Tak Sun Secondary School 德 信 中 學


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Presentation transcript:

Tak Sun Secondary School 德 信 中 學 Form One New Parents’ Day 13/08/2016

Welcoming Address Dr. Peter Herbert (Principal)

Principal’s Message

Tak Sun Education 1. EMI Catholic Boys school 2. Education for all - 有教無類 3. Local, International and Chinese 4. Personal education 5. Character 6. Parents

Multiple Pathway 多元出路

School Logo Virtues Tak Sun students go out into the world Trust Torch of Wisdom Book of Knowledge Hope Love

Class Name Class name is a Chinese virtue M = Mercy = 仁 J = Justice = 義 P = Politeness = 禮 W = Wisdom = 智 T = Trust = 信

Scott Piccard TAK SUN HOUSE EMBLEMS Hillary Nansen

Tutoring Each student is assigned with a personal tutor. The tutor meets with the student regularly to help him to set his goals, plan his studies, form his character.

Tutoring Record

家長及學生在不同學習階段的心情/心態: 學習階段 難關 家長心情 學生心態 小五, 六 呈分試, 報讀中學 十分緊張 同樣緊張 中一至中三 無公開試 仍然關注 十分放鬆 中四及中五 預備文憑試(DSE) 開始緊張 依然放鬆 中六 文憑試, 升學/就業 非常緊張

調整學生面對初中課程心態: 新環境, 多機會 追求小步子進步 成功需付出 忌: “合格就得啦!” “唔係包尾嗰個就OK!” 食老本

家長應關注甚麼? 初中課程目標: 強化基礎能力(中/英/數) 發展高階思維/共通能力 擴濶知識基礎  預備高中課程(深,多,難)

家長應關注甚麼? 學生學習初中課程時面對的挑戰: 多科目 (點解讀多咁多科?) 上課時間長 (點解一日有十堂?) 分配時間做功課 (唔夠時間做功課!) 利用英語學習 (聽唔明老師講乜! / 點解咁多生字? / 睇唔明課文!)

初中(中一至中三)課程 Form 1 to 3 Curriculum Subject (科目) MOI (教學語言) English Language (英國語文) ENG Chinese Language (中國語文) CAN Mathematics (數學) Putonghua (普通話) PTH Computer Literacy (電腦) Integrated Science (綜合科學) Geography (地理) History Studies (歷史研習) Life & Society (生活與社會) ENG & CAN Religion Studies & Ethics (宗教及倫理) Music (音樂) Physical Education (體育) Visual Arts (視覺藝術)

Differences in curriculum 課程的分別 Primary School 小學 Junior Secondary 初中 Chinese Language 中國語文科 Chinese Language 中文語文科: 文言篇章較多,閱讀理解要求同學運用自己的文字表達。 English Language 英國語文科 English Language 英國語文科: 詞彙較多,不同文法學習模式,口語表達流暢,正確運用句子結構及文法。 Mathematics 數學科 Mathematics 數學科: 理解及解答應用題,運用數學語言,自學習慣。 General Studies 常識科 Integrated Science 綜合科學科: 詞彙較多,探究式學習,準確運用文字回答問題。 Life & Society 生活與社會科: 詞彙較多,對時事的認識,分析資料,發表意見。 History Studies 歷史研習科: 分析資料,批判性思考,發表意見。 Geography 地埋科: 詞彙較多,準確運用文字回答問題。。

開學前可以做甚麼? (尚有3週) 行為篇: 指導兒子處理好小學課本, 作業, 補充等 指導兒子收拾書枱, 書櫃 要求兒子在中一新課本及作業封面寫上中, 英姓名及班別 預備好功課袋及文具 調節生活規律, 早睡早起 溫習適應課程(SAP)的教材

開學前可以做甚麼? (尚有3週) 心態篇: 引導兒子訂立明確目標 (短期, 中期) 與兒子商討在新學年如何有效分配時間 (做功課, 溫習, 閲讀, 興趣班, 消閒, 休息等)

開學前可以做甚麼? (尚有3週) 防範未然篇: 與兒子訂立使用手提電話 / 電腦的原則及規定 手提電話 / 電腦是通訊及學習工具, 消閒是其次 晚上10時後須交出電話, 關上電腦 不可帶電話或電腦去洗手間 違反協議的後果

開學後需要留意甚麼? 每週檢查學生手冊功課紀錄一次, 並簽名作實, 留意兒子有否欠交功課 主動了解兒子在學校的學習情況, 觀察他是否能獨自完成功課 忌: 告訴兒子升中後, 一切都靠自己, 父母幫唔到

學生手冊功課記錄方法與小學不同! 目的: 訓練學生管理時間 ‘Assignments to be submitted” 與兒子討論如何分配時間完成 功課及預備默書或測驗 ‘Signature of Parent” 每週只需簽名一次

欠交功課處理 班主任堂收功課, 欠交功課同學須於放學後出席功課輔導班 如同學在一學期內欠交5天功課 > 警告 如同學在一學期內欠交10天功課 > 記缺點一次 如同學在一學期內欠交15天功課 > 記缺點一次 如同學在一學期內欠交20天功課 > 記缺點一次

After-school Homework Clinic English Language Monday to Friday 中國語文科 星期一至五 Mathematics Integrated Science Time 4:15 pm to 5:00 pm Venue G/F Student Activity Centre

Hair Tidy and Natural Shirt White ; Undershirt Tie Length ; Logo Badge Chest pocket Belt Black in Colour Only Trousers Grey, Straight-legged Socks Black in Colour Only Shoes Black; no Boots

On the Sweater ; Left hand side V-necked Sweater Badge On the Sweater ; Left hand side

Wear in Assembly (Winter) School Blazer Winter Uniform Wear in Assembly (Winter)

Assembly ; Cold Weather School Jacket Assembly ; Cold Weather No more outside jacket

Mobile Phone All mobile phones are kept inside the safe of the classroom in 1st CTP All mobile phones are returned to students in the last CTP of the day

Locker Every student has your own locker in the classroom arrange by the Class Tutor. Bring your own lock for your locker.

Game Addiction David Bickham, Ph.D., of Boston Children's Hospital said, "A lot of use and exposure to violent games increasing likelihood respond in way as aggressive”

OSOSA One Student One Service and Art 一人一 (服務) 藝

OSOSA Requirement F1 (i) Compulsory - Uniform Group OR music training. (ii) Max. 2 school sports teams   F2-F3 Uniform Group OR music training OR Max. 2 school sports teams

Uniform Groups Red Cross Scouts Sea Cadets St. John Ambulance Brigade JPC (Junior Police Call)

TSSS Uniform Group Training Schedule 2013-2014 Boy Scout Saturday (If applicable) 0900 – 1200 JPC JPC Activity Schedule St. John 1000 – 1300 Red Cross 1400 – 1600 Sea Cadet 1330 – 1600 (School) 1600 – 2000 (One Saturday per month )

OSOSA (One-Student-One-Service & Art) Courses Cello Ceramic Clarinet Euphonium Flute French Horn Percussion Saxophone Trombone Trumpet Tuba Viola Violin

School Teams Handball Basketball Football Volleyball Badminton Table Tennis Tennis Swimming Cross Country Hockey Fencing Rowing Rugby

Spiritual (靈) Mass (Monday to Friday) Catechism Class 信仰慕道班 Spiritual direction by School Chaplain Participation of various religious activities

多方面的家校合作 家長日 (Parents Days) 家長交流會 (Parents’ Forums 23/09/2016 10/03/2016 ) 家長教師會 (Parent-Teacher Association) 親職教育 (Parenting Education)

親職教育 (Parenting Education) Basic Parenting Programme (by Family First Foundation) Topics Date Time Awareness of Being Parent 如夢初醒 17/09/2016 2:30pm – 4:30pm Mother’s and Father’s role in Family 愛語祕笈 22/10/2016 Freedom and Responsibility 誰為少年定分界 05/11/2016 Handling Anger and Resolving Conflict 告别戰場 26/11/2016 Equipping Our Sons to Make Good Choices 何去何從 14/01/2017

School Timetable 1/9/2016 (First School Day) 8:15 am to 13:00 pm Regular School Days 8:15 am to 16:00 pm

Attendance and Punctuality Time to school Before 8:15 am If you come back after 8:15am Lateness Detention Class in ILC 9 times lateness 1 Demerit If you come back after 8:30am Serious Lateness 1 Minor Demerit will be given.

Attendance and Punctuality Absence Call School (Tel: 23174339) Leave Application Form (school website) Medical Certificate Hand in Leave application form within three days

Administrative operation

E-class Apps Home – School communication - eNotice(Read and Sign) - eAttendence (Push message for lateness) - balance of the eWallet and payment Convenience: allow pop up notification from your cell phone Help desk: www.tsss.edu.hk  Students  Download eClass Apps Manual for parent (English Version)

Student ID card Identification of student status Issue ONLY in F1 and F4 Use for Attendance taking Borrowing library book Counter sale (eWallet)

ePayment PPS to transfer all payment to the school (e.g. learning materials, student activities fee and etc, according to the eNotice from time to time)) Check balance in eClass App Add value to the Student ID card for counter sale PPS Merchant Code 繳費靈商戶號碼 : 6430 Merchant Name商戶名稱: Tak Sun Secondary School (effective date: 13th Sept 2016) Parent should Register a PPS account (www.ppshk.com) How to open a PPS Account? Bring along your ATM card or credit cards with ATM function to one of our easily accessible PPS Registration Terminals to open your PPS Account.

Tips for Register a PPS account Go to any OK store to register after this seminar. Take photo of the receipt, put it in your wallet always. Remember the password in number. Better write it on paper and lock it in your home. (Easy to forget) Add value to your son account on 13th Sept 2016 for purchasing exercise book in the counter. Check the Apps for the balance from time to time.

Counter sale eWallet Add value (min. HK$200 each time) to the student card via PPS on 13 Sept 2016 The outstanding debit balance will be given to the parents when the boy graduate or withdraw.

Price List - 定價表 (Subject to IMC approval) PRINTING 印刷品 Exercise Book - 205mm x 164mm 短簿 $2.50/PC Exercise Book - 265mm x 190mm 長簿 $4.00/PC Single Line Paper 單行紙 $10.00/PACK (50PCS) Handbook 手冊 $16.00/PC OTHERS 其他 School Badge - Metal 金屬校章 $9.00/PC School Badge - Woven 針織校章 $7.00/PC School Tie 校呔 Piccard House Badge - Blue 社章 - 藍社 $10.00/PC Scott House Badge - Red 社章 - 紅社 Nansen House Badge - Green 社章 - 綠社 Hillary House Badge - Yellow 社章 - 黃社

Summary Parent Personal account School account Add value (Min $200 each time / amount on notice ) Parent Personal account School account PPS hotline: 2311 9876 PPS Merchant Code 繳費靈商戶號碼 : 6430 eWallet for counter sale TSSS account IT hotline: 2317 4339 (Ms. Carrie Yu) Balance of student payment a/c Check eAttendance Webbased / Apps Parent / Student account HW calendar Techer-parent communication (imail) TSSS IT hotline: 2317 4339 (Mr. Gary Yau) eNotice

Joy In Duty 勤而樂