Users, like me: Membership in the church of drugs Estelle


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Presentation transcript:

Users, like me: Membership in the church of drugs Estelle 2009.11.25 Gail Regier Estelle 2009.11.25

About the author Gail Regier has written short stories and essays for several publications. The following article appeared in the May 1989 issue of Harper’s. Regier now teaches English at Auburn University.

About the vocabulary Neurotic: emotionally or mentally unstable 神经质的 Mutinous: rebellious 反叛的 Condescension: disdain, sense of superiority 自以为高人一等 Depraved: wicked, corrupt 堕落的 Paranoid: overly suspicious, fearful 偏执的,多疑的 Menial: monotonous, lacking dignity 乏味的,卑贱的 Vacuous: empty, shallow 空的;没有思想的;无知的 Martyred: persecuted, harassed 殉难的;痛苦的 Paradigms: examples, models Arcana: objects cloaked in mystery 秘密 Parable: story, fable

About the assay There are always people who need drugs as a means of escape, and suppressing them by law does nothing but creates an underworld, Many thrill seekers have an increased desire to experience drugs when they are against the law--when the laws on marijuana were less severe than they are at the moment, the incidence of its use were less severe than they are at the moment, but now that new legislation has been framed, it has forced many pushers underground and others into new alliances. These will create a syndicate for both marijuana's growth and distribution. Why do people become drug addicts? The reasons are varied and even psychiatrists cannot give a clear, simple answer. But it is undoubtedly a symptom of modern civilization--the tremendous pressures and tensions of today's city existence, the increasing pressures to meet higher goals in work programs, the exposure of teenagers at an early age to the harsh factors of adult life and their giddy bombardment to sex and violence on television--all these things probably cumulate to bring about a situation where today's teenagers and young adults are a much greater potential for addiction than were their counterparts of previous generations. Another factor in starting drug addiction in the young is their lack of organized activities. Boredom, frustration, were hitherto once regarded as symptoms of psychosis among adults, never teenagers. But now the science is changing rapidly. Possibly maladjusted parents are passing some of their traumas onto their children. Indeed, not only social workers and psychiatrists, but even society itself may soon be fighting a desperate battle against the damaging inroads of increasing drug intake and its consequent negative, defeatist attitudes.

Common types of traditional drugs Opium 鸦片 Poppy 罂粟 Heroin 海洛因 Morphine 吗啡 Hemp 大麻

Demerol 杜冷丁 Coca 古柯 Cocaine 可卡因

Common type new-type drug abuse Ice 冰毒 Ecstasy 摇头丸 Ketamine k 粉 Triazolam 三唑仑

Caffeine 咖啡因

wait till you here from me 这首歌是关于玛利亚的 我很亲密的朋友 她死于毒品 她让我等她 但你猜发生了什么... 她一去不回了 我却一直在等 她告诉我 一直等到我给你消息 星期一星期二我们不可能见面 星期三星期四?看情况吧 如果你愿意,等我宝贝 星期五自己去想吧 星期六你可能会忘了我 她叫玛利亚是我真正的好朋友 还记得一起手牵手的日子 她过去一直告诉我 毒品让她无所不知,兴奋异常 所以她一直在尝试各种毒品 酒精,安非他命(兴奋剂),可卡因,大麻,也走私 为什么她要放弃生存的机会? 为什么她不让打电话只是让我等? 如果你要去好莱坞 你能帮我找到我的玛利亚吗 她曾经是演员拥有皇后般的美貌 毒品侵蚀了她,让她变得卑微 我试图支持她让她觉得好过些 但她要追逐另一端的生活 我真的忘不了她 我问你,你会帮我找到她么 她告诉我 悲剧发生了:她没有以前开心 因此她离开这里去寻找新的转折点 从来没有放弃寻找她的念头 并要时时提醒她 她是我的好姐妹 想告诉她 真的很想她 她告诉我 等我,别给我打电话 等我,一直等到我给你消息 等我,你要做的就是等 等我 她来到众星云集的好莱坞 被五彩的世界打动,心中燃烧着欲望和激情 她以为自己会是个好演员 作为社会的成员来实现她的梦想 可是没人注意她的技能 她发现毒品可以填补内心的空虚 立即又开始吸毒 猜,是谁夺走了她的生命?是她自己     wait till you here from me

Thank you for watching 谢谢观赏~