帛琉共和國-Republic of Palau


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帛琉共和國-Republic of Palau

Nation:Palau (國家:帛琉) Capital: Melekeok (首都:美律坵) Location:Oceania, group of islands in the North Pacific Ocean, southeast of the Philippines (地理位置:位於大洋洲,北太平洋密克羅尼西亞群島,菲律賓東南方) Languages: English and Palauan (語言:英語、帛琉語)


Nation:Tuvalu (國家:吐瓦魯) Capital: Funafuti (首都:富那富提) Location: Oceania, island group consisting of nine coral atolls in the South Pacific Ocean (地理位置:位於大洋洲南太平洋,由九個珊瑚島組成) Languages: English and Tuvaluan (語言:英文與吐瓦魯語)

馬紹爾群島共和國- Republic of the Marshall Islands

Nation:Republic of the Marshall Islands (國家:馬紹爾群島共和國) Capital:Majuro (首都:馬久羅) Location: Oceania, group of atolls and reefs in the North Pacific Ocean (地理位置:位於大洋洲,北太平洋密克羅尼西亞環狀珊瑚島) Languages: English and Marshallese (語言:英語、馬紹爾語)

索羅門群島-Solomon Islands

Nation: Solomon Islands (國家:索羅門群島) Capital: Honiara (首都:荷尼阿拉) Location: Oceania, group of islands in the South Pacific Ocean, east of Papua New Guinea (地理位置:位於大洋洲,南太平洋群島,巴布新幾內亞東方) Languages: English (語言:英語)

吉里巴斯共和國-Republic of Kiribati

Nation: Republic of Kiribati (國家:吉里巴斯共和國) Capital:Tarawa (首都:塔拉瓦) Location: Oceania, the Pacific Ocean, Gilbert Islands are straddled by the Equator , jurisdiction on the International Date Line (地理位置:位於大洋洲太平洋海域,赤道貫穿其吉爾伯特群島,國際換日線通過該國) Languages: English and Kiribati (語言:英語、吉里巴斯語)

諾魯共和國-Republic of Nauru

Nation:Republic of Nauru (國家:諾魯共和國) Capital:Yaren (首都:雅連) Location: Oceania, the South Pacific Ocean, surrounded by a coral reef, south of the Marshall Islands (地理位置:位於大洋洲、南太平洋海域,珊瑚礁環繞、馬歇爾群島南方) Languages: English (語言:英語)

瓜地馬拉共和國- Republic of Guatemala

Nation:Republic of Guatemala (國家:瓜地馬拉共和國) Capital: Ciudad de Guatemala (首都:瓜地馬拉市) Location: Central America, bordering the Caribbean Sea, between Honduras and Belize and bordering the North Pacific Ocean, between El Salvador and Mexico (地理位置:位於中美洲,濱加勒比海,與宏都拉斯和貝里斯接壤,西南臨太平洋,與薩爾瓦多、墨西哥接壤) Languages: Spanish (語言: 西班牙語)

巴拉圭共和國-Republic of Paraguay

Nation: Republic of Paraguay (國家:巴拉圭共和國) Capital: Asuncion (首都:亞松森) Location: South America, west of Brazil , northeast of Argentina , southeast of Republic of Bolivia, a landlocked country (地理位置:位於南美洲中部,東接巴西,西南鄰阿根廷,西北界玻利維亞,為一內陸國家) Languages: Spanish 、 Guarani (語言:西班牙語、瓜拉尼語)

聖文森及格瑞那丁- St. Vincent and the Grenadines

Nation: St. Vincent and the Grenadines (國家:聖文森及格瑞那丁) Capital:Kingstown (首都:金石城) Location: Caribbean , volcanic island , the Windward Islands of the Lesser Antilles , boarding Barbados to the west , Grenada to the north and Saint Lucia to the south (地理位置:位於東加勒比海,火山島,小安地列斯群島之向風群島中部,西鄰巴貝多,北接格瑞納達,南與聖露西亞為界) Language: English (語言:英語)


Nation: Belize (國家:貝里斯) Capital:Belmopan (首都:貝爾墨邦) Location: Central America , bordering the Caribbean Sea, between Mexico and Guatemala (地理位置:位於中美洲,瀕加勒比海,北接墨西哥,西邊、南邊與瓜地馬拉為鄰) Languages: English (語言:英語)

薩爾瓦多共和國- Republic of El Salvador

Nation: Republic of El Salvador (國家:薩爾瓦多共和國) Capital:San Salvador (首都:聖薩爾瓦多) Location: Central America , the smallest country , bordering the North Pacific Ocean , between Guatemala and Honduras (地理位置:位於中美洲,為中美洲面積最小之國家,濱臨太平洋,與瓜地馬拉、宏都拉斯為鄰) Languages: Spanish (語言:西班牙語)

海地共和國-Republic of Haiti

Nation: Republic of Haiti (國家:海地共和國) Capital:Port-au-Prince (首都:太子港) Location: Caribbean, west of the island of Hispaniola (Spain), west of the Dominican Republic (地理位置:位於加勒比海,伊斯巴紐拉(西班牙)島西部,東鄰多明尼加) Languages: French 、 Creole (語言:法語、克雷奧語)

尼加拉瓜共和國- Republic of Nicaragua

Nation: Republic of Nicaragua (國家:尼加拉瓜共和國) Capital: Managua (首都:馬納瓜) Location: Central America, bordering both the Caribbean Sea and the North Pacific Ocean, between Costa Rica and Honduras (地理位置:位於中美洲,東臨加勒比海,西濱太平洋,南界哥斯大黎加,北鄰宏都拉斯) Languages: Spanish (語言:西班牙語)

多明尼加共和國- Dominican Republic

Nation: Dominican Republic (國家:多明尼加共和國) Capital: Santo Domingo (首都:聖多明哥) Location: between the Caribbean Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean , small offshore islands and cays that are part of the Dominican territory (地理位置:東臨加勒比海,西濱洋,外海島嶼及沙洲為其領土) Languages:Spanish (語言:西班牙語)

宏都拉斯共和國- Republic of Honduras

Nation: Republic of Honduras (國家:宏都拉斯共和國) Capital: Tegucigalpa (首都:德古西加巴) Location: Central America, bordering the Caribbean Sea and the North Pacific Ocean, between Guatemala , Nicaragua, and El Salvador (地理位置:位於中美洲,北臨加勒比海,南有一小段太平洋海岸,與瓜地馬拉、尼加拉瓜和薩爾瓦多為鄰) Languages: Spanish (語言:西班牙語)

巴拿馬共和國-Republic of Panama

Nation: Republic of Panama (國家:巴拿馬共和國) Capital:Panama City (首都:巴拿馬市) Location: Central America, bordering both the Caribbean Sea and the North Pacific Ocean, between Colombia and Costa Rica (地理位置:位於中美洲,西北臨加勒比海, 南瀕太平洋,西接哥斯大黎加,東與哥倫比亞為界) Languages: Spanish (語言:西班牙語)

聖克里斯多福及尼維斯- Saint Christopher and Nevis

Nation: Saint Christopher and Nevis (國家:聖克里斯多福及尼維斯) Capital:Basseterre (首都:巴士地) Location: Caribbean, volcanic origin , covered in tropical rainforest islands (地理位置:位於東加勒比海,火山島,熱帶雨林覆蓋) Languages: English (語言:英語)

聖露西亞-Saint Lucia

Nation: Saint Lucia (國家:聖露西亞) Capital:Castries (首都:卡斯翠) Location: the volcanic island between the Caribbean Sea and North Atlantic Ocean, north of Trinidad and Tobago (地理位置:火山島,臨加勒比海和大西洋, 南接特立尼達和多巴哥) Languages: English (語言:英語)

布吉納法索-Burkina Faso

Nation: Burkina Faso (國家:布吉納法索) Capital:Ouagadougou (首都:瓦加杜古) Location: Western Africa, south of Sahara , boarding Mali to the north, Niger to the east, Benin to the southeast, Togo and Ghana to the south , a landlocked country (地理位置:位於非洲西部,撒哈拉沙漠以南,北鄰馬利,東與尼日為界,東南與貝南為鄰,南接多哥及迦納,為一內陸國家 ) Languages: French (語言:法語)

聖多美普林西比民主共和國- Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe

Nation: Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe (國家:聖多美普林西比民主共和國) Capital:São Tomé (首都:聖多美) Location: Western Africa, islands in the Gulf of Guinea, straddling the Equator, west of Gabon (地理位置:位於西非洲幾內亞灣之大西洋島國,赤道貫穿,東鄰加彭) Languages:Portuguese (語言:葡萄牙語)

史瓦濟蘭王國-Kingdom of Swaziland

Nation: Kingdom of Swaziland (國家:史瓦濟蘭王國) Capital:Mbabane (首都:姆巴巴內) Location: Southern Africa, a landlocked country , boarding Mozambique, bordered to the north, south and west by South Africa , to the east by Mozambique. (地理位置:位於非洲南部之內陸國,北、南、西三面為南非所包圍,東與莫三比克為鄰) Languages: English , siSwati (語言:英語、史瓦濟語)

甘比亞共和國-Republic of The Gambia

Nation: Republic of The Gambia (國家:甘比亞共和國) Capital:Banjul (首都:班竹市) Location: Western Africa, bordering the North Atlantic Ocean and Senegal , the smallest country in Africa. (地理位置:位於西部非洲,三面為塞內加爾所包圍,西臨大西洋,非洲大陸最小國) Languages: English , Mandinka, Wolof, Fula (語言:英語、曼丁哥族語、烏洛夫族語、富拉)

教廷-Apostolic Nunciature

Nation: The Holy See (國家:教廷) Capital:Vatican City (首都:梵蒂岡城) Location: Southern Europe , an landlocked country , an enclave of Rome, Italy , the smallest state in the world (地理位置:位於南歐,內陸國,羅馬城內若干座大殿及辦公處所,亦屬教廷領土,世界最小國) Languages: Italian, Latin, French (語言:義大利語、拉丁語、法語)