Origins Symbols Activities Reference.


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Presentation transcript:

Origins Symbols Activities Reference

The Origin of Halloween ——万圣节的由来

In Western countries, in the day October 31, there comes Halloween In Western countries, in the day October 31, there comes Halloween. Dictionaries interpreted it as “The eve of All Saint(圣徒)s‘ Day”. 在西方国家,每年的10月31日,有个“Halloween”,辞典解释为“The eve of All Saints’Day”,中文译作:“万圣节之夜”。万圣节是西方国家的传统节日。这一夜是一年中最“闹鬼”的一夜,所以也叫“鬼节”。

As to the origin of Halloween, there are several different legends As to the origin of Halloween, there are several different legends. But two of them are widely convinced.

The first one:

The largest version of the legend came from the ancient Western European countries, mainly including Ireland, Scotland and Wales before the birth of Christ . There were a few ancient people of Western Europeans called the Druids. Mask O(∩_∩)O~ In the November 1, New Year's Eve, Druid young people went out team by team, wearing all kinds of weird masks and carrying carved turnip lights (the pumpkin light existed later, there is no pumpkin light at that time ), they wandered between the villages .

关于万圣节由来的传说另一种版本认为,那是源于基督诞生前的古西欧国家,主要包括爱尔兰、苏格兰和威尔士。这几处的古西欧人叫德鲁伊特人。 德鲁伊特的新年在11月1日,新年前夜,德鲁伊特人让年轻人集队,戴着各种怪异面具,拎着刻好的萝卜灯(南瓜灯系后期习俗,古西欧最早没有南瓜),他们游走于村落间。

That was actually a kind of harvest celebration; also it was said to be "Halloween“. According to legend ,the soul of those who died that year will return on that night. It said that people should let the ghost to see a big harvest and offer abundant sacrifices to them . All bonfire and lights, on one hand were used to scare away the ghost, on the other hand those could guide the road for the ghosts to return. 这在当时实则为一种秋收的庆典;也有说是“鬼节”,传说当年死去的人,灵魂会在万圣节的前夜造访人世,据说人们应该让造访的鬼魂看到圆满的收成并对鬼魂呈现出丰盛的款待。所有篝火及灯火,一来为了吓走鬼魂,同时也为鬼魂照亮路线,引导其回归。

In medieval Europe, there had been the history of Christianity to destroy dissenters. However, before the New Year's Eve celebration worship never really removed, but in the form of witchcraft. This is why we are now celebrating Halloween, but witch's brooms, black cats, spells and other traces also left. 在中世纪的中欧,曾有过基督教摧毁异教徒的历史。可是新年夜前的祭祀庆典从未真正消除,不过以巫术的形式出现。这也就是为什么我们现在的万圣节里,还留有巫婆的扫帚、黑猫、咒语等痕迹。

The wizard who we are most familiar with……

The second legend:

两千多年前,欧洲的天主教会把11月1日定为“天下圣徒之日” (ALL HALLOWS DAY) 。“HALLOW” 即圣徒之意。传说自公元前五百年,居住在爱尔兰、苏格兰等地的凯尔特人 (CELTS)把这节日往前移了一天,即10月31日。他们认为该日是夏天正式结束的日子,也就是新年伊始,严酷的冬季开始的一天。那时人们相信,故人的亡魂会在这一天回到故居地在活人身上找寻生灵,借此再生,而且这是人在死后能获得再生的唯一希望。而活着的人则惧怕死魂来夺生,于是人们就在这一天熄掉炉火、烛光,让死魂无法找寻活人,又把自己打扮成妖魔鬼怪把死人之魂灵吓走。之后,他们又会把火种烛光重新燃起,开始新的一年的生活。传说那时凯尔特人部落还有在10月31日把活人杀死用以祭奠死人的习俗。

到了公元1世纪,占领了凯尔特部落领地的罗马人也渐渐接受了万圣节习俗,但从此废止了烧活人祭死人的野蛮做法。罗马人庆祝丰收的节日与凯尔特人仪式结合,戴着可怕的面具,打扮成动物或鬼怪,则是为了赶走在他们四周游荡的妖魔。这也就是今天全球大部分人以古灵精怪的打扮,来庆祝万圣节的由来。 时间流逝,万圣节的意义逐渐起了变化,变得积极快乐起来,喜庆的意味成了主流。死魂找替身返世的说法也渐渐被摒弃和忘却。到了今天,象征万圣节的形象、图画如巫婆、黑猫等,大都有着友善可爱和滑稽的脸。

Today Halloween is not just a religious activity any more Today Halloween is not just a religious activity any more. It has become a very important festival, especially for children, which reflects different cultures of different countries. Then let’s have a look at some famous “ghosts” in the history or several literatures and films(television) programs!!! GO!!!

电影中的德古拉伯爵Earl Dracula ——不过这个造型让人不由地想起西游记中的黄袍怪⊙﹏⊙b 在英法百年战争期间,德莱斯男爵是圣女贞德的战友,贞德遇俘之後,男爵隐退。后来迷上炼金术,希望在血里发现点金石的奥秘,以获得财富和权势。这些实验使他丧失心智,把大约300个儿童折磨至死。其暴虐行为已使他的名字与吸血鬼分不开了。他的残忍行径在四百年後,引起英国作家史托克(Bram Stoker)的注意,写成〈德古拉〉一书,创造了一则现代神话。  电影中的德古拉伯爵Earl Dracula  ——不过这个造型让人不由地想起西游记中的黄袍怪⊙﹏⊙b

伊丽莎白·巴托里伯爵夫人,绰号“德拉库拉伯爵夫人”(Countess Dracula)。 为了保持青春,他让人给少女放血,然后用这些鲜血沐浴,或者干脆喝掉。这是一种愚昧古老的驻颜秘方,被很多民间小说引用。伊丽莎白在她的孩子出生之后仍继续虐待农民的女儿,据考证她三年之内虐待死了600多人。   伊丽莎白·巴托里夫人诉讼案成为当时轰动欧洲的案件。   同年,伊丽莎白的三个仆人被处以极刑,另一个不知下落。伊丽莎白·巴托里夫人因为她显赫的身世免予一死,但被终身监禁在城堡的一个塔楼内,每天由专人负责送饭。   1614年,伊丽莎白·巴托里夫人被人发现死在塔楼中。她因为轰动欧洲的恶行和血腥的嗜好得到了“德拉库拉伯爵夫人”(德拉库拉是吸血鬼的代名词)的称号。当代大部分吸血鬼文学作品中女性吸血鬼的形象都来源于伊丽莎白·巴托里的故事,她那被认为是阴魂不散的城堡也成了吸血鬼城堡的典型形象。 伊丽莎白·巴托里伯爵夫人,绰号“德拉库拉伯爵夫人”(Countess Dracula)。

Edward——this vampire is loved by millions of females. Michael-the combination of vampire and lycan(狼人)

Vampires in some Japanese animations are very beautiful and graceful……

Thank you for watching.^_^ Then my partners will introduce more to you……