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Watch pictures and words about smoking: 吸烟有害健康 ! 健康专家讲吸烟对人体的危害 烟草的烟雾中至少含有三种危险的化学物质:焦油,尼古丁和一氧 化碳,焦油是由好几种物质混合成的物质,在肺中会浓缩成一种粘 性物质。尼古丁是一种会使人成瘾的药物,由肺部吸收,主要是对.

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Presentation on theme: "Watch pictures and words about smoking: 吸烟有害健康 ! 健康专家讲吸烟对人体的危害 烟草的烟雾中至少含有三种危险的化学物质:焦油,尼古丁和一氧 化碳,焦油是由好几种物质混合成的物质,在肺中会浓缩成一种粘 性物质。尼古丁是一种会使人成瘾的药物,由肺部吸收,主要是对."— Presentation transcript:



3 Watch pictures and words about smoking:

4 吸烟有害健康 ! 健康专家讲吸烟对人体的危害 烟草的烟雾中至少含有三种危险的化学物质:焦油,尼古丁和一氧 化碳,焦油是由好几种物质混合成的物质,在肺中会浓缩成一种粘 性物质。尼古丁是一种会使人成瘾的药物,由肺部吸收,主要是对 神经系统发生作用。一氧化碳能减低红血球将氧输送到全身去能 力。 一个每天吸 15 到 20 支香烟的人,其易患肺癌,口腔癌或喉癌致 死的机率,要比不吸烟的人大 14 倍;其易患食道癌致死的机纺比不 吸烟的人大 4 倍;死于膀胱癌的机率要大两倍;死于心脏病的机率 也要大两倍。吸香烟是导致慢性支气管炎和肺气肿的主要原因,而 慢性肺部疾病本身,也增加了得肺炎及心脏病的危险,并且吸烟也 增加了高血压的危险。

5 Lesson 4 Don’t smoke, please.

6 学习目标  1. 掌握本课的短语、身体问候及吸 烟有害健康的句型.  2. 认识吸烟的危害, 远离香烟.

7 Ⅰ、 Discuss: 1 、 Is there anyone smoke in your family ? 2 、 Have you ever seen students smoke in your school ? 3 、 What do you think of smoking ? Why?

8  A: Who isn’t in school today?  B: Why can’t we smoke according to the text?  C: What poster would Brian like to make ? Ⅱ、 Read the dialogue and answer questions:

9 Language Points 1.Danny still isn’t in school today. in school/at school 上学; 读书 in the school 在学校 2.He’s been away for three days now. be away → leave be away 表状态, 后可加一段时间, 表示此动作已延续一 段时间.

10 注 : for+ 一段时间 since+ 一个时间点 Eg. He has been away since three days ago. exercise --How long has he ____ here? --He has ____ here for several hours. a. arrived, come b. come, got c. stayed, been d. left, been away c

11 33.He must be ill. 他一定是病了。 mmust 表示推测 “ 一定 ” ,常用于肯 定。 TThe light is on. He must be at home. 灯亮着,他一定在家。 表表推测 的否定用 can’t. TThe light is off.He can’t be in. 拓拓展 : He must be ill,isn’t he?

12 4.I felt terrible on Monday and worse on Tuesday. feel terrible 感到不舒服 terrible (adj.)→terribly (adv.) 常见系动词: look,feel, smell, sound, taste,seem, look, become, get, turn 5. On Wednesday, I rested and drank plenty of water. plenty of 大量的;充裕的,修饰可数名词和不可数名 词(多用于肯定句)。用法与 a lot of/lots of 相同。 e.g. ① There are plenty of eggs in the market. ② I need plenty of time to finish my homework. Language Points

13 6.I would like to make a poster about smoking make a poster about 做一张有关 … 的海报 7.A lot of people would live longer if they didn’t smoking. 这是一个虚拟语气的句子,表示说话人的一 种愿望 、假设, 与现在事实相反. e.g. If I were you, I would help him.

14  8.Smoking is also gad for your heart. 抽烟对你的心脏有害。  be bad for sth. /sb. “ 有害于某人或某 物 ”  也可以用 be harmful to sth. /sb. 或 do harm to sb. 。例:  Smoking is bad for your health. =Smoking is harmful to your health. =Smoking does harm to your health.

15 9.If I breathe too much cigarette smoke, I get a headache. too much 修饰名词, much too 修饰形容词或 副词 口诀: too much, much too, 去掉前词看后头; much 可接不可数( n. ), too 则修饰形( adj. )或副( adv. )。 Language Points

16  1. 戴妮怎么了 ? 他一定是生病了。 Ⅲ、 Translate these sentences into English: What’s wrong with Danny? He must be ill 。 2.—— 李明,你现在感觉好点儿了吗? —— 是的,多谢了。 ——Are you feeling better, li ming ? ——Yes, thanks 。

17 3. 我想制作一张关于吸烟的海报。 I would like to make a poster about smoking. 4. 吸烟对你的心脏有害。 Smoking is bad for your heart. 5. 吸烟会伤害别人。 Smoking can hurt others. 6. 请不要吸烟。 No smoking, please./Don’t smoke, please.



20 作业设计: 1.利用本课所学知识,做一次义务宣 传,向周围的同学、亲友宣传吸烟的危 害性。 2.整理本课的短语、身体问候及吸烟 有害健康的句型并背诵。

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