产品特点 人文名刊、大刊:
产品特点 网络同步出版: ----区别于数据库形式的龙源网络同步出版:数据库通过对资源的数字化整合再加以一定的软件平台以实现文献资源的检索服务,是以”检索式”的使用为特点的,而龙源电子期刊阅览室则是以整本期刊呈现并随印刷版网络同步更新的方式在网络上发布,是以浏览”阅读式”的服务为主要手段,同时提供检索式的服务的,这样的服务方式不但符合了读者的传统阅读习惯,也更符合了”人文内容”资源的”阅读式”使用而非”检索式”使用的特性. 龙源电子期刊阅览室与印刷版期刊同步更新,真正实现期刊在网络上出版,方便读者阅读使用.
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打破期刊文字的束缚,变“读刊”为“听刊”。聘请专业播音员,对精选文章进行了配音朗读,让读者感受倾听文字的乐趣,不仅可以在线聆听,还可下载保存。 语音版
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Wap版 使用说明
Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 Ignite! 3/16/2017 Win8平板应用开发 龙源阅览室Windows 8平板应用 Components for Kinect for Windows shown in Figure 2 include the following: 1. Kinect hardware The hardware components, including the Kinect sensor and the USB hub, through which the sensor is connected to the computer. 2. Microsoft Kinect drivers The Windows 7 drivers for the Kinect sensor, which are installed as part of the SDK Beta setup process as described in this document. The Microsoft Kinect drivers support: The Kinect sensor’s microphone array as a kernel-mode audio device that you can access through the standard audio APIs in Windows. Streaming image and depth data. Device enumeration functions that enable an application to use more than one Kinect sensor that is connected to the computer. 3. NUI API A set of APIs that retrieves data from the image sensors and controls the Kinect devices. 4. KinectAudio DMO The Kinect DMO that extends the microphone array support in Windows 7 to expose beamforming and source localization functionality. 5. Windows 7 standard APIs The audio, speech, and media APIs in Windows 7, as described in the Windows 7 SDK and the Microsoft Speech SDK. © 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.
龙源期刊网 1998年创立至今,龙源期刊网秉承知识主体论思想。高举知识有价、付费阅读的大旗。先后与近3000家刊社进行合作,合作历史长达10余年之久,开创了面向机构、个人、运营商,以及北美、亚洲、澳洲主流社会的立体营销市场。 在2011年第四届中国数字出版博览会上,龙源期刊网正式宣布成为龙源数字传媒集团。 龙源凭借着龙源期刊网、龙源国际网、龙源数字图书馆、龙源教育、龙源知识库、龙源移动、龙源心育传媒平台、龙源原创八大支柱业务逐渐成长为一个综合化的数字传媒平台。
龙源的宗旨是: 聚刊社力量,建服务平台,让中国期刊走向世界。 传播中国文化