Suggestions on Animal Production for Mongolia 蒙古畜牧生產建議


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Presentation transcript:

Suggestions on Animal Production for Mongolia 蒙古畜牧生產建議 夏良宙 Liang Chou Hsia Yu Chou Friendly Agriculture Co., Ltd. National Pingtung University of Science and Technology

蔬菜 Vegetable ↑ 水果 Fruit ↑ 小麥 Wheat ↑ 肉 Meat – 量 quantity ↓ 和 and 質 quality (old animal ) (efficiency ↓)

There are several possibilities to develop animal production in Mongolia. 蒙古發展畜牧業的可行性

1. Milk production 乳生產 Mongolia livestock milk supply comes from several kinds of animals, e.g. cattle, yak, horse, camel. All these animals produce not much milk. It is not easy to transfer from small city to big city, consequence the most milk become sour milk (e.g. yogurt). 蒙古的家畜動物奶源自牛、犛牛、馬、駱駝等,但這些動物產乳量不多。因不易從小城市運送鮮奶到大城市,因此大都變成酸奶(例如優格)。

2. Small and medium animal 小和中型動物 This part is mainly on chicken, pig, sheep and goat. The shortest life cycle is chicken. The medium life cycle is pig, goat and sheep. The life cycle of animals is listed as follows. 主要是雞、豬、綿羊和山羊。生命週期最短的是雞,豬、綿羊和山羊則較長。列如下:

Cattle production cycle Horse production cycle 2 - 4 years 牛、馬的生產週期約2-4年

Broiler肉雞 30-35 days 35-42 days 365 days / (42+7) ≅ 7 batch (5-7 batch) April - August = 150 days 150 days / (42+7) ≅ 3 batch 批

2. Layer 蛋雞 Layer chicken provide to nomadic people and keep in small cage 遊牧民族可將蛋雞飼養在小籠子中

3. Pigs 豬 (7 × 30)= 210 days 210 days – 90 days = 120 days 120 days / 30 = 4 months 2 batch → market 上市

Livestock slaughter rate 家畜屠宰率 Pig 豬 65-75% Sheep 綿羊(公) male 51.98% Goat 山羊(母) female 49.20% Cattle 牛 58-60% Yak 犛牛 48-50% Horse 馬 55% Camel 駱駝 38-51%

The short and medium cycle has the benefits They can raise by small farms during warm season (Apr.- Sep.) Farmers can earn money during short time without investigating too much money. The businessman can investigate breeding and propagation farms to provide pigs to small farms, especially to nomadic people living in yurt. 短、中期生命週期之動物有利於:1.溫暖季節時(4-9月)可以養在小農場中。 2.農民不用投資太多就可在短時間內有所收益。3.生意人可投資育種繁殖場,供應小豬給小農場,特別是供應給住蒙古包的遊牧民族。

4. The small amount of pigs and chicken for each nomadic people, then the total amount should be quite lot. This idea is the same as modern contract farm system. 每個遊牧民族飼養少量豬和雞,但總量也是相當可觀。此概念如同現代的契約農場。

5. The slaughter-meat (pork) can be stored in refrigerator of factory or even in nature during winter for nomadic people (Most nomadic people only have very few live in yurt; most of them move to city). 經屠宰的肉(如豬肉)可放在屠宰場的冷凍櫃,甚至對遊牧民族而言冬天就自然的保存在戶外(遊牧民族少數住蒙古包,大部分都已搬到城市)。

6. Meat type sheep can also be produced in Mongolia but need to consider they produce less meat. Their slaughter rate is much lower than pigs. 蒙古也可飼養肉用綿羊,但產肉較少。屠宰率比豬還低。

Taiwan can provide cattle, pig, goat and chicken production technical for Mongolia environment without problem, due to all these technical people original get training in cold environment and they did project in Mongolia and other developing countries before. 在蒙古的氣候環境下,台灣提供牛、豬、羊和雞隻生產技術沒有問題,因為這些專家原本就在冷的環境下接受過這些飼養訓練,且在蒙古和其他開發中國家也執行過類似計畫。

Breeding farm private Individual farms Feeds mill Hatchery Propagation farm private Farm Association Individual farms

Meat fresher and healthier Feed 飼料 → Import 進口 Meat 肉 → Import 進口 Feed cheaper than meat Meat fresher and healthier 飼料比肉便宜、肉更新鮮健康

Eco balance 生態平衡

1.Environment and conservation Feed animals Feces Compost Plant vegetables, fruits, and flowers, etc Human food Kitchen waste Grass Ecological cycle of animal production

Animal Eat grass Nutrient from grass Nutrient in manure Feces Urine Animal growth Animal meat and bone Sell to other place Go back to land Feed chicken Eat grasshopper Provide nutrient to land Land shortage nutrient Feces Urine

Winter Animal reduce body weight

For example 1 Pig breeding farm (government or business people) Equipment company Feed mill Propagation farm (business people) Contract company Apr. To Sep. Provide 35-45 kg pigs Nomadic people Small farms Their own farms Slaughter house Meat processing plant Frozen storage

Meat type sheep breeding farm For example 2 Meat type sheep breeding farm (government or business people) Equipment company Feed mill Propagation farm (business people) Contract company Apr. To Sep. Provide 15-20 kg sheep Nomadic people Small farms Their own farms Slaughter house Meat processing plant Frozen storage

What we can support the project 1. Planning and design 2. Training 3. Install facility 4. Trouble shooting

Thank you for your attention If you agree with our ideas, we can provide technical support.