國際事務主管交流會議 高等教育網絡, 聯盟及國際競爭力 馮達旋 清華大學副校長.


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Presentation transcript:

國際事務主管交流會議 高等教育網絡, 聯盟及國際競爭力 馮達旋 清華大學副校長

源頭問題 高等教育網絡, 聯盟及國際競爭力

要討論今天的課題﹐ 我覺得我們要有一些先決的討論 亞洲大學的意義 西方與亞洲在二十世紀的微妙認識 台灣在亞洲的地位


". a university, in any worthy sense of the term, must grow from seed "... a university, in any worthy sense of the term, must grow from seed. It cannot be transplanted from England or Germany in full leaf and bearing. ... When the American university appears, it will not be a copy of foreign institutions, or a hot-bed plant, but the slow and natural outgrowth of American social and political habits... The American college is an institution without a parallel; the American university will be equally original." Charles Eliot, Harvard President 1869-1909

". a university, in any worthy sense of the term, must grow from seed "... a university, in any worthy sense of the term, must grow from seed. It cannot be transplanted from England or United States in full leaf and bearing. ... When the Asian Pacific university appears, it will not be a copy of foreign institutions, or a hot-bed plant, but the slow and natural outgrowth of Asian Pacific social and political habits... The Asian Pacific college is an institution without a parallel; the Asian Pacific university will be equally original."

東亞的大學 (台灣的大學非例外) 必須建立在東亞的社會與政治的習慣﹗


諾貝爾文學獎 1913文學獎Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941) … expressed in his own English words, a part of the literature of the West 2000文學獎 Gao Xingjian (b. 1940) 高行建 … has opened new paths for the Chinese novel and drama

亞洲發展銀行 Closing comment at Conference on Global Financial Crisis: Industrial Restructuring

Throughout the 20th century, Asia was psychologically “coupled” to the West, and understandably so. With superior economic and intellectual strengths, it is quite natural that Asia viewed the West as the ‘standard of excellence.’ However, after such a period as this with the West so palpably exposing its social & economic weaknesses, this may be the first time in the modern global economy that Asia can psychologically “DECOUPLE” from the West. This is not to suggest that Asia should decouple economically and intellectually from the West; rather, I am talking about a “psychological decoupling” to undo a sense of reliance on the West, without which it is unlikely that Asia will develop a deep sense of inherent self-confidence and without which the 21st century is surely not to be the “Asian Century.

從心理上與西方脫鉤! Psychological decoupling!





高科技 世界級大學 世界級國際研究中心 中和地(Neutral Ground)

高科技 發展世界級大學 沒有世界級國際研究中心 中和(Neutral)地?



教育的高尚品格. Education Integrity 學識的敏捷. Intellectual Agility 學術的勇氣 教育的高尚品格? Education Integrity 學識的敏捷? Intellectual Agility 學術的勇氣 ? Academic Courage 建立21世紀有內涵信心的亞洲青年Establish Asian Youth with Inherent Confidence in the 21st century



王助生平 1909清政府保送到英國去唸大學 1915畢業於Durham University機械工程。同年進入MIT航空工程系 1916MIT得到 航空工程的MSc學位。同年被Bill Boeing請到Seattle為首任工程師 1917回到中國福州馬尾。 成立了中國海軍航空工程院。 1955-1965任教成功大學機械工程系航空組(可以說是今天成大航太系的前身。)

為什麼MIT在1916年有 航空工程這學科﹖

Wilbur Wright Orville Wright 1903年﹐ 萊特兄弟第一次證明人類可以用機器飛行﹗

麻省理工學院可以在短短的十三年建立起整套的航空學系﹐特別是在不清楚航空業是否能成為真的工業的情況下﹐這就是學識的敏捷 亞洲的大學今天必須要有學識的敏捷


學識的敏捷 不把個人的膚色為前提﹐建立以人的才智的文化。 國際競爭力 學識的敏捷 不把個人的膚色為前提﹐建立以人的才智的文化。 國際競爭力




麥克斯韋方程式 蕭邦小夜曲


一位有抱負的20世紀初的青年如王助看到自己國家經過300年的落後﹐無形的產生了學術的勇氣 !

21世紀亞洲的大學的任務與挑戰 學術的勇氣




Albert Einstein 1879-1955 Theodore von Kármán 1881 - 1963 John von Neumann 1903-1957 Herman Weyl 1885-1955

至上的卓越 ! 沒有二次世界大戰﹐沒有歐洲反猶太(anti-sematic)的情緒, 這批頂尖人物是不會到美國的

這大批極優秀的歐洲人才一下子把美國的大學搞活了。配合上美國從1766年獨立後自己發展的文化﹐美國的大學很快的教育出一大批美國的人才﹗ 讓美國人﹐尤其是年輕人﹐有內涵信心﹗

十九世紀﹕ 歐洲 二十世紀﹕ 北美洲 二十一世紀﹕ 亞洲﹖





狄根斯 1812 - 1870

雙城記 1859

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, ……..”


謝謝您﹐狄更斯先生﹗ 您能夠在150年前用這麼準確的字眼來形容今天東亞的情形﹗