1、The genius, wit and the spirit of a nation are discovered by their proverbs. 2、There’s many a slip between the cup and the lip. 3、A man’s meat is another.


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Presentation transcript:

1、The genius, wit and the spirit of a nation are discovered by their proverbs. 2、There’s many a slip between the cup and the lip. 3、A man’s meat is another man’s poison. 4、A base person often thinks of a man of honor as mean as himself. 5、Of poetry I do not read much and when I do I choose the dead lion in preference to the live dog.

1、一个民族的天赋、智慧和精神,都会 表现在他们的谚语中。 2、吃到嘴里才算吃成了;凡是难以十拿九稳。 3、萝卜白菜,各有所爱。 4、以小人之心,度君子之腹。 5、对于诗,我读得不多,要读的时候,我总是宁可选择死狮(过去的佳作)而不是活狗(当代的次品)。

第二讲 英汉语言的对比 英汉词汇特征的对比 英汉语言的对比 英汉句法特征的对比 英汉语篇特征的对比

一、词汇层面的对比 1、词的意义 (词义完全对等;词义部分对等;词义空缺;一词多义) 2、词的搭配能力 3、词序 (定语位置;状语位置)

二、句法层面的对比 1、句子结构 2、句序 3、句子内容的一些其他表达手段 (p32) 句子结构的转换: 英语简单句转换为汉语复杂句; 英语复合句转换为汉语简单句; 英语复合句转换为汉语的其他句子结构; 英语倒装句转换为汉语正装句; 英汉主被动句之间的相互转换;

英汉复合句中时间顺序的对比; 英汉复合句中逻辑顺序的对比; 三、语篇层面的对比

四、从整个语言特征对比(《英汉对比研究》连淑能著 ) 1、综合语与分析语(synthetic vs. analytic) 2、集聚与流散(compact vs. diffusive) 3、形合与意合(hypotactic vs. paratactic) 4、繁复与简洁(complex vs. simplex) 5、物称与人称(impersonal vs. personal) 6、被动与主动(passive vs. active) 7、静态与动态(stative vs. dynamic) 8、抽象与具体(abstract vs. concrete) 9、间接与直接(indirect vs. direct) 10、替换与重复(substitutive vs. reiterative)

1、英语有形态变化,汉语没有严格意义的形态变化。 2、英语次序比较灵活,汉语次序相对固定。 3、英汉都有大量的虚词,但各有特点。 4、英语是语调(intonation)语言,汉语是声调(tone)语言。

1)Even if you go there it won’t do any good. 去了也是白去。(去也无用。) 2)a very important question a question of great importance 3) She had such a kindly, smiling, tender, gentle, generous heart of her own. 她心地厚道,为人乐观,性情温柔,待人和蔼,气量又大。 4)A great elation overcame them. 他们欣喜若狂。

5)Rocket research has confirmed a strange fact which had already been suspected: there is a “high-temperature belt” in the atmosphere, with its center roughly thirty miles above the ground. 6)Could any spectacle be more grimly whimsical than that of gunners using science to shatter men’s bodies while, close at hand, surgeons use it to restore them? 7)In the doorway lay at least twelve umbrellas of all sizes and colors. 8)Language is shaped by, and shapes, human thought.

5、人们早就怀疑大气中有一个高温带,其中心在距离地面约30英里高的地方。利用火箭加以研究后,这一奇异的实事已得到了证实。 6、 炮手用科学毁坏人体,而就在附近,外科医生用科学使其恢复健康,还有什么情景比这更加荒谬绝伦? 7、 门口放着一堆雨伞,少说也有十二把,五颜六色,大小不一。 8、人的思想形成了语言,而语言又影响了人的思想。

9)Down with the old and up with the new. 破旧立新。 10)Night and day he returned wearily to his flat. 他昼夜兼程,疲惫不堪地赶回公寓。 11)The absence of intelligence is an indication of satisfactory development. 没有消息即表明有令人满意的进展。 12)He spoke with firmness, but his face was very sad and his eyes at times were dim. 他讲话时,态度坚定,但面带愁容,时而眼神黯淡。

13、Follow the three R’s: Respect for yourself; Respect for others and take the Responsibility for all your actions. 人生应该遵循三R原则:尊重自己;尊重他人;为自己的一切行为负责。 14、Two ghosts walked into a bar and asked the bartender, ”Do you serve spirits?” 两个幽灵走进酒吧,小酒保问道你们卖不卖烈酒(为幽灵服务吗)? 15、Tomorrow, I am scheduled to cut the largest diamond in the world. 我预计明天要切割世界上最大的钻石(棒球场)。

Study serves for delight, for ornament, for ability Study serves for delight, for ornament, for ability. Their chief use for delight is in privateness and retiring; for ornament, is in discourse; and for ability, is in the judgment and disposition of business. For expert men can execute, and perhaps judge of particulars, one by one; but the general counsels, and the plots and marshalling of affairs, come best , from those that are learned.

读书可以使人愉快,可以作为一种装饰,也可以使人增长才干。读书使人愉快主要是在一人独处或者退休隐居的时候;读书作为装饰主要表现在和别人谈论的时候;读书增长才能主要表现在判断和处理事务方面。因为一个能干的人,虽然能够处理具体工作,或者逐项判断细节问题,但是谋篇全局,合理规划和安排工作,只有有学问的人才能做到。(张震久译) 求知可以作为消遣,可以作为装饰,也可以增长才干。当你孤独寂寞时,阅读可以消遣,当你高谈阔论时,知识可供装饰,当你处世行事时,求知可促成才干。有实际经验的人虽能够办理个别性的食物,但若要综观整体,运筹全局,却唯有掌握知识方能办到。(阿新译)

History is often classified as one of the social sciences, along with such fields as economics, psychology, and sociology. However, historians differ from other social scientists in the way in which they study social processes. Other social scientists seek to develop general laws by examining patterns of behavior that recur throughout time. In contrast, historians study the conditions or events of a particular time. Historians may use theories from the other social sciences to help explain these conditions and events. But historians rarely attempts to develop general laws.

历史常常被划分为一门社会科学,同属于社会科学的还有如经济学、心理学和社会学等学科。 尽管如此,历史学家在研究社会过程的方式上有别于其他社会科学家。 其他社会科学家们是通过分析反复出现的行为模式,从中总结出一些基本规律。 与此相对照,历史学家们研究的是一个特定时期的状况或事件。 他们或许会利用其它社会科学的理论来解释这些状况和事件,但很少会去总结基本规律。