Scripture of truth 真理的经文 The evidence of prophecy 预言的证据


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Presentation transcript:

Scripture of truth 真理的经文 The evidence of prophecy 预言的证据

Contents目录 Evidences of inspiration神的默示的证据 Prophetic proof预言的证据 “Scientific history”“科学的历史” Israel in prophecy – Deuteronomy 28 预言中的以色列—申命记第28章 Israel in prophecy – other scriptures 预言中的以色列—其他经文 The lessons for us我们学到的功课

Evidences of inspiration 神的默示的证据 Fulfilled prophecy 预言的实现 Resurrection of Jesus耶稣的复活 Medical science found underlying the law of Moses摩西律法下的医学 Harmony of themes主题的一致性 Survives archaeologists’ attacks考古学家摧残后的幸存物 Dead sea scrolls死海古卷 Creation (Romans 1)创世(罗马书第一章)

Prophetic proof预言的证据 God’s challenge神的挑战 “declare us things to come, show the things that are to come hereafter, that we may know that you are gods…” (Is 41:21-23) “把将来的事指示我们。要说明后来的事,好叫我们知道你们是神…”(以赛亚书41:21-23) “I am God and there is none like me, declaring the end from the beginning… I have spoken it, I will also bring it to pass” (Is 46:8-11) “我是神,在没有能比我的;…我已说出,也必成就”(以赛亚书46:8-11)

Prophetic proof预言的证据 No man can foreknow and so predict the future 没有人可以这样预知和预测未来 The bible contains predictions and claims that this is because the God of the bible has revealed them, and offers their fulfilment as evidence that he is the only true God 圣经含有预言并且宣告这是因为圣经的神显示了这些预言,把预言的实现作为他是唯一真神的证据 Evidence of fulfilled predictions proves that the propositions Yahweh is the true God and the bible is his word are true, since 2. presupposes their truth 基于本页第二点预示着神和他话语的真实性,预言实现的证据证明耶和华是真神以及他的话语—圣经是真实的这样的理论

Prophetic proof预言的证据 God’s witnesses 神的见证 “you are my witnesses… that you may know and believe me…” (Is 43:10,12)“你们是我的见证…便可以知道,且信服我”(以赛亚书43:10-12) “who, as I, shall call, and shall declare it?... and the things that are coming, and shall come, let them show to them… have not I told you from that time, and have declared it? you are even my witnesses. Is there a God beside me? yes, there is no God; I know not any” (Is 44:6-8) “谁能象我宣告,并且指明,又为自己陈说呢?让他将未来的事和必成的事说明…我岂不是从上古就说明指示你们吗?并且你们是我的见证,除我以外,岂有真神吗?(以赛亚书44:6-8)

Scientific history科学的历史 “… the political form of the world at any time is not logically deducible from previous history… ‘scientific’ history is rendered impossible by human accident…” “…世界上任何时候的政治形式不是从先前的历史上符合逻辑地造出来的…“科学的”历史不可能由人为因素创造出来” Hugh Trevor-Roper, History and Imagination in History and Imagination: Essays in honour of H R Trevor-Roper edited by H Lloyd-Jones, V Pearl and B Worden, Duckworth 1981, p. 361 休.特雷弗.罗泊,历史与想象:

Israel in prophecy – Deuteronomy 28 预言中的以色列—申命记第28章 “If…” (Deut 28:1,15) “若…”(申命记28:1,15) “all nations shall say, why has Yahweh done thus to this land…?” (Deut 29:24) “所有万国人,都必问说:‘耶和华为何象此地这样行呢’…?”(申命记29:24) “when all these things come upon you...” (Deut 30:1) “这一切咒诅都临到你身上…”(申命记30:1) “this people… will go a whoring after the gods…” (Deut 31:16) “这百姓…随从外邦神行邪淫…”(申命记31:16) “I know… you will utterly corrupt yourselves” (Deut 31:29) “我知道…你们必全然败坏”(申命记31:29)

Israel in prophecy – Deuteronomy 28 预言中的以色列—申命记第28章 Israel scattered amongst all nations – Deut 28:25,64以色列分散在万民中—申命记28:25,64) A proverb and a byword – Deut 28:37 箴言和谚语—申命记28:37 Roman dominion – Deut 28:49,50 罗马的统治—申命记28:49-50 Jerusalem’s siege – Deut 28:52-57 耶路撒冷被围困—申命记28:52-57 Persecution amongst all nations – Deut 28:65-67 以色列在万民中受到的迫害—申命记28:65-67

scattered amongst all nations 分散在万民中 United States 美国 5,800,000 Israel 以色列 4,847,000 France 法国 600,000 Russia 俄国 550,000 Ukraine 乌克兰 400,000 Canada 加拿大 360,000 United Kingdom 英国 300,000 Argentina 阿根廷 250,000 Brazil 巴西 130,000 South Africa 南非 106,000 Australia 澳大利亚 100,000 Hungary 匈牙利 80,000 Belarus 白俄罗斯 60,000 Germany 德国 Mexico 墨西哥 40,700 Belgium 比利时 40,000 Italy 意大利 35,000 Uzbekistan 乌兹别克斯坦 Venezuela 委内瑞拉 35,000 Uruguay 乌拉圭 32,500 Azerbaijan 阿塞拜疆 30,000 Moldova 摩尔多瓦 Netherlands 荷兰 Iran 伊朗 25,000 Turkey 土耳其 Sweden 瑞典 18,000 Switzerland 瑞士 Georgia 乔治亚州 17,000 Chile 智利 15,000 Kazakhstan 哈萨克斯坦 Latvia 拉脱维亚 Romania 罗马尼亚 14,000 Spain 西班牙 Austria 奥地利 10,000 Denmark 丹麦 8,000 Poland 波兰 Morocco 摩洛哥 7,500 Hawaii USA 夏威夷 7,000 Panama 巴拿马 Czech Republic 捷克 6,000 India 印度 Lithuania 立陶宛 Slovakia 斯洛伐克 Colombia 哥伦比亚 5,650 Greece 希腊 5,000 New Zealand 新西兰 These countries represent only 41% of all world-wide countries in which there are Jews这些国家里的犹太人仅占分散在全世界的犹太人总数的41% “[you] shall be removed to all the kingdoms of the earth” (Deut 28:25) “[你 ] 必在天下万国中抛来抛去”(申命记28:25) Source: World Jewish Congress, Lerner Publications Company, 1998 资料来源:世界犹太人大会,勒纳出版社,1998

a proverb and a byword (1)箴言和谚语 376: St. Ephroem refers to synagogues as brothels 418: St. Jerome, “If you call [a synagogue] a brothel, a den of vice, the Devil's refuge, Satan's fortress… you are still saying less than it deserves” 1321: In Guienne, France, Jews were accused of having incited criminals to poison wells. 5,000 Jews were burned alive, at the stake 1144: Jews in Norwich, England were accused of the ritual murder; Jewish leaders in the area were executed 1171: Jews in Blois, France were accused of ritual murder. All of the Jews in that town (34 men, 17 women) were tortured and burned alive 376 :圣依弗雷姆把会堂比作妓院 418:圣杰罗姆:“即使你把(会堂)称作妓院,堕落的地方,魔鬼的避难所,撒旦的城堡…比之真实的情况还是远远不够的” 1321:在法国吉耶纳,犹太人被指控煽动罪犯在井里投毒。5000名犹太人被绑在树桩上活活烧死 1144:英国诺里奇的犹太人因为杀活人以祭神遭到指控;当地的犹太领袖被处死 1171:法国布罗瓦的犹太人因为杀活人以祭神遭到指控。镇上所有的犹太人(34名男子,17名女子)被拷打,然后活活烧死

a proverb and a byword (2)箴言和谚语 1183: More accusations in Bristol, England 1192: More accusations in Winchester, England 1244: London Jews were accused of ritual murder and fined heavily 1250: Jews in Saragossa, Spain, were accused of ritually killing a child 1840 Damascus blood libel 1905 Anti-Semitic Protocols of the Elders of Zion appears in print 1911-1913 Beiliss blood libel case 2003: 29 part TV series in Arab countries shows ritual killing of child for baking of blood into passover meal 1183:在英国布里斯托尔有更多针对犹太人的指控 1192:在英国温彻斯特优更多针对犹太人的指控 1244:伦敦的犹太人因为杀活人以祭神和收受沉重的罚款遭到指控 1250:西班牙萨拉戈萨的犹太人因为杀死一个孩童祭神遭到指控 1840:大马色血诬案 1905:锡安山长老反犹太草案印刷出版 1911-1913:贝里斯血污案 2003:阿拉伯国家的29家电台播放了犹太人在宗教仪式上杀死孩童并把血放在逾越节的宴席中

Roman dominion 罗马的统治 “Yahweh shall bring a nation against you from far, from the end of the earth, as swift as the eagle flies; a nation whose tongue you shall not understand; a nation of fierce countenance, which shall not regard the person of the old, nor show favour to the young” (Deut 28:49,50) “耶和华要从远方地极带一国的民,如鹰飞来攻击你。这民的言语你不懂得。这民的面貌凶恶,不顾恤年老的,也不恩待年少的。”(申命记28:49-50) “And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up. And his power shall be mighty… he shall destroy the mighty and the holy people” (Dan 8:23,24) “这四国末时,犯法的人罪恶满盈,必有一王兴起,面貌凶恶,能用双关的诈语。他的权柄必大,…又必毁灭有能力的和圣民”(但以理书8:23-24)

Jerusalem’s siege (1) 耶路撒冷被围困 “And he shall besiege you in all your gates throughout all your land… And you shall eat the fruit of your own body… the tender and delicate woman among you… toward her young one that cometh out from between her feet, and toward her children which she shall bear: for she shall eat them for want of all things secretly in the siege and straitness” Deut 28:52-57 “他们必将你困在你各城里…他们必将你困在耶和华你神所赐你遍地的各城里…你必吃你本身所生的…你们中间柔弱娇嫩的妇人…她两腿中间出来的婴孩,与她所要生的儿女,她因缺乏一切,就要在你受仇敌围困窘迫的城中,将他们暗暗地吃了。” 申命记28:52-57

Jerusalem’s siege (2) 耶路撒冷被围困 “Mary, daughter of Eleazar, of the village of Bethezuba… was well off, and of good family, and had fled to Jerusalem with her relatives, where she became involved with the siege. …Seizing her child, an infant at the breast, she cried, ‘My poor baby, why should I keep you alive in this world of war and famine? Even if we live till the Romans come, they will make slaves of us; and anyway, hunger will get us before slavery does… Come, be food for me…’ With these words she killed her son, roasted the body, swallowed half of it, and stored the rest in a safe place” Flavius Josephus, The Wars of the Jews, Book VI, ch 3 “伯以巴村子里以利亚撒的女儿马利亚...家境富裕,不得不和她的亲戚一同逃到耶路撒冷,在那里遭到围困…她把自己的孩子紧紧地抱在怀中,哭喊道:‘我可怜的孩子,我为什么把你生在这个充满战乱和饥荒的世界上啊?即使我们可以活着等到罗马人攻来,他们也会把我们抓去做奴隶;不管怎样,既然饥饿会让我们在成为奴隶之前夺去我们的生命…来,给我做食物吧…’ 说这话的时候,她杀死了自己的孩子,把尸体烤熟,吞下一半,把另一半贮藏在安全的地方” 弗莱维斯 约瑟夫, 犹太战史 第六卷第三章

you shall find no ease (1) 你必不得安逸 489 - 519: Christian mobs destroyed the synagogues in Antioch, Daphne (near Antioch) and Ravenna 561: The bishop of Uzes expelled Jews from his diocese in France 613: Very serious persecution began in Spain. Jews were given the options of either leaving Spain or converting to Christianity 855: Jews were exiled from Italy 1096: The First Crusade 12,000 Jews in the Rhine Valley alone were killed in the first Crusade 1121: Jews were exiled from Flanders 1146: The Second Crusade began. A French Monk, Rudolf, called for the destruction of the Jews 489-519:基督教的暴徒摧毁了安提阿,达夫尼(安提阿附近)和拉文纳的会堂 561:法国于泽斯的主教把犹太人赶出自己的教区 613:西班牙开始残酷的迫害。犹太人可以选择离开西班牙或改信基督教 855:意大利的犹太人被流放 1096:第一次十字军东征:12,000名犹太人在莱茵河流域被屠杀 1121:弗兰德斯的犹太人被流放 1146:第二次十字军东征开始。一个法国修道士—鲁道夫,呼吁毁灭犹太人

you shall find no ease (2) 你必不得安逸 1189: Jews were persecuted in England. Most of their houses were burned 1290: Jews are exiled from England 1298: Jews were persecuted in Austria, Bavaria and Franconia; more than 100,000 Jews were killed over a 6 month period 1354: 12,000 Jews were executed in Toledo 1391: Jewish persecutions begin in Seville and in 70 other Jewish communities throughout Spain 1394: Jews were exiled from France 1939-1945: 6,000,000 Jews annihilated in the most ambitious act of genocide this world has seen 1189:英国的犹太人遭到迫害。他们的许多房屋被烧毁 1290:英国的犹太人被流放 1298:澳大利亚,巴伐利亚,弗兰克尼亚的犹太人遭到迫害;100,000名以上的犹太人在六个月内被杀害 1354:12,000名犹太人在托莱多被处死 1391:迫害犹太人的行动在西班牙塞维利亚以及其他地区七十个犹太团体中开始 1394:法国的犹太人被流放 1939-1945:6,000,000犹太人在全世界看到的最彻底屠杀和灭绝犹太人的计划实施中被杀害

you shall find no ease (1) 你必不得安逸 "What then shall we Christians do with this damned, rejected race of Jews? First, their synagogues or churches should be set on fire,... Secondly, their homes should likewise be broken down and destroyed... They ought to be put under one roof or in a stable, like Gypsies. Thirdly, they should be deprived of their prayer books and Talmuds in which such idolatry, lies, cursing and blasphemy are taught. Fourthly, their rabbis must be forbidden under threat of death to teach any more... Fifthly, passport and traveling privileges should be absolutely forbidden to the Jews... " “我们基督徒又将如何对待这些遭人憎恨,弃绝的犹太人呢? 首先,要焚烧他们的会堂和教堂,… 第二,推倒,毁灭他们的房屋…他们应当像吉普赛人一样住在屋檐下或者马房中。 第三,限制他们拥有那些充满拜偶像,谎言,诅咒,亵渎的祈祷经和犹太法典。 第四,用死亡来恐吓他们的拉比不再讲学… 第五,绝对禁止犹太人得到护照和旅行签证…” Martin Luther, On the Jews and their lies, On Shem Hamphoras, 1543 马丁路德,《犹太人及其谎言》, 关于闪 汉弗拉斯,1543年

you shall find no ease (2) 你必不得安逸 "What then shall we Christians do with this damned, rejected race of Jews? … Sixthly, they ought to be stopped from usury. All their cash and valuables of silver and gold ought to be taken from them and put aside for safe keeping... Seventhly, let the young and strong Jews and Jewesses be given the flail, the axe, the hoe, the spade, the distaff, and spindle and let them earn their bread by the sweat of their noses as in enjoined upon Adam's children... To sum up, dear princes and nobles who have Jews in your domains, if this advice of mine does not suit you, then find a better one so that you and we may all be free of this insufferable devilish burden - the Jews.“ “我们基督徒又将如何对待这些遭人憎恨,弃绝的犹太人呢? 第六,禁止犹太人放高利贷。他们所有的现金和值钱的金器,银器必须上缴以换取他们的人身安全… 第七,年轻力壮的犹太人,无论男女,要上着枷锁,用斧子,锄头,铲子,拉线棒,纺锤来劳动,按着神所吩咐亚当的后裔那样为自己的食物流汗… 总而言之,自己的领地里有犹太人的各位尊敬的王公贵族,如果我以上的建议对你们不适用的话,请用更好的方式让我们彼此都可以摆脱这些难以忍受却又精力旺盛的犹太人。” Martin Luther, On the Jews and their lies, On Shem Hamphoras, 1543 马丁路德,《犹太人及其谎言》, 关于闪 汉弗拉斯,1543年

Characteristics of this prophecy 预言的特征 Its fulfilment extends over 3,500 years 它的实现跨越了三千五百多年的历史 It describes horrific suffering and yet also predicts their survival 它描述了骇人听闻的苦难,但也预言了他们在苦难中生存下来 It describes, in detail, events in the land of Palestine 它详细地描述了发生在巴勒斯坦一代的事情 It describes, in detail, the treatment of the Jews in the lands of their captivity 它详细地描述了犹太人在被掳去的地方所受的待遇 And we will now see, that against the “odds” of destruction or assimilation, a nation is predicted to emerge out of dispersion 如今我们可以看到,在几乎不可能成功的抵抗被毁灭和被当地人同化的过程中,预言告知我们一个民族要从四散的各国中出来

Israel in prophecy – gathered from captivity 以色列在预言中—从被掳到重聚 “Yahweh your God will turn your captivity, and have compassion upon you, and will return and gather you from all the nations, whither Yahweh your God has scattered you. If any of your own be driven out to the outmost parts of heaven, from thence will Yahweh your God gather you, and from thence will he fetch you. And Yahweh your God will bring you into the land which your fathers possessed, and thou shall possess it” Deut 30:2-5 “那时,耶和华你的神必怜恤你,救回你这被掳的子民,耶和华你的神要回转过来,从分散你到的万民中将你招聚回来。耶和华你的神必领你进入你列祖所得的地,使你可以得着” 申命记30:2-5

gather you from all nations vs Assimilation 将你们从各国中招聚了来 VS 同化(1) During the late 18th and early 19th century, “enlightened” Jews in Western and Central Europe accepted the fundamental premise of anti-Semitism that something was basically wrong with the Jews, and, only if they would change their own behavior would the world accept them. As the 19th century wore on, large numbers of Jews became immersed in assimilation. Many adopted the notion that other Jews and/or the Jewish people were not normal. … 在十八世纪晚期,十九世纪早期,西方国家和欧洲中部的“开明”犹太人接受了反犹太主义的基本结论,这在犹太人看来是错误的,而且,只有他们改变自己的行为,世界才会接受他们。随着十九世纪的发展,大多数犹太人被当地人同化。很多人接受了其他犹太教徒或犹太人不同于其他人的思想…

gather you from all nations vs Assimilation 将你们从各国中招聚了来 VS 同化(2) …. Some displayed what is known as Jewish self-hatred or as Jewish anti-Semitism. In our time, these two phenomena are no longer peripheral issues. They have penetrated deeply into the Jewish people and must be understood and reckoned with as a major theme in Jewish life (Gilman, 1986; Kaufman, 1936; Lessing, 1930/2004). Both the sense of Jewish abnormality as well as Jewish self-hatred must be viewed against the background of Jewish assimilation. …有一些犹太人表现出了诋毁自己的身份,反犹太教的行为。在我们的时代,这两种现象不再是表面问题。它们已经深深地渗透到了犹太人当中,我们要清楚地认识到这在犹太人的生活中已经成为主旋律。(吉尔曼,1986;考夫曼,1936;莱辛,1930-2004)。犹太人的变异和自厌都被认为是犹太人反对自己被同化的背景。

the land of your fathers vs Uganda (1) 你们列祖之地 VS 乌干达 At the Sixth Zionist Congress at Basel on August 26, 1903, Herzl proposed the British Uganda Program as a temporary refuge for Jews in Russia in immediate danger. By a vote of 295-178 it was decided to send an expedition ("investigatory commission") to examine the territory proposed. While Herzl made it clear that this program would not affect the ultimate aim of Zionism, a Jewish entity in the Land of Israel, the proposal aroused a storm at the Congress and nearly led to a split in the Zionist movement. … 在1903年8月26日巴塞尔举行的第六次犹太复国主义(锡安主义)大会上,赫茨尔提出英国乌干达计划,在紧急情况下在俄罗斯建立犹太人的临时居所。大会通过295票对178票通过派遣考察队到指定地点考察的议案。当赫茨尔清楚表示这个计划将不会影响到锡安主义的最终目标,即犹太人进入以色列地。这项议案在大会上掀起了轩然大波,几乎引起了锡安主义者的内部纷争…

the land of your fathers vs Uganda (2) 你们列祖之地 VS 乌干达 …. The Jewish Territorialist Organization (ITO) was formed as a result of the unification of various groups who had supported Herzl's Uganda proposals during the period 1903-1905. The Uganda Program was finally rejected by the Zionist movement at the Seventh Zionist Congress in 1905, but Nahum Syrkin and Israel Zangwill called an alternative conference to continue the plan of the Uganda scheme. …犹太统治组织(ITO)是在1903-1905年间支持赫茨尔的乌干达议案的众多团体的一个统一组织。乌干达计划最后在1905年的第七次犹太复国主义大会上被锡安运动否决,但是那鸿 穗金和以色列 詹维尔召集另一次会议继续讨论乌干达计划的议案。

Historic interpretation (1) 历史的解释 “The prophecies assure us, that the whole house of Israel, after a long captivity, shall be restored again… when God shall begin to deliver his people, they will be in a state of impenitence, and disposed rather to continue among the Gentiles and walk in their own ways than return to their own land…” “预言向我们保证,整个以色列家在长时间被掳走之后,将会重聚… 神开始分散他的子民的时候,他们会顽固不知悔改,甚至继续待在外邦人中,以自己的方式行事,而不愿意回到自己的土地…” Ascribed to a schoolmaster of Newbury in Berkshire, England. Published or reprinted in the late 18th Century, in The Illuminator, an “underground” religious publication of the time 引自英国伯克郡纽伯里区一个校长的言论—《照明者》,发表并出版于十八世纪晚期,当时的一份地下宗教刊物

Historic interpretation (2) 历史的解释 “… they shall be conducted through such scenes of suffering that most of those, on whom God’s dealings do not work good, shall perish… The beginnings of their return will be when they are in their sins, and take place from causes separate from their inclination. They will be put in motion by others, the fishers and hunters, whom God will send, rather than by any impulses, or causes, originating among themselves…” “…他们的生活将会经历很多的磨难,而这些磨难大多数是因为没有好好行神的事,很多人都要死亡… 当他们认识到自己仍在罪中,摒弃恶习的时候,犹太人就要开始回归。神派来打鱼的,打猎的人促使他们回归,这种外界的影响力更甚于他们自身的原动力。 Ascribed to a schoolmaster of Newbury in Berkshire, England. Published or reprinted in the late 18th Century, in The Illuminator, an “underground” religious publication of the time 引自英国伯克郡纽伯里区一个校长的言论—《照明者》,发表并出版于十八世纪晚期,当时的一份地下宗教刊物

Israel in prophecy – fishers… hunters 预言中的以色列—打鱼的…打猎的 移居到以色列 Post WWII and holocaust 二战和 大屠杀 Polish economic crisis; US immigration restrictions 波兰经济危机;美国限制移民政策 Collapse of Soviet regimes 东欧解体 } Pogroms in USSR 苏联大屠杀 Hitler’s rise to power 希特勒掌权

Dispersion of the Jews 犹太人的分布 “[you] shall be removed to all the kingdoms of the earth” (Deut 28:25) “你必在天下万国中抛来抛去”(申命记28:25) Source: World Jewish Congress, 2000 the work of hunters and fishers has not been completed 打鱼的和打猎的工作还没有完成

The lessons for us 我们学到的功课 The bible contains remarkable prophecies whose fulfilment extends across 3,500 years 圣经包含了跨越三千五百多年历史的非同寻常的预言 The bible is truly God’s word! 圣经真真确确是神的话语! “Now if the fall of [Israel] are the riches of the world, and the diminishing of them the riches of the nations, how much more their fulness?” Romans 11:12 “若他们(以色列)的过失,为天下的富足;他们的缺乏,为外邦人的富足,何况他们的丰满呢?” 罗马书11:12

Scripture of truth 真理的经文 The evidence of prophecy 预言的证据