雅思阅读冲 start from basics


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Presentation transcript:

雅思阅读冲8 ------start from basics By 爱尊小饭团

Approach to reading:8 词汇 技巧 阅读量 坚持 CET4/6

Tips for reading 浏览(25s)-----做题(15min/篇)----检查 浏览文章中,着重看有多少道填空题,确定 时间分配 Do the best, 曚 the rest Keep practicing daily; one hour per day

Syllabus 阅读题型分类 阅读题型技巧分析 阅读习惯如何养成

Classification of reading questions matches headings Multiple-choices T/F/NG fill-in-the-blank Summary Sentence Table

Matches Headings 难度:一般 选项配对:一对一 做题顺序:顺其自然 Multiple choices 难度:中等~~偏难 选项配对:一对一(单选);一对多;多对多 做题顺序:单选题答案多按照文章阅读顺序出现 一对多答案多集中出现于一个段落 多对多答案有可能分布出现,也有可能 集中于一个段落中,但题目中关键词标志性强,难度较低

Gap-fill questions 所有填空题作答,必须看清题目要求!!! 注意词语格式转换!!! Summary completion 难度:偏难,应多留时间 做题顺序:浏览全文后作答 Sentences completion/ table completion 难度:中等 做题顺序:按题目顺序作答,表格填空题或者流程 题一般都集中出现于一个段落

True/ false/ not given 难度:一般~中等 做题顺序:优先,因为题目答案分散 Types in depth: http://www.sharewithu.com/forum.php?mod=viewt hread&tid=446299

skill There’s only one skill that I would tell you: 划关键词

什么样的词才是关键词?PART I Matches : 形容词?名词?动词? Heading---- 1、带有感情色彩的词:failure /attractive/realistic e.g, 剑6T3R2 I: ensure the reward system is fair II: match rewards to individuals III: ensure targets are realistic IV: link rewards to achievements V: encourage managers to take more responsibility VI: recognize changes in employees’ performance over time VII: establish targets and give feedback

2、可能反映特定文章内容的词 I: ensure the reward system is fair II: match rewards to individuals III: ensure targets are realistic IV: link rewards to achievements V: encourage managers to take more responsibility VI: recognize changes in employees’ performance over time VII: establish targets and give feedback 3、在所有选项中只出现一次的特定人名/族群 4、反复出现的词不是关键词,只能说明文章叙述的 主要内容

How to match 基本看第一句 e.g KEY POINT FOUR 第一句 Since employees have different needs, what acts as a reinforcement for one may not for another. 配对的即为第二项,individual rewards 但现在雅思难度提高,逐渐需要浏览全段才能确定 同义词、同义句、举例说明

怎么样的词才是关键词?Part I Multiple choices 注意题目中出现的人名,特定词语,是信号词 注重理解,划词以名词为主 有一类题无需划词: what is the title of this passage?

Gap-fill questions 关键词: 一般为空格前2~3个单词,或者后面2~3个单词 注意a 、an、one,注意单复数 由关键词定词性 关键词+定位词 定位词一指主语,暗示该答案出现的位置 例如:剑6T4R4 It should include detailed ________ as to how the school and its staff will react if bullying occurs.

关键词+定位词 定位词不一定同时出现在需要填空的那一句,需连 读题目中的上下句,加以理解 例如:In addition,action can be taken through the _____. 在这一句中,没有任何特别的词可以起到定 位的作用,只能猜测到要填的可能是类似于“过程” 的词。但是,后面一个长句做出了暗示: This is particularly useful in the early part of the process, as a way of raising awareness and encouraging discussion.

Tips for summary completion 注意字数限制 注意要填写的是选项字母,还是单词 注意单词的变化,有可能转换词性,但 绝对不可打乱单词顺序 注意时间分配,留足够时间通读全文

True / false / not given 怎样划关键词 判断题的归谬原则 优先做题,带着关键词读文章

怎样划关键词?PART II 比较级---形容词 人名、地点、国名 选择性词语:Like/dislike prefer rather than 绝对性的:all none every never little lots of very The information provided by drug companies is of little use to doctors. (剑6T4R1--10)

TRUE? FALSE? NOT GIVEN? TRUE 假设题目为真 其否定形式即为假 查找原文,是否有该否定句子 有,即题目为假 无,有可能为T或者NG TRUE

剑6T3R1---9 题目 Storylines were very important in very early cinema. 否定:NOT important….. 原文 :Cinema has also given a new lease of life to the idea of story. When the Lumiere Brothers and other pioneers began showing off this new invention, it was by no means obvious how it would be used. 否定形式为假,则题目为真

剑6 T3R2--22 Some employers may feel manipulated when asked to participate in goal-setting. 否定形式则为:No employers would feel…… 原文:If the participation and the culture are incongruous, employees are likely to perceive the participation process as manipulative and be negatively affected by it. So, 否定形式为假,则原句为真

关于阅读量和阅读资源 兴趣是最好的老师 生词不是障碍,只需掌握高频出现的单词 保持每天一个小时的阅读量 每周精读一篇文章,推荐《英美报刊文章阅读》

Thank you for your watching!!!!!! 爱尊小饭团