play. 貓兒不在,老鼠翻天

The early bird gets the worm, BUT… 捷足先得,先下手為強,但是…