图书馆 Library
入馆提醒 Reminder
保持肃静、维护馆内清洁,入馆前把手机关上或调成静音。 Library users must remain silent and maintain the cleanliness of the library. Kindly turn your handphone to the silent mode. 应注意服装端庄整齐,谢绝拖鞋、短裤及背心。 All library users must dress appropriately. Individuals wearing slippers, shorts and singlets are not permitted to enter the library.
书包置于馆外的书包架上 贵重物品请随身携带 (钱包、手机、手提电脑、 已借的图书馆的书籍) Please leave your bag on the shelves outside the library. Bring along your valuables e.g: purse, handphone, laptop & books that you have borrowed from the library.
入馆或离馆前 必须让检查处的馆员 检查手上的书籍及物品 Kindly allow the librarian to check all the books or items with you before you enter or leave library.
阅览暨借阅规则 Library Regulations
阅览暨借阅规则 Library Regulations: 1.凭学生证借书,证件不得转借他人使用。 Please use your own student ID card to borrow books. Your ID card is not transferable. 2.借阅册数为5册,借期二周,逾期一天每册罚款RM0.20。 Students can borrow 5 books for two weeks. A fine of RM0.20 per day will be imposed on each overdue book.
3.借书满5册或户口有书逾期者,不得再借其他书。 Library users who have borrowed the maximum number of books or have overdue books are not allowed to borrow any other books. 4.所借图书届满,只可续借一次。 Books which had borrowed can be renewed only once.
5.书籍可携带原书亲临本馆办理续借,或使用图书馆查询系统 自行办理网上续借。 Books can be renewed at the library service counter or renew online by using OPAC system in library. 6.借出书籍若有遗失或损坏,户口持有人须负责赔偿。 The borrower shall pay a compensation if any book is lost or damaged.
赔偿方式 Types of Compensation: 1.遗失书籍若可重购 Replace the lost book(s): 由本馆代为订购,须赔偿书价及手续费RM5.00。 Library will purchase the book, the borrower have to pay the book price with an administration fee of RM5.00.
If the lost book is out of print and cannot be purchased in Malaysia: 2.遗失书籍已经绝版且在国内无法寻获 : If the lost book is out of print and cannot be purchased in Malaysia: 书籍定价低于RM50.00者,赔偿RM150.00 Fine RM150 if the book costs below RM 50 书籍定价高于RM50.00者,以原价乘于三倍赔偿 Fine triple of list price if the book costs above RM 50
What should you do when you have lost the book that you borrow? 遗失书籍该怎么办? What should you do when you have lost the book that you borrow? 请马上到图书馆柜台填写 表格,办理书籍报失手续 Please report to the library counter immediately.
其他服务 Others Services
无 线 上 网 服 务 Wireless Internet Access Services 使用范围 Accessible Area: 底楼至三楼 1st floor to 3rd floor reading area 使用方式 How to use : 自备电脑 ( e.g. IPAD/Laptop/Notepad ) Bring along your own computer device. 自行调整电脑网络设定 Setup network setting.
免费使用范围 Free Accessible Area: 电 脑 区 Computer Area 免费使用范围 Free Accessible Area: 二楼 2nd Floor 28 台电脑 28 terminals 使用方式 How to use : 登录用户 User login name : labuser 登录密码 Password : labuser
地点Venue:底楼 Ground floor Price of Photocopy Card: 自 助 影 印 服 务 Photocopying Service 地点Venue:底楼 Ground floor 影印卡价格 Price of Photocopy Card: 第一张 1st Card : RM 12.00 加额 Reload : RM 8.00
扫 描 器 Scanner You can save the image in your pen drive. 地点 底楼 Ground floor & Venue:2楼 电脑区 Computer Area (2nd Floor) 只限扫描馆内书籍杂志中的图片 for scanning pictures or images found in library collection (books or magazines) only 可存入自备的Pen Drive You can save the image in your pen drive.
二 楼 2nd Floor 讨 论 室 Discussion Rooms 共有2间讨论室 (可容纳 >12人) 二 楼 2nd Floor 讨 论 室 Discussion Rooms 共有2间讨论室 (可容纳 >12人) 2 rooms (can accommodate up to 12 persons ) 5位或以上使用者方可申请 minimum 5 persons for an application 申请 Application : 请到柜台填写借用表格,交学生证至柜台以领取钥匙。 Fill in the form & submit with Student ID Card to collect the room key.
视听资料 (只限馆内欣赏) Audio Visual Material (use in library only) 个人电脑(电脑区)及团体放映室2间 (讨论室) Individual computer (computers area) & 2 group viewing rooms (Discussion Room) 申请程序 Application procedure 1. 可上网点阅视听目录 Check the CD/VCD/DVD from the Catalogue on library website. 2.填妥视听资料申请表 , 将学生证交到柜台办理手续 Submit your student ID cards to counter, and then fill in the application form for the “Use of Audio-Visual Materials”
点击存档 Click to save file
点击 Click to submit
OPAC = Online Public Access Catalogue How to use OPAC OPAC = Online Public Access Catalogue
http://library.newera.edu.my/TEST/opac/ 图书查询系统网址:(暂只限学院范围内) You can log on to our Online Public Access Catalogue through our website http://library.newera.edu.my/TEST/opac/
You can borrow this book from the library This book is for reference only, not for borrow This book has been reserved by other person This book has been borrowed by other person
This book is still in the process of purchasing
Abstract 摘要
Save 导出存档 Use Email 电子邮件
查询借阅状况 Check Account Status
个 人 密 码 取 法 Password setting 英文名字 Name: Chin Lee Ling -密码 password: chinll 英文名字 Name: Amy Lim Shiau Ling -密码 password: limsl 英文名字 Name: Samy Subramaniam -密码 password: Samy
Password please refer
续借 Renew
如何预约书 How to reserve books
1。输入学号及密码 2。按“预约”
1。Key in your ID & password 2。Press “Reserve now”
Another way to reserve a book 另外一种预约方式 Another way to reserve a book
1。输入刚刚记下的登录号 2。输入学号及密码 3。按“预约”
Note down this number
1。Key in the number you noted 2。Key in your ID & password down just now 2。Key in your ID & password 3。press “Reserve now”
取消已预约的书 Cancell reservation
1。Key in your ID & password 2。Press “Login”
For further details, please refer to the student 图书馆规则详情, 请参阅学生手册及图书馆网站 For further details, please refer to the student handbook, or log on to our website as below: www.newera.edu.my/library
~谢谢~ Thank you.