Breaking THE-ICE Pauline Tang CEO, THE-ICE May 2016 1.


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Presentation transcript:

Breaking THE-ICE Pauline Tang CEO, THE-ICE May

1. 介紹 i. Water Resources Management ii. Education in Mathematics iii. Asia Pacific Studies/Diplomacy iv. Sports Science and Management v. Tourism and Hospitality Education 2 設立於 2004 至 2008 年之間,是五個澳大利亞聯邦政府資助的 優秀國際中心的其中一個組織。

現在 是一個非盈利的國際教育認證機構。全球會員網絡包括來 自 14 個國家的 32 所知名的旅遊與酒店業教育機構。 INQAAHE - International Network for Quality Assurance in Higher Education 董事會七個選舉董事其中之一 ( 從 2013 年 至 2015 年, 2015 年至 2018 年 ) 宗旨 To be the leading & authoritative source on TH&E education and training 目標 To foster a global network of leading quality TH&E institutions 座右銘 Accreditation expertise for a global market 3

全世界兩個國際旅遊與酒店業教育評測 / 認證機構之一。 提供教育課程評測 / 認證,申請機構必須符合 THE-ICE 之卓 越標準 (THE-ICE Standards of Excellence 2016) 要求,認證 申請過程和程序如下 : 第一階段 : Pre-accreditation ( 準會員 ) 第二階段 : Full-Accreditation ( 會員 ) 4

THE-ICE 董事會 5 前任主席 : Guy Bentley (Switzerland) 主席 Eva Werner (Austria) 財務總監 Alan Williams (Australia) Perry Hobson (Malaysia) Ron Hilvert (Philippines) Veera Pardpattanapanich (Thailand) 副主席 Laura Lawton (Australia) Paul Whitelaw (Australia) Christina Aquino (Philippines) Craig Thompson (Netherlands) Oswin Maurer (Italy)

評審組 (THE-ICE Assessment Panel) 每一位評審組成員都是具有旅遊與酒店業專長之教育資格 / 學歷或教育學學歷的專家 主要職責 : 評估申請表及現場審核 6 Auditor profiles: 主席 : Professor Brian King (Hong Kong) Australia Netherlands Singapore Philippines United Kingdom Austria United Arab Emirates Germany Denmark

THE-ICE Standards of Excellence ( THE-ICE 卓越認證標準 ) 7 1.Status of the Institution 機構現狀 2.Governance, Leadership & Administration 治理、領導及行政 3.Vision, Mission, Objectives 願景、使命、目標 4.Courses/Programs, Curriculum & Graduate Outcomes/Attributes 課程及畢業生表現 5.Approach to Teaching & Learning 教學方案 6.Planning, Program Review & quality assurance mechanism 計劃、課程複審及質量保證機制 7.Level of internationalisation 國際化程度 7.Physical resources and facilities 物理資源和設施 8.Student support services 學生支援服務 9.Industry advisory board 行業顧問委員會 10.Staffing resources 人力資源 11.Financial resources 財務資源 12.Membership, Partnership, Community/Social Responsibility Engagement 會籍、盟約、社區責任聯繫 13.Areas of Excellence 卓越領域 Essential 基本 Desirable 合意 2. 評測 / 認證

THE-ICE Accreditation Flow Chart ( THE-ICE 認證申請流程 ) 8 注 : a) 創校悠久的大學或學院可要求 THE-ICE 安排一預認證評測步驟 (Pre-accreditation fast track interview). 如能符合認證評測標準, 可直接申請 Full-Accreditation. b) 非英語學科亦可以申請 THE-ICE 的認證評測

Membership Categories 會員等級 i.Associate of THE-ICE 準會員 ii.Full Member 會員 a)Foundation status b)Accreditation status c)AccreditationPLUS status d)Affiliate status iii. Observer of THE-ICE 觀察會員 9 3. 會員

Membership Certifications 會員證書 10

11 Validity of status: Full Accreditation - 5 years 認證有效期 - 五年

Australia and Oceania Australian School of Management, Australia Blue Mountains International Hotel Management School – Torrens University Australia, Australia Charles Darwin University, Australia Griffith University, Australia International College of Management, Sydney, Australia Melbourne Polytechnic, Australia (Observer) The Hotel School Sydney, Australia The University of the South Pacific, Fiji Pacific TAFE, Fiji William Angliss Institute, Australia William Blue College of Hospitality Management, Australia Europe César Ritz Colleges Switzerland, Switzerland Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy Glion Institute of Higher Education, Switzerland (in progress) Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences, Finland (Observer) Hotel Institute Montreux, Switzerland IHTTI School of Hotel Management, Switzerland IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems, Austria MCI Management Center Innsbruck, Austria NHTV Breda University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands (Observer) Stenden University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands Swiss Hotel Management School, Switzerland Asia-Pacific BERJAYA University College, Malaysia (Observer) Dusit Thani College, Thailand Far Eastern University, Philippines KDU University College, Malaysia Lyceum of the Philippines University, Philippines Republic Polytechnic, Singapore Stamford International University Thailand, Thailand (Observer) Taylor's University, Malaysia THEi, Technological & Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong (Observer) University of Santo Tomas Middle East & the Sub-Continent Amity Institute of Travel & Tourism, Amity University, India (in progress) Oman Tourism College, Oman (Observer) The Emirates Academy of Hospitality Management, Dubai, UAE For full list of Members please visit THE-ICE 全球會員網絡

4. 我們的獨特之處 不僅是壹所教育質量考察 / 評估的機構, THE-ICE 鼓励成員互相溝 通與合作 : 專供 THE-ICE 會員參加 是全球唯一專注於旅遊與酒店學科的學生考察研究 NB: THE-ICE’s index became the Global Index for TH&E education since 2010 注 : 從 2010 年開始 THE-ICE ISB-SB 的考察研究成果被公認為旅遊與酒店學科的全球指數 13 I. 每年, THE-ICE 對學生學習過程的滿意度進行研究 ( THE-ICE ISB-SB™ Survey)

Institution = anonymised global institutions participated in THE-ICE ISB-SB Survey. Columns are only displayed for 15 or more responses NA = individual element with zero response NSV = no Significant value for elements with <10 responses Note: Satisfaction averages are based on a 4 point scale Benchmarking Learning – vs Peers of THE-ICE Network & Global Index (International Students) ISB-SB ™ 研究結果 ( 報告樣本 ) 14 標竿學習 – 與 THE-ICE 同行網絡及環球指數對照 (國際學生)

Nationality breakdown: THE-ICE (inner circle) vs Global Index (outer circle) Benchmarking Learning Satisfaction (Domestic Students) 15 THE-ICE 與環球指數對照 標竿學習滿意度(國內學生)

Key influence – choice of institution (International Students) 16 關鍵影響 – 國際學生對大專學府的選擇

Learning satisfaction international – ABC vs THE-ICE & Global Index 17 國際學習滿意度 – ABC 與 THE-ICE 及環球指數對照


Arrival satisfaction International students – wave-on-wave 2015 vs 國際學生抵歩滿意度 – 2014 與 2015 年對照

II. 最佳實踐和基準研討會 For internal stakeholders & invited guests only Develop best practice statements & models – ‘THE-ICE Best Practice Guide’ III. 推廣優良教學方案 THE-ICE Website – eNewsletters: THE e-Bulletin - education sector updates, trends, funding issues, international student numbers etc & the iStudent News - current & future TH& E students searching for courses, institutions, countries to study 20

IV. 每年舉辦知識交流會議 - THE-ICE IPoE Forum Highly focused theme/sub-themes with international leading experts invited to present Special paper presentations Networking with like-minded global peers Recognition of outstanding TH&E academics/professionals – Fellow of THE-ICE Award 21

5. 我們的國際合作機構 Membership or partnership Mutual recognition of respective accreditation schema Spirit of cooperation and collaboration - MoU Sharing of resources and expertise Concurrent accreditation where applicable 22

6. 我們的國際聯盟機構 Cooperation and collaboration for mutual growth & benefits Co-branding for a robust market presence Ongoing mutual promotion and support 23

For more information Pauline Tang CEO M: E: S: profile_ceo W: 24 進一步詳情請聯繫